256 research outputs found

    An Economic Evaluation of the Loye Quarry of Atiwa Quarries Limited

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    Atiwa Quarries Limited (AQL) is one of the large operating granite quarries in the Central Region of Ghana. AQL’s current production of 24 000 m3 of aggregates per month cannot meet current demand let alone support a new contract to supply 25 000 m3 of aggregates per month for a major road infrastructure project. Fortunately, AQL has another granite concession at Loye, about 3 km from the first concession, with estimated granite reserves of 6 286 208 m3, which can be developed as a new quarry to meet the demand of the new contract. This will require capital to build infrastructure, purchase equipment, recruit labour and provide working capital. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the economic viability of the new quarry, considering it as a stand-alone project. The yearly revenue was estimated based on projected production of 25 000 m3/month and average price of US15.63/m3. CapitalandoperatingcostswereestimatedusingdetailedcostestimationmethodbasedonquotationsfromequipmentsuppliersandoperationalunitcostsofAQL.ItturnsoutthatAQLcangenerateyearlygrossrevenueofUS4.69millionbutrequirestotalcapitalofUS 15.63/m3.  Capital and operating costs were estimated using detailed cost estimation method based on quotations from equipment suppliers and operational unit costs of AQL. It turns out that AQL can generate yearly gross revenue of US 4.69 million but requires total capital of US 3.67 million; the yearly operating cost is US1.72million. CashflowandsensitivityanalysesusingNetPresentValue(NPV)andInternalRateofReturn(IRR)ascriteria,andriskanalysisusingMonteCarlosimulationmethodwerecarriedout.TheeconomicanalysisindicatesthatbasedonAQLspreferredcapitalstructureof80 1.72 million.  Cash flow and sensitivity analyses using Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) as criteria, and risk analysis using Monte Carlo simulation method were carried out. The economic analysis indicates that based on AQL’s preferred capital structure of 80% equity and 20% loan, the NPV is 5.17 million and the IRR is 53.01%, showing the new quarry is profitable; the sensitivity analysis indicates that the project can withstand up to 40% drop in revenue, or over 60% increase in capital or operating cost. The risk profile indicates a probability of success of 98.2%. The study therefore recommends that AQL invests in the new quarry as it is economically viable. Keywords: Granite Quarry, Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Sensitivity Analysis, Risk Analysi

    Mineral composition and assessment of human ingestion risk of twelve accessions of Moringa oleifera Lam

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    Increasing consumption of moringa leaf powder in Ghana is boosted by popular claims that the plant contains a rich array of minerals, vitamins and other protective substances. However, the safe doses of this product among gender classes and vulnerable groups are unknown. This knowledge gap demands an analysis of the mineral composition of the product and estimation of the risk (hazard) potential associated with the ingestion of dried leaf samples of the moringa plant. Mineral composition (Na, Mg, P, K, Ca, Mn, Cr, Fe, Cu and Zn) of dried leaf samples of twelve accessions of Moringa oleifera Lam. was determined using the Atomic Absorption Spectrometry aided by a fast sequential Atomic Absorption Spectrometer. Results of the study indicate that the samples showed variation with respect to macro and micro minerals content and that dried leaf powder of moringa can serve as an excellent source of minerals. Additionally, an estimation of hazard exposure calculated as hazard index presented overall indices of 0.0866 and 0.0443 for males and females respectively. Even though the values (0.076-0.097; 0.038-0.051) obtained from the samples are within safe limits, it is essential that consumption of moringa leaf powder is done on sound advice from a nutritionist since crucial factors such as gender, age, health status and exposure time contribute to individual dose needs and influence mineral toxicity

    Pathogenicity and fungicide sensitivity of the causal agent of postharvest stem end rot disease of mango in Ghana

