15 research outputs found

    A certified plasmid reference material for the standardisation of BCR-ABL1 mRNA quantification by real-time quantitative PCR

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    Serial quantification of BCR–ABL1 mRNA is an important therapeutic indicator in chronic myeloid leukaemia, but there is a substantial variation in results reported by diff

    Comparison of Apoptotic Gene Expression Profiles Between Peyronie's Disease Plaque and Tunica Albuginea

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    Background. The fibrotic plaques of Peyronie's disease and other localized fibrotic conditions have been considered to be the result of an abnormal wound healing process. The potential role of regulatory disorders of apoptosis in abnormal wound healing may also play a role in the development of Peyronie's disease

    Deregulated WNT signaling in childhood T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    WNT signaling has been implicated in the regulation of hematopoietic stem cells and plays an important role during T-cell development in thymus. Here we investigated WNT pathway activation in childhood T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) patients. To evaluate the potential role of WNT signaling in T-cell leukomogenesis, we performed expression analysis of key components of WNT pathway. More than 85% of the childhood T-ALL patients showed upregulated β-catenin expression at the protein level compared with normal human thymocytes. The impact of this upregulation was reflected in high expression of known target genes (AXIN2, c-MYC, TCF1 and LEF). Especially AXIN2, the universal target gene of WNT pathway, was upregulated at both mRNA and

    A common SCN1A splice-site polymorphism modifies the effect of carbamazepine on cortical excitability - A pharmacogenetic transcranial magnetic stimulation study

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    Objective SCN1A encodes the alpha subunit of the voltage-gated sodium channel and plays a crucial role in several epilepsy syndromes. The common SCN1A splice-site polymorphism rs3812718 (IVS5N+5 G>A) might contribute to the pathophysiology underlying genetic generalized epilepsies and is associated with electrophysiologic properties of the channel and the effect of sodium-channel blocking antiepileptic drugs. We assessed the effects of the rs3812718 genotype on cortical excitability at baseline and after administration of carbamazepine in order to investigate the mechanism of this association. Methods Paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was applied in 92 healthy volunteers with the homozygous genotypes AA or GG of rs3812718 at baseline and after application of 400 mg of carbamazepine or placebo in a double-blind, randomized, crossover design. Resting motor threshold (RMT), short interval intracortical inhibition (SICI), intracortical facilitation (ICF), and cortical silent period (CSP) were determined. Results At baseline there was no significant difference in any TMS parameter. Genotype GG was associated with a higher carbamazepine-induced increase in CSP duration as compared to AA (multivariate analysis of covariance [MANCOVA], p = 0.013). An expected significant increase in RMT was genotype independent. Significance We found that the rs3812718 genotype modifies the effect of carbamazepine on CSP duration (mainly reflecting modulation of \u3b3-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic inhibition), but not on RMT (mainly reflecting modulation of voltage-gated sodium channels). This provides evidence that rs3812718 affects the pharmacoresponse to carbamazepine via an effect on GABAergic cortical interneurons. Our results also confirm that TMS is useful to investigate the effect of genetic variants on cortical excitability and pharmacoresponse. \ua9 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. \ua9 2014 International League Against Epilepsy

    The nuclear effector of Wnt-signaling, Tcf1, functions as a T-cell-specific tumor suppressor for development of lymphomas

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    The HMG-box factor Tcf1 is required during T-cell development in the thymus and mediates the nuclear response to Wnt signals. Tcf1(-/-) mice have previously been characterized and show developmental blocks at the CD4-CD8- double negative (DN) to CD4+CD8+ double positive transition. Due to the blocks in T-cell development, Tcf1(-/-) mice normally have a very small thymus. Unexpectedly, a large proportion of Tcf1(-/-) mice spontaneously develop thymic lymphomas with 50% of mice developing a thymic lymphoma/leukemia at the age of 16 wk. These lymphomas are clonal, highly metastatic, and paradoxically show high Wnt signaling when crossed with Wnt reporter mice and have high expression of Wnt target genes Lef1 and Axin2. In wild-type thymocytes, Tcf1 is higher expressed than Lef1, with a predominance of Wnt inhibitory isoforms. Loss of Tcf1 as repressor of Lef1 leads to high Wnt activity and is the initiating event in lymphoma development, which is exacerbated by activating Notch1 mutations. Thus, Notch1 and loss of Tcf1 functionally act as collaborating oncogenic events. Tcf1 deficiency predisposes to the development of thymic lymphomas by ectopic up-regulation of Lef1 due to lack of Tcf1 repressive isoforms and frequently by cooperating activating mutations in Notch1. Tcf1 therefore functions as a T-cell-specific tumor suppressor gene, besides its established role as a Wnt responsive transcription factor. Thus, Tcf1 acts as a molecular switch between proliferative and repressive signals during T-lymphocyte development in the thymus.Stemcel biology/Regenerative medicine (incl. bloodtransfusion