102 research outputs found

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    Changes and Differentials in the Prevalence of Activity Limitations among Finns Aged 65-74: Comparison of the Mini-Finland Health Examination Survey (1978-80) and the FINRISK-97 Senior Survey (1997)

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    This study analyses time trends in the prevalence of activity limitations andconsequent need for help according to gender, education and marital status amongFinns aged 65-74 years. The study is based on the Mini-Finland Health ExaminationStudy carried out in 1978-80 and the FINRISK-97 Senior Survey collected in 1997.During the past 20 years, functional capacity of the elderly at ages 65 to 74 hasimproved markedly. Women, more often than men, have limitations in severalactivities, but the reverse is true in some activities. Persons with higher than basiceducation have less activity limitations than others. Married or cohabiting men reportfewer difficulties in several activities than other men, but among women differencesaccording to marital status are small. A continuation of the observed decline infunctional limitations would significantly attenuate the increasing trend in the burdenof disability that is to be expected because of the ageing of the population

    Kohti yhtenäisempää toimintakyvyn mittaamista : käyttäjien kokemuksia TOIMIA-tietokannasta

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    Toimintakyvyn mittaaminen ja arviointi kuuluvat monen eri alan ammattilaisen työtehtäviin. Arviointikäytännöistä ei kuitenkaan ole olemassa kansallisesti yhtenäisiä ohjeita. Jokainen ammattilainen ja työpaikka on voinut kehittää niitä omista lähtökohdistaan ja tarpeistaan käsin. Siten käytännöt ovat epäyhtenäisiä, arviointimenetelmistä on erilaisia versioita ja ohjeistukset vaihtelevat. Toimintakyvyn mittaamisen ja arvioinnin tietokanta TOIMIA perustettiin viisi vuotta sitten. Sen käyttöä, merkitystä ja kehittämistä selvitettiin kyselyllä kesällä 2015.TOIMIA-tietokanta</a

    Fyysisen toimintakyvyn mittaaminen ja arviointi väestötutkimuksissa

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    TOIMIA-suositus ID S029/29.09.202

    Cognitive Performance among Cognitively Healthy Adults Aged 30–100 Years

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    Background/Aims: To detect cognitive decline in older adults, measures of verbal fluency and verbal memory are widely used. Less is known about performance in these measures in younger persons or according to education level and gender. We investigated cognitive performance according to age, education and gender among cognitively healthy adults aged 30-100 years. Methods: The study population comprised 4,174 cognitively healthy persons participating in the nationally representative Finnish Health 2011 survey. Cognitive assessment included verbal fluency, word list memory, word list recall and word list savings from the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease neuropsychological battery. Results: Total variance in the cognitive test performance explained by age, education and gender varied from 12.3 to 31.2%. A decreasing trend in cognitive performance existed in all subtests by advancing age, with differences appearing between 50 and 55 years. Persons with the highest-education level performed best for all measures. For the participants <55 years, education explained part of the variance, while age and gender did not. Conclusions: When assessing cognition, age and education should be accounted for in more detail in research and clinical practice. Additionally, the cohort effect and its potential impact on the renewal cycle of future normative values for cognitive tests should be considered. (C) 2019 The Author(s) Published by S. Karger AG, BaselPeer reviewe