41 research outputs found

    Predictability improvement of Scheduled Flights Departure Time Variation using Supervised Machine Learning

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    The departure time uncertainty exacerbates the inaccuracy of arrival time estimation and demand for arrival slots, particularly for movements to capacity constrained airports. The Estimated Take-Off Time (ETOT) or Estimated Departure Time(ETD) for each individual flight is currently derived from Air Traffic Flow Management System (ATFMS), which are solely determined based on individual flight plan Estimated Off Block Time(EOBT) or subsequent delays updated by Airline. Even if normal weather conditions prevail, aircraft departure times will differ from ETOTs determined by the ATFMS due to a number of factors such as congestion, early/delayed inbound flight (linked flights), reactionary delays and air traffic flow management slot changes. This paper presents a model that predicts departure time variance based on the previous leg departure time using a combination of exponential moving average and machine learning methods. The model correctly classifies the departure time (Early, On Time, Delay) based on the previous leg departure state, allowing the ATFM system to measure the arrival time of a capacity constrained airport with greater accuracy and better assess demand requirements. The results show that the proposed model with M5P Regression tree provides the best results, with Mean Absolute Error and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 3.43 and 4.83, respectively, indicating a 50% improvement over previous research findings. Whereas, with logistic regression, the classification of departure time (Early, On Time, Delay) is achieved a better accuracy of 91 %, which is higher than previous works

    Prediction of Gate In Time of Scheduled Flights and Schedule Conformance using Machine Learning-based Algorithms

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    Prediction of Gate to Gate block time for scheduled flights is considered as one of the challenging tasks in Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM)system. Establishing an effective and practically reliable model to manage the problem of block time variation is a significant work. The airlines do tend to pad or inflate block time to Actual Block time to calculate Schedule block times which is approved by aviation regulator. This will lead to flaws in air traffic flow strategic decision-making and in turn affect the efficiency, estimation and undesirable delays, which leads to traffic congestion and inefficient ground delay programs. This study evaluates the effectiveness of nonlinear and time varying regression models to predict block time with minimal attributes in order to solve the problem of difficulty in predicting the block time variation. The key research outcome of this paper is to trace the temporal variations of flying time for different aircraft types and to predict the variation of actual arrival time from the scheduled arrival time at the destination airport. Ultimately, a combination of M5P regression model and logistic regression model is proposed to predict early, delayed and on-time conformity with approved schedules. Analysis based on a realistic data set of a domestic airport pair (Mumbai International Airport and New Delhi International Airport) in India shows that the proposed model is able to predict in block time at the time of departure with an accuracy of minutes for of test instances. As a result of the scheduled arrival time performance (early, delayed and timely) has been classified accurately using Logistic regression Classifier of machine learning. The test results show that the proposed model uses a minimum number of attributes and less computational time to more accurately predict the actual arrival time and scheduled arrival performance without details on the weather

    A New Fuzzy C Means for Brain Image Segmentation Using Anisotropic Diffused Regularization

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    ABSTRACT Medical Imaging is the technique and a process used to create images of the human body for clinical or medical science. Magnetic Resonance (MR) Brain image segmentation plays an important role in neurosurgical planning and clinical diagnosis. MR image is segmented using Fuzzy C means (FCM) method, the objective function of FCM is modified by a regularizing function called Total Variation (TV)FCM. The proposed robust image regularization Anisotropic Diffusion Total Variation (ADTV) regularization method focuses on smoothing the images and reducing the steps by reinterpreting the traditional TV regularization. The method preserves the discontinuities and also continues to smooth along line like features in the MR images and the comparison of proposed scheme with classical TV demonstrates the performance improvement. The method shows the consistent improvement in the reconstruction of images. The method is combined with the FCM and the results of segmentation are improved

