26 research outputs found

    NuMuzArt: an original, multi-sensory, creative experience

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    NuMuzArt grew from a small seed planted in my brain over the summer of 2014, when I attended a few summer composition programs to experience and learn more about my compositional craft. While at the Charlotte Music Festival, I participated in a conversation about the sterile nature of music recitals in the academic and concert music world. This conversation stuck with me and became a no-brainer subject for my honors thesis. I would research the concert music world and construct an alternative which would solve a few of my personal vendettas against the standard recital format, while retaining a “serious about music” quality, that is to say, keeping the event something that those readily immersed in the fine arts atmosphere could still appreciate


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    OVERGROWN discusses the music elements found in the thesis composition of the same name. OVERGROWN was written for soprano solo, flute, bass clarinet, soprano saxophone, baritone saxophone, trumpet, trombone, vibraphone, percussion, cello and double bass. The text was written by Matthew Raymond Smith


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran kondisi faktual keterampilan teknik pendamping awas keluarga pada siswa tunanetra, memperoleh gambaran faktor apa yang menjadi penghambat dan pendukung dalam pelaksanaan program latihan teknik pendamping awas, membuat rumusan pengembangan program latihan teknik pendamping awas bagi keluarga siswa tunanetra dan mendapatkan gambaran hasil uji coba pengembangan program latihan teknik pendamping awas bagi keluarga siswa tunanetra. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan beberapa hal: Pertama, kondisi faktual membuktikan bahwa keluarga tidak paham akan ketunanetraan dan tidak terampil dalam menggunakan teknik pendamping awas. Kedua, rasa malu dan kurang kerjasama antara tunanetra dan keluarga adalah salah satu faktor penghambat sedangkan adanya kemauan untuk berlatih teknik pendamping awas menjadi faktor pendukung. Ketiga, pengembangan program latihan teknik pendamping awas bagi keluarga siswa tunanetra telah di validasi. Keempat, pengembangan program latihan teknik pendamping awas bagi keluarga siswa tunanetra di uji coba dengan melaksanakan pelatihan pada salah satu anggota keluarga, kemudian di observasi, wawancara dan di dokumentasikan. Untuk mencapai hasil yang sempurna diharapkan adanya kerjasama antara keluarga dan sekolah

    Pengaruh Peer Instruction dalam Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing terhadap Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Pokok Bahasan Usaha Dan Energi Siswa SMAN 2 Sigi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh peer instruction dalam model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing terhadap keterampilan berpikir kritis pokok bahasan Usaha dan energi. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuasi eksperimen dengan desain penelitian prates-pascates kelompok kontrol tanpa acak. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI IPA SMA Negeri 2 Sigi, dengan sampel penelitian kelas XI MIA 1 sebagai kelas eksperimen dengan jumlah siswa 18 orang, dan kelas XI MIA 3 sebagai kelas kontrol dengan jumlah siswa 18 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa tes ketrampilan berpikir kritis berbentuk essay. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data, diperoleh rerata skor tes awal di kelas eksperimen yaitu 14,94 dan tes akhir siswa yaitu 26,60. Sedangkan rerata skor  awal siswa kelas kontrol yaitu 14,61 dan tes akhir siswa yaitu 14,78. Analisis data tes dilakukan dengan teknik statistik uji-t dua pihak (uji perbedaan rata-rata) Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai hasil thitung = 4,33 dan ttabel= 1,68. Dengan demikian H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima. Berdasarkan hasil uji perbedaan rata-rata, maka dapat dilihat bahwa perlakuan peer instruction dalam model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing yang dilakukan di kelas eksperimen lebih berpengaruh terhadap keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa dibandingkan dengan pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing yang diberikan di kelas kontrol hal ini di lihat juga pada perbandingan hasil nilai tes awal yang di peroleh siswa dimana hanya 2 orang siswa yang berada pada tingkat keterampilan berpikir kritis tinggi sedangkan 16 orang siswa berada pada tingkat keterampilan berpikir kritis rendah setelah di beri tes akhir nilai yang di peroleh seluruh siswa berada pada tingkat keterampilan berpikir kritis tinggi

    Pengaruh Expressive Arts Therapy terhadap Self-Acceptance Narapidana Kasus Narkoba

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    Drug abuse is a serious problem in many countries, including Indonesia. Drug convicts have a high risk of experiencing mental health problems and difficulties in accepting themselves, which can affect the rehabilitation process. Expressive arts therapy has been used as an additional therapy to improve individual mental well-being and can be an alternative choice to increase self-acceptance. This study aims to evaluate the impact of expressive arts therapy on the level of self-acceptance of prisoners who experience drug cases. Expressive arts therapy includes aspects of self-expression that can trigger positive emotions, reduce stress, and indirectly increase self-acceptance. This therapy is carried out in groups to strengthen social support, which is a key factor in increasing self-acceptance according to Ryff (2005). This study used a pretest posttest control group design with the participation of 50 drug convicts (25 participants as an experimental group and 25 participants as a control group). This study also used an adapted self-acceptance scale as a measurement instrument. Data analysis was performed using the t test using SPSS software version 22.0. The results show that there is an effect of expressive arts therapy on self-acceptance as indicated by the t test result of 0.034. Furthermore, based on the effectiveness test using the Cohen formula, it is known that expressive arts therapy has a role in the medium or medium category to increase self-acceptance in drug case convicts with an effect size score of 0.6. As a recommendation expressive arts therapy can be an effective alternative therapy to help drug convicts in their recovery process

    Comportamiento del consumo máximo de oxígeno durante el desentrenamiento deportivo en baloncestistas retirados del deporte de alto rendimiento

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    The study focuses on sports training and is aimed at assessing the behavior of the variable maximum oxygen consumption during this stage of sports life, as an element of relevance for basketball players retired from high performance sport. These demand readjustments in the organic, physical and psychological components, tempered to the new demands of the context. For this, a quasi-experiment was carried out in two groups: a control group and an experimental group, to whom the 2000m race test was applied at two times during the detraining to assess aerobic work capacity by applying tokmakiddis formula.El estudio se centra en el desentrenamiento deportivo y está encaminado a valorar el comportamiento de la variable consumo máximo de oxígeno durante esta etapa de la vida deportiva, como elemento de pertinencia para los baloncestistas retirados del deporte de alto rendimiento. Estos demandan readaptaciones en los componentes orgánico, físico y psicológico, atemperadas a las nuevas exigencias del contexto. Para ello se realizó un cuasi-experimento en dos grupos: un grupo control y otro experimental, a quienes se les aplicó en dos momentos durante el desentrenamiento la prueba de carrera sobre 2000m para evaluar capacidad de trabajo aerobio aplicando fórmula de tokmakiddis


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    STAIN Batusangkar is oldest and require the support of information and communication technology tools in large quantities. It is necessary for procurement planning and management systems are integral and better. This study aimed to examine the overall architecture for business processes that exist in STAIN Batusangkar using enterprise modeling systems. The steps of modeling using EAP architecture is divided into two phases, namely the identification of enterprise and enterprise architecture development. Identification entreprise by defining the organization as an object to describe the vision and mission of the organization associated with the vision of information systems planning. This is done for the development of the campus architecture tailored to the business objectives. The results showed that the necessary framework of policy, strategic planning, organizational development concept of unit information and communications technology management, user management, network infrastructure and integrated information systems. Thus, we can conclude enterprise architecture modeling using enterprise information systems architecture planning can be used to assess the overall architecture of the existing business processes in STAIN Batusangkar using enterprise modeling systems.   Key words: model enterprise architecture planning, STAIN Batusangka