16 research outputs found

    Frequency stabilization at the kilohertz level of a continuous intracavity frequency-doubled singly resonant optical parametric oscillator

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    A continuous intracavity frequency-doubled singly resonant optical parametric oscillator (OPO) is stabilized to the side of the transmission peak of a medium finesse Fabry–Perot cavity. The narrow bandwidth of the frequency noise of this OPO allows this simple scheme to lead to a stability of a few kilohertz with respect to the locking etalon. The system, operating in the visible domain, remains locked for more than 1h

    Broadly tunable (440-670 nm) solid-state organic laser with disposable capsules

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    An innovative concept of thin-film organic solid-state laser is proposed, with diffraction-limited output and a broad tuning range covering the visible spectrum under UV optical pumping. The laser beam is tunable over 230 nm, from 440 to 670 nm, with a 3 nm full width at half maximum typical spectral width. The structure consists of a compact fixed bulk optical cavity, a polymeric intracavity etalon for wavelength tuning, as well as five different disposable glass slides coated with a dye-doped polymer film, forming a very simple and low-cost gain medium. The use of interchangeable/disposable "gain capsules" is an alternative solution to photodegradation issues, since gain chips can be replaced without realignment of the cavity. The laser lifetime of a single chip in ambient conditions and without encapsulation was extrapolated to be around 107 pulses at a microjoule energy-per-pulse level

    Inkjet-printed vertically emitting solid-state organic lasers

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    In this paper, we show that Inkjet Printing can be successfully applied to external-cavity vertically-emitting thin-film organic lasers, and can be used to generate a diffraction-limited output beam with an output energy as high as 33.6 uJ with a slope efficiency S of 34%. Laser emission shows to be continuously tunable from 570 to 670 nm using an intracavity polymer-based Fabry-Perot etalon. High-optical quality films with several um thicknesses are realized thanks to ink-jet printing. We introduce a new optical material where EMD6415 commercial ink constitutes the optical host matrix and exhibits a refractive index of 1.5 and an absorption coefficient of 0.66 cm-1 at 550-680 nm. Standard laser dyes like Pyromethene 597 and Rhodamine 640 are incorporated in solution to the EMD6415 ink. Such large size " printed pixels " of 50 mm 2 present uniform and flat surfaces, with roughness measured as low as 1.5 nm in different locations of a 50um x 50um AFM scan. Finally, as the gain capsules fabricated by Inkjet printing are simple and do not incorporate any tuning or cavity element, they are simple to make, have a negligible fabrication cost and can be used as fully disposable items. This works opens the way towards the fabrication of really low-cost tunable visible lasers with an affordable technology that has the potential to be widely disseminated

    Diode-pumped Pr:BaY2F8 cw orange laser

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    We report the realization of the continuous wave laser emission in the orange at 607 nm from a Pr:BaY2F8 (Pr:BYF) crystal pumped by a blue GaN laser diode. A maximal output power of 78 mW is obtained in a quasi single transverse mode beam. The effect of reabsorption losses at the laser wavelength is also evidencedComment: accepted for publication in Optics Letter

    Development of solid state CW visible and frequency stabilized laser sources : an alternative to dye lasers

