267 research outputs found

    Multimorbidity as specific disease combinations, an important predictor factor for mortality in octogenarians: the Octabaix study

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    BACKGROUND: The population is aging and multimorbidity is becoming a common problem in the elderly. OBJECTIVE: To explore the effect of multimorbidity patterns on mortality for all causes at 3- and 5-year follow-up periods. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A prospective community-based cohort (2009-2014) embedded within a randomized clinical trial was conducted in seven primary health care centers, including 328 subjects aged 85 years at baseline. Sociodemographic variables, sensory status, cardiovascular risk factors, comorbidity, and geriatric tests were analyzed. Multimorbidity patterns were defined as combinations of two or three of 16 specific chronic conditions in the same individual. RESULTS: Of the total sample, the median and interquartile range value of conditions was 4 (3-5). The individual morbidities significantly associated with death were chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD; hazard ratio [HR]: 2.47; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.3; 4.7), atrial fibrillation (AF; HR: 2.41; 95% CI: 1.3; 4.3), and malignancy (HR: 1.9; 95% CI: 1.0; 3.6) at 3-year follow-up; whereas dementia (HR: 2.04; 95% CI: 1.3; 3.2), malignancy (HR: 1.84; 95% CI: 1.2; 2.8), and COPD (HR: 1.77; 95% CI: 1.1; 2.8) were the most associated with mortality at 5-year follow-up, after adjusting using Barthel functional index (BI). The two multimorbidity patterns most associated with death were AF, chronic kidney disease (CKD), and visual impairment (HR: 4.19; 95% CI: 2.2; 8.2) at 3-year follow-up as well as hypertension, CKD, and malignancy (HR: 3.24; 95% CI: 1.8; 5.8) at 5 years, after adjusting using BI. CONCLUSION: Multimorbidity as specific combinations of chronic conditions showed an effect on mortality, which would be higher than the risk attributable to individual morbidities. The most important predicting pattern for mortality was the combination of AF, CKD, and visual impairment after 3 years. These findings suggest that a new approach is required to target multimorbidity in octogenarians

    Los seres de la caña: un acercamiento a los Boneteros de la Ex Hacienda de Tuzamapan, Veracruz, México

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    En este trabajo presentamos una mirada fotográfica de una expresión cultural de la localidad de Tuzama-pan Veracruz, hogar de un personaje carnavalesco al que los lugareños llaman “Bonetero” por un elabora-do sombrero adornado al que llaman bonete. Dicho personaje es caracterizado por los hombres adultos y viejos de la comunidad, quienes también portan una máscara de madera y visten un traje que asemeja al de la vieja imagen del hacendado local o al capataz del rancho, con sus botas de fuera, machete de mad-era y corbata elegante. Esta festividad muestra el pasado de esta comunidad, donde su clímax económico se debió a la aportación de la hacienda cañera de asentada en su territorio. Es en el mes de abril, cuando los habitantes salen a las calles y edificios abandonados de la ex hacienda y bailan con alegría durante más de cinco días de desfiles, haciendo gala de su ingenio con distintos disfraces, pero también rememo-rando sus orígenes a partir de la figura del bonetero, portando con orgullo su tradició

    Study of the damage evolution of the concrete under freeze-thaw cycles using traditional and non-traditional techniques

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    Some experiments have been performed to investigate the cyclic freeze-thaw deterioration of concrete, using traditional and non-traditional techniques. Two concrete mixes, with different pore structure, were tested in order to compare the behavior of a freeze-thaw resistant concrete from one that is not. One of the concretes was air entrained, high content of cement and low w/c ratio, and the other one was a lower cement content and higher w/c ratio, without air-entraining agent. Concrete specimens were studied under cyclic freeze-thaw conditions according to UNE-CENT/TS 12390-9 test, using 3% NaCl solution as freezing medium (CDF test: Capillary Suction, De-icing agent and Freeze-thaw Test). The temperature and relative humidity were measured during the cycles inside the specimens using embedded sensors placed at different heights from the surface in contact with the de-icing agent solution. Strain gauges were used to measure the strain variations at the surface of the specimens. Also, measurements of ultrasonic pulse velocity through the concrete specimens were taken before, during, and after the freeze-thaw cycles. According to the CDF test, the failure of the non-air-entraining agent concrete was observed before 28 freeze-thaw cycles; contrariwise, the scaling of the air-entraining agent concrete was only 0.10 kg/m 2 after 28 cycles, versus 3.23 kg/m 2 in the deteriorated concrete, after 28 cycles. Similar behavior was observed on the strain measurements. The residual strain in the deteriorated concrete after 28 cycles was 1150 m versus 65 m, in the air-entraining agent concrete. By means of monitoring the changes of ultrasonic pulse velocity during the freeze-thaw cycles, the deterioration of the tested specimens were assesse

