77 research outputs found

    Antiangiogenic therapy in ovarian cancer – for whom and when?

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    Tumor angiogenesis appears to be an important process in epithelial ovarian cancer development. Bevacizumab is a monoclonal antibody that can neutralize vascular endothelial growth factor, a promoter of the initiation phase of angiogenesis. First-line chemotherapy in combination with bevacizumab followed by maintenance bevacizumab demonstrated efficacy over chemotherapy alone in two phase III trials (Gynecologic Oncology Group, GOG 218 and ICON7); however, absolute progression-free survival benefit remains modest, with no demonstrated impact on overall survival. The addition of molecularly targeted agents to the treatment of women with recurrent and platinum-sensitive disease has been recently reported in the OCEANS study, which evaluated the benefit of adding bevacizumab to carboplatin and gemcitabine in women with platinum-sensitive recurrent disease. Bevacizumab-based therapy also extended progressionfree survival from 8 to 12 months. However, overall survival was not different between the two arms. In the Gynecologic Oncology Group 213 (GOG 213) trial, women with platinum-sensitive recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer were randomly assigned to medical treatment (carboplatin plus paclitaxel with or without bevacizumab). A significant improvement in progression-free survival (14 versus 10 months, respectively) was observed. A trend towards a significant improvement in overall survival, which was not statistically significant, was reported. In November 14, 2014, based on AURELIA findings, the Food and Drug Administration approved bevacizumab in combination with paclitaxel, pegylated liposomal doxorubicin, or topotecan, for the treatment of patients with platinum-resistant recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer is a primary cancer against which these new agents are being tested. This review will describe the role of angiogenesis inhibitors in epithelial ovarian cancer

    Abnormal 18F-FDG Uptake Detected with Positron Emission Tomography in a Patient with Breast Cancer: A Case of Sarcoidosis and Review of the Literature

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    18F-FDG PET is a useful and sensitive imaging method for a variety of malignancies, however, the specificity is low in active infections and inflammatory diseases. We describe a female patient with stage IIIA breast cancer in first complete remission with combination chemotherapy who developed nodular formations in the lung and axilla 12 years later. Imaging studies as well as FDG PET showed nodular lesions and increased metabolic activity which was interpreted as the progression of the primary disease. She was first given combination chemotherapy and hormonal therapy but was proven thereafter to have sarcoidosis by pathologic examination and was successfully treated with corticosteroid treatment

    Treatment cost of metastatic colon cancer in Turkey

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    OBJECTIVES: Colon cancer is the third most common in the top cancer incidence list in Europe. In Europe 212,000 patients die every year due to colon cancer. In Turkey 120,000-130,000 new cancer patients are diagnosed every year, 7.1% of whom are diagnosed to have developed colon cancer. Metastases will occur in up to 50% of the patients who are newly diagnosed. Survival appears to be further prolonged to more than 20 months with new pharmaceuticals; however, these new pharmaceuticals increase the total cost of care. The aim of this study is to estimate the cost implications of new colon cancer treatment options for Turkey.METHODS: Gazi University Hospital treatment protocols for colon cancer treatment were used. Cost of FUFA (5 FU/LV), FOLFIRI, FOLFOX, bevacizumab/FUFA, bevacizumab/FOLFIRI, bevacizumab/FOLFOX, irinotecan and irinotecan/cetixumab protocols were calculated. The cost of combination of protocols were calculated depending on a Markov analysis. The exchange rate was US1forTL1.5.RESULTS:DependingonthelifeexpectancythelowesttotalcostwasestablishedbyFUVA(US 1 for TL 1.5.RESULTS: Depending on the life expectancy the lowest total cost was established by FUVA (US 5,359). It was followed by FOLFIRI then FOLFOX and FOLFOX, US14,144andUS 14,144 and US 16,553, respectively. The lowest cost for each week of life expectancy was established by FUVA with US$ 98.CONCLUSIONS: Only FUFA, FOLFIRI followed by FOLFIX, FOLFIRI/bevacizumab then FOLFOX then cetuximab, FOLFOX/bevacizumab then irinotecan then cetuximab/irinotecan and FOLFIRI/bevacizumab then FOLFOX then cetuximab/irinotecan were under the cost effectiveness curve. In addition no treatments ICER was under the WHO`s threshold for Turkey, except FOLFIRI then FOLFOX compared with FUVA