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    Le traitement de l’information quantique, en particulier celui utilisant les centres colorés du diamant et la manipulation cohérente des ions de terre rare incorporés dans des matrices solides (Pr3+, Eu3+) et la spectroscopie à ultra-haute résolution, nécessitent des sources accordables ayant une faible largeur de raie. Or, dans la gamme rouge-orange (570-635 nm) où les diodes lasers font défaut et les lasers solides restent très peu développés, les lasers à colorants sont actuellement les seules sources de rayonnement cohérent disponibles. En revanche, ce type de laser est assez complexe et difficile à stabiliser au niveau du kHz à cause des bruits à haute fréquence générés par le jet de colorant.Pour répondre aux besoins des expériences citées ci-dessus, cette thèse vise à proposer une alternative “tout solide” aux lasers à colorants en explorant différentes possibilités pour la construction d’une source stable émettant dans l’orange-rouge. Dans ce but, nous avons proposé deux solutions:1. La première consiste à développer des oscillateurs paramétriques optiques. Dans cette voie, nous avons développé un OPO simplement résonant à doublage de fréquence intra-cavité et stabilisé en frequence au niveau du kHz.2. La deuxième consiste en un laser à base de fluorures dopés au Pr3+pompé par diode.The quantum information processing using diamond color center or the coherent manipulation of rare earth ion embedded in solid state matrices (Pr3+, Eu3+) or the high resolution spectroscopy, require narrow linewidth tunable laser sources.However in the orange-red range (570-635 nm) where laser diodes are lacking and solid-state lasers are poorly developed, only dye lasers are currently available. Nevertheless these sources are complex and difficult to stabilize at the kHz level because of the high frequency noise induced by dye jet.The aim of this thesis is to give an all-solid state alternative of dye lasers. For this purpose, two solutions have been studied:1. The first approach consists on the development of an intracavity frequency doubled singly resonant optical parametric oscillator (OPO) and frequency stabilized at the kHz level.2. The second approach consists on the development of a diode pumped Pr-doped fluoride laser

    Développement des sources lasers solides continues, visibles et stabilisées en fréquence : une alternative aux lasers à colorants

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    The quantum information processing using diamond color center or the coherent manipulation of rare earth ion embedded in solid state matrices (Pr3+, Eu3+) or the high resolution spectroscopy, require narrow linewidth tunable laser sources.However in the orange-red range (570-635 nm) where laser diodes are lacking and solid-state lasers are poorly developed, only dye lasers are currently available. Nevertheless these sources are complex and difficult to stabilize at the kHz level because of the high frequency noise induced by dye jet.The aim of this thesis is to give an all-solid state alternative of dye lasers. For this purpose, two solutions have been studied:1. The first approach consists on the development of an intracavity frequency doubled singly resonant optical parametric oscillator (OPO) and frequency stabilized at the kHz level.2. The second approach consists on the development of a diode pumped Pr-doped fluoride laser.Le traitement de l’information quantique, en particulier celui utilisant les centres colorés du diamant et la manipulation cohérente des ions de terre rare incorporés dans des matrices solides (Pr3+, Eu3+) et la spectroscopie à ultra-haute résolution, nécessitent des sources accordables ayant une faible largeur de raie. Or, dans la gamme rouge-orange (570-635 nm) où les diodes lasers font défaut et les lasers solides restent très peu développés, les lasers à colorants sont actuellement les seules sources de rayonnement cohérent disponibles. En revanche, ce type de laser est assez complexe et difficile à stabiliser au niveau du kHz à cause des bruits à haute fréquence générés par le jet de colorant.Pour répondre aux besoins des expériences citées ci-dessus, cette thèse vise à proposer une alternative “tout solide” aux lasers à colorants en explorant différentes possibilités pour la construction d’une source stable émettant dans l’orange-rouge. Dans ce but, nous avons proposé deux solutions:1. La première consiste à développer des oscillateurs paramétriques optiques. Dans cette voie, nous avons développé un OPO simplement résonant à doublage de fréquence intra-cavité et stabilisé en frequence au niveau du kHz.2. La deuxième consiste en un laser à base de fluorures dopés au Pr3+pompé par diode

    Développement des sources lasers solides continues, visibles et stabilisées en fréquence (une alternative aux lasers à colorants)

