116 research outputs found

    Analisis Keberlanjutan PT East Jakarta Industrial Park Dalam Mewujudkan Kawasan Industri Yang Berwawasan Lingkungan

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    Sustainability analysis of an industrial estate in multidimensional aspects is one of the important steps as an evaluation and review of the operation. Evaluation and review are very useful to evaluate whether the purpose of the existence of an industrial estate follows in PP 4 2009 on environmental procedures. Avoiding this procedures will affect the sustainability of the industrial estate. The Research was carried out in the industrial park EJIP 25-year-old base on ecological dimension economic, social, technological and management criteria for good governance principle. This analysis used Multi Dimensional Scaling (MDS) with techniques of Rapid Appraisal for Industrial Park (Rap Industrial Park). The result of the research showed that status of the sustainability of the industrial estate based on the ecological dimension was quite sustainable. While the perspective of the economic, social, technological and management were obtained good sustainable statu

    Preparation of Anti-idiotype Antibody as Diagnostic Kit in Rabies Serological Test

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    Serology remains the only way to monitor the effectiveness of vaccination of humans and animals against rabies. Many techniques for determining the level of rabies antibodies have been described, and all of the methods used rabies viruses as antigen. Indeed attenuated viruses can revert to a more virulent form, and inactivated virus may produce serious side effects. Anti-idiotype Ab can induce protective immune response against rabies virus, its means that anti-idiotype Ab can be used as surrogate antigen in serological test.The aim of this study is to prepare the anti-idiotype antibody (anti-idiotype Ab) as diagnostic kit in rabies serological test. Polyclonal anti-idiotype Ab were prepared in laying chickens and purified using affinity chromatography column for IgY. Rabbit anti dog immunoglobuline were prepared used New Zeeland White strain, and dog anti rabies serum were prepared from rabies immunized dog. For the preparation of the kit, it takes a few stages, i.e. the making of stocks A, stocks B and prototype diagnostic kit. Stocks A is a mixture of S. aureus Cowan I intact in solution of Tris Buffer HCl with rabbit anti dog serum in various comparisons (v/v). Stocks B is a mixture of rabies anti-idiotype Ab with rabies antibody (IgG anti rabies) are harvested from dog.Comparison of the obtained between whole S. aureus Cowan I and rabbit serum anti dog is 4~6:2~4. Optimization of stocks A and B based on the principle as follows: a merger of stocks A and B must not cause coagglutination. Formulation of aqueous stocks A and B will be a candidate when the diagnostic kits on the positive control produces coagglutination and negative controls do not produce coagglutination. The conclusions of this study is the anti-idiotype antibody can used and prepared as kit diagnostic with the principle of coagglutination by utilizing A protein of S. aureus

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pengendalian Inventori Menggunakan Metode Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) pada Klinik H2LC Surabaya

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    H2LC clinic is a clinic Aesthetic & Anti Aging berkonsisten apply the concept of healthy living by combining elements of beauty and health of the skin and body. Clinic H2LC presenting beauty products from the best herbal ingredients and are safe to use in the long term. H2LC clinic is located at Jl Raya Ngagel Jaya Utara No. 71, Surabaya. Business processes H2LC include Care Clinic, Consultation, and Beauty Products. At this time the business process at Beauty Clinic H2LC not computerized, so that the customer data collection process, data collection product, supplier data collection, sales transactions, purchases and sales summary along with any purchase requires a long time. Because the sales department must seek customer data one by one on the shelves available, sales should check the remaining products are available manually and record sales transactions manually memorandum cause difficulties in clinical H2LC merekap sales reports. Section pharmacist experienced difficulties in checking the stock of products available or empty and had trouble buying a recapitulation report. H2LC clinics often mangalami emptiness products that cause customer clinics H2LC not satisfied due to existing products are often empty and requires a long time to order these products. Therefore, in this final project made an inventory control application using methods Ecomomic Order .Quantity (EOQ) in Surabaya H2LC Clinic. Applications Inventory Control Method Using EOQ can set the number of product inventory, in order to produce the amount of products supplied is not too much or not too little (empty

    Trend dan Estimasi Produksi Padi dan Konsumsi Beras di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah

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    This study is conducted to determine the trend and estimation of rice production and rice consumption in Central Borneo Province. The study is held in Central Borneo Province by using secondary data from October 2017 to March 2018, using Least Square\u27s method. The results shows that the trend of rice production in Central Borneo Province in 2001-2015 is increasing. Same as paddy production which is increasing almost every year, rice production increasing almost every year. Estimation rice production in Central Borneo Province in 2016-2020 is also known that five years ahead, rice production will be increasing from year to year. Trend of rice consumption in Central Borneo Province in 2001-2015 is increasing every year, and Estimation of rice consumption in Central Borneo Province in 2016-2020 is known that five years ahead will be increasing from year to year although it can still be balanced with the value of production which is greater than consumption. Even the province of Central Borneo is also potential to surplus of rice till the year estimated 2020, that is 329.255,83 tons, so till 2020 rice production Central Borneo Province still can be sufficient for consumption need of the population

