17 research outputs found

    L´impact des aires protégées et des utilisations anthropogènes du sol sur la regeneration des terrains boisés à Acacia dans l´est du Burkina Faso

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    Regeneration success, persistence strategies (seedlings vs. coppicing), and population trend of Acacia spp. were tested under two land-use regimes in eastern Burkina Faso: (i) protected areas shielded to livestock grazing pressure, to logging, and using early annual fire as a management system; (ii) areas with high human impact (heavily and extensive livestock grazing, harvesting for wood and for medicinal plants). Generally, a good regeneration rate of Acacia species was observed in protected areas and a poor regeneration rate in areas with high human impact. Nevertheless, some species affiliated to the subgenus Aculeiferum as A. dudgeoni and A. polyacantha showed a good regeneration under both land use regimes. Juvenile plants less than 25 cm height of A. dudgeoni and A. gourmaensis increased by 116 to 50 % in areas with human impact as compared to their populations in protected areas. With SCD slopes varying from –0.40 to -0.70, the protected Acacia woodland displayed a stable population structure due to abundance of recruitment, and coppicing persistence (more common in the subgenus Aculeiferum) favoured by early annual fire. Consequently, the protected areas are favourable for Acacia woodland regeneration. Conversely, SCD slopes are positive or close to zero in areas of anthropogenic regime and showed a declining population, especially more marked with the subgenus Acacia due to permanent seed and seedling removal by livestock grazing. Nevertheless, the number of seedlings of some species was higher in areas under human pressure than in protected areas, especially for the subgenus Aculeiferum, improving the genetic variability and thus the long-term maintenance of the population. Key words: Acacia, early fire, land use, sudano-sahelien zoneLe statut de la régénération, les stratégies de persistance et la dynamique des Acacia spp. ont été évalués suivant deux modes d’utilisation dans la région est du Burkina Faso: (i) les zones protégées soustraites du pâturage extensif et de la coupe du bois, mais sont parcourues annuellement par des feux précoces ; (ii) les zones à forte impact anthropique (fort pâturage extensif, exploitations humaines diverses). En général, les zones protégées montrent un taux de régénération élevé des Acacia spp. alors que les zones anthropogéniques présentent une faible régénération. Néanmoins, certaines espèces affiliées au sous genre Aculeiferum comme A. dudgeoni et A. polyacantha montrent une bonne régénération dans les deux modes d’utilisation des terres. La population juvénile de moins de 25 cm de hauteur des espèces tel que A. dudgeoni et A. gourmaensis est 116 à 50 % plus élevée dans les zones anthropisées que dans les zones protégées. Avec des pentes de régression variant entre -0.40 à -0.70 dans les zones protégées, les populations présentent une structure stable due à l’abondance des plantules, et des rejets de souches maintenues par les feux précoces (plus fréquent dans le sous genre Aculeiferum). Par conséquent, les zones protégées sont plus favorables à la régénération des formations d’Acacia. A l’opposé, les pentes de régression sont positives ou proche de 0 dans les zones anthropisées montrant des populations peu stables particulièrement pour le sous genre Acacia à cause du prélèvement des semences et des plantules due au pâturage extensif. Néanmoins, les plantules issues de la germination de certaines espèces du sous Aculeiferum sont plus nombreuses dans les zones anthropisées que dans les zones protégées et pourraient améliorer la variabilité génétique pour la conservation à long termes des peuplements. Key words: Acacia, feux précoces, pâturage, utilisation des terres, zone soudano-sahélienn

    High stress related to COVID-19 among health workers in the Plateau Central healthcare region (BURKINA FASO): a cross-sectional study

