36 research outputs found

    SADe-ohjelma, loppuraportti: Sähköisen asioinnin ja demokratian vauhdittamisohjelma

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    SADe-ohjelma on ollut pitkäkestoinen ja lajissaan ensimmäinen kokonaisvaltainen ja valtakunnallinen, keskitetysti rahoitettu ja koordinoitu, valtion ja kuntien yhteinen sähköisten palvelujen kehittämisohjelma Suomen julkisessa hallinnossa. Ohjelmasta valmistuneita 42 palvelua ovat toteutushankkeiden vastuuministeriöiden rinnalla olleet toteuttamassa sadat valtion viranomaiset, kunnat, kuntayhtymät, kolmannen sektorin toimijat, yritykset ja kansalaiset. Kaikki ohjelman hankkeet toteuttivat tavoitteensa aikataulussa ja budjetissa. Hankkeiden toteutus on lisännyt ja syventänyt poikkihallinnollista sidosryhmäyhteistyöt

    Inspiration and co-operation between Namibian and Finnish libraries

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    Selective Plating Underestimates Abundance and Shows Differential Recovery of Bifidobacterial Species from Human Feces

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    The aim of the present work was to compare the efficacies and levels of selectivity of different culture-dependent and -independent methods for analyzing bifidobacteria in human stool samples. The three different culture media used here significantly differed from each other, particularly with regard to the recovery of Bifidobacterium adolescentis. Bifidobacterium medium failed to recover B. adolescentis; Beerens medium recovered some B. adolescentis organisms (17% of total bifidobacteria), whereas tomato-Eugon medium recovered mainly B. adolescentis organisms (58% of total bifidobacteria). A culture-independent method that combines GC fractionation of bacterial community DNA and 16S rRNA sequencing indicated that B. adolescentis organisms accounted for 85% of all bifidobacteria. Methodological biases, such as those described in this paper, should be taken into account in interpreting earlier studies and designing future experiments

    Social support and breast cancer : A comparatory study of breast cancer survivors, women with mental depression, women with hypertension and healthy female controls

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    Objectives: Among breast cancer (BC) survivors, inadequate social support (SS) is associated with a significant increase in cancer-related mortality and reduction in quality of life (QoL). The aim of the study was to explore perceived SS during BC trajectory by comparing BC survivors, women with depression, women with arterial hypertension, and healthy female controls to each other, and to compare perceived balance of receiving and providing SS. Material and methods: The data of ongoing prospective postal survey was linked with national health registries. Respondents with BC (n = 64), depression (n = 471), arterial hypertension (n = 841) and healthy controls (n = 6274) formed the study population. SS was measured by a Sarason's 6-item shortened version of the Social Support Questionnaire (SSQ). The modified Antonucci's (1986) social support convoy model of the network of individuals was used to measure the dominating direction of SS. Results: The main provider of SS for all participants combined was the spouse or partner (94.3%), close relative (12.0%) and friends (5.4%). In all groups, particularly in the BC and arterial hypertension group, spouse or partner was seen as the most important supporter. The group suffering from depression reported significantly less SS in each domain of appraisal (p <0.001). In total, 24.6% of all respondents reported receipt dominance of SS. Conclusion: SS is a well-known determinant of wellbeing. Our study lends support to the spouse's or the partner's central role during the recovery phase of BC. Identification of factors improving the overall QoL of BC survivors is an important public health challenge. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Secondary somatosensory cortex evoked responses and 6-year neurodevelopmental outcome in extremely preterm children

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    Objective: We assessed in extremely preterm born (EPB) children whether secondary somatosensory cor-tex (SII) responses recorded with magnetoencephalography (MEG) at term-equivalent age (TEA) correlate with neurodevelopmental outcome at age 6 years. Secondly, we assessed whether SII responses differ between 6-year-old EPB and term-born (TB) children. Methods: 39 EPB children underwent MEG with tactile stimulation at TEA. At age 6 years, 32 EPB and 26 TB children underwent MEG including a sensorimotor task requiring attention and motor inhibition. SII responses to tactile stimulation were modeled with equivalent current dipoles. Neurological outcome, motor competence, and general cognitive ability were prospectively evaluated at age 6 years. Results: Unilaterally absent SII response at TEA was associated with abnormal motor competence in 6-year-old EPB children (p = 0.03). At age 6 years, SII responses were bilaterally detectable in most EPB (88%) and TB (92%) children (group comparison, p = 0.69). Motor inhibition was associated with decreased SII peak latencies in TB children, but EPB children lacked this effect (p = 0.02). Conclusions: Unilateral absence of an SII response at TEA predicted poorer motor outcome in EPB children. Significance: Neurophysiological methods may provide new means for outcome prognostication in EPB children. (c) 2021 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Peer reviewe

