11,315 research outputs found

    Model-Based Method for Social Network Clustering

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    We propose a simple mixed membership model for social network clustering in this note. A flexible function is adopted to measure affinities among a set of entities in a social network. The model not only allows each entity in the network to possess more than one membership, but also provides accurate statistical inference about network structure. We estimate the membership parameters by using an MCMC algorithm. We evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm by applying our model to two empirical social network data, the Zachary club data and the bottlenose dolphin network data. We also conduct some numerical studies for different types of simulated networks for assessing the effectiveness of our algorithm. In the end, some concluding remarks and future work are addressed briefly

    Performance Analysis of a Dual-Hop Cooperative Relay Network with Co-Channel Interference

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    This paper analyzes the performance of a dual-hop amplify-and-forward (AF) cooperative relay network in the presence of direct link between the source and destination and multiple co-channel interferences (CCIs) at the relay. Specifically, we derive the new analytical expressions for the moment generating function (MGF) of the output signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) and the average symbol error rate (ASER) of the relay network. Computer simulations are given to confirm the validity of the analytical results and show the effects of direct link and interference on the considered AF relay network

    Asymptotic Matrix Theory of Bragg Fibers

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    We developed a matrix theory that applies to any cylindrically symmetric fiber surrounded with Bragg cladding, which includes both the Bragg fibers and the recently proposed dielectric coaxial fibers. In this formalism,an arbitrary number of inner dielectric layers are treated exactly and the outside cladding structure is approximated in the asymptotic limit. An estimate of the radiation loss of such fibers is given. We compare the asymptotic results with those obtained from the finite difference time domain (FDTD) calculations and find excellent agreement between the two approaches

    Backaction of a charge detector on a double quantum dot

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    We develop a master equation approach to study the backaction of quantum point contact (QPC) on a double quantum dot (DQD) at zero bias voltage. We reveal why electrons can pass through the zero-bias DQD only when the bias voltage across the QPC exceeds a threshold value determined by the eigenstate energy difference of the DQD. This derived excitation condition agrees well with experiments on QPC-induced inelastic electron tunneling through a DQD [S. Gustavsson et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 206804(2007)]. Moreover, we propose a new scheme to generate a pure spin current by the QPC in the absence of a charge current.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Resonance tongues and patterns in periodically forced reaction-diffusion systems

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    Various resonant and near-resonant patterns form in a light-sensitive Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) reaction in response to a spatially-homogeneous time-periodic perturbation with light. The regions (tongues) in the forcing frequency and forcing amplitude parameter plane where resonant patterns form are identified through analysis of the temporal response of the patterns. Resonant and near-resonant responses are distinguished. The unforced BZ reaction shows both spatially-uniform oscillations and rotating spiral waves, while the forced system shows patterns such as standing-wave labyrinths and rotating spiral waves. The patterns depend on the amplitude and frequency of the perturbation, and also on whether the system responds to the forcing near the uniform oscillation frequency or the spiral wave frequency. Numerical simulations of a forced FitzHugh-Nagumo reaction-diffusion model show both resonant and near-resonant patterns similar to the BZ chemical system

    Controlling edge states of zigzag carbon nanotubes by the Aharonov-Bohm flux

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    It has been known theoretically that localized states exist around zigzag edges of a graphite ribbon and of a carbon nanotube, whose energy eigenvalues are located between conduction and valence bands. We found that in metallic single-walled zigzag carbon nanotubes two of the localized states become critical, and that their localization length is sensitive to the mean curvature of a tube and can be controlled by the Aharonov-Bohm flux. The curvature induced mini-gap closes by the relatively weak magnetic field. Conductance measurement in the presence of the Aharonov-Bohm flux can give information about the curvature effect and the critical states.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Metabolic Impacts of Using Nitrogen and Copper-Regulated Promoters to Regulate Gene Expression in Neurospora crassa.

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    The filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa is a long-studied eukaryotic microbial system amenable to heterologous expression of native and foreign proteins. However, relatively few highly tunable promoters have been developed for this species. In this study, we compare the tcu-1 and nit-6 promoters for controlled expression of a GFP reporter gene in N. crassa. Although the copper-regulated tcu-1 has been previously characterized, this is the first investigation exploring nitrogen-controlled nit-6 for expression of heterologous genes in N. crassa. We determined that fragments corresponding to 1.5-kb fragments upstream of the tcu-1 and nit-6 open reading frames are needed for optimal repression and expression of GFP mRNA and protein. nit-6 was repressed using concentrations of glutamine from 2 to 20 mM and induced in medium containing 0.5-20 mM nitrate as the nitrogen source. Highest levels of expression were achieved within 3 hr of induction for each promoter and GFP mRNA could not be detected within 1 hr after transfer to repressing conditions using the nit-6 promoter. We also performed metabolic profiling experiments using proton NMR to identify changes in metabolite levels under inducing and repressing conditions for each promoter. The results demonstrate that conditions used to regulate tcu-1 do not significantly change the primary metabolome and that the differences between inducing and repressing conditions for nit-6 can be accounted for by growth under nitrate or glutamine as a nitrogen source. Our findings demonstrate that nit-6 is a tunable promoter that joins tcu-1 as a choice for regulation of gene expression in N. crassa

    Quantum error correction on symmetric quantum sensors

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    Symmetric states of collective angular momentum are good candidates for multi-qubit probe states in quantum sensors because they are easy to prepare and can be controlled without requiring individual addressability. Here, we give quantum error correction protocols for estimating the magnitude of classical fields using symmetric probe states. To achieve this, we first develop a general theory for quantum error correction on the symmetric subspace. This theory, based on the representation theory of the symmetric group, allows us to construct efficient algorithms that can correct any correctible error on any permutation-invariant code. These algorithms involve measurements of total angular momentum, quantum Schur transforms or logical state teleportations, and geometric pulse gates. For deletion errors, we give a simpler quantum error correction algorithm based on primarily on geometric pulse gates. Second, we devise a simple quantum sensing scheme on symmetric probe states that works in spite of a linear rate of deletion errors, and analyze its asymptotic performance. In our scheme, we repeatedly project the probe state onto the codespace while the signal accumulates. When the time spent to accumulate the signal is constant, our scheme can do phase estimation with precision that approaches the best possible in the noiseless setting. Third, we give near-term implementations of our algorithms.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figures, 2 column