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    BackgroundThe COVID-19 pandemic challenged the mental wellbeing of health workers. The objective of this study was to assess health workers' perceived stress during the response to COVID-19 in the Central Plateau region (Burkina Faso).MethodsWe conducted a cross-sectional study of health workers in the Central Plateau health region from September 20 to October 20, 2021. Agents' perceived stress was assessed by the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10). Factors associated with high stress (PSS-10 score ≥ 27) were identified by logistic regression.ResultsA total of 272 officers participated in the survey. The mean PSS-10 score was 29.3 points (standard deviation: 6.2). Three out of ten agents (68%) had a high level of stress. The main sources of stress were the risk of being exposed to contamination (70%) and being the source of contamination (78%). Working at the referral health center [adjusted odds ratio (aOR): 2.29; 95% confidence interval (95% CI): 1.19–4.41], the hospital as the main source of COVID-19 information (aOR: 1.17; 95% CI: 1.01-3.04), fear of COVID-19 patients being managed at one's center (aOR: 1.8; 95% CI: 1.06–3.07) were factors associated with high health worker stress levels during the first wave of COVID-19.ConclusionThe COVID-19 pandemic caused high stress among health care workers in Burkina Faso. Psychological support for health center workers in responding to future epidemics would improve their mental health

    Beta-Lactamase-Producing Genes and Integrons in <em>Escherichia coli</em> from Diarrheal Children in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

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    This study aimed to determine the resistance of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli (DEC) strains to β-lactams antibiotics and to perform the molecular characterization of extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) and integrons genes. It was carried out from August 2013 to October 2015 and involved 31 DEC strains isolated from diarrheal stools samples collected from children less than 5 years. The identification and characterization of DEC strains were done through the standard biochemical tests that were confirmed using API 20E and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The antibiogram was realized by the disk diffusion method, then an amplification of the β-lactamase resistance genes and integrons by PCR was done. Out of the 419 E. coli, 31 isolates (7.4%) harbored the DEC virulence genes. From these DEC, 21 (67.7%) were ESBL-producing E. coli. Susceptibility to ESBL-producing E. coli showed that the majority of isolates were highly resistant to amoxicillin (77.4%), amoxicillin-clavulanic acid (77.4%), and piperacillin (64.5%). The following antibiotic resistance genes and integron were identified: blaTEM (6.5%), blaSHV (19.4%), blaOXA (38.7%), blaCTX-M (9.7%), Int1 (58.1%), and Int3 (19.4%). No class 2 integron (Int2) was characterized. Because of the high prevalence of multidrug-resistant ESBL organisms found, there is a need of stringent pediatric infection control measures

    Persistent Submicroscopic Plasmodium falciparum Parasitemia 72 Hours after Treatment with Artemether-Lumefantrine Predicts 42-Day Treatment Failure in Mali and Burkina Faso.

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    A recent randomized controlled trial, the WANECAM (West African Network for Clinical Trials of Antimalarial Drugs) trial, conducted at seven centers in West Africa, found that artemether-lumefantrine, artesunate-amodiaquine, pyronaridine-artesunate, and dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine all displayed good efficacy. However, artemether-lumefantrine was associated with a shorter interval between clinical episodes than the other regimens. In a further comparison of these therapies, we identified cases of persisting submicroscopic parasitemia by quantitative PCR (qPCR) at 72 h posttreatment among WANECAM participants from 5 sites in Mali and Burkina Faso, and we compared treatment outcomes for this group to those with complete parasite clearance by 72 h. Among 552 evaluable patients, 17.7% had qPCR-detectable parasitemia at 72 h during their first treatment episode. This proportion varied among sites, reflecting differences in malaria transmission intensity, but did not differ among pooled drug treatment groups. However, patients who received artemether-lumefantrine and were qPCR positive at 72 h were significantly more likely to have microscopically detectable recurrent Plasmodium falciparum parasitemia by day 42 than those receiving other regimens and experienced, on average, a shorter interval before the next clinical episode. Haplotypes of pfcrt and pfmdr1 were also evaluated in persisting parasites. These data identify a possible threat to the parasitological efficacy of artemether-lumefantrine in West Africa, over a decade since it was first introduced on a large scale

    Facteurs de fragmentation et stratégies de gestion des massifs forestiers au Burkina Faso.

