31 research outputs found

    Vs30 and depth to bedrock estimates from integrating HVSR measurements and geology-slope approach in the Oslo area, Norway

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    In order to estimate well-constrained seismic hazard and risk on local scales, the knowledge of site amplification factors is one of several important requirements. Seismic hazard studies on national or regional scales generally provide the level of earthquake shaking only at bedrock conditions, thereby avoiding the difficulties that are caused through local site effects. Oftentimes, local site conditions are not well understood or even non-existent. In this study we investigate an efficient and non-invasive methodology to derive the local average shear wave velocity in the uppermost 30 m of the ground (Vs30). The Vs30 value is a useful parameter to define soil classes and soil amplification used in seismic hazard assessment and to extend the knowledge of the site to include the depth to basement rock. At the level of the municipality of Oslo, there is currently no map available that describes the Vs30, and as such any seismic risk study is lacking potentially critical information on local site amplification. The new proposed methodology includes the use of existing well databases (with knowledge on minimum basement depth), topographic slope derived from Digital Elevation Models (as a proxy for both depth to basement and Vs30, integrated with geological maps) and near-surface Quaternary geological maps. The Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) method and a statistics-based geological mapping tool (COHIBA) are used to integrate the various sources of data estimates. Finally, we demonstrate our new methodology and workflow with data from three different regions within the Oslo municipality and propose an approach to conduct cost-efficient mapping for seismic site amplification on a general municipality scale

    Hydro-mechanical simulation and analysis of induced seismicity for a hydraulic stimulation test at the Reykjanes geothermal field, Iceland

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    The combination of seismic analysis with advanced physics-based simulation provides an opportunity to further understand injection-induced fault reactivation, including the hydro-mechanical interplay between different faults and the rock where they reside. Here, this is investigated based on data from hydraulic stimulation of a well at the Reykjanes geothermal field. Central is the development of an interdisciplinary framework for integration of different data types towards a 3D, hydro-mechanical and faulted geothermal reservoir simulation model. This work shows how seismic interpretations can improve simulation models and, reciprocally, how fully coupled physics-based modeling can add to seismic interpretations in analysis of fault reactivation.publishedVersio

    Simultaneous tracking of multiple whales using two fiber-optic cables in the Arctic

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    Climate change is impacting the Arctic faster than anywhere else in the world. As a response, ecosystems are rapidly changing. As a result, we can expect rapid shifts in whale migration and habitat use concurrent with changes in human patterns. In this context, responsible management and conservation requires improved monitoring of whale presence and movement over large ranges, at fine scales and in near-real-time compared to legacy tools. We demonstrate that this could be enabled by Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS). DAS converts an existing fiber optic telecommunication cable into a widespread, densely sampled acoustic sensing array capable of recording low-frequency whale vocalizations. This work proposes and compares two independent methods to estimate whale positions and tracks; a brute-force grid search and a Bayesian filter. The methods are applied to data from two 260 km long, nearly parallel telecommunication cables offshore Svalbard, Norway. First, our two methods are validated using a dedicated active air gun experiment, from which we deduce that the localization errors of both methods are 100 m. Then, using fin whale songs, we demonstrate the methods' capability to estimate the positions and tracks of eight fin whales over a period of five hours along a cable section between 40 and 95 km from the interrogator unit, constrained by increasing noise with range, variability in the coupling of the cable to the sea floor and water depths. The methods produce similar and consistent tracks, where the main difference arises from the Bayesian filter incorporating knowledge of previously estimated locations, inferring information on speed, and heading. This work demonstrates the simultaneous localization of several whales over a 800 km area, with a relatively low infrastructural investment. This approach could promptly inform management and stakeholders of whale presence and movement and be used to mitigate negative human-whale interaction.publishedVersio

    Comparison of initial stress state and rock-failure risks for five prospective CO2 storage sites

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    We report initial assessments of the state of stress and the estimated conditions for rock failure at five prospective CO2 storage sites which are being considered in the ACT SHARP Project. This multinational project aims to improve understanding of stress history and reservoir pressure to enable improved quantification of CO2 storage containment risks. The goal is to improve the accuracy of subsurface CO2 storage containment risk management through the improvement and integration of subsurface stress models, rock mechanical data and seismicity observations. The case studies considered in this assessment are: • Norway – Horda/Smeaheia region; • UK – Southern North Sea, Bunter storage play; • Netherlands – Aramis site, Rotliegend pre-salt; • Denmark – Lisa Structure; • India – Bhagewala Heavy Oil Field, Rajasthan. These case studies have different levels of maturity of site development and data availability, which is useful for understanding what data is needed at different stages of a project. While detailed site characterisation and rock failure studies have been conducted for the Horda/Smeaheia region offshore Norway and for parts of the UK Southern North Sea (SNS) Bunter storage play, rock failure characterisation studies at the Aramis site and Lisa Structure are limited to regional studies. The Bhagewala Heavy Oil Field in India is the least mature of the case studies in terms of storage assessment