    The Effect of Opening on Building Envelope Toward Daylight Performance in Betang House at Central Borneo

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    The traditional house is able to adapt the climate around them and it can reduce the burden of energy use to adjust the comfort of occupants. The development pattern of occupants' activity adjusts to a modern life that indirectly affects the function and condition of the building. This gives rise to a new phenomenon, whether development sheath openings in buildings can still meet the needs of lighting for the activity of the occupants. This research was conducted with the aim to clarify and identify the deployment sheath openings in buildings on the performance of natural lighting in Betang House. The method experiment with the help simulation is used to find a causal relationship from deployment sheath openings in Betang House building performance against natural lighting. The experiment is conducted with the simulation using Autodesk Ecotect Analysis 2011. The final result of the research indicates deployment openings in the façade have natural lighting performance that already meet the standards of the lighting for the activity. Deployment openings with the addition of extents openings could increase illuminantion and daylight factor space by 10% and 14%, but the value of the resulting illuminantion uniformity is not too high. The addition of height can increase the value of daylight factor of 13%. The ratio of lighting uniformity additional height opening is higher, but that resulted being lower illuminantion 0.3%. Rumbak tahansengan deployment at facade can improve the ratio of the lighting uniformity for activity up to 9.6%

    Analisis Faktor Penyebab Alih Fungsi Lahan Sawah Menjadi Sawit Di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur

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    EnglishOne-Million Hectaresof Oil Palm Plantation Programin 2000 was deemed as the starting point of lowland conversion in East Tanjung JabungRegency. This study aims to review the impact of development policy in the past on lowland conversion, to compare costsand incomesbetween those of paddy farming and oil palm plantation business, and to analyze constraints to implement the target of Sustainable Land for Food Agriculture Protection(PLP2B) Program. Primary data were collected from observation, focus group discussion, and in-depth interviewwith resource persons, survey and Landsat Imaginary data.Secondary data were gathered from the institutionsat provincial and regency levels. This study explored both qualitative and quantitative methods as well as by overlay of maps in2006, 2010 and 2014. Development policy inconsistency is influenced by change in regency government leadershipwith the new mission not well integrated with the previous programs.On the other hand, land rent of paddy farm was much less than that of oil palm plantation. There are someconstraints to implement the PLP2B Program, namely weak Regional Regulations, lack of coordination among the Regional Government institutions, and limited development budget. It is suggested that the Regency Government to evaluatePLP2B Program target by considering some limiting factors, issuingthe Regent\u27s Regulation dealing with incentives to farmers and program coordinators, and controlling the regional planning.IndonesiaProgram Satu Juta Hektare Lahan Sawit tahun 2000 merupakan titik awal terjadinya alih fungsi lahan sawah di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh kebijakan pembangunan pada masa lalu terhadap kejadian alih fungsi lahan sawah, perbandingan biaya dan pendapatan USAha tani padi dengan kelapa sawit, dan tantangan yang dihadapi dalam mewujudkan target PLP2B. Data primer dikumpulkan melalui observasi, diskusi kelompok, wawancara mendalam dengan narasumber terpilih, survei, serta data Citra Landsat; sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh dari instansi pemerintah di Provinsi Jambi dan Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur. Metode yang digunakan adalah kombinasi kualitatif deskriptif dan kuantitatif serta overlay peta penggunaan lahan tahun 2006, 2010, dan 2014. Inkonsistensi kebijakan pembangunan dilatari terjadinya pergantian pimpinan daerah yang misinya kurang terintegrasi dengan program pembangunan pertanian sebelumnya serta terdapat kesenjangan land rent di mana pendapatan dari lahan sawah jauh lebih rendah dibanding kelapa sawit dengan luasan yang sama. Tantangan menerapkan Perda PLP2B sangat berat: kurang memadainya regulasi, lemahnya koordinasi antarinstansi pemerintah terkait, hingga keterbatasan dana pembangunan. Pemerintah daerah disarankan mengkaji kembali target PLP2B dengan memperhatikan faktorfaktor pembatas, menerbitkan Peraturan Bupati sehingga dapat diatur jenis dan besaran nilai insentif yang diterima petani serta koordinator program serta pengetatan pengawasan implementasi RTRW
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