    Características sociodemográficas de adolescentes embarazadas menores de 16 años de una unidad de medicina familiar en San Luis Potosí, México

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    ResumenObjetivoidentificar las características sociodemográficas de adolescentes embarazadas menores de 16 años de la unidad de medicina familiar no. 45 del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (imss), Delegación San Luis Potosí, México.Material y métodosestudio descriptivo y transversal. Muestra: no probabilística por conveniencia. Se efectuó entre el 2 de enero y el 30 de noviembre de 2011. Se incluyeron 41 adolescentes embarazadas menores de 16 años, las cuales participaron de forma voluntaria; en todos los casos se solicitó la autorización correspondiente. El instrumento de recolección de datos incluyó: ficha de identificación, antecedentes sociofamiliares, antecedentes relacionados con el embarazo actual y antecedentes patológicos, con un total de 28 ítems.Resultadosse entrevistó a 41 adolescentes, 34 de entre 15 y 16 años y siete de entre 13 y 14 años. Un total de 33 adolescentes pertenecía a familias nucleares y ocho a familias monoparentales; 28 adolescentes estaban integradas a familias modernas y 13 a familias tradicionales; 38 pertenecían a hogares con estrato socioeconómico bajo y tres con estrato medio bajo.Conclusioneslos médicos de los tres niveles de atención deberían estar más comprometidos con la difusión de la educación sexual para los adolescentes y con ser fuente eficaz de información anticonceptiva. Se deberían replantear las estrategias que se llevan a cabo en la prevención tanto primaria como secundaria del embarazo en adolescentes.SummaryObjectiveto identify the social-demographic characteristics of pregnant adolescents under 16 years old of the Family Medicine Unit No. 45 of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (imss), in San Luis Potosi, Mexico.Material and methodsdescriptive and cross-sectional study: non-probabilistic by convenience. The study was carried out between January 02 and November 30, 2011. It was included 41 pregnant adolescents under 16, which participated on a voluntary basis; in all cases the authorization was requested. The data collection instrument included: identification card, social and family history and background related to the current pregnancy and pathological history, with a total of 28 items.Results41 adolescents were interviewed, 34 of them between 15 and 16 years and seven between 13 and 14 years old. A total of 33 teenagers belonged to nuclear families and eight to single-parent families; 28 adolescents were part of modern families and 13 to traditional families; 38 belonged to low socioeconomic level homes and three to medium low level.ConclusionsPhysicians of the three levels of care should be more committed to the diffusion of sexual education for adolescents and be a more effective source of contraceptive information. They should reconsider strategies that are carried out in both primary and secondary prevention of Teenage Pregnancy

    Dimensionado y construcción de un cebadero de terneros en el termino municipal de Angües

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    El presente proyecto tiene como objeto llevar a cabo el diseño y dimensionado de una explotación ganadera destinada a la cría intensiva de terneros pintos, con una capacidad total para 599 cabezas de ganado. La explotación está situada en el término municipal de Angües, Huesca. Para ello, se diseñarán cuatro naves de cebo de 30 metros de largo y 18 de ancho y una nave de cría de terneros pintos lactantes de 42 metros de largo y 7 de largo. Además, se definirán todas las instalaciones necesarias para la puesta en marcha de la explotación, así como la instalación de fontanería y ACS, junto con una instalación eléctrica autónoma. Por otro lado, se calcularán las necesidades alimentarias en todas las fases del proceso productivo y se establecerán los protocolos de manejo y sanidad más apropiados para la zona. Por último, se redactará un estudio económico para determinar la viabilidad del proyecto, seguido de un análisis de sensibilidad ante los cambios de los precios del sector

    Vulnerability and environmental risk in the Sierra Otomí Tepehua (Hidalgo, México)

