215 research outputs found
Pengaruh Ekstrak Daun Kitolod [Isotoma longiflora (L.) C. Presl.] Terhadap Morfologi dan Anatomi Daun Babandotan (Ageratum conyzoides L.)
Budidaya tanaman sering menghadapi permasalahan gangguan gulma yang menyebabkan tumbuhan utama tidak bisa tumbuh secara maksimal, stress, bahkan bisa menyebabkan kematian. Salah satu gulma yang mendominasi lahan pertanian dan perkebunan yaitu babandotan (Ageratum conyzoides L.). Upaya yang dapat dilakukan dalam mengendalikan pertumbuhan gulma adalah dengan menggunakan bioherbisida. Kitolod [Isotoma longiflora (L.) C. Presl.] dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bioherbisida karena mengandung senyawa seperti alkaloid, terpenoid, flavonoid, tanin, dan polifenol yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan tumbuhan lain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan ekstrak daun kitolod dan konsentrasi yang paling berpengaruh terhadap morfologi dan anatomi daun babandotan.
Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan rancangan penelitian Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan variabel bebas 5 perlakuan konsentrasi ekstrak daun kitolod yaitu 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, dan 100%, masing-masing tiga kali ulangan. Vairabel terikat penelitian ini adalah morfologi dan anatomi daun babandotan. Parameter morfologi yang diamati secara kualitatif yaitu: bangun daun, ujung daun, tepi daun, permukaan daun, ketebalan daging daun, dan warna daun. Parameter anatomi yang diamati secara kuantitatif yaitu ukuran stomata, kerapatan stomata, tebal epidermis dan tebal mesofil. Data kualitatif dianalisis dengan analisis deskriptif. Data kuantitatif yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) pada taraf 5%, dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Least Significance Different (LSD).
Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa daun babandotan memiliki karakter bangun daun bulat telur, ujung runcing, tepi beringgit, permukaan berbulu dan rata, ketebalan tipis seperti kertas dan berwarna hijau. Pemberian ekstrak daun kitolod dapat mempengaruhi morfologi daun babandotan, ditunjukkan dengan semakin tinggi konsentrasi ekstrak kitolod yang diberikan pada daun babandotan menunjukkan permukaan daun semakin menggulung dan berbingkul. Pemberian ekstrak daun kitolod juga berpengaruh pada anatomi daun babandotan yang ditunjukkan dengan semakin tinggi konsentrasi ekstrak yang diberikan maka ukuran stomata semakin kecil, kerapatan stomata semakin tinggi, ketebalan epidermis dan mesofil semakin tipis. Konsentrasi ekstrak daun kitolod yang paling berpengaruh adalah konsentrasi 75%
The use of reproductive vigor descriptors in studying genetic variability in nine Tunisian faba bean (Vicia faba L.) populations
A collection of nine Tunisian faba bean (Vicia faba) populations belonging to three botanical classes (Var. minor, var. equina and var. major) was evaluated using twenty seven agro-morphological traits. Analysis of variance, correlation coefficients and principal components analysis (PCA) were performed based on MVSP 3.13 program. Significant differences between populations were noted for most agromorphological traits in four main groups. The first group, positively correlated to the two axes, isrepresented by ‘Bachaar’ belonging to V. faba. var. minor, the second group, including V. faba. var. minor population (‘Massri’ and ‘Badï’), is positively correlated to the PC1 and negatively correlated to the PC2 while the third group, is composed of two V. faba var. major (‘Malti’ and ‘Batata’) and were positively and negatively correlated to the PC2 and PC1, respectively. Finally, the fourth group negatively correlated to the two axes, gathers the remaining population (‘Chahbi’, ‘Chemlali’, ‘Aguadulce’ and ‘Super Aguadulce’). The dendrogram based on Nei's genetic distance of the 9 populations using UPGMA method, show some genetic drift between populations.Key words: Faba bean, agromorphological traits, principal components analysis, UPGMA method
We report a case of acute hepatitis A that developed following an occurrence of dengue fever during a stay in India. The patient was a 52-year-old Japanese man who visited Delhi, India, from September 29 to October 20, 2010. During that stay, he developed a high fever and rash, with thrombocytopenia and slight liver dysfunction (platelet count 7.0×10^4/μl, AST 94 IU/ml, ALT 63 IU/ml), then was diagnosed with dengue fever on October 14. Soon after returning to Japan, the patient was well, with anti-HA IgM, hepatitis B surface antigen, and anti-hepatitis C all negative, though liver dysfunction transiently worsened. The DENV genome-sequence was not amplified, while IgM and IgG antibodies were detected. In mid-December 