262 research outputs found

    La docencia universitaria ante el proceso de Bolonia

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    El compromiso político de construir un espacio europeo de educación superior (EEES) —adoptado formalmente en la Declaración de Bolonia, 1999— sumerge a la universidad europea en un complejo proceso de reestructuración a fin de armonizar —no unificar— las estructuras de educación superior europeas antes del año 2010. El llamado EEES responde a varias motivaciones: un afán por conseguir un sistema común de titulaciones que asegure el reconocimiento y compatibilidad de los estudios realizados en los diversos países europeos; un empeño por franquear las fronteras nacionales de las distintas instituciones de educación superior; el deseo de fomentar la movilidad académica de profesores, estudiantes y personal administrativo; la necesidad de dar respuesta a las exigencias de un mercado laboral cada día más unificado a nivel europeo, favoreciendo la integración laboral de todos los titulados europeos. Se trata de una iniciativa conjunta encaminada a aumentar la competitividad del sistema de educación superior y por ello preocupada por la garantía de su calidad

    El uso formativo del portafolios docente en el ámbito universitario

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    El presente trabajo realiza una aproximación conceptual a la idea del portafolios docente y su empleo en el ámbito universitario. El concepto de portafolios docente encierra cierta ambigüedad debido a la amplia variedad de objetivos para los que puede usarse. Por ello es necesario delimitar de forma conceptual qué son los portafolios y los diversos tipos existentes. Una vez precisado a qué hace referencia el término «portafolios docente», se analizan las posibilidades de uso que brindan estos portafolios para el profesorado universitario. Por último, el trabajo se centra en establecer cuatro principios guía sobre los que conviene fundamentar el empleo eficaz del portafolios docente como instrumento formativo: la docencia como profesión, la reflexión y los procesos metacognitivos, la evaluación como instrumento de mejora, y los sistemas de apoyo y seguimiento como la tutoría o el mentorazgo

    El profesorado universitario ante el aprendizaje-servicio: variables explicativas

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    Introducción: La metodología del aprendizaje-servicio es una de las más adecuadas para adaptarse a los cambios y a los nuevos retos sociales y educativos en el espacio universitario. Se trata de un enfoque que promueve un aprendizaje de tipo experiencial en el que el protagonismo no está en el profesorado sino en quienes ofrecen y en quienes reciben el servicio. Las razones para proponer esta metodología en las aulas universitarias son muy variadas, y tienen que ver con la mejora de los procesos educativos, la formación ética y ciudadana del alumnado, así como con la mejora de los vínculos existentes entre universidad y sociedad. Concretamente, nuestro objetivo en este trabajo es analizar cuáles son las variables que explican que un profesor universitario introduzca la metodología de aprendizaje-servicio en su quehacer docente. Metodología: Con este propósito, hemos llevado a cabo un estudio con 1903 docentes de 6 universidades españolas a los que se les ha aplicado el “Cuestionario sobre Práctica docente y Actitud del profesorado universitario hacia la Innovación” (CUPAIN). Resultados: Con los datos obtenidos realizamos una regresión logística con la finalidad de estimar la probabilidad de que un profesor universitario utilice o no el aprendizaje servicio según variables sociodemográficas (sexo, edad, tipo de materia, alumnos matriculados, situación administrativa, experiencia, ciclo), la práctica docente, el acuerdo con el compromiso social de la universidad y el interés por prácticas docentes innovadoras; y, posteriormente, un análisis de varianza multivariado (MANOVA) 5 X 2, y una prueba chi-cuadrado. Discusión y conclusiones: El análisis de los datos nos permite concluir que de todas las variables analizadas la que mejor predice el empleo del ApS por parte de los docentes es su acuerdo con el compromiso social de la universidad, de tal forma que la probabilidad de utilizar esta metodología es 3.52 veces mayor que no hacerlo.Introduction: The service-learning methodology is one of the most appropriate to adapt to changes, and new social and educational challenges in the Higher Education environment. This is an approach that promotes an experiential type of learning in which the teaching staff does not play a prominent role, but those who offer and receive the service. There are several reasons for proposing this methodology in the university classrooms, and they have to do with the improvement of the educational processes, students’ ethical and civic education, as well as with the improvement of the existing linkages between university and society. Specifically, our objective in this paper is to analyze which are the variables explaining the introduction of the service-learning methodology by a university professor. Methodology: To this end, a study involving 1903 professors from 6 Spanish universities was carried out. They were administered the “Questionnaire on Teaching Practice and Attitude of University Professors towards Innovation” (CUPAIN). Results: With the data obtained, a logistic regression was performed in order to estimate the probability that a university professor uses service learning according to sociodemographic variables (sex, age, type of subject, students enrolled, administrative situation, experience, cycle), teaching practice, agreement with the social commitment of the university and interest in innovative teaching practices; subsequently, a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) 5 X 2, and a Chi-square test were applied. Discussion and Conclusions: The data analysis allowed us to conclude that, of all the analyzed variables, the one that better predicts the use of SL by the professors is their engagement with the university’s social commitment, in such a way that the probability of using this methodology is 3.52 times higher than not doing it