    Kaposi’s Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus Reactivation by Targeting of a dCas9-Based Transcription Activator to the ORF50 Promoter

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    CRISPR activation (CRISPRa) has revealed great potential as a tool to modulate the expression of targeted cellular genes. Here, we successfully applied the CRISPRa system to trigger the Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) reactivation in latently infected cells by selectively activating ORF50 gene directly from the virus genome. We found that a nuclease-deficient Cas9 (dCas9) fused to a destabilization domain (DD) and 12 copies of the VP16 activation domain (VP192) triggered a more efficient KSHV lytic cycle and virus production when guided to two different sites on the ORF50 promoter, instead of only a single site. To our surprise, the virus reactivation induced by binding of the stable DD-dCas9-VP192 on the ORF50 promoter was even more efficient than reactivation induced by ectopic expression of ORF50. This suggests that recruitment of additional transcriptional activators to the ORF50 promoter, in addition to ORF50 itself, are needed for the efficient virus production. Further, we show that CRISPRa can be applied to selectively express the early lytic gene, ORF57, without disturbing the viral latency. Therefore, CRISPRa-based systems can be utilized to facilitate virus–host interaction studies by controlling the expression of not only cellular but also of specific KSHV genes

    Kaposi’s Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus Reactivation by Targeting of a dCas9-Based Transcription Activator to the ORF50 Promoter

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    CRISPR activation (CRISPRa) has revealed great potential as a tool to modulate the expression of targeted cellular genes. Here, we successfully applied the CRISPRa system to trigger the Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) reactivation in latently infected cells by selectively activating ORF50 gene directly from the virus genome. We found that a nuclease-deficient Cas9 (dCas9) fused to a destabilization domain (DD) and 12 copies of the VP16 activation domain (VP192) triggered a more efficient KSHV lytic cycle and virus production when guided to two different sites on the ORF50 promoter, instead of only a single site. To our surprise, the virus reactivation induced by binding of the stable DD-dCas9-VP192 on the ORF50 promoter was even more efficient than reactivation induced by ectopic expression of ORF50. This suggests that recruitment of additional transcriptional activators to the ORF50 promoter, in addition to ORF50 itself, are needed for the efficient virus production. Further, we show that CRISPRa can be applied to selectively express the early lytic gene, ORF57, without disturbing the viral latency. Therefore, CRISPRa-based systems can be utilized to facilitate virus–host interaction studies by controlling the expression of not only cellular but also of specific KSHV genes

    Common Inflammation-Related Candidate Gene Variants and Acute Kidney Injury in 2647 Critically Ill Finnish Patients

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    Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a syndrome with high incidence among the critically ill. Because the clinical variables and currently used biomarkers have failed to predict the individual susceptibility to AKI, candidate gene variants for the trait have been studied. Studies about genetic predisposition to AKI have been mainly underpowered and of moderate quality. We report the association study of 27 genetic variants in a cohort of Finnish critically ill patients, focusing on the replication of associations detected with variants in genes related to inflammation, cell survival, or circulation. In this prospective, observational Finnish Acute Kidney Injury (FINNAKI) study, 2647 patients without chronic kidney disease were genotyped. We defined AKI according to Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) criteria. We compared severe AKI (Stages 2 and 3, n = 625) to controls (Stage 0, n = 1582). For genotyping we used iPLEX(TM) Assay (Agena Bioscience). We performed the association analyses with PLINK software, using an additive genetic model in logistic regression. Despite the numerous, although contradictory, studies about association between polymorphisms rs1800629 in TNFA and rs1800896 in IL10 and AKI, we found no association (odds ratios 1.06 (95% CI 0.89-1.28, p = 0.51) and 0.92 (95% CI 0.80-1.05, p = 0.20), respectively). Adjusting for confounders did not change the results. To conclude, we could not confirm the associations reported in previous studies in a cohort of critically ill patients.Peer reviewe