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    ABSTRACTStudies were carried out on the stem end rot disease of mango in Ghana. The incidence and severity of the disease were evaluated on mango fruits collected from major mango growing areas of Ghana. The causal agent was isolated on media and identified. The pathogenicity of the fungus and its cross-infection potential were determined on mango, avocado, papaya and banana fruits. The sensitivity of the pathogen to fungicides was determined by assessing radial mycelial growth on potato dextrose agar (PDA) amended with nine different fungicides (Bendazim, Funguran, Ivory, Topsin, Asuoku master, Kocide, Mirage, Sulphur 80 and Copper oxychloride). Stem end rot disease was prevalent in the major mango growing areas of Ghana. Two pathogens, Lasiodiplodia theobromae and Colletotrichum gloeosporioides were isolated from the disease lesions. However, only the former was able to cause stem end rot disease symptoms on the artificially inoculated fruits, confirming it as the causal agent of the disease. It was also found to be highly susceptible to Bendazim, Ivory, Topsin, Asuoku master and Mirage, whilst it was resistant to Funguran, Kocide, Sulphur 80 and Copper oxychloride.Original sciencitic paper. Received 30 Apr 15; revised 17 Oct 14

    Public choice theory and rental housing: an examination of rental housing contracts in Ghana

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    This paper extends both the literature on rental housing in Ghana and the global literature on the critique of public choice analyses in terms of focus, methods, and positioning. It argues that, contrary to the assumption that all housing policy changes are driven by internal national processes, in the case of Ghana at least, neither tenants (through their use of their greater numbers) nor landlords (through the use of their stronger financial and hence political power) exclusively influence housing policy. Both parties have some power, but landlords use theirs to change rents arbitrarily and decide whom to invite or keep as tenants, while tenants seek to use their power by lodging complaints with the state, albeit to little effect as the power of landlords is overwhelming. There is a strong basis to call into question the public choice argument that it is fair for landlords to extract windfall rent from tenants since their efforts or talents do not increase rent

    What is Microbial Dormancy?

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    Life can be stressful. One way to deal with stress is to simply wait it out. Microbes do this by entering a state of reduced activity and increased resistance commonly called ‘dormancy’. But what is dormancy? Different scientific disciplines emphasize distinct traits and phenotypic ranges in defining dormancy for their microbial species and system-specific questions of interest. Here, we propose a unified definition of microbial dormancy, using a broad framework to place earlier discipline-specific definitions in a new context. We then discuss how this new definition and framework may improve our ability to investigate dormancy using multi-omics tools. Finally, we leverage our framework to discuss the diversity of genomic mechanisms for dormancy in an extreme environment that challenges easy definitions – the permafrost


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    As part of Earth’s nutrient cycle, a layer of air travels every summer from Africa across the Atlantic Ocean. In June 2020, the thickest and densest dust plume traveled over 5000 miles along with the Saharan Air Layer (SAL) from Africa towards the USA and the Caribbean. Due to its gravity and impact, it was nicknamed “Godzilla”. While the cause of this event remains unclear, the advantage of using remote sensing applications to monitor aerosol concentrations and movement provides future opportunities to leverage machine learning technologies to build predictive models with the goal of early forecasting and public health interventions. The Sentinel-5P satellite instrument measures the air quality, ozone, and Ultraviolet (UV) radiation, and can be used for climate monitoring, and forecasting. Available on this platform is the UV Aerosol Index (AI) product, a qualitative index that indicates the presence of elevated layers of aerosols in the atmosphere. In this paper, we used Google Earth Engine to monitor the transatlantic movement of this historic dust plume across the Sahara Desert and estimate the aerosol concentrations throughout June 2020. The flexibility of the platform enabled us to generate time series maps to visualize the movement of the Godzilla dust storm from the Sahara Desert across the ocean. The results obtained are relevant for effective planning and interventions to ameliorate the health threats associated with the movement of the dust plume. The outcome is useful for defining the relationship between aerosol concentrations, human health, and aquatic life

    Antithrombin-III Mitigates Thrombin-Mediated Endothelial Cell Contraction and Sickle Red Blood Cell Adhesion in Microscale Flow