    Physiognomic and physiologic changes in mountain grasslands in response to environmental and anthropogenic factors

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    Mountain grasslands provide valuable ecosystem services for sustainable development and human wellbeing. These habitats have suffered important changes related with their physiognomic (biomass) and physiologic (greenness) properties. Some of these changes received significant attention i.e. woody encroachment, while others, like the changes in biomass and greenness of those grasslands that have not experienced woody encroachment are almost unknown. We calculated physiognomic and physiologic properties for dense grasslands not affected by woody encroachment through the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Normalized Difference Infrared Index (NDII) from Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper. Imagery taken in the late-1980s and late-2000s in the Spanish Pyrenees were analyzed with multi-temporal vectors to detect increases or decreases of biomass and greenness. To understand the source of these changes, we modeled them with anthropogenic (land use, i.e. grazing, ski resorts, and related infrastructures) and environmental factors (topographic, lithologic and climatic). Anthropogenic factors were most strongly correlated with decrease in the biomass and greenness, showing degradation patterns of the grasslands at localized patches. Nonetheless, environmental factors were most strongly correlated with positive changes in both indices, detecting a continuous pattern in the increase in biomass and greenness. In areas that had high livestock stocking rates, grasslands biomass and greenness decrease, while in areas that had low stocking rates, biomass and greenness increases. Grasslands at low elevation showing decrease in biomass and greenness were either on gentle slopes and largely affected by human activities, or on steep slopes locally affected by ski resorts. In areas that have been disturbed by anthropogenic factors, the increase of rain in early summer trigger erosion processes, enhancing the negative effect of anthropic pressure on grassland greenness and biomass. In contrast, grasslands at high elevations, on steep slopes, and those that had north or west aspects and that had an acidic lithology, with less continentality, and that received more rain, had the most increase in biomass and greenness. Those results suggest that changes in mountain grasslands, apart from woody encroachment, are deeply altering their physiology and physiognomy, pointing out direct relationships with current management practices and climate trends.This research was funded by the following research projects; Ref.:125/2010 MMAMRM (Spanish Ministry of Agriculture and Environment), CGL2011-27259 (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and Innovation) co-financed by the FEDER, and FW7 ENV.2009. (European Community). CGB was supported by the AXA Research Fund (PDOC_2011_W2) and Killam Postdoctoral Fellowship (University of Alberta (2012-2013)). F. Fillat and R. García provided interesting comments and supporting climatic information.Peer reviewe

    Temporal analysis of natural radionuclides deposition at Málaga(2005-2016)

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    Atmospheric deposition of radionuclides has been investigated in many studies from the aspects of both radiation protection and geochemistry. The present study, carried out in the city of Málaga, in the southeast of Spain, focuses on the assessment of the bulk depositional fluxes of three natural radionuclides: 7Be (cosmogenic origin), and 210Pb and 40K (crustal origin). These three radionuclides are useful markers of particles arising from their respective sources. To obtain fundamental information of atmospheric transportation, sedimentation and geological process of particulate matter, a long-term monitoring of atmospheric deposition has been carried out in Málaga from January 2005-December 2016. Samples of bulk deposition were collected on a monthly basis on a stainless steel tray from January 2005 to December 2016. Afterwards, a volume of 6 L of the bulk deposition was reduced via evaporation to 1 L approximately and transferred to a Marinelli geometry container for gamma counting. Additionally, aerosols samples were collected weekly in cellulose membrane filters of 0.8μm pore size and 47mm diameter with an air sampler lodged in an all-weather sampling station, situated on the roof near the bulk rain collector. Gamma counting of the aerosols and bulk deposition samples was performed using an intrinsic germanium coaxial detector, Re-Ge-type (CANBERRA). This study describes the results and then discusses characteristics of atmospheric deposition of mentioned radionuclides with respect to seasonal variations and dependency on controlling factors. The depositional fluxes of all radionuclides showed a clear seasonal trend with summer minimum and high values in wintertime

    Natural radiactivity from building materials in Spain

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    The industrial construction sector is very important in Spain. Building materials used in this industry are sources of radiation from natural radionuclides they contain. The European Commission published some recommendations to facilitate the trade of these materials in the E.U. The studies about this subject have increased notably during last years. This, probably, can be associated with the increase interest from natural radiation radiological risk on indoor exposure.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear. CSN-201

