2,474 research outputs found

    Células fotoeletroquímicas com estrutura híbrida: síntese e caracterização estrutural e eletroquímica

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    Anais do VI Encontro de Iniciação Científica e II Encontro Anual de Iniciação ao Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Inovação – EICTI 2017 - 04 a 06 de outubro de 2017 - temática Ciências Exatas e da TerraAs células solares de Perovskita (CSPs) demonstra um grande potencial para aplicação em dispositivos fotovoltaicos, sendo que a eficiência de conversão de ener- gia desses dispositivos supera, em apenas 5 anos, os 22 % (NREL, 2017). A principal inovação nessa tecnologia, está em um dos componentes de sua estrutura, a camada absorvedora de Perovskita, (p.e., o CH 3 NH 3 PbI 3 ). Há diversas rotas de síntese deste material descritas na literatura, sendo a mais usual é da reação entre o iodeto de metilamônio (CH 3 NH 3 I) e o iodeto de chumbo (PbI 2 ) que, por sua vez, a reação entre ambos para obtenção da fase perovskita não é trivial, em função principalmente de sua instabilidade. No presente trabalho, diferentes rotas de sínteses foram realizadas objetivando chegar em um material com estrutura adequada para aplicação como fo- toânodo nas células solaresUniversidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (Unila); Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq); Fundação Araucária; Parque Tecnológico Itaipu (PTI) e Companhia de Saneamento do Paraná (SANEPAR

    Combined metagenomic and phenomic approaches identify a novel salt tolerance gene from the human gut microbiome

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    In the current study, a number of salt-tolerant clones previously isolated from a human gut metagenomic library were screened using Phenotype MicroArray (PM) technology to assess their functional capacity. One clone, SMG 9, was found to be positive for utilisation/transport of L-carnitine (a well-characterised osmoprotectant) in the presence of 6% w/v sodium chloride (NaCl). Subsequent experiments revealed a significant growth advantage in minimal media containing NaCl and L-carnitine. Fosmid sequencing revealed putative candidate genes responsible for the phenotype. Subsequent cloning of two genes did not replicate the L-carnitine-associated phenotype, although one of the genes, a σ54-dependent transcriptional regulator, did confer salt tolerance to Escherichia coli when expressed in isolation. The original clone, SMG 9, was subsequently found to have lost the original observed phenotype upon further investigation. Nevertheless, this study demonstrates the usefulness of a phenomic approach to assign a functional role to metagenome-derived clones

    Metagenomic Identification of a Novel Salt Tolerance Gene from the Human Gut Microbiome Which Encodes a Membrane Protein with Homology to a brp/blh-Family beta-Carotene 15,15\u27-Monooxygenase

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    The human gut microbiome consists of at least 3 million non-redundant genes, 150 times that of the core human genome. Herein, we report the identification and characterisation of a novel stress tolerance gene from the human gut metagenome. The locus, assigned brpA, encodes a membrane protein with homology to a brp/blh-family β-carotene monooxygenase. Cloning and heterologous expression of brpA in Escherichia coli confers a significant salt tolerance phenotype. Furthermore, when cultured in the presence of exogenous β-carotene, cell pellets adopt a red/orange pigmentation indicating the incorporation of carotenoids in the cell membrane

    Are bullies more productive? Empirical study of affectiveness vs. issue fixing time

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    Human Affectiveness, i.e., The emotional state of a person, plays a crucial role in many domains where it can make or break a team's ability to produce successful products. Software development is a collaborative activity as well, yet there is little information on how affectiveness impacts software productivity. As a first measure of this impact, this paper analyzes the relation between sentiment, emotions and politeness of developers in more than 560K Jira comments with the time to fix a Jira issue. We found that the happier developers are (expressing emotions such as JOY and LOVE in their comments), the shorter the issue fixing time is likely to be. In contrast, negative emotions such as SADNESS, are linked with longer issue fixing time. Politeness plays a more complex role and we empirically analyze its impact on developers' productivity

    Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Delayed-Release Dimethyl-Fumarate In The Treatment of Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis In Italy

