12 research outputs found

    Cuestiones epistemolĂłgicas y estudios de caso

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    En un paĂ­s -Francia- donde el campo del teatro estĂĄ estructurado culturalmente durante dĂ©cadas, el Teatro Aplicado es una nociĂłn que a menudo aparece como ancillar, frente a un arte institucionali-zado, incluso mirificado. Por un lado, estarĂ­a el Teatro, puro, noble, autĂ©ntico y por otro, estarĂ­an sus avatares: el teatro de empresa, el teatro para el desarrollo personal, el teatro para patologĂ­as, etc. Si tienen la misma fuente, su consanguinidad no deja de asustar. ÂżcĂłmo pueden unos artistas que crean alejados de cualquier coacciĂłn exterior pertenecer a la misma familia del teatro que unos actores o directores que "obedecen" a un encargo, en un contexto especĂ­fico, con un pĂșblico muchas veces participantes de talleres ... y que son por tanto prisioneros, en cierto modo, de un arte instru-mental izado? A este problema Ă©tico, este libro intenta responder, a travĂ©s de ejemplos concretos, para una mayor comprensiĂłn inrerculrural Francia/ Colombia.In a country -France- where the field of theater has been culturally structured for decades, Applied Theater is a notion that often appears as an ancillary, in the face of an institutionalized, even mirified, art. On the one hand, there would be the Theater, pure, noble, authentic and on the other, there would be its ups and downs: company theater, theater for personal development, theater for pathologies, etc. If they have the same source, their consanguinity does not stop frightening. How can some artists who create far from any external coercion belong to the same theater family as some actors or directors who "obey" a commission, in a specific context, with an audience that is often workshop participants... are they therefore prisoners, in a certain way, of an instrumented art? To this ethical problem, this book tries to respond, through concrete examples, for a greater intercultural understanding France/ Colombia.Bogot

    Assessment of Translocator Protein Density, as Marker of Neuroinflammation, in Major Depressive Disorder: A Pilot, Multicenter, Comparative, Controlled, Brain PET Study (INFLADEP Study)

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    Background: Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a serious public health problem with high lifetime prevalence (4.4–20%) in the general population. The monoamine hypothesis is the most widespread etiological theory of MDD. Also, recent scientific data has emphasized the importance of immuno-inflammatory pathways in the pathophysiology of MDD. The lack of data on the magnitude of brain neuroinflammation in MDD is the main limitation of this inflammatory hypothesis. Our team has previously demonstrated the relevance of [18F] DPA-714 as a neuroinflammation biomarker in humans. We formulated the following hypotheses for the current study: (i) Neuroinflammation in MDD can be measured by [18F] DPA-714; (ii) its levels are associated with clinical severity; (iii) it is accompanied by anatomical and functional alterations within the frontal-subcortical circuits; (iv) it is a marker of treatment resistance.Methods: Depressed patients will be recruited throughout 4 centers (Bordeaux, Montpellier, Tours, and Toulouse) of the French network from 13 expert centers for resistant depression. The patient population will be divided into 3 groups: (i) experimental group—patients with current MDD (n = 20), (ii) remitted depressed group—patients in remission but still being treated (n = 20); and, (iii) control group without any history of MDD (n = 20). The primary objective will be to compare PET data (i.e., distribution pattern of neuroinflammation) between the currently depressed group and the control group. Secondary objectives will be to: (i) compare neuroinflammation across groups (currently depressed group vs. remitted depressed group vs. control group); (ii) correlate neuroinflammation with clinical severity across groups; (iii) correlate neuroinflammation with MRI parameters for structural and functional integrity across groups; (iv) correlate neuroinflammation and peripheral markers of inflammation across groups.Discussion: This study will assess the effects of antidepressants on neuroinflammation as well as its role in the treatment response. It will contribute to clarify the putative relationships between neuroinflammation quantified by brain neuroimaging techniques and peripheral markers of inflammation. Lastly, it is expected to open innovative and promising therapeutic perspectives based on anti-inflammatory strategies for the management of treatment-resistant forms of MDD commonly seen in clinical practice.Clinical trial registration (reference: NCT03314155): https://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03314155?term=neuroinflammation&cond=depression&cntry=FR&rank=

    Towards a study of a technique of theatrical translation and the elaboration of new tools from a corpus of plays in Spanish

