227 research outputs found

    How the Prevalence of Pulp Stone in a Population Predicts the Risk for Kidney Stone

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    Introduction: Conflicting researches exist on relationship between pulp stones and systemic disorders. Nephrolithiasis is a common disease with severe pain and discomfort with increasing prevalence worldwide. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the correlation between pulp and kidney stones to help find a method for early detection of kidney stones. Methods and Materials: the sample of this case-control study comprised of 154 subjects (77 patients with and 77 patients without kidney stone approved by sonographic examination). Two oral and maxillofacial radiologists evaluated their panoramic images for the presence of pulpal stones. Results: A total of 42.9% of subjects showed pulp stones. Most of the teeth with pulp stone in case and control groups were molars (86.30% and 72.97%, respectively). In the group with kidney stones, pulp stones were detected in 38 patients (49.4%), while in the control group, they were detected in 28 subjects (36.4%). Although there was not a significant relationship between the presence/absence of pulp stone and kidney stone (P=0.143), there was statistically significant association between number of teeth with pulp stone in a patient and the presence of kidney stone (P<0.013). The chance of having kidney stone is 5.78 times higher in the subjects having pulp stone in three teeth or more (≥ 3 teeth). Conclusion: Although there is not a correlation between the presence of pulp and kidney stone, the chance of having kidney stone is 5.78 times higher in the subjects with ≥ 3 teeth having pulp stone. Thus, the number of teeth with pulp stone can serve as a predictor for possibility of having kidney stone.Keywords: Dental Pulp Stone; Kidney Stone; Nephrolithiasis; Pulp Calcification; Radiograph

    Propriétés de l'activité de décharge neuronale de masse chez les humains mesurée par EEG non invasive

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    Abstract : Electroencephalography (EEG) is a non-invasive neuroimaging modality that was first introduced over 80 years ago. Surface EEG does not directly measure neuronal activity, and it is often assumed that it cannot provide indications on the underlying neuronal firing. However, recent studies based on invasive measurements in monkeys have shown that the coupling between two EEG frequency bands, namely the Gamma (25-45 Hz) and Delta (2-4 Hz) bands, is a good predictor of underlying mass-spiking activity. Specifically, when the Delta signal is in its trough and Gamma power is high, the probability of mass- firing of neurons is large. Here, we investigate this property in healthy human EEG acquired during resting-state. Using the interaction between Delta phase and Gamma power, we derived a modeled spike signal (MSS) from the recorded EEG. We found the power spectrum density (PSD) pattern of the MSS to be similar to that observed in animal studies. Specifically, between 1-10 Hz that the PSD deviates from a 1/[florin] trend and exhibits a small peak at about 2-3Hz. In addition, an inter-hemispheric correlation was found between the MSS of the different pairs of electrode in opposite hemispheres. Our results open the possibility of studying underlying neuronal output with non-invasive EEG. // Résumé : L'électroencéphalographie (EEG) est une modalité de neuro-imagerie non invasive qui a été introduite il y a plus de 80 ans. L’EEG de surface ne mesure pas directement l’activité neuronale et il est généralement supposé qu’elle ne donne pas d’indications sur la décharge neuronale sous-jacente. Cependant des études récentes ont montré à l’aide de mesures invasives que le couplage entre deux bandes de fréquences EEG, soit les bandes Gamma (25-45 Hz) et Delta (2-4 Hz), est un bon indicateur de l’activité neuronale de masse sous-jacente chez les singes. Plus précisément, lorsque le signal Delta est dans un creux (phase de π) et que la puissance dans le signal Gamma est élevée, la probabilité de décharge de masse des neurones est grande. Cette propriété est ici étudiée dans les signaux EEG d’humains sains en état de repos. En se basant sur l'interaction entre la phase du signal Delta et la puissance du signal Gamma, nous avons dérivé un modèle de l’activité neuronale de masse sous-jacente (modeled spike signal-MSS) obtenu à partir du signal l'EEG enregistrée. On trouve que la densité spectrale de puissance (power spectal density-PSD) du MSS est similaire à celle observée dans les études animales. Plus spécifiquement, entre 1-10 Hz la PSD s’écarte d’une tendance en 1 / [florin] et présente un pic de faible amplitude à environ 2-3Hz. En outre, une corrélation inter-hémisphérique a été observée entre les MSS de différentes paires d'électrodes positionnées sur les hémisphères opposés. Nos résultats ouvrent la possibilité d'étudier l’activité neuronale sous-jacente par EEG non-invasive

