31 research outputs found

    Levels Of Training Indicators In The Annual Training Of Young Hockey Players

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    This paper presents the means of control used in a competitive sport (ice hockey), including changes in aerobic and anaerobic capacity indicators between training periods. The study was carried out with 14 ice-hockey players (n=14), who were pupils at the Sport Championship School run by the Polish Ice Hockey Federation in Sosnowiec. Tests were performed in the early general preparation period (June), in the early competition period (November), and during the direct competition preparation period (March) preceding the main sporting event of the season – the Ice Hockey U-18 World Championship Division I Group B. The values of three of the four aerobic capacity indicators studied herein were the lowest in the direct preparation period and the highest in the early competition period. Since the values of all anaerobic capacity indicators were the highest in the direct preparation period; indicates that the study participants were well prepared for the specific demands of on-ice competition


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    Previous research indicates that high results in speed climbing are determined by a high level of explosive strength and muscle power in the lower limbs. However, a literature review shows that no studies have analysed women practicing this climbing discipline. Therefore, the main goal of the study was to assess the level of development of physique and the level of explosive strength and muscle power of the lower limbs of female speed climbers at a representative level. Furthermore, an attempt was made to analyse the relationships between the variables studied and race time in female speed climbers.The study included 5 female players (speed climbers) who were members of the national team in 2016. The measurements were made during the Polish National Team Camp.  The analysis was based on the results of the fastest races expressed in seconds. The measurements and indices computed in the study included body height, body weight, lean body mass, BMI and ponderal index. The assessment of the power of the lower limbs was carried out using two jump tests: CMJ with arm swing and CMJ. Power was expressed relative to body weight and to lean body mass.The highest relationships with race time were recorded for body height (r = 0.94, p 0.05), body weight (r = 0.96, p 0.01) and lean body mass (LBM) ( r = 0.98, p 0.01). Strong but statistically insignificant relationships were recorded between race time and power indicators of the lower limbs (correlations above r = -0.66).In female speed climbing, race time can be determined by the level of physique. Smaller body size can allow female climbers to perform faster and achieve better times in speed climbing. It can be suggested that in female speed climbing, a high level of maximum alactic anaerobic capacity of the lower limbs is an important factor that affects race time. The results of our own research suggest that in female speed climbing, specific body characteristics may to a greater extent determine the race time compared to anaerobic maximum power of the lower limbs


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    Current research on speed climbing at the senior level shows that speed capabilities are a significant factor determining climbing time. The main purpose of our research was to evaluate the level of speed capabilities among young speed climbers and to examine the relationship between the level of speed capabilities and the results achieved during an international competition. The subjects of the research were girls and boys in the following age categories: Female Youth A (age=16.6), Female Youth B (age=14.5 years), Male Youth A (age=16.87 years) and Male Youth B (age=14.8 years). Measurements of somatic features were included: body height, body weight, percentage of fat tissue and BMI. Speed capabilities were measured with Wingate Test. The significance test of differences showed no significant differentiation within climbing times between the groups of girls and the groups of boys. A strong correlation between climbing time and relative peak power was noticed in the Female Youth B group. The correlation between peak power and climbing time was lower in the other groups. Research showed that in speed climbing, as career progresses, it is importance of other factors rather than speed capabilities that may increase. It can be assumed that with an increase in training experience, motor skills become more essential.

    Composites Made of Polypropylene Nonwoven Fabric with Plasmas Layers

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    Engineering of materials used for shielding from electromagnetic fields is currently one of the most extensively developing field of applications of composite materials (Bula et al., 2006; Jaroszewski & Ziaja, 2010; Koprowska et al., 2004, 2008; Sarto et al. 2003, 2005; Wei et al., 2006; Ziaja et al., 2008, 2009, 2010). The choice of suitable materials for the shields and their appropriate arrangement have an essential meaning. Development of lightweight and resistant to environmental exposure shielding materials is possible by using substrates of polypropylene and plasma technology (Ziaja&Jaroszewski, 2011). The shields for suppression of electric field were made in the form of composites of polypropylene unwoven fabrics with deposited plasma layers. Additional advantage of the application of the method is the possibility of plasma cleaning of a fabric surface and modifying its surface properties. The unique properties of pulse plasma make possible to obtain metallic and dielectric coatings on polypropylene fabrics, which are not achievable by standard methods. The coatings are characterized by a good adhesion to the substrates. The surface of the samples was examined in two ways: by metallurgical microscope Nikon MA200 and scanning microscope Quanta 200 in the low vacuum mode. To identify the structure of the obtained layers the X-Ray radiography was used. Additionally properties of the composites was studied using impedance spectroscopy. The method of impedance spectroscopy allows one to connect the measured frequency characteristics with the physical structure of tested material and the alternations in the structure. This method has been used by the authors to determine the properties of plasma layers deposited on a polypropylene nonwoven fabric (Jaroszewski et al., 2010a; Pospieszna et al., 2010; Pospieszna et al., 2010b)


