1,421 research outputs found

    Double Inverse Stochastic Resonance with Dynamic Synapses

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    We investigate the behavior of a model neuron that receives a biophysically-realistic noisy post-synaptic current based on uncorrelated spiking activity from a large number of afferents. We show that, with static synapses, such noise can give rise to inverse stochastic resonance (ISR) as a function of the presynaptic firing rate. We compare this to the case with dynamic synapses that feature short-term synaptic plasticity, and show that the interval of presynaptic firing rate over which ISR exists can be extended or diminished. We consider both short-term depression and facilitation. Interestingly, we find that a double inverse stochastic resonance (DISR), with two distinct wells centered at different presynaptic firing rates, can appear.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Low temperature joining of ceramic composites

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    A method of joining similar or dissimilar ceramic and ceramic composite materials, such as SiC continuous fiber ceramic composites, at relatively low joining temperatures uses a solventless, three component bonding agent effective to promote mechanical bond toughness and elevated temperature strength to operating temperatures of approximately 1200 degrees C. The bonding agent comprises a preceramic precursor, an aluminum bearing powder, such as aluminum alloy powder, and mixtures of aluminum metal or alloy powders with another powder, and and boron powder in selected proportions. The bonding agent is disposed as an interlayer between similar or dissimilar ceramic or ceramic composite materials to be joined and is heated in ambient air or inert atmosphere to a temperature not exceeding about 1200 degrees C. to form a strong and tough bond joint between the materials. The bond joint produced is characterized by a composite joint microstructure having relatively soft, compliant aluminum bearing particulate regions dispersed in a ceramic matrix

    Low temperature joining of ceramic composites

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    A method of joining similar or dissimilar ceramic and ceramic composite materials, such as SiC continuous fiber ceramic composites, at relatively low joining temperatures uses a solventless, three component bonding agent effective to promote mechanical bond toughness and elevated temperature strength to operating temperatures of approximately 1200 degrees C. The bonding agent comprises a preceramic precursor, an aluminum bearing powder, such as aluminum alloy powder, and mixtures of aluminum metal or alloy powders with another powder, and and boron powder in selected proportions. The bonding agent is disposed as an interlayer between similar or dissimilar ceramic or cermaic composite materials to be joined and is heated in ambient air or inert atmosphere to a temperature not exceeding about 1200 degrees C. to form a strong and tough bond joint between the materials. The bond joint produced is characterized by a composite joint microstructure having relatively soft, compliant aluminum bearing particulate regions dispersed in a ceramic matrix

    Beta, Dipole and Noncommutative Deformations of M-theory Backgrounds with One or More Parameters

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    We construct new M-theory solutions starting from those that contain 5 U(1) isometries. We do this by reducing along one of the 5-torus directions, then T-dualizing via the action of an O(4,4) matrix and lifting back to 11-dimensions. The particular T-duality transformation is a sequence of O(2,2) transformations embedded in O(4,4), where the action of each O(2,2) gives a Lunin-Maldacena deformation in 10-dimensions. We find general formulas for the metric and 4-form field of single and multiparameter deformed solutions, when the 4-form of the initial 11-dimensional background has at most one leg along the 5-torus. All the deformation terms in the new solutions are given in terms of subdeterminants of a 5x5 matrix, which represents the metric on the 5-torus. We apply these results to several M-theory backgrounds of the type AdS_r x X^{11-r}. By appropriate choices of the T-duality and reduction directions we obtain analogues of beta, dipole and noncommutative deformations. We also provide formulas for backgrounds with only 3 or 4 U(1) isometries and study a case, for which our assumption for the 4-form field is violated.Comment: v2:minor corrections, v3:small improvements, v4:conclusions expanded, to appear in Class. Quant. Gra

    Supernovae Ia Constraints on a Time-Variable Cosmological "Constant"

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    The energy density of a scalar field ϕ\phi with potential V(ϕ)ϕαV(\phi) \propto \phi^{-\alpha}, α>0\alpha > 0, behaves like a time-variable cosmological constant that could contribute significantly to the present energy density. Predictions of this spatially-flat model are compared to recent Type Ia supernovae apparent magnitude versus redshift data. A large region of model parameter space is consistent with current observations. (These constraints are based on the exact scalar field model equations of motion, not on the widely used time-independent equation of state fluid approximation equations of motion.) We examine the consequences of also incorporating constraints from recent measurements of the Hubble parameter and the age of the universe in the constant and time-variable cosmological constant models. We also study the effect of using a non-informative prior for the density parameter.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Scaling Cosmologies from Duality Twisted Compactifications

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    Oscillating moduli fields can support a cosmological scaling solution in the presence of a perfect fluid when the scalar field potential satisfies appropriate conditions. We examine when such conditions arise in higher-dimensional, non-linear sigma-models that are reduced to four dimensions under a generalized Scherk-Schwarz compactification. We show explicitly that scaling behaviour is possible when the higher-dimensional action exhibits a global SL(n,R) or O(2,2) symmetry. These underlying symmetries can be exploited to generate non-trivial scaling solutions when the moduli fields have non-canonical kinetic energy. We also consider the compactification of eleven-dimensional vacuum Einstein gravity on an elliptic twisted torus.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figure

    Thermodynamics of Decaying Vacuum Cosmologies

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    The thermodynamic behavior of vacuum decaying cosmologies is investigated within a manifestly covariant formulation. Such a process corresponds to a continuous irreversible energy flow from the vacuum component to the created matter constituents. It is shown that if the specific entropy per particle remains constant during the process, the equilibrium relations are preserved. In particular, if the vacuum decays into photons, the energy density ρ\rho and average number density of photons nn scale with the temperature as ρT4\rho \sim T^{4} and nT3n \sim T^{3}. The temperature law is determined and a generalized Planckian type form of the spectrum, which is preserved in the course of the evolution, is also proposed. Some consequences of these results for decaying vacuum FRW type cosmologies as well as for models with ``adiabatic'' photon creation are discussed.Comment: 21 pages, uses LATE

    Black Hole Formation with an Interacting Vacuum Energy Density

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    We discuss the gravitational collapse of a spherically symmetric massive core of a star in which the fluid component is interacting with a growing vacuum energy density. The influence of the variable vacuum in the collapsing core is quantified by a phenomenological \beta-parameter as predicted by dimensional arguments and the renormalization group approach. For all reasonable values of this free parameter, we find that the vacuum energy density increases the collapsing time but it cannot prevent the formation of a singular point. However, the nature of the singularity depends on the values of \beta. In the radiation case, a trapped surface is formed for \beta<1/2 whereas for \beta>1/2, a naked singularity is developed. In general, the critical value is \beta=1-2/3(1+\omega), where the \omega-parameter describes the equation of state of the fluid component.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Another exact inflationary solution

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    A new closed-form inflationary solution is given for a hyperbolic interaction potential. The method used to arrive at this solution is outlined as it appears possible to generate additional sets of equations which satisfy the model. In addition a new form of decaying cosmological constant is presented.Comment: 10 pages, 0 figure