    Amelioration of testicular damages in renal ischemia/reperfusion by berberine: An experimental study

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    Background: Ischemic acute kidney injury is associated with an inflammatory reaction. Objective: In the current study, berberine was assessed for its effect on the functional disorders and histological damages of testis induced by renal ischemia/reperfusion (I/R). Materials and Methods: Twenty-eight adult male Wistar rats (260-300 gr) were equally divided into four groups (n = 7/each): sham and I/R groups which received distilled water as well as berberine (BBR) and BBR + I/R groups which received berberine (15 mg/kg/day) orally seven days before the surgery. In both groups of sham and BBR, renal arteries were not clamped. Renal I/R was induced by occluding right and left renal artery for 45 min followed by a 24 hr reperfusion period. Blood samples were taken for determining the plasma levels of creatinine, urea nitrogen, FSH (follicle stimulating hormone), LH (luteinizing hormone), and testosterone. Then the rats were killed under deep anesthesia and the left testis was immediately isolated and preserved. Results: The renal I/R injury led to testicular histological damages accompanied with increased plasma levels of creatinine, urea nitrogen, LH, and FSH, as well decrease of plasma testosterone concentration at the end of 24 hr reperfusion (All p < 0.001, except for FSH p < 0.01). Berberine diminished histological damage to the testis and attenuated the increase in plasma creatinine, urea nitrogen, LH, FSH, and decrease in plasma testosterone concentration in the BBR + I/R group (All p < 0.001). Conclusion: These results suggest that ischemic acute renal failure induces functional disorders and tissue damages in testis of rat, which was improved through the administration of berberine. Key words: Ischemia/reperfusion, Acute kidney injury, Berberine, Testis, LH, FSH

    Detection of Helicobacter Pylori in the lacrimal sac mucosa of the patients with primary acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction

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    Helicobacter pylori have been detected in sinonasal mucosa in both normal and pathologic condition. The nasolacrimal duct is within the medial wall of maxillary sinus and open into the nasal cavity, so ascending colonization of nasolacrimal duct and lacrimal sac is possible. The aim of this study is to investigate the presence of H. pylori by polymerase chain (PCR) reaction in the nasal and lacrimal sac mucosa of the patients with primary acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction. Eighty patients with primary acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction who were scheduled for dacryocystorhinostomy enrolled in the study. The patients were asked if they suffered from the classic symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (heart burn, regurgitation, and acid taste). Tissue samples from the lacrimal sac mucosa and nasal mucosa were obtained during dacryocystorhinostomy surgery. The tissues were analyzed for detection of H. pylori DNA by PCR. The mean age of patients was 41.96±14.7 years (age range, 17-84 Years). PCR for H. pylori DNA was positive in the nasal mucosa in 3 patients, in the lacrimal sac mucosa in 2 patients and in both nasal mucosa and lacrimal sac mucosa in 1 patient. Classic symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease were found in 16 patients (20%). It is possible to detect H. pylori in the lacrimal sac mucosa of some patients with primary acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction. More comprehensive studies are needed to determine whether H. pylori plays an etiopathologic role in the development of primary acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction

    Varying 10-methacryloyloxydecyl dihydrogen phosphate (10-MDP) level improves polymerisation kinetics and flexural strength in self-adhesive, remineralising composites