    Induced-seismicity geomechanics for controlled CO2 storage in the North Sea (IGCCS)

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    The aim of the current study, IGCCS (2017–2020), is to evaluate the feasibility of micro-seismic (MS) monitoring of CO2 injection into representative storage candidates in the North Sea, based on broad and quantitative characterization of relevant subsurface behavior with respect to geology, geomechanics and seismicity. For this purpose, we first group potential CO2 storage sites in the North Sea into three different depths. Then, advanced triaxial rock mechanical tests are performed together with acoustic emission (AE) acquisition under representative loading for CO2 storage sites in the North Sea and for formations of each depth group, covering shale, mudstone and sandstone cores. Our work focuses particularly on quantifying the effects of injected fluid type and temperature on mechanical behavior and associated MS response of subsurface sediments. The experiment results show that each depth group may behave differently in responses to CO2 injection. Particularly, the occurrence of detectable MS events is expected to increase with depth, as the combined effects of rock stiffness and temperature contrast between the host rock and injected CO2 are increasing. In addition, lithology plays an important role in terms of the MS response, i.e. high AE event rate is observed in sandstones, while aseismicity in shale and mudstone. The test results are then scaled up and applied to advanced coupled flow-geomechanics simulations and a synthetic field-scale MS data study to understand micro-seismicity at fracture, reservoir and regional scales. The numerical simulation of scCO2 injection scenario shows quite different stress-strain changes compared to brine injection, resulting mainly from the thermally-induced behavior. Furthermore, the numerical simulation study via so-called Cohesion Zone Modeling (CZM) approach shows strong potential to improve our understanding of the multiphase-flow-driven fracture propagation. Our synthetic MS data study, focused on slow-earthquake scenario, also suggests that sensors with high sensitivity at low frequency might be necessary for better signal detection and characterization during CO2 injection. This manuscript covers the main findings and insights obtained during the whole study of IGCCS, and refers to relevant publications for more details

    An aggregated template methodology: Novel automatic phase-onset identification by template matching

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    The precision of P- and S-wave phase picking strongly determines the precision of earthquake locations, but such picking can be challenging in the case of emergent signals, large data sets or temporally varying seismic networks. To overcome these challenges, we have developed the concept of an aggregated template to perform automatic picking of the P- and S-wave phases. An aggregated template is defined as a representative event for a small area, built by aggregating the best signal-to-noise-ratio seismic traces from events with similar waveforms (i.e. multiplet events). A template matching procedure, based on the cross-correlation between an aggregated template and an unpicked event, automatically determines the unpicked event P- and S-wave phases. This method enables (1) consistent and accurate P- and S-wave phase picking and (2) reduces processing time relative to traditional template matching by using a clustering method that finds the most representative templates for a region, and thus limiting the required number of templates. We established two parameters to weight the picking precision: (1) the cross-correlation between the aggregated template and the unpicked event and (2) the number of P- and S-wave picks determined per event. We tested this method on 2100 events recorded in the south-west of Iceland. Nineteen aggregated templates have been defined and used to automatically pick ∼65% of the complete event catalogue with an accuracy within the range of the manual picking uncertainty. These automatically picked events can then be used for event location, even when characterized by low magnitude, low signal to noise ratios and with emergent P-wave signals

    Microseismic monitoring and interpretation of injection data from the In Salah CO2 storage site (Krechba), Algeria

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    -Microseismic data analysis together with interpretation of injection data at the In Salah CO2 storage site provides a valuable tool for improved understanding of the subsurface injection and storage processes. More than 1500 microseismic events have been detected semi-automatically between August 2009 and May 2012 and the occurrence of the events correlates clearly with increased injection rates and well-head pressures. Most likely the fracture pressure has been exceeded temporarily, resulting in a sudden increase of microseismicity. Waveform cross- correlation of the events demonstrates that most events occur in three distinct clusters. Clusters with shorter S-P wave differential travel times clearly correlate with the CO2 injection at KB502, whereas events with larger S-P wave times do not. An uncertainty analysis and a network design study conclude that a more extensive microseismic network would be needed to resolve locations and potential correlations with injection data

    Vs30 and depth to bedrock estimates from integrating HVSR measurements and geology-slope approach in the Oslo area, Norway

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    This work shows an alternative and efficient method to estimate Vs30 values and depth to basement data. The Vs30 value is the most important attribute to characterize the soil type and subsequently account for soil type related seismic amplification. We believe that these tools offer a powerful, non-invasive and cost-effective solution for obtaining accurate estimations of depth to basement. This approach is providing valuable information for seismic hazard assessments, geotechnical investigations and engineering design, as it can help estimate the amplification of ground motions during earthquakes, which is dependent on the soil properties and depth to bedrock. Overall, this study highlights the importance of understanding the geological and geotechnical characteristics of an area in order to accurately assess the seismic hazard and potential impacts of earthquakes. Those results can be used in earthquake hazard models and support decision-making processes related to land use planning, building codes, and emergency preparedness measures in earthquake-prone regions