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    Extreme geomorphological and hydrometeorological events cause landslides (gravitational processes) in vulnerable and marginalized communities, where the risk and effects of a natural disaster reduce responsiveness to environmental adversities. In the state of Hidalgo (Mexico) exists dangers as slope instability and processes of massive removal of soil, but in some municipalities of the Sierra Otomí-Tepehua (SOT) does not exist a municipal instrument that provides information on high-risk localities. This study evaluated landslide risk in 220 localities located in three municipalities of the Sierra Otomí-Tepehua region (SOT) using information from the 2020 national census. A geospatial analysis was built in localities with landslide risk, further social vulnerability was evaluated in 33 localities located on hillsides, and the Social Vulnerability Index of Housing (IVSV) was determined. 109 localities with a high and very high level of social vulnerability were identified due to the physical condition of the dwellings located in areas with landslide risk. Finally, risk map of landslides was developed through multi-criteria analysis to focus on mitigate and prevent disasters in the most vulnerable localities of the SOT


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    Los embalses y represas son estructuras ingenieriles de gran importancia para el benefcio de las poblaciones humanas, por lo cual este tipo de proyectos deben seguir estrictamente las normas y códigos de diseño correspondientes. En las tres últimas décadas se ha avanzado en el estudio de la amenaza sísmica de este tipo de estructuras, particularmente mediante la formulación de códigos sismorresistentes en distintos países. El presente trabajo se enfoca al análisis de las características sismotectónicas como contribución al estudio de la amenaza sísmica de la zona del embalse Calima, cuya estructura tiene más de 50 años de construcción y constituye una importante fuente de generación de energía que abastece a gran parte de la población del departamento del Valle del Cauca. Se analiza la sismicidad de la zona tomando los eventos sísmicos registrados y localizados por la Red Sismológica Nacional de Colombia (RSNC) operada por el Servicio Geológico Colombiano (SGC) para el período 1993-2011. Modelos hipotéticos de posibles desplazamientos y deformaciones horizontales que podrían ser producidos por la actividad de fallas cercanas al embalse como las fallas de Río Bravo, Roldanillo y Dagua-Calima son también generados. También se estiman las tasa de dislocación sismotectónica, utilizando mecanismos focales de los sismos con magnitud (ML≥ 3,0) ocurridos entre 1995 y 2011 y la tipología de las respectivas fallas; para el modelamiento se usa el software Coulomb 3.3. Al fnal, se presenta un mapa de modelo sismotectónico que a futuro puede ser utilizado para el análisis de la amenaza, vulnerabilidad y riesgo sísmico de la zona. Se señala la concordancia con algunos resultados geodésicos obtenidos en la región.Dams and reservoirs are engineering structures of great importance for the beneft of human population; this type of projects should strictly follow the standards and design codes. In the past three decades, have been some advances in the study of the seismic hazard of this type of structures, in particular through the formulation of earthquake resistant codes in different countries. This work is focused on the analysis of the seismotectonics characteristics, as contribution to the study of the seismic hazard, in the area of the Calima reservoir, this structure has more than 50 years of construction and constitutes an important source of power generation that provides energy to a large proportion of the population in Valle del Cauca Department. The seismicity of the area its analyzed taking recorded and located seismic events by the National Seismological “Red Sismologíca Nacional de Colombia” (RSNC), run by the “Servicio Geológico Colombiano” (SGC), in the period 1993-2011. Hypothetical models of horizontal displacements and deformations that could be generated by the faults activity located near the dams such as, Rio Bravo, Roldanillo and Dagua-Calima Faults are also generated. We also estimate the seismotectonics dislocation rate using focal mechanisms of earthquakes with magnitude (ML≥ 3.0 ) that occurred between 1995 and 2011 and the typology of  the respective faults; the Coulomb 3.3 is used for that modeling. Finally, is showed a seismotectonic model map that can be used in the future for the analysis of the hazard, vulnerability and seismic risk of the area. The agreement with some geodesic results are point out by the region


