443 research outputs found

    Decaying Dark Energy in Higher-Dimensional Gravity

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    We use data from observational cosmology to put constraints on higher-dimensional extensions of general relativity in which the effective four-dimensional dark-energy density (or cosmological "constant") decays with time. In particular we study the implications of this decaying dark energy for the age of the universe, large-scale structure formation, big-bang nucleosynthesis and the magnitude-redshift relation for Type Ia supernovae. Two of these tests (age and the magnitude-redshift relation) place modest lower limits on the free parameter of the theory, a cosmological length scale L akin to the de Sitter radius. These limits will improve if experimental uncertainties on supernova magnitudes can be reduced around z=1.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, submitted to A&

    Dark Matter and Background Light

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    Progress in observational cosmology over the past five years has established that the Universe is dominated dynamically by dark matter and dark energy. Both these new and apparently independent forms of matter-energy have properties that are inconsistent with anything in the existing standard model of particle physics, and it appears that the latter must be extended. We review what is known about dark matter and energy from their impact on the light of the night sky. Most of the candidates that have been proposed so far are not perfectly black, but decay into or otherwise interact with photons in characteristic ways that can be accurately modelled and compared with observational data. We show how experimental limits on the intensity of cosmic background radiation in the microwave, infrared, optical, ultraviolet, x-ray and gamma-ray bands put strong limits on decaying vacuum energy, light axions, neutrinos, unstable weakly-interacting massive particles (WIMPs) and objects like black holes. Our conclusion is that the dark matter is most likely to be WIMPs if conventional cosmology holds; or higher-dimensional sources if spacetime needs to be extended.Comment: 185 pages, 42 figures, to appear in Physics Report

    Carbon geochemistry in lakes and coastal erosion sites

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    Dynamics of a Generalized Cosmological Scalar-Tensor Theory

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    A generalized scalar-tensor theory is investigated whose cosmological term depends on both a scalar field and its time derivative. A correspondence with solutions of five-dimensional Space-Time-Matter theory is noted. Analytic solutions are found for the scale factor, scalar field and cosmological term. Models with free parameters of order unity are consistent with recent observational data and could be relevant to both the dark-matter and cosmological-"constant" problems.Comment: 13 page

    Cosmological Implications of a Non-Separable 5D Solution of the Vacuum Einstein Field Equations

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    An exact class of solutions of the 5D vacuum Einstein field equations (EFEs) is obtained. The metric coefficients are found to be non-separable functions of time and the extra coordinate ll and the induced metric on ll = constant hypersurfaces has the form of a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmology. The 5D manifold and 3D and 4D submanifolds are in general curved, which distinguishes this solution from previous ones in the literature. The singularity structure of the manifold is explored: some models in the class do not exhibit a big bang, while other exhibit a big bang and a big crunch. For the models with an initial singularity, the equation of state of the induced matter evolves from radiation like at early epochs to Milne-like at late times and the big bang manifests itself as a singular hypersurface in 5D. The projection of comoving 5D null geodesics onto the 4D submanifold is shown to be compatible with standard 4D comoving trajectories, while the expansion of 5D null congruences is shown to be in line with conventional notions of the Hubble expansion.Comment: 8 pages, in press in J. Math. Phy

    Two-component mixture of charged particles confined in a channel: melting

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    The melting of a binary system of charged particles confined in a {\it quasi}-one-dimensional parabolic channel is studied through Monte Carlo simulations. At zero temperature the particles are ordered in parallel chains. The melting is anisotropic and different melting temperatures are obtained according to the spatial direction, and the different types of particles present in the system. Melting is very different for the single-, two- and four-chain configurations. A temperature induced structural phase transition is found between two different four chain ordered states which is absent in the mono-disperse system. In the mixed regime, where the two types of particles are only slightly different, melting is almost isotropic and a thermally induced homogeneous distribution of the distinct types of charges is observed.Comment: To appear in Journal of Physics: condensed matter ; (13 pages, 12 figures

    Induced Matter and Particle Motion in Non-Compact Kaluza-Klein Gravity

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    We examine generalizations of the five-dimensional canonical metric by including a dependence of the extra coordinate in the four-dimensional metric. We discuss a more appropriate way to interpret the four-dimensional energy-momentum tensor induced from the five-dimensional space-time and show it can lead to quite different physical situations depending on the interpretation chosen. Furthermore, we show that the assumption of five-dimensional null trajectories in Kaluza-Klein gravity can correspond to either four-dimensional massive or null trajectories when the path parameterization is chosen properly. Retaining the extra-coordinate dependence in the metric, we show the possibility of a cosmological variation in the rest masses of particles and a consequent departure from four-dimensional geodesic motion by a geometric force. In the examples given, we show that at late times it is possible for particles traveling along 5D null geodesics to be in a frame consistent with the induced matter scenario.Comment: 29 pages, accepted to GR

    Static Ricci-flat 5-manifolds admitting the 2-sphere

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    We examine, in a purely geometrical way, static Ricci-flat 5-manifolds admitting the 2-sphere and an additional hypersurface-orthogonal Killing vector. These are widely studied in the literature, from different physical approaches, and known variously as the Kramer - Gross - Perry - Davidson - Owen solutions. The 2-fold infinity of cases that result are studied by way of new coordinates (which are in most cases global) and the cases likely to be of interest in any physical approach are distinguished on the basis of the nakedness and geometrical mass of their associated singularities. It is argued that the entire class of solutions has to be considered unstable about the exceptional solutions: the black string and soliton cases. Any physical theory which admits the non-exceptional solutions as the external vacuua of a collapsing object has to accept the possibility of collapse to zero volume leaving behind the weakest possible, albeit naked, geometrical singularities at the origin.Finally, it is pointed out that these types of solutions generalize, in a straightforward way, to higher dimensions.Comment: Generalize, in a straightforward way, to higher dimension