293 research outputs found


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    This thesis considers the multivalent role of opium in the last decades of the nineteenth century in Britain. It traces the not insignificant changes to the perception of the safety and suitability of opiate use in medical and non-medical contexts between their instigation in the 1870s until century’s close. It argues that there is a paucity of meaningful contextualisation and synthesis of opium in the existing historical scholarship. By re-assessing three particular historiographical landmarks in this field, this work contributes historical detail of the medical, cultural, and scientific character of this period, and critique of the scholarly approach to opium in late-nineteenth-century England

    Experiencing the Implementation of New Inquiry Science Curricula

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    Using a phenomenological methodology, a cohort of four experienced science teachers was interviewed about their experience transitioning from traditional, teacher and fact-centered science curricula to inquiry-based curricula. Each teacher participated in two interviews that focused on their teaching backgrounds, their experience teaching the prior traditional curriculum, and their experience teaching the new inquiry-based curriculum. The findings are presented as a narrative of each teachers’ experience with the new curriculum implementation. Analyzing the data revealed four key themes. 1) The teachers felt trapped by the old curriculum as it did not align with their positive views of teaching science through inquiry. 2) The teachers found a way to fit their beliefs and values into the old and new curriculum. This required changes to the curriculum. 3) The teachers attempted to make the science curriculum as meaningful as possible for their students. 4) The teachers experienced a balancing act between their beliefs and values and the various aspects of the curriculum. The revealed essence of the curriculum transition is one of freedom and reconciliation of their beliefs. The teachers experienced the implementation of the new curriculum as a way to ensure their values and beliefs of science education were embedded therein. They treated the new curriculum as a malleable structure to impart their grander ideas of science education (e.g. providing important skills for future careers, creating a sense of wonder, future problem solving) to the students. Their changes were aligned with the philosophy of the curriculum kits they were implementing. Thus, the fidelity of the curriculum’s philosophy was not at risk even though the curriculum kits were not taught as written. This study showed that phenomenological methods are able to reveal the relationship between a teacher\u27s prior experiences, values and beliefs and their current instructional philosophy in science education. An analytical diagram was developed based on this relationship and the teachers’ experiences moving from a traditional to a new inquiry curricula. The diagram suggests a transition from feeling trapped in an existing curriculum that is inconsistent with teacher values to finding a fit and balance in a new curriculum that provides a better though not perfect fit. This diagram can serve as a guide for how to design future, ongoing professional development to ensure the success of an inquiry curriculum designed to replace a more traditional one and may be applicable to other teachers

    Materialization of the law of defense in the initial phase of the action of extinction of the right of domain

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    El presente artículo de investigación analiza la materialización del derecho de defensa en la fase inicial de la acción de extinción del derecho de dominio, en ocasión a una posible vulneración por parte de la Fiscalía General de la Nación, respecto de los afectados y terceros indeterminados, ante la imposibilidad de interponer recursos contra la resolución que fija la pretensión, así como la informalidad de la comunicación a los intervinientes en la fase inicial. El estudio se encuadra metodológicamente en la investigación jurídica, del tipo descriptivo analítico, y la técnica de revisión documental. Finalmente, se propone un nuevo modelo de procedimiento en el trámite de extinción del derecho de dominio que permitiría hacer efectivo y eficiente el derecho de defensa, así como interponer recursos contra la resolución de la fijación provisional de la pretensión y agilizar su procedimiento, conservando su esencia jurídica y la protección de derechos fundamentales.This article scientific research, analyzes the realization of the right of defense in the initial phase of the action of extinction of ownership rights on the occasion of a possible breach by the Attorney General's Office, for those affected and third indeterminate, unable to appeal against the decision establishing the claim and informality of communication to those involved in the initial phase. The study is methodologically framed in legal research, analytical descriptive, and technical document review. Finally, a new model procedure proposed in the process of extinction of ownership rights that would allow for effective and efficient the right of defense and appeal against the decision of the provisional fixation of the claim and expedite its proceedings, retaining its legal essence and the protection of fundamental rights

    Predation in Many Dimensions: Spatial Context Is Important for Meaningful Functional Response Experiments