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    The aim of the study is to identify the relationships of the results of the physiological and anthropometric tests and special on-ice fitness tests with individual player performance indicators during matches of the Poland men's national ice hockey team played during the U18 Ice Hockey World Championship. A total of 20 hockey players (forwards, n=12 and defensemen, n=8) of the Poland men's national ice hockey team were included in this study. All participants were performed a battery tests including maximal aerobic capacity, Wingate test, Repeated-Skate Sprint test and vertical jump test. Pearson correlations were used to examine any differences in all measures and +/– score. Only the fatigue index calculated from the repeated-skate sprint test was significantly correlated with absolute +/– score (r=0.47, p0.05). The result of the aerobic capacity test, expressed by means of the oxygen intake value (V̇O2max), despite being statistically insignificant, reached the value of r=0.42. The results of this study suggest that game performance as indicated by the +/– score can be predicted by the fatigue index calculated from the repeated-skate sprint test

    Control In Competitive Sport As Exemplified By A Women Basketball Team In The Polish First League

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    This article aims to present elements of control within the selected areas of motor preparation in competitive athletes established at rest and after exercise. Identifying the effect of fatigue on the values of the controlled coefficients allows assessing training effectiveness, comparing athletes for performance, as well as determining the kinetics of oxygen deficit, oxygen debt, oxygen uptake or the level of lactate concentration at different stages of continued exercise. This type of research provides both athletes and their coaches with immediate information on how well the former are prepared and enables the control of training results.This article aims to present elements of control within selected areas of motor preparation in competitive athletes established both at rest and after exercise. Identifying the effect of fatigue on the values of the controlled coefficients allows for assessing training effectiveness. Comparing athletes for performance, as well as determining the kinetics of oxygen deficit, oxygen debt, oxygen uptake or the level of lactate concentration at different stages of continued exercise. This type of research provides both athletes and their coaches with direct information on how well the former are prepared and enables the control of training results

    Effect of Variable-Intensity Running Training and Circuit Training on Selected Physiological Parameters of Soccer Players

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    Proper planning of the training process based on individual LT and AT metabolic thresholds is essential to improve athletic performance. Development of endurance in soccer players is mainly based on continuous runs and variable-intensity runs, supplemented with strength conditioning and sport-specific training. The aim of the study was to analyse selected parameters of physical capacity of soccer players after 8-week variable-intensity running training and circuit training. The experiment was carried out in a group of 34 soccer players aged 21 to 26 years. The athletes were divided into two groups: 17 people in the experimental group and 17 people in the control group. The experimental group was involved in 30-minute tempo runs two times a week for 8 weeks with variable intensity at AT. In the same period, the control group performed two 60-minute continuous runs at the intensity of 70-75%HRmax. The determination of metabolic thresholds used two indirect tests: the multistage shuttle run test (beep test) and maximal lactate steady state test (MLSS) with author's own modification. In order to evaluate maximal heart rate (HRmax), the research procedure was started from the beep test (distance: 20 m). The speed at the first level was 8.5 km/h and increased with each level by 0.5 km/h. Training of the experimental group where variable exercise intensity was used caused a statistically significant increase in HRmax (by 1.9%) and blood lactate levels at the AT (by 20.5%). The training in the experimental group led to the statistically significant (p < 0.05) increase in the parameters of the following variables: HRmax (by 1.9%); lactate level (by 7.85); HR at the AT (by 1,9%); lactate level at the AT (by 20.5%). The assumptions of the experimental training did not cause statistically significant changes in pretest vs. posttest HRmax and blood lactate levels for the LT. Endurance training with high intensity is more effective in soccer players compared to training with moderate intensity. Development of special endurance in soccer should also assume the intensity and method of working similar to the method used during sport competition