    Heme oxygenase-1 repeat polymorphism in septic acute kidney injury

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    Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a syndrome that frequently affects the critically ill. Recently, an increased number of dinucleotide repeats in the HMOX1 gene were reported to associate with development of AKI in cardiac surgery. We aimed to test the replicability of this finding in a Finnish cohort of critically ill septic patients. This multicenter study was part of the national FINNAKI study. We genotyped 300 patients with severe AKI (KDIGO 2 or 3) and 353 controls without AKI (KDIGO 0) for the guanine-thymine (GTn) repeat in the promoter region of the HMOX1 gene. The allele calling was based on the number of repeats, the cut off being 27 repeats in the S-L (short to long) classification, and 27 and 34 repeats for the S-M-L2 (short to medium to very long) classification. The plasma concentrations of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) enzyme were measured on admission. The allele distribution in our patients was similar to that published previously, with peaks at 23 and 30 repeats. The S-allele increases AKI risk. An adjusted OR was 1.30 for each S-allele in an additive genetic model (95% CI 1.01-1.66; p = 0.041). Alleles with a repeat number greater than 34 were significantly associated with lower HO-1 concentration (p<0.001). In septic patients, we report an association between a short repeat in HMOX1 and AKI risk

    Pelillisyyden mahdollisuudet lähihoitajien perehdytyksessä kotihoidossa

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    Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön strategisiin linjauksiin sisältyvään työelämän vetovoiman lisäämiseen liittyy läheisesti työntekijän hyvä perehdytys. Perehdytyksellä vaikutetaan työntekijän osaamiseen, työssäviihtymiseen, ammattitaitoon ja motivaatioon. Kotihoito tarvitsee tulevaisuudessa osaavaa ja ammattitaitoista henkilöstöä, jossa lähihoitaja on keskeinen työntekijä. Kehittämishankkeen tavoitteena oli tuottaa tietoa pelillisyyden mahdollisuuksista lähihoitajien perehdytyksessä Päijät-Hämeen hyvinvointiyhtymän (PHHYKY) kotihoidossa. Tarkoituksena oli kehittää lähihoitajien perehdytystä PHHYKY:n kotihoidossa. PHHYKY:n kotihoidosta 20 lähihoitajaa osallistui tiedon tuottamiseen järjestetyissä aivoriihikokouksissa. Nämä antoivat mahdollisuuden tuottaa tietoa oman työn kehittämiseen. Kehittämisen mahdollisti palvelumuotoiluprosessi, jossa tuotettiin tietoa pelillisyyden mahdollisuuksista. Keskeisinä tuloksina muodostuivat mahdollisuus uuteen toimintamalliin, uudenlaiseen tiedonsaantitapaan, motivoivaan perehdytykseen sekä kansaiväliseen yhteistyöhön perehdytyksessä. Palvelumuotoilun keinoin saavutettiin kehittämishankkeen tavoite tuottamalla tietoa pelillisyyden mahdollisuuksista. Tuotettua tietoa voidaan hyödyntää lähihoitajien perehdytyksen kehittämisessä PHHYKY:n kotihoidossa.The Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health strategic policies state, that attractiveness of work includes a good employee orientation. Orientation affects employee skills, job satisfaction, professional skills and motivation. In-home care needs competent and skilled staff in the future, where a home care giver is a fundamental employee. The objective of this study was to provide information about possibilities of gamification in the care of practical nurses in the home care of the Päijät-Häme Wellness Society (PHHYKY), as well as to develop the familiarization for the practical nurses at PHHYKY's home care. An PHHYKY's home care, 20 of the nurses attended the brainstorming sessions for producing information. These employees gave an opportunity to generate information about the development of their own work. The development was enabled by a service design process that provided information on the possibilities of gamification. The key results were the possibility of a new approach, a new kind of communication, motivational orientation and international co-operation in induction. By means of service design, the goal of the development project was achieved by providing information on the possibilities of gambling. The information produced can be utilized in the development of orientation of immediate nurses in PHHYKY's home care