    Modified outpatient dexamethazone, cytarabine and cisplatin regimen may lead to high response rates and low toxicity in Lymphoma

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    Objective: Our purpose was to investigate the efficacy of and establish a toxicity profile for a modified regimen of dexamethasone, cytarabine and cisplatin (DHAP) for lymphoma outpatients. Subjects and Methods: Fifty-one lymphoma patients, 26 with Hodgkin's disease and 25 with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, were included. The patients' median age was 32 years (range: 17-61). Twenty had progressive/refractory disease and 31 relapsed disease. Twenty-five were in clinical stage I/II and 26 in clinical stage III/IV before the initiation of salvage chemotherapy. DHAP consisted of dexamethasone (40 mg i.v. on days 1-4), cytarabine (2 g/m(2) i.v. as 3-hour infusion on days 2 in the evening and 3 in the morning) and cisplatin (35 mg/m(2) as 2-hour infusion on days 1-3) were administered every 21 days. A total of 154 cycles of modified DHAP were administered, with a median of 3 cycles per patient (range: 2-4). Results: The main toxicity was myelosuppression. WHO grade III-IV neutropenia and grade III-IV thrombocytopenia were observed in 27 (52.9%) and 21 (41%) patients, respectively. The overall response rate (85% for Hodgkin's disease and 95% for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma) was 88.3% (39.2% complete response and 49.1% partial response). Conclusion: The results showed that this outpatient schedule of DHAP was well tolerated and an effective salvage regimen

    HER2/neu as target in gastric adenocarcinoma.

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    WOS: 000387679500005PubMed: 28138626[No abstract available

    Terapia antyangiogenna w raku jajnika – dla kogo ikiedy?

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    Tumor angiogenesis appears to be an important process in epithelial ovarian cancer development. Bevacizumab is a monoclonal antibody that can neutralize vascular endothelial growth factor, a promoter of the initiation phase of angiogenesis. First-line chemotherapy in combination with bevacizumab followed by maintenance bevacizumab demonstrated efficacy over chemotherapy alone in two phase III trials (Gynecologic Oncology Group, GOG 218 and ICON7); however, absolute progression-free survival benefit remains modest, with no demonstrated impact on overall survival. The addition of molecularly targeted agents to the treatment of women with recurrent and platinum-sensitive disease has been recently reported in the OCEANS study, which evaluated the benefit of adding bevacizumab to carboplatin and gemcitabine in women with platinum-sensitive recurrent disease. Bevacizumab-based therapy also extended progressionfree survival from 8 to 12 months. However, overall survival was not different between the two arms. In the Gynecologic Oncology Group 213 (GOG 213) trial, women with platinum-sensitive recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer were randomly assigned to medical treatment (carboplatin plus paclitaxel with or without bevacizumab). A significant improvement in progression-free survival (14 versus 10 months, respectively) was observed. A trend towards a significant improvement in overall survival, which was not statistically significant, was reported. In November 14, 2014, based on AURELIA findings, the Food and Drug Administration approved bevacizumab in combination with paclitaxel, pegylated liposomal doxorubicin, or topotecan, for the treatment of patients with platinum-resistant recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer is a primary cancer against which these new agents are being tested. This review will describe the role of angiogenesis inhibitors in epithelial ovarian cancer.Angiogeneza nowotworowa wydaje się istotnym procesem w rozwoju raka jajnika. Bewacyzumab jest przeciwciałem monoklonalnym zdolnym do neutralizacji naczyniowo-śródbłonkowego czynnika wzrostu, promotora początkowej fazy angiogenezy. W dwóch badaniach klinicznych III fazy (Gynecologic Oncology Group – GOG 218 oraz ICON7) wykazano skuteczność chemioterapii pierwszego rzutu w skojarzeniu z bewacyzumabem i następowym leczeniem podtrzymującym bewacyzumabem w porównaniu z samą chemioterapią, jednak bezwzględne korzyści czasu wolnego bez progresji pozostają niewielkie, bez wpływu na przeżycie całkowite. W  badaniu OCEANS oceniono korzyści wynikające z  włączenia bewacyzumabu do terapii karboplatyną i gemcytabiną u kobiet z nawrotowym rakiem jajnika wrażliwym na platynę. Leczenie oparte na bewacyzumabie wydłużyło czas przeżycia bez progresji choroby z 8 do 12 miesięcy. Nie stwierdzono różnicy w odniesieniu do przeżycia całkowitego między dwiema grupami pacjentek. W badaniu klinicznym GOG 213 (Gynecologic Oncology Group 213) kobietom z nawrotowym rakiem jajnika wrażliwym na platynę losowo przypisywano rodzaj leczenia (karboplatynę plus paklitaksel z lub bez bewacyzumabu). Zaobserwowano istotną poprawę w zakresie przeżycia bez progresji choroby (odpowiednio 14 i 10 miesięcy). Odnotowano tendencję do poprawy w zakresie przeżycia ogólnego, jednak bez istotności statystycznej. W oparciu o wyniki badania AURELIA 14 listopada 2014 roku Agencja Żywności i Leków zatwierdziła bewacizumab w skojarzeniu z paklitakselem, pegylowaną liposomalną doksorubicyną lub topotekanem w leczeniu chorych z wrażliwym na platynę nawrotowym rakiem jajnika. Rak jajnika jest pierwszym nowotworem, wobec którego badane są te leki. W niniejszej pracy opisano rolę inhibitorów angiogenezy w nabłonkowym raku jajnika

