1,921 research outputs found

    Велика Вітчизняна війна в публікаційній діяльності державної архівної служби Республіки Білорусь

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    Проаналізовано внесок архівістів Білорусі у висвітлення безсмертного народного подвигу в роки великої вітчизняної війни, зокрема публікаційну діяльність державної архівної служби Республіки Білорусь.Проанализирован вклад архивистов Беларуси в освещение бессмертного народного подвига в годы великой отечественной войны, в частности публикационная деятельность Государственной архивной службы Республики Беларусь.The article analizes the contribution of Bilorus’ archivists in clarification of national immortal exploits of the Great Patriotic War, including publication activities of the State Archival Service of the Republic of Bilorus’

    Where the linearized Poisson-Boltzmann cell model fails: (I) spurious phase separation in charged colloidal suspensions

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    We perform a linearization of the Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) density functional for spherical Wigner-Seitz cells that yields Debye-H\"uckel-like equations agreeing asymptotically with the PB results in the weak-coupling (high-temperature) limit. Both the canonical (fixed number of microions) as well as the semi-grand-canonical (in contact with an infinite salt reservoir) cases are considered and discussed in a unified linearized framework. In the canonical case, for sufficiently large colloidal charges the linearized theory predicts the occurrence of a thermodynamical instability with an associated phase separation of the homogeneous suspension into dilute (gas) and dense (liquid) phases. In the semi-grand-canonical case it is predicted that the isothermal compressibility and the osmotic-pressure difference between the colloidal suspension and the salt reservoir become negative in the low-temperature, high-surface charge or infinite-dilution (of polyions) limits. As already pointed out in the literature for the latter case, these features are in disagreement with the exact nonlinear PB solution inside a Wigner-Seitz cell and are thus artifacts of the linearization. By using explicitly gauge-invariant forms of the electrostatic potential we show that these artifacts, although thermodynamically consistent with quadratic expansions of the nonlinear functional and osmotic pressure, may be traced back to the non-fulfillment of the underlying assumptions of the linearization.Comment: 32 pages, 3 PostScript figures, submitted to J. Chem. Phy

    Parenting in times of war: A meta-analysis and qualitative synthesis of war-exposure, parenting, and child adjustment

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    This mixed-methods systematic review and meta-analysis sheds more light on the role parenting practices play in children’s adjustment after war exposure. Specifically, we quantitatively examined how war exposure shapes parenting behavior, and whether parenting behavior explains some of the well-known associations between war exposure and children’s adjustment. In addition, we meta-synthesized the qualitative evidence answering when and why parenting practices might change for war-affected families. We searched nine electronic databases and contacted experts in the field for relevant studies published until March 2018, identifying 4,147 unique publications that were further screened by title and abstract, resulting in 158 publications being fully screened. By running a meta-analytic structural equation model (MASEM) with 38 quantitative studies (N = 54,372, Mage = 12.00, SDage = 3.54), we found that war-exposed parents showed less warmth and more harshness towards their children, which partly mediated the association between war exposure and child adjustment, i.e., more post-traumatic stress symptoms, depression and anxiety, social problems, externalizing behavior, and lower positive outcomes. War exposure was not associated with parents’ exercise of behavioral control. Through meta-synthesizing ten qualitative studies (N = 1,042, age range = 0-18), we found that the nature of war-related trauma affected parenting differently. That is, parents showed harshness, hostility, inconsistency and less warmth in highly dangerous settings, and more warmth and overprotection when only living under threat. We conclude that it is not only how much but also what families have seen that shape parenting in times of war

    Electrophoretic Properties of Highly Charged Colloids: A Hybrid MD/LB Simulation Study

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    Using computer simulations, the electrophoretic motion of a positively charged colloid (macroion) in an electrolyte solution is studied in the framework of the primitive model. Hydrodynamic interactions are fully taken into account by applying a hybrid simulation scheme, where the charged ions (i.e. macroion and electrolyte), propagated via molecular dynamics (MD), are coupled to a Lattice Boltzmann (LB) fluid. In a recent experiment it was shown that, for multivalent salt ions, the mobility μ\mu initially increases with charge density σ\sigma, reaches a maximum and then decreases with further increase of σ\sigma. The aim of the present work is to elucidate the behaviour of μ\mu at high values of σ\sigma. Even for the case of monovalent microions, we find a decrease of μ\mu with σ\sigma. A dynamic Stern layer is defined that includes all the counterions that move with the macroion while subject to an external electrical field. The number of counterions in the Stern layer, q0q_0, is a crucial parameter for the behavior of μ\mu at high values of σ\sigma. In this case, the mobility μ\mu depends primarily on the ratio q0/Qq_0/Q (with QQ the valency of the macroion). The previous contention that the increase in the distortion of the electric double layer (EDL) with increasing σ\sigma leads to the lowering of μ\mu does not hold for high σ\sigma. In fact, we show that the deformation of the EDL decreases with increase of σ\sigma. The role of hydrodynamic interactions is inferred from direct comparisons to Langevin simulations where the coupling to the LB fluid is switched off. Moreover, systems with divalent counterions are considered. In this case, at high values of σ\sigma the phenomenon of charge inversion is found.Comment: accepted in J. Chem Phys., 10 pages, 9 figure