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    INTRODUCTION: Disease Modifying Therapies (DMTs) have significantly improved clinical conditions of Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS) patients. However, several unmet needs are still relevant in RRMS. Recently, a new therapy, delayed-release dimethyl-fumarate (DMF; also known as gastro-resistant DMF), has been approved and reimbursed by the Italian Drug Agency (AIFA) for the treatment of RRMS.OBJECTIVE: To compare the cost-effectiveness of DMF vs. pharmacological alternatives indicated for the first-line treatment of RRMS in Italy.METHODS: The analysis was conducted from the perspective of the Italian National Healthcare Service (NHS) and outcomes and costs were evaluated over a 50-year time horizon (equivalent to a lifetime horizon). Both outcomes and costs were discounted at 3.5%. The Markov model estimates the clinical and economic consequences of treating RRMS patients with the following therapeutic options: DMF, interferon (IFN) beta-1a intramuscular (IM); IFN beta-1a subcutaneous (SC) at two different doses, 22 mcg and 44 mcg; IFN beta-1b SC; glatiramer acetate (GA) SC 20 mg; oral teriflunomide. Clinical efficacy data used in this analysis came from an elaboration of the mixed treatment comparison (MTC) already published. According to the Italian NHS perspective, only the following direct costs were considered: pharmacological treatment acquisition, treatment monitoring, relapse management, direct costs associated with disability, adverse event management. Administration costs were assumed equal to €0, because every treatment included in the economic analysis can be self-administered. One-way and probabilistic sensitivity analyses were developed and cost effectiveness acceptability curves generated.RESULTS: In the base-case analysis, DMF was more efficacious than alternatives, in terms of both survival (19.496 vs. 19.297-19.461 discounted LYs, respectively), and QALYs (6.548 vs. 5.172- 6.212 discounted QALYs, respectively). Per-patient lifetime costs with DMF amounted to € 276,500, similarly to the other options. DMF was the drug with the largest effect of disability cost reduction. DMF was dominant vs. IFN beta-1a 44 mcg and cost-effective vs. all other IFNs, GA and teriflunomide, with incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICERs) between € 11,272 and € 23,409. All ICER values were lower than the € 50,000 per QALY threshold. One-way sensitivity analysis showed that, for all tested scenarios, ICER of DMF vs. therapeutic alternatives remained favourable (≤ 50.000 €/QALY gained) and the results of probabilistic sensitivity analysis showed that the probability for DMF of being favourable (≤ 50.000 €/QALY gained) was between around 70% and 93%, thus ensuring robustness of the results.CONCLUSIONS: The results of this economic analysis show that, at the current price and the described assumptions, DMF represents a cost-effective option vs. other available first-line treatments indicated in RRMS in the perspective of the Italian NHS.[Article in Italian

    Commensal Bacteroidetes protect against Klebsiella pneumoniae colonization and transmission through IL-36 signalling

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    The microbiota primes immune defences but the identity of specific commensal microorganisms that protect against infection is unclear. Conversely, how pathogens compete with the microbiota to establish their host niche is also poorly understood. In the present study, we investigate the antagonism between the microbiota and Klebsiella pneumoniae during colonization and transmission. We discover that maturation of the microbiota drives the development of distinct immune defence programmes in the upper airways and intestine to limit K. pneumoniae colonization within these niches. Immune protection in the intestine depends on the development of Bacteroidetes, interleukin (IL)-36 signalling and macrophages. This effect of Bacteroidetes requires the polysaccharide utilization locus of their conserved commensal colonization factor. Conversely, in the upper airways, Proteobacteria prime immunity through IL-17A, but K. pneumoniae overcomes these defences through encapsulation to effectively colonize this site. Ultimately, we find that host-to-host spread of K. pneumoniae occurs principally from its intestinal reservoir, and that commensal-colonization-factor-producing Bacteroidetes are sufficient to prevent transmission between hosts through IL-36. Thus, our study provides mechanistic insight into when, where and how commensal Bacteroidetes protect against K. pneumoniae colonization and contagion, providing insight into how these protective microorganisms could be harnessed to confer population-level protection against K. pneumoniae infection

    The emotional side of software developers in JIRA

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    Issue tracking systems store valuable data for testing hypotheses concerning maintenance, building statistical prediction models and (recently) investigating developer affectiveness. For the latter, issue tracking systems can be mined to explore developers emotions, sentiments and politeness |affects for short. However, research on affect detection in software artefacts is still in its early stage due to the lack of manually validated data and tools. In this paper, we contribute to the research of affects on software artefacts by providing a labeling of emotions present on issue comments. We manually labeled 2,000 issue comments and 4,000 sentences written by developers with emotions such as love, joy, surprise, anger, sadness and fear. Labeled comments and sentences are linked to software artefacts reported in our previously published dataset (containing more than 1K projects, more than 700K issue reports and more than 2 million issue comments). The enriched dataset presented in this paper allows the investigation of the role of affects in software development

    Star-forming galaxies versus low- and high-excitation radio AGN in the VLA-COSMOS 3GHz Large Project

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    We study the composition of the faint radio population selected from the VLA-COSMOS 3GHz Large Project, a radio continuum survey performed at 10 cm wavelength. The survey covers the full 2 square degree COSMOS field with mean rms2.3rms\sim2.3 μ\muJy/beam, cataloging 10,899 source components above 5×rms5\times rms. By combining these radio data with UltraVISTA, optical, near-infrared, and Spitzer/IRAC mid-infrared data, as well as X-ray data from the Chandra Legacy, and Chandra COSMOS surveys, we gain insight into the emission mechanisms within our radio sources out to redshifts of z5z\sim5. From these emission characteristics we classify our souces as star forming galaxies or AGN. Using their multi-wavelength properties we further separate the AGN into sub-samples dominated by radiatively efficient and inefficient AGN, often referred to as high- and low-excitation emission line AGN. We compare our method with other results based on fitting of the sources' spectral energy distributions using both galaxy and AGN spectral models, and those based on the infrared-radio correlation. We study the fractional contributions of these sub-populations down to radio flux levels of \sim10 μ\muJy. We find that at 3 GHz flux densities above \sim400 μ\muJy quiescent, red galaxies, consistent with the low-excitation radio AGN class constitute the dominant fraction. Below densities of \sim200 μ\muJy star-forming galaxies begin to constitute the largest fraction, followed by the low-excitation, and X-ray- and IR-identified high-excitation radio AGN.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, The many facets of extragalactic radio surveys: towards new scientific challenges, Bologna 20-23 October 201