    Anti-HIV-1 activity of benzothiadiazine dioxide

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    Antiviral assays carried out on the potent benzothiadiazine dioxide (BTD) human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) inhibitors have led us to find marginal but selective anti-HIV-1 activity. Specific pharmacological studies, such as time of addition experiments and assays on specific viral strains with mutations on its reverse transcriptase, have indicated that BTD compounds act as nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Theoretical calculations showed a butterfly conformation for the active derivatives that are compatible with their mechanism of action. Therefore, BTD derivatives can be considered as potential lead compounds for the treatment of opportunistic HCMV infections in immunocompromised individuals such as AIDS patients.Peer Reviewe

    Real‑life analysis on safety and efcacy of asciminib for ponatinib pretreated patients with chronic myeloid leukemia

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    Asciminib; Inhibitors; LeukemiaAsciminib; Inhibidors; LeucèmiaAsciminib; Inhibidores; LeucemiaFailure of second-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitors (2GTKI) is a challenging situation in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Asciminib, recently approved by the US Federal Drug Administration, has demonstrated in clinical trials a good efficacy and safety profile after failure of 2GTKI. However, no study has specifically addressed response rates to asciminib in ponatinib pretreated patients (PPT). Here, we present data on responses to asciminib from 52 patients in clinical practice, 20 of them (38%) with prior ponatinib exposure. We analyzed retrospectively responses and toxicities under asciminib and compared results between PPT and non-PPT patients.After a median follow-up of 30 months, 34 patients (65%) switched to asciminib due to intolerance and 18 (35%) due to resistance to prior TKIs. Forty-six patients (88%) had received at least 3 prior TKIs. Regarding responses, complete cytogenetic response was achieved or maintained in 74% and 53% for non-PPT and PPT patients, respectively. Deeper responses such as major molecular response and molecular response 4.5 were achieved in 65% and 19% in non-PPT versus 32% and 11% in PPT, respectively. Two patients (4%) harbored the T315I mutation, both PPT.In terms of toxicities, non-PPT displayed 22% grade 3-4 TEAE versus 20% in PPT. Four patients (20% of PPT) suffered from cross-intolerance with asciminib as they did under ponatinib.Our data supports asciminib as a promising alternative in resistant and intolerant non-PPT patients, as well as in intolerant PPT patients; the resistant PPT subset remains as a challenging group in need of further therapeutic options

    Dynamic Structure and Subsurface Oxygen Formation of a Working Copper Catalyst under Methanol Steam Reforming Conditions: An in Situ Time-Resolved Spectroscopic Study

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    "This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in ACS Catalysis, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1021/acscatal.8b05042."[EN] The dynamic behavior of a CuO/ZnO/Ga2O3 catalyst under methanol steam reforming (MSR) reaction conditions promoted by a high dispersion of the copper nanoparticles and defect sites of a nonstoichiometric ZnGa2O4 spinel phase has been observed, where structural changes taking place in the initial state of the reaction determine the final state of the catalyst in stationary reaction conditions. Mass spectrometry (MS) studies under transient conditions coupled to X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) have shown copper oxidation to Cu+ in the initial state of the reaction (TOS = 4 min), followed by a fast reduction of the outer shell to Cu-0, while keeping dissolved oxygen species in the inner layers of the nanoparticle. The presence of this subsurface oxygen impairs a positive charge to the uppermost surface copper species, that is, Cu delta+, which undoubtedly plays an important role on the MSR catalytic activity. The detection of these features, unperceived by conventional spectroscopic and catalytic studies, has only been possible by combining synchrotron NAP-XPS studies with transient studies performed in a low volume catalytic reactor connected to MS and linked with Raman and laboratory scale XPS studies.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) for the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Technology Initiative under Grant Agreement No. [303476]. Part of this work was financially supported by the following projects: (i) Project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006939 (Laboratory for Process Engineering, Environment, Biotechnology and Energy UID/EQU/00511/2013) funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through COMPETE2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalizacao (POCI) and by national funds, through FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia; (ii) NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000005 - LEPABE-2-ECO-INNOVATION, supported by North Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); and (iii) the Spanish Government-MINECO through "Severo Ochoa" Excellence Programme (SEV-2016-0683). D.R. thanks European Research Council project SYNCATMATCH (671093). J.C. thanks the Spanish Government (MINECO) for a "Severo Ochoa" grant (BES-2015-075748). The NAP-XPS experiments were performed at the NAPP branch of the CIRCE beamline at the ALBA Synchrotron with the collaboration of ALBA staff.Ruano-Sánchez, D.; Cored-Bandrés, J.; Azenha, C.; Pérez-Dieste, V.; Mendes, A.; Mateos-Pedrero, C.; Concepción Heydorn, P. (2019). Dynamic Structure and Subsurface Oxygen Formation of a Working Copper Catalyst under Methanol Steam Reforming Conditions: An in Situ Time-Resolved Spectroscopic Study. ACS Catalysis. 9(4):2922-2930. https://doi.org/10.1021/acscatal.8b05042S292229309