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    Objectif : Les massifs forestiers sont soumis à des pressions diverses liées à la combinaison des facteurs économiques, politiques, démographiques. Leur dégradation constitue une préoccupation majeure pour la préservation de l’environnement. La présente recherche est une contribution pour une meilleure gestion des entités forestières.Méthodologie et résultats : Elle intègre à la fois la collecte des données, le traitement des images satellites, l’analyse des données climatiques, démographiques, socioéconomiques, et juridiques. Les résultats montrent la répartition des unités d’occupation des terres et l’état de dégradation des massifs forestiers, marquées par la présence d’espaces cultivés et divers niveaux de fragmentation. Les tailles moyennes des tâches varient entre 4,35 et 78, 15 ha, en lien avec les densités de population qui atteignent 99,11 hbts/km2 à certains endroits, ainsi que les pratiques agricoles et pastorales. Les précipitations situées entre 624,39 et 918,79 mm/an en moyenne, ont une influence sur les types de formations végétales dans les entités forestières.Conclusion et application des résultats : Les modes de gestion en cours, n’ont pas réussi à exclure entièrement l’influence de l’homme sur l’évolution des forêts. Il est encore nécessaire de renforcer les stratégies de préservation des ressources forestières par les aménagements, une meilleure implication des populations locales et un plus grand respect des textes législatifs et règlementaires. Mots clés : Déterminants-Biophysique-Socioéconomique-Gestion-Forêt-Burkina FasoObjectives: Forest areas are subject to various pressures due to the combination of economic, political and demographic factors. Their degradation is a major concern for environment preservation. The actual research is to contribute for a better management of forest entities.Methodology and results: It integrates both data collection, satellite image processing, as well as climate, demographic, socio-economic, and legal data analysis. The results shows out the distribution of land cover units and forests degradation, marked by a large cultivated areas and differents levels of fragmentation. Average sizes of tasks are ranged between 4.35 and 78, 15 ha, caused by high population densities which reach 99.11 hbts / km2 in some places, as well as agricultural and pastoral practices. The vegetation types are influenced by average rainfall between 624.39 and 918.79 mm / year.Conclusion and application of results: Management methods used actually does not yet completely excludehuman influence on the forests. There is still necessity to strengthen stratégies to preserve forest resourcesthrough area arrangements, local communities participation and greater respect for laws and regulations.Keywords: Determinants-Biophysical-Socioeconomic-Forest-Management-Burkina Fas

    Variabilité de certains paramètres climatiques et impacts sur la durée des périodes humides de développement végétal dans une station au centre et une autre au nord du Burkina Faso

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    Ce travail se base sur les données météorologiques de Ouagadougou et de Ouahigouya pour examiner les changements qui ont affecté la pluviométrie, l’humidité relative de l’air (HR) l’évapotranspiration potentielle (ETP) et l’impact de ces changements sur la durée des périodes favorables au développement des cultures pluviales de 1956 à 2015. Le test de Pettitt et la procédure de segmentation de Hubert ont permis de mettre en évidence plusieurs ruptures d’homogénéité localisées en : (i) 1981 (Ouagadougou), 1973 et 1995 (Ouahigouya) pour la pluviométrie, (ii) 1984 (Ouagadougou) pour l’HR, (iii) 1985 et 1994 (Ouagadougou), 1978 et 1992 (Ouahigouya) pour l’ETP. Cette dynamique climatique est accompagnée d’un raccourcissement de la durée de la saison humide de -25 % à Ouagadougou et de -3 % à Ouahigouya. Ce raccourcissement est lié essentiellement à la diminution de la durée des périodes humides qui ont baissé de -37 % à Ouagadougou et de -12 % à Ouahigouya. De même, la durée de la période de végétation active a diminué, passant de 102 jours avant rupture à 48 jours après rupture (baisse de -59 %) à Ouagadougou et de 67 jours avant rupture à 21 jours après rupture (baisse de -38 %) à Ouahigouya. Le diagnostic de la variabilité climatique et de son incidence sur l’étendue des périodes humides de développement des cultures pluviales à travers tout le pays permettra de mieux caractériser la dynamique agro-climatique aux fins d’orienter l’élaboration de stratégies appropriées d’adaptation.This work is based on weather data from Ouagadougou and Ouahigouya to examine the changes that have affected rainfall, relative humidity (RH) and potential evapotranspiration (FTE) and the impact of these changes on the duration of favorable periods for rainfed crops growth from 1956 to 2015. Pettitt's test and Hubert's segmentation procedure revealed several breaks of homogeneity localized in : (i) 1981 (Ouagadougou), 1973 and 1995 (Ouahigouya) for rainfall, (ii) 1984 (Ouagadougou) for HR, (iii) 1985 and 1994 (Ouagadougou), 1978 and 1992 (Ouahigouya) for ETP. This climatic dynamic goes with a shortening of the wet season duration of -25 % in Ouagadougou and -3 % in Ouahigouya. This shortening is mainly due to the decrease in the duration of the wet periods, which fell by -37 % in Ouagadougou and -12 % in Ouahigouya. Similarly, the duration of the active vegetation period decreased from 102 days before break to 48 days after break (-59 % decrease) in Ouagadougou and from 67 days before break to 21 days after break (-38 % decrease) in Ouahigouya. The diagnosis of climate variability and its impact on the duration of rainfed crops growth periods across the country will better characterize agro-climatic dynamics in order to guide the development of appropriate adaptation strategies