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    For simplicity and to minimize variation, functional response experiments frequently use environments of simple physical structure and small size. Less attention is paid to similarity of the experimental environment to the natural environment where predation occurs. Assumptions about predator and prey use of space are often implied in the choice of experimental environment. We illustrate how these assumptions may affect conclusions with an experiment testing how arena size affects a functional response. Toxorhynchites rutilus preyed upon larval Culex restuans in containers differing in volume by 15x, but spanning a similar range of prey/liter. The most plausible Type II model included attack rates that were statistically indistinguishable, but in the larger volume, had handling time that was lower by \u3e 30x compared to the smaller volume, suggesting a major change in predator behavior with container volume. When we altered our assumption that predation scales with prey/liter, assuming instead that aggregation causes predation to scale with prey/area of surface or bottom, the conclusions changed: neither attack rate nor handling time differed with container size. Thus, our assumption about how predator and prey used space altered the conclusions of the experiment. We then summarize recently published experiments showing that spatial context affects estimated functional responses. We suggest that functional response experiments would be improved by using larger experimental spaces that represent physical complexity of environments where predation occurs. Greater spatial extent and complexity are likely to cause aggregation of predation. Effects of more realistic spatial context are likely to yield more complete understanding of quantitative aspects of predation

    A diachronic investigation of the semantic field 'death'

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    Influencia de las partículas granulares de la valva del molusco bivalvo en el CBR de subrasantes arcillosas del pueblo chepate, distrito de cascas, la libertad

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    En la presente tesis, se evalúo la influencia de la valva de molusco bivalvo como estabilizador mecánico para un suelo tipo arcilloso, la valva del molusco bivalvo evaluada fue la del molusco Choro de Mar. Reglamentos extranjeros como son los de Florida Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Brigde Construction y Orange County Utilities Master CIP Technical Specifications evalúan el uso de la valva de la concha de mar como estabilizante para diferentes capas del pavimento flexible mejorando la resistencia del suelo frente a una carga aplicada (CBR), sin embargo, en el Perú solo se conoce dicho método a nivel de tesis. Las ratios de variación de las dimensiones en la trituración del molusco Choro de Mar son entre 35.1mm y 18.4 mm, se realizaron 4 combinaciones granulométricas y se evaluaron para cada muestra extraída en cada kilómetro del tramo de carretera a evaluar cumpliendo con la normatividad ASTM – 1241 así como el cumplimiento de la Norma Técnica Peruana. Los resultados obtenidos indicaron que la valva del molusco posee propiedades físicas similares a suelos granulares. Con una combinación del 28% de partículas granulares de la valva de dicho molusco se obtuvo un incremento del 45% del CBR del suelo arcilloso. Se concluyó que la valva de molusco bivalvo choro de mar funciona como material estabilizador para suelos arcillosos.In this thesis, the influence of the bivalve mollusk shell was evaluated as a mechanical stabilizer for a clayey soil, the shell of the bivalve mollusk evaluated was that of the Choro de Mar mollusk. Foreign regulations such as the Florida Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Brigde Construction and Orange County Utilities Master CIP Technical Specifications evaluate the use of the shell of the sea shell as a stabilizer for different layers of flexible pavement improving the resistance of the soil in front to an applied load (CBR), however, in Peru that method is known at the thesis level. The ratios of variation of the dimensions in the crushing of the Choro de Mar mollusk are between 35.1mm and 18.4 mm, Four granulometric combinations were carried out and evaluated for each sample extracted in each kilometer of the road section to be evaluated, complying with ASTM - 1241 regulations as well as compliance with the Peruvian Technical Standard. The results obtained indicated that the mollusc shell has physical properties similar to granular soils. With a 28% combination of granular particles from the mollusk shell, an increase of 45% of the CBR of the clay soil was obtained. It was concluded that the sea bivalve mollusk valve works as a stabilizing material for clay soils.Tesi

    The development of a stochastic mathematical model of Alzheimer's disease to help improve the design of clinical trials of potential treatments

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerativ e disorder characterised by a slow progres- sive deterioration of cognitive capacity. Drugs are urgently needed for the treatment of AD and unfortunately almost all clinical trials of AD drug candidates have failed or been discon- tinued to date. Mathematical, computational and statistical tools can be employed in the construction of clinical trial simulators to assist in the improvement of trial design and enhance the chances of success of potential new therapies. Based on the analysis of a set of clinical data provided by the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) we developed a simple stochastic mathematical model to simulate the development and pro- gression of Alzheimer’s in a longitudinal cohort study. We show how this modelling frame- work could be used to assess the effect and the chances of success of hypothetical treatments that are administered at different stages and delay disease development. We demonstrate that the detection of the true efficacy of an AD treatment can be very challeng- ing, even if the treatment is highly effective. An important reason behind the inability to detect signals of efficacy in a clinical trial in this therapy area could be the high between- and within-individual variability in the measuremen t of diagnostic markers and endpoints, which consequently results in the misdiagno sis of an individual’s disease state
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