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    Le traitement de l information quantique, en particulier celui utilisant les centres colorés du diamant et la manipulation cohérente des ions de terre rare incorporés dans des matrices solides (Pr3+, Eu3+) et la spectroscopie à ultra-haute résolution, nécessitent des sources accordables ayant une faible largeur de raie. Or, dans la gamme rouge-orange (570-635 nm) où les diodes lasers font défaut et les lasers solides restent très peu développés, les lasers à colorants sont actuellement les seules sources de rayonnement cohérent disponibles. En revanche, ce type de laser est assez complexe et difficile à stabiliser au niveau du kHz à cause des bruits à haute fréquence générés par le jet de colorant.Pour répondre aux besoins des expériences citées ci-dessus, cette thèse vise à proposer une alternative tout solide aux lasers à colorants en explorant différentes possibilités pour la construction d une source stable émettant dans l orange-rouge. Dans ce but, nous avons proposé deux solutions:1. La première consiste à développer des oscillateurs paramétriques optiques. Dans cette voie, nous avons développé un OPO simplement résonant à doublage de fréquence intra-cavité et stabilisé en frequence au niveau du kHz.2. La deuxième consiste en un laser à base de fluorures dopés au Pr3+pompé par diode.The quantum information processing using diamond color center or the coherent manipulation of rare earth ion embedded in solid state matrices (Pr3+, Eu3+) or the high resolution spectroscopy, require narrow linewidth tunable laser sources.However in the orange-red range (570-635 nm) where laser diodes are lacking and solid-state lasers are poorly developed, only dye lasers are currently available. Nevertheless these sources are complex and difficult to stabilize at the kHz level because of the high frequency noise induced by dye jet.The aim of this thesis is to give an all-solid state alternative of dye lasers. For this purpose, two solutions have been studied:1. The first approach consists on the development of an intracavity frequency doubled singly resonant optical parametric oscillator (OPO) and frequency stabilized at the kHz level.2. The second approach consists on the development of a diode pumped Pr-doped fluoride laser.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Optimization of the resonant wave output coupling of a singly resonant optical parametric oscillator using an intracavity plate

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    We present a technique allowing us to optimize the output coupling of the resonant wave of a singly resonant optical parametric oscillator (SRO). By inserting a silica plate inside the cavity and tilting it around the Brewster angle, the output coupling of the SRO can be easily varied. This technique combines in principle the advantage of an efficient output coupling together with the possibility of controlling the frequency of the resonant wave of the SRO. We use this plate inside a 532-nm-pumped SRO to extract 1.6 Wat 1.2 µm with a pump depletion of 80 %. We also show the possibility of determining the intracavity loss of the OPO, which is a useful parameter regarding its optimization

    Effets thermiques dans les lasers solides organiques en film mince

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    International audienceWith the recent development of organic solid-state lasers (OSSLs) architectures enabling power scaling and progresses towards continuous-wave operation, the question of thermal effects now arises in OSSLs. In this paper, a Rhodamine 640-PMMA based vertical external cavity surface emitting organic laser is investigated. A thermal microscope is used to record temperature maps at the organic thin film surface during laser action; those maps are compared with time-resolved finite element thermal simulations. The measured and simulated peak temperature rises are in good accordance and are shown to remain below 10 K in standard operating conditions, showing a negligible impact on performance. The validated model is used to investigate typical OSSL structures from the literature, in a virtual high average power regime, and up to the CW regime. It is shown that whenever true CW organic lasing will be realized, significant thermal effects will have to be considered and properly managed

    An Ultra-Narrow Linewidth Solution-Processed Organic Laser

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    Optically pumped lasers based on solution-processed thin-film gain media have recently emerged as low-cost, broadly tunable, and versatile active photonics components that can fit any substrate and are useful for, e.g., chemo-or biosensing or visible spectroscopy. Although single-mode operation has been demonstrated in various resonator architectures with a large variety of gain media-including dye-doped polymers, organic semiconductors, and, more recently, hybrid perovskites-the reported linewidths are typically on the order of a fraction of a nanometer or broader, i.e., the coherence lengths are no longer than a few millimeters, which does not enable high-resolution spectroscopy or coherent sensing. The linewidth is fundamentally constrained by the short photon cavity lifetime in the standard resonator geometries. We demonstrate here a novel structure for an organic thin-film solid-state laser that is based on a vertical external cavity, wherein a holographic volume Bragg grating ensures both spectral selection and output coupling in an otherwise very compact (∼cm 3) design. Under short-pulse (0.4 ns) pumping, Fourier-transform-limited laser pulses are obtained, with a full width at half-maximum linewidth of 900 MHz (1.25 pm). Using 20-ns-long pump pulses, the linewidth can be further reduced to 200 MHz (0.26 pm), which is four times above the Fourier limit and corresponds to an unprecedented coherence length of 1 m. The concept is potentially transferrable to any type of thin-film laser and can be ultimately made tunable it also represents a very compact alternative to bulky grating systems in dye lasers