166 research outputs found

    Populism as new wine in old bottles in the context of Germany: 'symbolic violence' as collective habitus that devalues the human capital of Turks

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    Populism in Germany is not a new phenomenon. For a long time, the alleged integration problems of Turkish workers in Germany have been at the center of the dominant discourse and academic studies. This paper demonstrates how ‘symbolic violence’ as collective habitus frames the human capital of Turks as deficient, a phenomenon which has prevailed even prior to the recent populist movements. Drawing on a company case study, interviews, and observations, our empirical investigation operationalises and expands the Bourdieusian conceptual trinity of habitus, capital, and symbolic violence through the lens of ethnicity and how it relates to populism

    The Effects of Different Pressure Pneumoperitoneum on the Pulmonary Mechanics and Surgical Satisfaction in the Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

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    Objectives. Inspiratory, hemodynamic and metabolic changes occur in laparoscopic surgery depending on pneumoperitoneum and patient position. This study aims to evaluate the effects of intra-abdominal pressure increase based on CO2 pneumoperitoneum in laparoscopic operations on hemodynamic parameters and respiratory dynamics and satisfaction of surgeon and operative view.Materials and Methods. A total of 116 consecutive, prospective, ASA class I–III cases aged 18–70 years undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy were enrolled in this study. Data of 104 patients were analysed. Patients were divided into two groups as the group Low Pressure (<12 mmHg) (Group LP) (n=53) and the group Standard Pressure (>13 mmHg) (Group SP) (n=51). In this study administration of general anesthesia used total intravenous anaesthesia in both groups. All groups had standard and TOF monitorization applied. The anaesthesia methods used in both groups were recorded. Before, during and after peritoneal insufflation, the peroperative ventilation parameters and hemodynamic parameters were recorded. The adequacy of pneumoperitoneum, gastric and the operative view were evaluated by the operating surgeon and recorded.Results. The peripheral oxygen saturation showed no significant difference between the low and standard pressure pneumoperitoneum in view of tidal volume, respiratory rate, end tidal CO2, mean and peak inspiratory pressure, and minute ventilation values. In terms of hemodynamics, when values just after intubation and before extubation were compared, it was observed that in the LP group systolic, diastolic and mean blood pressure values were higher. In terms of heart rate, no significant difference was observed in determined periods between groups. There was no significant difference between the groups in terms of surgical satisfaction and vision.Conclusion. Low pressure pneumoperitoneum provides effective respiratory mechanics and stable hemodynamics for laparoscopic cholecystectomy. It also provides the surgeon with sufficient space for hand manipulations. Anaesthetic method, TIVA and neuromuscular blockage provided good surgery vision with low pressure pneumoperitoneum

    Влияние пневмоперитонеума под различным давлением на показатели легочной механики и удовлетворенность хирурга при лапароскопической холецистэктомии

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    Objectives. Inspiratory, hemodynamic and metabolic changes occur in laparoscopic surgery depending on pneumoperitoneum and patient position. This study aims to evaluate the effects of intra-abdominal pressure increase based on CO2 pneumoperitoneum in laparoscopic operations on hemodynamic parameters and respiratory dynamics and satisfaction of surgeon and operative view.Materials and Methods. A total of 116 consecutive, prospective, ASA class I–III cases aged 18–70 years undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy were enrolled in this study. Data of 104 patients were analysed. Patients were divided into two groups as the group Low Pressure (<12 mmHg) (Group LP) (n=53) and the group Standard Pressure (>13 mmHg) (Group SP) (n=51). In this study administration of general anesthesia used total intravenous anaesthesia in both groups. All groups had standard and TOF monitorization applied. The anaesthesia methods used in both groups were recorded. Before, during and after peritoneal insufflation, the peroperative ventilation parameters and hemodynamic parameters were recorded. The adequacy of pneumoperitoneum, gastric and the operative view were evaluated by the operating surgeon and recorded.Results. The peripheral oxygen saturation showed no significant difference between the low and standard pressure pneumoperitoneum in view of tidal volume, respiratory rate, end tidal CO2, mean and peak inspiratory pressure, and minute ventilation values. In terms of hemodynamics, when values just after intubation and before extubation were compared, it was observed that in the LP group systolic, diastolic and mean blood pressure values were higher. In terms of heart rate, no significant difference was observed in determined periods between groups. There was no significant difference between the groups in terms of surgical satisfaction and vision.Conclusion. Low pressure pneumoperitoneum provides effective respiratory mechanics and stable hemodynamics for laparoscopic cholecystectomy. It also provides the surgeon with sufficient space for hand manipulations. Anaesthetic method, TIVA and neuromuscular blockage provided good surgery vision with low pressure pneumoperitoneum.При лапароскопической хирургии в зависимости от объема пневмоперитонеума и положения пациента происходят изменения дыхания, гемодинамики и метаболизма.Цель исследования — оценить влияние повышения внутрибрюшного давления на основе пневмоперитонеума с применением CO2 при лапароскопических операциях на гемодинамические и дыхательные параметры, а также удовлетворенность хирурга и обзор операционного поля.Материалы и методы. В данное проспективное исследование включили 116 пациентов I–III класса ASA в возрасте 18–70 лет, перенесших лапароскопическую холецистэктомию. Проанализировали данные 104 пациентов. Пациентов разделили на две группы: группу низкого давления (<12 мм рт. ст., НД), n=53, и группу стандартного давления (>13 мм рт. ст., СД), n=51. В качестве метода обезболивания в обеих группах применяли тотальную внутривенную анестезию. Во всех группах использовали стандартный и TOF-мониторинг. Используемые методы анестезии в обеих группах документировали. До, во время и после инсуффляции газа в брюшную полость регистрировали параметры вентиляции и гемодинамические показатели. Адекватность пневмоперитонеума, обзор органов ЖКТ и операционного поля оценивал и регистрировал оперирующий хирург.Результаты. Значимых различий в насыщении кислородом периферической крови между группами НД и СД не выявили, с учетом дыхательного объема, частоты дыхательных движений, содержания СО2 в конце выдоха, среднего и пикового инспираторного давления, а также минутной вентиляции. При сравнении гемодинамических показателей, сразу после интубации и перед экстубацией трахеи отметили, что в группе НД значения систолического, диастолического и среднего артериального давления были выше. Значимых различий в частоте сердечных сокращений в исследуемые периоды между группами не наблюдали. Не отмечали и значимых различий между группами с точки зрения удовлетворенности хирургическим вмешательством и обзором операционного поля.Заключение. Пневмоперитонеум с низким давлением обеспечивает эффективную механику дыхания и стабильную гемодинамику при лапароскопической холецистэктомии. Кроме того, подобный пневмоперитонеум обеспечивает хирургу достаточное пространство для манипуляций. Анестезиологическое пособие (общая внутривенная анестезия в сочетании с нервно-мышечной блокадой) при использовании пневмоперитонеума с низким давлением обеспечивает хорошую визуализацию операционного поля