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    Individuals with sickle cell disease (SCD) have persistently elevated thrombin generation that results in a state of systemic hypercoagulability. Antithrombin-III (ATIII), an endogenous serine protease inhibitor, inhibits several enzymes in the coagulation cascade, including thrombin. Here, we utilize a biomimetic microfluidic device to model the morphology and adhesive properties of endothelial cells (ECs) activated by thrombin and examine the efficacy of ATIII in mitigating the adhesion of SCD patient-derived red blood cells (RBCs) and EC retraction. Microfluidic devices were fabricated, seeded with ECs, and incubated under physiological shear stress. Cells were then activated with thrombin with or without an ATIII pretreatment. Blood samples from subjects with normal haemoglobin (HbAA) and subjects with homozygous SCD (HbSS) were used to examine RBC adhesion to ECs. Endothelial cell surface adhesion molecule expression and confluency in response to thrombin and ATIII treatments were also evaluated. We found that ATIII pretreatment of ECs reduced HbSS RBC adhesion to thrombin-activated endothelium. Furthermore, ATIII mitigated cellular contraction and reduced surface expression of von Willebrand factor and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) mediated by thrombin. Our findings suggest that, by attenuating thrombin-mediated EC damage and RBC adhesion to endothelium, ATIII may alleviate the thromboinflammatory manifestations of SCD


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    Global climate change has affected the rate of rising sea level, the frequency, intensity, timing, and distribution of hurricanes and tropical storms which threatens coastal ecosystems such as Bayou Perot, Little Lake in New Orleans along the Gulf of Mexico. The impact of hurricanes could include wetland and coastal land loss. This paper compared the land cover changes around Bayou-Perot- Little Lake, New Orleans, USA following Hurricanes Ida (August 26, 2021 to August 28, 2021). Two high-resolution Sentinel 2 imagery dated before and after Hurricane Ida was compared to assess the impacts of the hurricane on the land cover around Bayou Perot. A Random Forest classification (RF) algorithm in Google Earth Engine was used to produce maps and identify areas that have experienced conversions in land use or land cover change after the hurricane. This method of classification has the advantages of high classification accuracy and the ability to measure variable importance in land-cover mapping. In addition to random classification algorithm, other analysis such as the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was be used to gain a better perspective of the overall changes in vegetation across the landscape. Five main classes were considered after the classification which included water, vegetation, bare soil, built up and marsh area. The results of the land cover change showed exposed old coastal marsh, valuable dune habitat providing storm protection to estuaries, wetlands, and the coastal population destroyed

    Perspectives of Chronic Kidney Disease Patients on Readiness for Advance Care Planning at Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, Ghana

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    This study examined the impact of advance care planning (ACP) on the quality of life for patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) at Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital in Ghana. It specifically investigated patients’ perspectives on their readiness for ACP. Utilizing a qualitative descriptive design, one-on-one interviews were conducted with CKD patients at the renal clinic, employing a semi-structured interview guide for thematic analysis of audio data. The findings revealed a gap in understanding among CKD patients, with participants acknowledging their vulnerability to renal failure, often linked to a medical history of diabetes and hypertension. Despite recognizing potential outcomes such as dialysis dependency or death, some patients retained hope for a cure, relying on faith. The initial kidney failure diagnosis induced shock and distress, leading many patients to prefer the comfort and familiarity of home-based care, including dialysis. Meanwhile, a minority favored hospital care to protect their children from psychological trauma. Most patients deemed legal preparations unnecessary, citing limited assets or a lack of concern for posthumous estate execution. These insights emphasize the necessity for targeted education and support in ACP to enhance patient outcomes in chronic kidney disease care and end-of-life planning


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    It is estimated that the globe’s forest has shrunk by 3% since 1990, an area equivalence to the geographical boundaries of South Africa. The Kisatchie National Forest of Louisiana replicates plentiful climatic, physiographic and edaphic differences in the country and this forest faces a serious problem of degradation and disturbance of different nature. Remote sensing from satellites offers the best way to observe these changes over time. This study will employ Landsat-8 satellite imagery to analyze forest cover change in Kisatchie National Forest from 2010 to 2020. The objectives of the study are to (i) identify the trend, nature, and the magnitude of forest cover change, (ii) prepare image maps delineating forest cover change for the duration of the study (iii) establish the trend of CO2 levels within Kisatchie environs. Results showed a gain of forest cover within the Kisatchie National Forest which correlated to the rate of CO2 sequestration by sinks. NDVI of 2010 was 0.65 compared to 0.86 for 2020 indicating a gain of 32% of forest cover since 2010. This showed how effective Protected areas are in conserving forest cover and restricting land uses that may disturb forest structure