10 research outputs found


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    Effective pedagogical management of the formation of communicative skills in schoolchildren is impossible without monitoring the degree of their formation. The article presents the materials of diagnostic tools, including a questionnaire, criteria and nominative indicators for assessing the degree of formation of the components of communicative universal educational actions. The questionnaire is adapted to the age characteristics of younger students.On the basis of the developed criteria and indicators, a theoretical model of possible levels of mastery by younger students of the communicative actions of interaction, interiorization and cooperation is proposed. The article introduces the results of determining the levels of formation of communicative universal educational actions among elementary school graduates. The study was based on an analysis of literary sources, a survey of primary school students and theoretical modeling.


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    Unfavorable forecasts of environmental scientists regarding environmental changes actualize the problem of environmental values importance in the process of children upbringing.The article theoretically substantiates that emotions caused by perception of ecological situations of their region leave unconscious "imprints" in the child's life and therefore can serve as a psychological foundation for the formation of these values in primary school children.  For children of primary school age, when they assess environmental situations, circumstances, events they encounter in their lives, the emotional reaction often outstrips the cognitive one, reflects the personal meaning, value attitude of a child towards them.The aim of the article is to study the emotional component of primary school children’ value attitude to the ecological situation of his region in order to introduce core value of "ecological safety" into his/her system of values. The study was based on the analysis of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical literary sources, testing, interviewing primary school children and pedagogical experiment.Managing the emotional development of primary schoolchildren can significantly change their value attitude to nature. Under conditions of the experiment, 61% of children began to realize their need for vigorous activity, and 17% of junior schoolchildren became psychologically ready for joint environmental protection activities


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    The need to form the artistic and aesthetic attitude of children to folklore and to cultivate a love of popular culture actualizes the topic of the article.The purpose of the article is a theoretical justification for the possibility of integrating the arts as a means of forming the aesthetic attitude of junior schoolchildren to folklore; the development of a diagnostic apparatus (criteria, diagnostic techniques and levels) of the formation of the aesthetic attitude of children to folklore, the definition of the arts used in the training and their integration links.The authors propose the structure of the aesthetic attitude of children to folklore, the criteria of its formation (motives and needs of children to study folklore, imagery, verbalization, аbstraction, symbolism, metophorization describe the results of empirical research of the original level, the exact knowledge of which will contribute to an effective change in the aesthetic attitude of junior schoolchildren to folklore.The study is based on an analysis of philosophical and psychological-educational sources; empirical methods (pedagogical experiment, questionnaire, testing) and Methods of diagnosis of figurative and verbal development рersonality theory.The article provides examples of the judgments of junior schoolchildren, which led to the conclusion that, that children of experimental (EG) and control groups (KG) in general, show interest in the integration of arts and are at an average (61.5% EG, and 69.2% -KG) (23.1% - EG and 19.2% (KG) or low levels of the formation of aesthetic attitude to folklore. The findings suggest that further work is needed to develop this phenomenon

    Creative methods of noospheric learning through art assets: Case study of authentic education

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    In this article authors discuss the methodology of evaluating noospheric insights in higher education students through art assets. A very important goal of students’ inclusion into the authentic context of ecological education is being achieved. As a result of this study, evaluation criteria were determined, such as imagination, emotionality, originality, abstraction. For the more in-depth development of the evaluation procedure the following methods were used: educational experiment, observation, questionnaires, semantic differential (SD), method of setting the attitude on associative transformation of the object being perceived, creative methods. Authors determined the levels of student’s noospheric insights formation (high, above average, average, low) for the following evaluation of correlation between the categories of singular, special and common in students’ aesthetical insights. The results, including content and structural, functional components, are described in this article, allowing to connect the process of noosperic insights mastering by students with the authentic context of education

    Emotional Comprehension of the Value of Environmental Safety by Schoolchildren with Intellectual Disability

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    The topicality of the study is explained by the fact that schoolchildren with a temporary intellectual disability perceive the world around them, the ecological situation, and natural processes in a peculiar way. Such children have difficulty comprehending some terminal values, such as “environmental safety”. The purpose of the article is to theoretically and experimentally substantiate the methods and means of emotional comprehension of environmental safety by schoolchildren with temporary intellectual disability. The research was based on the methods of theoretical analysis of domestic and foreign literary sources, testing of 20 students with intellectual disability, interviewing, and a pedagogical experiment. The article theoretically justifies that emotional comprehension of the value of environmental safety by schoolchildren with temporary intellectual disability is possible as a result of their constantly organized assessment of environmental situations. The analysis of diagnostics made it possible to establish that, without special work with schoolchildren with intellectual disability, 25% of the children emotionally inadequately assess the environmental situations offered to them visually and verbally. The majority of students (60%) does not feel the need for active action. 5% of children believe that they cannot in any way change or influence the ecological situations in their region. The practical significance of the results of the study lies in the experimental proof that in order to understand the value of environmental safety for children with intellectual disability, it is necessary to use the methods of “emotional explosion”, empathy, emotional-value contrasts, accentuation of emotions, and during the collective project activity to role-play psychological situations