    Variabilité de certains paramètres climatiques et impacts sur la durée des périodes humides de développement végétal dans une station au centre et une autre au nord du Burkina Faso

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    Ce travail se base sur les données météorologiques de Ouagadougou et de Ouahigouya pour examiner les changements qui ont affecté la pluviométrie, l’humidité relative de l’air (HR) l’évapotranspiration potentielle (ETP) et l’impact de ces changements sur la durée des périodes favorables au développement des cultures pluviales de 1956 à 2015. Le test de Pettitt et la procédure de segmentation de Hubert ont permis de mettre en évidence plusieurs ruptures d’homogénéité localisées en : (i) 1981 (Ouagadougou), 1973 et 1995 (Ouahigouya) pour la pluviométrie, (ii) 1984 (Ouagadougou) pour l’HR, (iii) 1985 et 1994 (Ouagadougou), 1978 et 1992 (Ouahigouya) pour l’ETP. Cette dynamique climatique est accompagnée d’un raccourcissement de la durée de la saison humide de -25 % à Ouagadougou et de -3 % à Ouahigouya. Ce raccourcissement est lié essentiellement à la diminution de la durée des périodes humides qui ont baissé de -37 % à Ouagadougou et de -12 % à Ouahigouya. De même, la durée de la période de végétation active a diminué, passant de 102 jours avant rupture à 48 jours après rupture (baisse de -59 %) à Ouagadougou et de 67 jours avant rupture à 21 jours après rupture (baisse de -38 %) à Ouahigouya. Le diagnostic de la variabilité climatique et de son incidence sur l’étendue des périodes humides de développement des cultures pluviales à travers tout le pays permettra de mieux caractériser la dynamique agro-climatique aux fins d’orienter l’élaboration de stratégies appropriées d’adaptation.This work is based on weather data from Ouagadougou and Ouahigouya to examine the changes that have affected rainfall, relative humidity (RH) and potential evapotranspiration (FTE) and the impact of these changes on the duration of favorable periods for rainfed crops growth from 1956 to 2015. Pettitt's test and Hubert's segmentation procedure revealed several breaks of homogeneity localized in : (i) 1981 (Ouagadougou), 1973 and 1995 (Ouahigouya) for rainfall, (ii) 1984 (Ouagadougou) for HR, (iii) 1985 and 1994 (Ouagadougou), 1978 and 1992 (Ouahigouya) for ETP. This climatic dynamic goes with a shortening of the wet season duration of -25 % in Ouagadougou and -3 % in Ouahigouya. This shortening is mainly due to the decrease in the duration of the wet periods, which fell by -37 % in Ouagadougou and -12 % in Ouahigouya. Similarly, the duration of the active vegetation period decreased from 102 days before break to 48 days after break (-59 % decrease) in Ouagadougou and from 67 days before break to 21 days after break (-38 % decrease) in Ouahigouya. The diagnosis of climate variability and its impact on the duration of rainfed crops growth periods across the country will better characterize agro-climatic dynamics in order to guide the development of appropriate adaptation strategies

    Localisation des zones d'accès à l'eau en saison sèche par analyse multicritère dans le bassin versant du Goudébo (région de Yakouta, Burkina Faso)