    Abdominal wall perforation in a patient with recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer after bevacizumab treatment

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    Bowel perforation is a rare but well-described complication of bevacizumab, a VEGF monoclonal antibody. However, bevacizumab associated abdominal wall perforation is a more serious complication. In here, a patient with recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer developing both bowel and abdominal wall perforation after bevacizumab treatment is reported with review of the literature to point out the clinical significance of this rare complication. To our knowledge, this is the first case with bevacizumab associated abdominal wall perforation

    Managing Synchronous Liver Metastases in Colorectal Cancer.

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    The most common site of blood-borne metastases from colorectal cancers (CRC) is the liver. Resection of (liver) metastases is a part of standard treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer. Hepatic resection is the first-line treatment of liver metastases, with 5-year survival rates between 25 and 58%. The enhanced efficacy of systemic chemotherapeutic regimens has increased tumor response rates and improved the progression-free and overall survival of patients with these malignancies. In approximately 20% of patients with initially unresectable liver metastases, the metastases may become resectable after administration of neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Unresectable liver metastases can be managed with systemic therapy and/or a variety of liver-directed techniques such as radiofrequency ablation, hepatic artery infusion, or yttrium-90 radioembolization. Our examination of the literature led us to propose a new patient-oriented algorithm to guide clinicians' decisions on the best choice of upfront therapy for CRC and synchronous liver metastases. The need for multidisciplinary consensus has become especially important for metastatic CRC

    Tumor homing to the oral cavity after tooth extraction in a patient with metastatic lung adenocancer: A case report

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    Angiogenesis plays a major role not only in the growth of the primary tumor, but also in metastasis. Due to the angiogenesis in granulation tissue, the tumor cells easily migrate to and locate in this region, thereby accelerating the pathological angiogenesis process and proliferation via presence of the angiogenesis-stimulating factors in this site. In this case report, we present tumor homing to granulation tissue following tooth extraction in a 68-year-old male patient with metastatic lung adenocarcinoma. He applied to hospital due to delayed wound healing after tooth extraction for tooth decay approximately 5 months after the diagnosis. A superficially swollen mass of 6 × 6 cm was detected in the tooth extraction site. The histopathological examination suggested that it was a lung carcinoma metastasis. The presence of tooth extraction history together with the pulmonary adenocarcinoma metastasis in the extraction site was explained as “tumoral homing” to granulation tissue following tooth extraction. This patient is of significance since it is the first case in the literature with “tumor homing” observed in the granulation tissue following tooth extraction