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    La mondialisation n’est plus seulement une rĂ©alitĂ© Ă©conomique et commerciale, elle concerne aussi les domaines culturels et artistiques. Dans ce contexte, la traduction joue un rĂŽle majeur car elle facilite les Ă©changes tout en conservant la diversitĂ© des langues et des cultures. En permettant la circulation des Ɠuvres dramatiques et lyriques dans leur dimension spectaculaire, le surtitrage rĂ©pond Ă  cet enjeu du dialogue interculturel. Ainsi, il s’est imposĂ© comme une technique de traduction Ă  part entiĂšre, Ă  mi-chemin entre la traduction thĂ©Ăątrale et la traduction audiovisuelle. Sa pratique connaĂźt d’ailleurs un essor constant depuis son apparition, posant ainsi la question de sa professionnalisation et exigeant, par lĂ -mĂȘme, que l’on s’interroge sur les outils nĂ©cessaires au surtitreur. Pour y rĂ©pondre, une analyse thĂ©orique du surtitrage est indispensable car ce dernier prĂ©sente des spĂ©cificitĂ©s propres qui concernent aussi bien les textes source et cible que l’opĂ©ration de traduction qu’il engage. La rĂ©flexion traductologique doit ĂȘtre accompagnĂ©e d’une rĂ©flexion thĂ©Ăątrologique car le surtitrage apparaĂźt, de fait, comme un Ă©lĂ©ment qui s’ajoute Ă  une scĂ©nographie. Quel que soit son degrĂ© d’intĂ©gration Ă  la mise en scĂšne, il n’est pas sans incidence sur le spectacle qu’il traduit. Outre cette approche thĂ©orique, ce travail s’appuie sur une expĂ©rience pratique du surtitrage pour en cerner les diffĂ©rents enjeux. Une telle articulation entre thĂ©orie et pratique a conduit Ă  la conception de nouveaux outils, mĂ©thodologiques et informatiques (cahier des charges fonctionnel du logiciel SurtitĂ©a), pour faciliter l’activitĂ© du surtitreur et accompagner sa professionnalisation.Globalization is no longer restricted to the economic and commercial spheres as the cultural and artistic worlds are now also affected by it. Within this context, translation plays a major role since it makes exchanges easier while maintaining the diversity of languages and cultures. In making possible the circulation of dramatic and lyrical works in their entire theatrical dimension, the practice of surtitles contributes to the elaboration of this intercultural dialogue. Hence, it came to be recognized as a specific technique of translation, half-way between theatrical translation and audiovisual translation. The practice of surtitles has been developing at a regular pace since its creation, raising thus the question of its professionalization and that of the tools required for such specific types of translation. To answer those questions, a theoretical analysis of surtitling is necessary because of its specificities concerning both the source and target texts and the very process of translation which it implies. A reflection on the theories of translation should be combined with a reflection on the theatrical field since the surtitles are, as a matter of fact, part of the scenography. No matter how much the surtitles are taking into consideration in the elaboration of the staging, their integration always has a consequence on the play they translate. Alongside this theoretical approach, this study is based on a practical experience in surtitling which has helped us to further delineate its features. This combination of theory and practice has resulted in the creation of new tools in the field of methodology and computing (practical guidelines for the users of the software SurtitĂ©a) to ease the task of the translator and helps his professionalization

    Le surtitreur et son surtitrage : une activité qui reste à définir

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    PrĂ©liminaires En prĂ©ambule Ă  notre chapitre, nous tenons Ă  apporter quelques Ă©lĂ©ments d’information permettant de prĂ©ciser notre point de vue au moment de mener une rĂ©flexion sur le surtitrage. Tout d’abord, signalons que nous avons circonscrit l’objet de notre Ă©tude au surtitrage « interlinguistique », c’est-Ă -dire Ă  la technique consistant Ă  projeter, lors des reprĂ©sentations, la traduction d’un texte jouĂ© ou chantĂ© en langue Ă©trangĂšre. Le surtitrage peut Ă©galement ĂȘtre « intralinguistique ..

    Deficit of verb generation in nondemented patients with Parkinson's disease

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    International audienceAbstract Clinical and neuroimaging studies have shown that verb processing suggests a preferential participation of a prefrontal network, which is dysfunctional in Parkinson's disease (PD). To assess a verb processing deficit in PD, we compared noun‐ and verb‐generation tasks for 34 nondemented PD patients (according to the Dementia Rating Scale) with 34 matched normal subjects, using two intracategory tasks (noun/noun and verb/verb generation) and two intercategory tasks (noun/verb and verb/noun generation). PD patients were significantly impaired in the two tasks involving verb production, i.e., verb/verb and noun/verb generation, whereas their performance was similar to those of controls in the two tasks requiring noun production. For the two impaired tasks, we assessed 1) the influence of lexical competition that corresponds to the presence of several candidate words for a given stimulus; 2) the influence of slight cognitive dysfunction; and 3) the influence of motor deficit. Significant correlations were found between DRS scores and performance on the noun/verb task, and no significant correlations were found between lexical competition or motor deficit and performance. The specific deficit for verb production in PD patients is discussed in relation to deficits affecting either action or grammatical representations. © 2002 Movement Disorder Societ

    Automatic analysis of word association data from the Evolex psycholinguistic tasks using computational lexical semantic similarity measures

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    International audienceThis paper is the fruit of a multidisciplinary project gathering researchers in Psycholinguistics, Neuropsychology, Computer Science, Natural Language Processing and Linguistics. It proposes a new data-based inductive method for automatically characterising the relation between pairs of words collected in psycholinguistics experiments on lexical access. This method takes advantage of four complementary computational measures of semantic similarity. We compare these techniques by assessing their correlation with a manual categorisation of 559 distinct word pairs, and with the distribution of data produced by 30 test subjects. We show that some measures are more correlated than others with the frequency of lexical associations, and that they also differ in the way they capture different semantic relations. This allows us to consider building a multidimensional lexical similarity to automate the classification of lexical associations

    EVOLEX : approches psycholinguistique et computationnelle de l'accÚs au lexique et de la proximité sémantique entre paires de mots

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    International audienceObjectifs Développer une méthode assistée par ordinateur pour évaluer auprÚs de populations avec ou sans troubles du lan-gage la façon dont nous accédons aux informations présentes dans notre lexique mental nous associons ces informations les unes avec les autres Pour réaliser cet objectif, nous allions des compétences en psycholinguistique et neuropsychologie d'une part et de trai-tement automatique des langues naturelles d'autre par