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    Los embalses y represas son estructuras ingenieriles de gran importancia para el benefcio de las poblaciones humanas, por lo cual este tipo de proyectos deben seguir estrictamente las normas y códigos de diseño correspondientes. En las tres últimas décadas se ha avanzado en el estudio de la amenaza sísmica de este tipo de estructuras, particularmente mediante la formulación de códigos sismorresistentes en distintos países. El presente trabajo se enfoca al análisis de las características sismotectónicas como contribución al estudio de la amenaza sísmica de la zona del embalse Calima, cuya estructura tiene más de 50 años de construcción y constituye una importante fuente de generación de energía que abastece a gran parte de la población del departamento del Valle del Cauca. Se analiza la sismicidad de la zona tomando los eventos sísmicos registrados y localizados por la Red Sismológica Nacional de Colombia (RSNC) operada por el Servicio Geológico Colombiano (SGC) para el período 1993-2011. Modelos hipotéticos de posibles desplazamientos y deformaciones horizontales que podrían ser producidos por la actividad de fallas cercanas al embalse como las fallas de Río Bravo, Roldanillo y Dagua-Calima son también generados. También se estiman las tasa de dislocación sismotectónica, utilizando mecanismos focales de los sismos con magnitud (ML≥ 3,0) ocurridos entre 1995 y 2011 y la tipología de las respectivas fallas; para el modelamiento se usa el software Coulomb 3.3. Al fnal, se presenta un mapa de modelo sismotectónico que a futuro puede ser utilizado para el análisis de la amenaza, vulnerabilidad y riesgo sísmico de la zona. Se señala la concordancia con algunos resultados geodésicos obtenidos en la región.Dams and reservoirs are engineering structures of great importance for the beneft of human population; this type of projects should strictly follow the standards and design codes. In the past three decades, have been some advances in the study of the seismic hazard of this type of structures, in particular through the formulation of earthquake resistant codes in different countries. This work is focused on the analysis of the seismotectonics characteristics, as contribution to the study of the seismic hazard, in the area of the Calima reservoir, this structure has more than 50 years of construction and constitutes an important source of power generation that provides energy to a large proportion of the population in Valle del Cauca Department. The seismicity of the area its analyzed taking recorded and located seismic events by the National Seismological “Red Sismologíca Nacional de Colombia” (RSNC), run by the “Servicio Geológico Colombiano” (SGC), in the period 1993-2011. Hypothetical models of horizontal displacements and deformations that could be generated by the faults activity located near the dams such as, Rio Bravo, Roldanillo and Dagua-Calima Faults are also generated. We also estimate the seismotectonics dislocation rate using focal mechanisms of earthquakes with magnitude (ML≥ 3.0 ) that occurred between 1995 and 2011 and the typology of  the respective faults; the Coulomb 3.3 is used for that modeling. Finally, is showed a seismotectonic model map that can be used in the future for the analysis of the hazard, vulnerability and seismic risk of the area. The agreement with some geodesic results are point out by the region

    Evaluación de la realimentación semántica de SQL en DES

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    El objetivo de este proyecto ha sido evaluar en clase la herramienta de realimentación semántica de consultas SQL, desarrollada sobre el sistema DES, ampliarla y mejorarla. Esta solicitud es continuación de un proyecto de la convocatoria anterior (curso 2017-2018). Se ha mejorado tanto el componente nuclear DES como la interfaz de usuario web. Los alumnos han usado y evaluado la herramienta en clases de bases de datos de varias facultades, completando las encuentas que se les han proporcionado

    The OTELO survey. A case study of [O III]4959,5007 emitters at <z> = 0.83

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    The OTELO survey is a very deep, blind exploration of a selected region of the Extended Groth Strip and is designed for finding emission-line sources (ELSs). The survey design, observations, data reduction, astrometry, and photometry, as well as the correlation with ancillary data used to obtain a final catalogue, including photo-z estimates and a preliminary selection of ELS, were described in a previous contribution. Here, we aim to determine the main properties and luminosity function (LF) of the [O III] ELS sample of OTELO as a scientific demonstration of its capabilities, advantages, and complementarity with respect to other surveys. The selection and analysis procedures of ELS candidates obtained using tunable filter (TF) pseudo-spectra are described. We performed simulations in the parameter space of the survey to obtain emission-line detection probabilities. Relevant characteristics of [O III] emitters and the LF([O III]), including the main selection biases and uncertainties, are presented. A total of 184 sources were confirmed as [O III] emitters at a mean redshift z=0.83. The minimum detectable line flux and equivalent width (EW) in this ELS sample are \sim5 ×\times 1019^{-19} erg s1^{-1} cm2^{2} and \sim6 \AA, respectively. We are able to constrain the faint-end slope (α=1.03±0.08\alpha = -1.03\pm0.08) of the observed LF([O III]) at z=0.83. This LF reaches values that are approximately ten times lower than those from other surveys. The vast majority (84\%) of the morphologically classified [O III] ELSs are disc-like sources, and 87\% of this sample is comprised of galaxies with stellar masses of M_\star << 1010^{10} M_{\odot}.Comment: v1: 16 pages, 6 figures. Accepted in Astronomy \& Astrophysics. v2: Author added in metadat