    Possibilities of Using Phyto-Preparations to Increase the Adaptive Capabilities of the Organism of Test Animals in Swimming

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    Background: To study the possibilities of using phytopreparations to increase the adaptive capabilities of the animals on which the experiments were conducted in swimming. Methods: 100 mongrel male rats were divided into 5 groups of 20 animals in each one. For 30 days running, the animals were immersed for 10 min in a bath with water at a temperature of +4 °C. In addition to cold exposure, the animals of the first three groups were injected per os with stress protectors 30 min before the immersion in water. The rats of the first group received an inhibitor of the enzyme gamma-butyrobetaine hydroxylase, the second group was given an extract of Eleutherococcus, and the third group took an extract of Ligusticum wallichii. As a placebo, to control the effect of the stress protectors, the rats of the fourth group were injected per os with 0.9% NaCl solution, and the animals in the fifth group were not given any drugs. On days 1, 4 and 30 of the experiment, five randomly selected animals from each group were decapitated, the heart and liver were removed, and the activity of tissue enzymes—superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPO), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and aspartate aminotransferase (AST)—was analyzed. Results: The animals in the control group displayed a decrease in the activity of most of the studied enzymes, increasing from the 1st to the 30th day of the experiment. The NaCl solution had practically no effect on the analyzed parameters. Against the use of the enzyme gamma-butyrobetaine hydroxylase inhibitor, the activity of the enzymes did not change as compared with the pre-intervention level. On the first day of ingestion, the effects of the Ligusticum wallichii extract were similar to those of the enzyme gamma-butyrobetaine hydroxylase inhibitor. On the 30th day of ingestion, the effects of the Eleutherococcus extract were practically indistinguishable from those of the enzyme gamma-butyrobetaine hydroxylase inhibitor. Conclusions: The data obtained suggest the presence of cytoprotective effects in the two phytopreparations that are similar to the enzyme gamma-butyrobetaine hydroxylase inhibitor. In this case, the effect of the extract of Ligusticum wallichii is more pronounced under the acute stress conditions, and the extract of Eleutherococcus, under the chronic stress conditions

    Ergometriniai jėgos ir laiko tarpusavio santykio kriterijai vertinant 18-mečių ledo ritulininkų anaerobinę galią ir pajėgumą

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    Studies of power parameters’ changes depending on a leading source of energy is conducted from the beginning of the twentieth century. The presented work is based on a method of logarithmic transformation of values in order to establish exactly the value of power at which a change in the dominant source of energy begins. The analysis was based on the values recorded during the power WAnT. The examined group consisted of hockey-players - Polish representation up to 18 years old (U-18). As a result of the analysis four specific areas of work intensity were set which were characteristic for the 30-s effort. Segment I reflects the 2nd phase of starting acceleration. Only at this moment the level of power increment is recorded. Segment II reflects the anaerobic alactic capacity, for which the holding of power at the maximal level occurs. Segment III reflects the power and high effectiveness of anaerobic glycolytic metabolism capacity, whereas segment IV reflects the rate of depletion of glycolytic anaerobic capacity with increasing share of aerobic metabolism.Galios parametrų pokyčių priklausomybės nuo vyraujančio energijos šaltinio tyrimai atliekami jau nuo XX a. pradžios. Pateikiamas darbas grindžiamas logaritminės verčių transformacijos metodu, kai siekiama tiksliai nustatyti galią, ties kuria pradeda keistis dominuojantis energijos šaltinis. Analizė remiasi duomenimis, kurie buvo užfiksuoti galios WAnT. Tiriamąją grupę sudarė Lenkijos nacionalinės ledo ritulio jaunimo komandos atstovai, jų amžius – iki 18 metų. Analizuojant buvo nustatytos keturios darbo intensyvumo zonos, kurios būdingos 30 s trukmės krūviui. I segmentas rodo antrąją, greitėjimo pradžios pradžią. Tik šiuo momentu fiksuojamas jėgos lygio sumažėjimas. II segmentas rodo anaerobinį alaktinį pajėgumą, kai jėga palaikoma aukščiausio lygio. III segmente pasireiškia jėga ir didelis anaerobinio glikolitinio metabolizmo pajėgumo efektyvumas, o IV segmentas rodo glikolitinių anaerobinių pajėgumų išsieikvojimą, kartu didėjant aerobinio metabolizmo daliai