    Implementing Integrated Technologies in Aesthetic Development of Primary Schoolchildren

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    The relevance of problem of aesthetic development of primary schoolchildren by means of integrated technology is caused by the necessity to find new ways allowing to create a holistic picture of images embodied in the art. Development of theoretical positions of this phenomenon is based on: 1) influence of association on the development of mental processes of the individual; 2) integration of arts mutually complementing and enriching the holistic vision of artistic image. However, these areas have not been developed in primary school practice. The aim of the study is to implement the main areas of integrated technology in the aesthetic development of primary schoolchildren. The study used both theoretical and empirical methods. The importance of implementing integrated technology is determined by the necessity to find the main areas ensuring aesthetic development of children. Due to the new knowledge about content and structure of integrated technology, practical significance of the study lies in the possibility to implement the main structural components of integrated technology in professional activities of teachers. Determining specifics of the aesthetic development of primary schoolchildren should begin by clarifying the content of its components. Specifics of targeted, methodological, meaningful, procedural and effective components of integrated technology should be taken into account. Complementary techniques should be used to determine the criterion

    Aesthetic Education of Bachelors by Means of Information Technologies

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    The relevance of the study is due to the need of using forms integrating modern world achievements in the theory and aesthetic education of bachelors in a new individual-group format. The aim of the study is theoretically justify and implement the directions of using information technologies in aesthetic education of bachelors. Research methods: a) theoretical: analysis, interpretation; b) empirical: questionnaire, pedagogical experiment; c) mathematical: the criterion of angular transformation of Fisher (280 people). The article theoretically substantiates the possibilities of using information technologies in aesthetic education of bachelors. New knowledge about their implementation in the following directions has received: 1) determining cultural foundations of aesthetic education of bachelors, 2) integrative processes in the understanding of artistic images; 3) value-meaning understanding of art based on subject-object reflection of reality. The criterion of forming aesthetic education of bachelors (motivational, figurative, value-meaning, creative) and levels are determined: high, figurative, low; the relationship between possession of information technologies and aesthetic education of bachelors is established. The practical significance of the results of the study is using diagnostic techniques, information technologies in aesthetic education of bachelors. Aesthetic education of bachelors should begin with determining its main components and introducing modern information technologies. It is necessary to use several complementary techniques to determine the criterion of using information technologies

    Implementation of the Model of Noosphere-Aesthetic Education of Primary School Students by Means of Regional Culture

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    The relevance of the problem of noosphere-aesthetic education of primary school students is due to the need for their entry into noosphere-cultural space of the region which affects the formation of humanistic attitude of students to all life on the earth, their native nature and culture; insufficient theoretical and practical development of the model for the implementation of this phenomenon.The purpose of the article is theoretical substantiation, development and implementation of the model of noosphere-aesthetic education of primary school students by means of regional culture.The leading method of research is modeling which allows to create and implement an integral system of noosphere-aesthetic education of primary school students by means of regional culture.On the basis of cultural and environmental approaches we have defined the content of the concepts "noosphere-aesthetic education of primary school students", “regional culture" and proved the effectiveness of the model for implementing this approach. In this article from the standpoint of cultural and environmental approaches the concept of "noosphere-aesthetic education of primary school students" is clarified, the effectiveness of the implementation model of this phenomenon by means of regional culture is proved, prospects of using its building blocks: target, structural, diagnostic, technological and effective in the education system are substantiated.The results of the research presented in the article and statistical processing of experimental data using R.Fisher's angular coefficient of transformation proved the effectiveness of proposed model in educational process.Practical significance of the study is that diagnostic techniques, program, process unit of the model presented in the article contribute to more efficient noosphere education of primary school students and can be used by teachers of higher school, primary school teachers and educators in their activities

    Analysis of Outcomes in Ischemic vs Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation A Report From the GARFIELD-AF Registry

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    IMPORTANCE Congestive heart failure (CHF) is commonly associated with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (AF), and their combination may affect treatment strategies and outcomes