    Graphene Oxide-Gallic Acid Nanodelivery System for Cancer Therapy

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    Despite the technological advancement in the biomedical science, cancer remains a life-threatening disease. In this study, we designed an anticancer nanodelivery system using graphene oxide (GO) as nanocarrier for an active anticancer agent gallic acid (GA). The successful formation nanocomposite (GOGA) was characterized using XRD, FTIR, HRTEM, Raman, and UV/Vis spectroscopy. The release study shows that the release of GA from the designed anticancer nanocomposite (GOGA) occurs in a sustained manner in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) solution at pH 7.4. In in vitro biological studies, normal fibroblast (3T3) and liver cancer cells (HepG2) were treated with different concentrations of GO, GOGA, and GA for 72 h. The GOGA nanocomposite showed the inhibitory effect to cancer cell growth without affecting normal cell growth. The results of this research are highly encouraging to go further for in vivo studies

    Exosomes Communicate Protective Messages during Oxidative Stress; Possible Role of Exosomal Shuttle RNA

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    BACKGROUND: Exosomes are small extracellular nanovesicles of endocytic origin that mediate different signals between cells, by surface interactions and by shuttling functional RNA from one cell to another. Exosomes are released by many cells including mast cells, dendritic cells, macrophages, epithelial cells and tumour cells. Exosomes differ compared to their donor cells, not only in size, but also in their RNA, protein and lipid composition. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this study, we show that exosomes, released by mouse mast cells exposed to oxidative stress, differ in their mRNA content. Also, we show that these exosomes can influence the response of other cells to oxidative stress by providing recipient cells with a resistance against oxidative stress, observed as an attenuated loss of cell viability. Furthermore, Affymetrix microarray analysis revealed that the exosomal mRNA content not only differs between exosomes and donor cells, but also between exosomes derived from cells grown under different conditions; oxidative stress and normal conditions. Finally, we also show that exposure to UV-light affects the biological functions associated with exosomes released under oxidative stress. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These results argue that the exosomal shuttle of RNA is involved in cell-to-cell communication, by influencing the response of recipient cells to an external stress stimulus

    Testing mutual exclusivity of ETS rearranged prostate cancer

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    Prostate cancer is a clinically heterogeneous and multifocal disease. More than 80% of patients with prostate cancer harbor multiple geographically discrete cancer foci at the time of diagnosis. Emerging data suggest that these foci are molecularly distinct consistent with the hypothesis that they arise as independent clones. One of the strongest arguments is the heterogeneity observed in the status of E26 transformation specific (ETS) rearrangements between discrete tumor foci. The clonal evolution of individual prostate cancer foci based on recent studies demonstrates intertumoral heterogeneity with intratumoral homogeneity. The issue of multifocality and interfocal heterogeneity is important and has not been fully elucidated due to lack of the systematic evaluation of ETS rearrangements in multiple tumor sites. The current study investigates the frequency of multiple gene rearrangements within the same focus and between different cancer foci. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) assays were designed to detect the four most common recurrent ETS gene rearrangements. In a cohort of 88 men with localized prostate cancer, we found ERG, ETV1, and ETV5 rearrangements in 51% (44/86), 6% (5/85), and 1% (1/86), respectively. None of the cases demonstrated ETV4 rearrangements. Mutual exclusiveness of ETS rearrangements was observed in the majority of cases; however, in six cases, we discovered multiple ETS or 5′ fusion partner rearrangements within the same tumor focus. In conclusion, we provide further evidence for prostate cancer tumor heterogeneity with the identification of multiple concurrent gene rearrangements

    Drug discovery in advanced prostate cancer: translating biology into therapy.

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    Castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) is associated with a poor prognosis and poses considerable therapeutic challenges. Recent genetic and technological advances have provided insights into prostate cancer biology and have enabled the identification of novel drug targets and potent molecularly targeted therapeutics for this disease. In this article, we review recent advances in prostate cancer target identification for drug discovery and discuss their promise and associated challenges. We review the evolving therapeutic landscape of CRPC and discuss issues associated with precision medicine as well as challenges encountered with immunotherapy for this disease. Finally, we envision the future management of CRPC, highlighting the use of circulating biomarkers and modern clinical trial designs

    Landscape of gene fusions in epithelial cancers: seq and ye shall find

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