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    The study aims to identify areas where agro-pastoralists access to water during the dry season in the drainage basin of the river Goudébo. The approach is the spatial reference analysis AMC-RS based on Geographic Information System and Multi-Criteria Analysis. Water points used for different needs (boulis, drillings, ponds, tanks, sumps, wells and dams) were identified with the people. Cartographic documents and field surveys have constitute, through the GIS, a map database of these elements. Taking into account the travel times allowed a spatial representation of the accessibility to water points. The AMC-RS were made from the results of GIS, on the basis of criteria proposed by the people during the interviewing sessions. The results of the analysis gave 7.4 % of areas with a high level of aggregate access to different types of water point. These relatively small areas are circumscribed around 40 % of the villages. The importance taken by dams, and particularly that of Yakouta, puts the problem of the management of their feed area in the future.geographic information system, multi-criteria analysis, access to water, Burkina Fas

    Molecular Characterization of Carbapenemase-Producing Enterobacterales in Children with Diarrhea in Rural Burkina Faso

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    Background and objective: In recent years, carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales (CPE) resistance to antibiotics has dramatically increased leading to limitations of their treatment options. In the present study, we investigated the occurrence of carbapenemase-producing Escherichia coli and Salmonella in rural Burkina Faso.Materials and methods: Salmonella isolates were serotyped according to the Kauffman White scheme. Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli (DEC) strains was identified using 16-plex Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), whereas antibiotic susceptibility was realized using the disk diffusion method. Furthermore, multiplex PCR assays were carried out using oligonucleotides to detect the presence of genes of the blaKPC, blaVIM, blaIMP, blaTEM, blaSHV, blaOXA and blaCTX-M types in all E. coli and Salmonella strains.Results: The study highlighted high resistance rates of the identified bacteria to common antibiotics. Likewise, two strains of E. coli were imipenem resistant with carbapenemase-encoding genes. The genes detected were Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase (KPC), Verona integrin-encoded metallo-β-lactamase (VIM) and Imipenemase (IMP-2) reaching a rate of 40% each in E. coli strains. However, no Salmonella carbapenemases blaKPC, blaVIM or blaIMP were detected.Conclusion: This study showed that for a real-time infection control and prompt application of antimicrobial chemotherapy, characterization of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales in patients is crucial.Keywords: Antibiotics, Carbapenemase-Producing Enterobacterales, children, Burkina Fas

    COVID-19 epidemiological, sociological and anthropological investigation: study protocol for a multidisciplinary mixed methods research in Burkina Faso

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    International audienceBackground: The world has high hopes of vaccination against COVID-19 to protect the population, boost economies and return to normal life. Vaccination programmes are being rolled out in high income countries, but the pandemic continues to progress in many low-and middle-income countries (LMICs) despite implementation of strict hygiene measures. We aim to present a comprehensive research protocol that will generate epidemiological, sociological and anthropological data about the COVID-19 epidemic in Burkina Faso, a landlocked country in West Africa with scarce resources. Methods: We will perform a multidisciplinary research using mixed methods in the two main cities in Burkina Faso (Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso). Data will be collected in the general population and in COVID-19 patients, caregivers and health care professionals in reference care centers: (i) to determine cumulative incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the Burkinabe population using blood samples collected from randomly selected households according to the WHO-recommended protocol; (ii) develop a score to predict severe complications of COVID-19 in persons infected with SARS-CoV-2 using retrospective and prospective data; (iii) perform semi-structured interviews and direct observation on site, to describe and analyze the healthcare pathways and experiences of patients with COVID-19 attending reference care centers, and to identify the perceptions, acceptability and application of preventive strategies among the population. Discussion: This study will generate comprehensive data that will contribute to improving COVID-19 response strategies in Burkina Faso. The lessons learned from the management of this epidemic may serve as examples to the country authorities to better design preventive strategies in the case of future epidemics or pandemics. The protocol was approved by the Ministry for Health (N° 2020-00952/MS/CAB/INSP/CM) and the Health Research Ethics Committee in Burkina Faso (N° 2020-8-140)