    Pension trusteeship and diversity in the UK: A new boardroom recipe for change or continuity?

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    Drawing on interviews, this article investigates change and continuity induced by greater diversity among pension trustees in terms of trustees’ involvement in boardroom activities in the UK. Utilizing Bourdieu’s theory of habitus, the authors demonstrate the agency of trustees, and how greater diversity among trustees changes the boardroom decision-making process. However, the authors also reveal forms of continuity by reproduction of educational, corporate and social values within a boardroom context. The findings challenge the assumption that greater diversity may radically transform organizations

    Orthodoxy, illusio, and playing the scientific game: a Bourdieusian analysis of infection control science in the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Amendments from Version 2: Version 3 is the same as version 2 except for some typos pointed out by Reviewer 1 have been corrected. Specifically, after removing one of the four original case studies (from USA), we had omitted to correct "four case studies" to "three case studies" in the abstract, and remove a reference to USA in the text.Copyright: © 2021 Greenhalgh, T. et al. Background: Scientific and policy bodies’ failure to acknowledge and act on the evidence base for airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in a timely way is both a mystery and a scandal. In this study, we applied theories from Bourdieu to address the question, “How was a partial and partisan scientific account of SARS-CoV-2 transmission constructed and maintained, leading to widespread imposition of infection control policies which de-emphasised airborne transmission?”. Methods: From one international case study (the World Health Organisation) and three national ones (UK, Canada and Japan), we selected a purposive sample of publicly available texts including scientific evidence summaries, guidelines, policy documents, public announcements, and social media postings. To analyse these, we applied Bourdieusian concepts of field, doxa, scientific capital, illusio, and game-playing. We explored in particular the links between scientific capital, vested interests, and policy influence. Results: Three fields—political, state (policy and regulatory), and scientific—were particularly relevant to our analysis. Political and policy actors at international, national, and regional level aligned—predominantly though not invariably—with medical scientific orthodoxy which promoted the droplet theory of transmission and considered aerosol transmission unproven or of doubtful relevance. This dominant scientific sub-field centred around the clinical discipline of infectious disease control, in which leading actors were hospital clinicians aligned with the evidence-based medicine movement. Aerosol scientists—typically, chemists, and engineers—representing the heterodoxy were systematically excluded from key decision-making networks and committees. Dominant discourses defined these scientists’ ideas and methodologies as weak, their empirical findings as untrustworthy or insignificant, and their contributions to debate as unhelpful. Conclusion: The hegemonic grip of medical infection control discourse remains strong. Exit from the pandemic depends on science and policy finding a way to renegotiate what Bourdieu called the ‘rules of the scientific game’—what counts as evidence, quality, and rigour.Wellcome Trust (WT104830MA to TG); National Institute for Health Research (BRC-1215-20008, TG as BRC Theme Lead); ESRC (ES/V010069/1 to TG).