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    OBJECTIVES: To assess the influence of systematically varying concentrations of 10-methacryloyloxydecyl dihydrogen phosphate (10-MDP) versus 3% 4-META on the polymerisation kinetics and shrinkage, biaxial flexural strength (BFS) and modulus of remineralising composites. METHODS: Composites were prepared by adding poly(propylene glycol) dimethacrylate (24 wt%), camphorquinone (1 wt%) and MDP (0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20 wt%) or 4-META (3%) to urethane dimethacrylate. These were mixed with glass fillers containing 8 wt% monocalcium phosphate and 4 wt% polylysine (powder-liquid ratio of 3:1). Continuous spectral changes, following 20 s light exposure (37 °C), were assessed with an ATR-FTIR to monitor polymerisation kinetics (n = 3). Final extrapolated conversions (DC,max) were employed to calculate polymerisation shrinkage. BFS and modulus of 24-h dry stored disc specimens (10 × 1 mm; n = 10) were determined using a ball-on-ring jig setup. RESULTS: Maximum rate of polymerisation and DC,max increased linearly from 2.5 to 3.5% s-1 and 67 to 83%, respectively, upon increasing MDP from 0 to 20 wt%. Values with 3% 4-META were 2.6% s-1 and 78%. Shrinkage was 3.8 ± 0.3% for all formulations. Raising 4-META or MDP from 0 to 3 versus 5%, respectively, increased strength from 106 to 145 versus 136 MPa. A decreasing trend with higher MDP concentrations was noted. Elastic modulus showed no specific trend upon MDP increase. SIGNIFICANCE: Whilst final conversion levels were enhanced by 3% 4-META or >5% MDP, trends did not correlate with strength. Peak strengths with 3% 4-META or 5% MDP may therefore be due to acidic monomers providing linkage between the hydrophilic, non-silane treated particles and the polymer matrix

    Genetically-programmed suicide of adrenergic cells in the mouse leads to severe left ventricular dysfunction, impaired weight gain, and symptoms of neurological dysfunction

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    Phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase (Pnmt) catalyzes the conversion of noradrenaline to adrenaline and is the last enzyme in the catecholamine biosynthetic pathway. Pnmt serves as a marker for adrenergic cells, and lineage-tracing experiments have identified the embryonic heart and hindbrain region as the first sites of Pnmt expression in the mouse. Pnmt expression in the heart occurs before the adrenal glands have formed and prior to sympathetic innervation, suggesting that the heart is the first site of catecholamine production in the mouse. The function of these Pnmt+ cells in heart development remains unclear. In the present study, we test the hypothesis that (i) a genetic ablation technique utilizing a suicide reporter gene selectively destroys Pnmt cells in the mouse, and (ii) Pnmt cells are required for normal cardiovascular and neurological function. To genetically ablate adrenergic cells, we mated Pnmt-Cre mice, in which Cre-recombinase is under the transcriptional regulation of the Pnmt promoter, and a Cre -activated diphtheria toxin A (DTA) mouse strain (ROSA26-eGFP-DTA), thereby causing activation of the toxic allele (DTA) in Pnmt-expressing (adrenergic) cells resulting in selective suicide of these cells in approximately half of the offspring. The other half serve as controls because they do not have the ROSA26-eGFP-DTA construct. In the Pnmt+/Cre; R26+/DTA offspring, we achieve a dramatic reduction in Pnmt transcript and Pnmt immunoreactive area in the adrenal glands. Furthermore, we show that loss of Pnmt cells results in severe left ventricular dysfunction that progressively worsens with age. These mice exhibit severely reduced cardiac output and ejection fraction due to decreased LV contractility and bradycardia at rest. Surprisingly, these mice appear to have a normal stress response, as heart rate and ejection fraction increased to a similar extent compared to controls. In addition to baseline cardiac dysfunction, these mice fail to gain body weight in a normal manner and display gross neurological dysfunction, including muscular weakness, abnormal gaiting, and altered tail suspension reflex, an indicator of neurological function. This work demonstrates that selective Pnmt cell destruction leads to severe left ventricular dysfunction, lack of weight gain, and neurological dysfunction. This novel mouse is expected to shed insight into the role of Pnmt cells in the heart, and suggests a role for Pnmt cells in neurological regulation of feeding behavior, metabolism, and motor control
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