2010, one month after returning from India, he noted fatigue and appetite loss. When the patient came to us on January 12, 2011, jaundice was apparent. A laboratory examination revealed highly elevated aminotransferase levels (AST 4002 IU/ml ALT 4715 IU/ml) and positivity for anti-HA IgM, and we made a diagnosis of acute hepatitis A. The clinical course of acute hepatitis A showed smooth improvement without adverse symptoms. By the end of March 2012, the total bilirubin and aminotrasferase levels were completely normalized. We recommend that non-immune individuals be pre-immunized with HA-vaccine and be fully aware of potential health risks at their intended destinations before traveling to endemic countries
Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is one of the most clinically important inflammation-inducing pathogens, while Staphylococcus epidermidis (S. epidermidis) is nonpathogenic and hardly causes inflammation on skin. β-defensins, antimicrobial peptides, are secreted from keratinocytes constitutively or upon induction by various microorganisms. However, the difference between S. aureus and S. epidermidis is still unclear in terms of their influences on the production of β-defensins. In this study, we focused on the influences of S. aureus and S. epidermidis on the keratinocyte innate immune response. Pathogenic S. aureus mainly induced human β-defensin (hBD) 1 and hBD3, but not hBD2, and nonpathogenic S. epidermidis mainly induced hBD2 from human keratinocytes. Molecular weight fractions of >10 kDa prepared from S. aureus supernatants induced the production of hBD1 and hBD3. On the other hand, molecular weight fraction of >100 kDa prepared from S. epidermidis supernatants induced the production of hBD2.Furthermore, the secreted products of S. epidermidis used the toll-like receptor (TLR) 2 pathway in the induction of hBD2 production. The secreted products of S. aureus and S. epidermidis differentially induced subtypes of hBD through different receptors, which may be associated with the difference in virulence between these two bacteria.博士(医学)・甲第643号・平成28年3月15日Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
Salinity is one of the major stresses especially in arid and semi-arid regions, which severely limites crop production. It is a significant problem affecting agriculture worldwide and is predicted to become a larger problem in the coming decades. This study was conducted to assess the effect of different salinity level (0, 50, 150, 250 mMol of NaCl) on lentil seed germination efficiency (germination, seedling shoot length, seedling root length, seedling fresh shoot weight and seedling fresh root weight). Five Tunisian genotypes of lentil (Lens culinaris M) namely: Kef, Siliana, Nefza, Ncir, and Local oueslatia were investigated. Results showed that there were significant differences among the different NaCl solution for all evaluated traits. Indeed, the experiment showed that the concentrations of salt have a negative impact on the germination and growth of lentil. As a result when the concentration of salt increases, the germination, length of root and shoot and fresh weight of root and shoot decreases. At 250 mM salt stress level, seed germination percentage of all genotypes was notably reduced compared with non-stress condition (0.0 mMol). Moreover, the seeds were not germinated by the 250 mM salinity level for kef genotype. From the results of this present investigation, it can be concluded that seeds of Kef and Ncir genotypes were susceptible to higher concentrations of salt solutions in germination stage. However, Siliana, Local oueslatia and Nefza genotypes can be considered as tolerant to salt stress compared to the other ones. These genotypes could be used for further analysis and for hybridization in the breeding program for enhancing lentil cultivation in newly reclaimed soils
Salinity is one of the major stresses especially in arid and semi-arid regions, which severely limites crop production. It is a significant problem affecting agriculture worldwide and is predicted to become a larger problem in the coming decades. This study was conducted to assess the effect of different salinity level (0, 50, 150, 250 mMol of NaCl) on lentil seed germination efficiency (germination, seedling shoot length, seedling root length, seedling fresh shoot weight and seedling fresh root weight). Five Tunisian genotypes of lentil (Lens culinaris M) namely: Kef, Siliana, Nefza, Ncir, and Local oueslatia were investigated. Results showed that there were significant differences among the different NaCl solution for all evaluated traits. Indeed, the experiment showed that the concentrations of salt have a negative impact on the germination and growth of lentil. As a result when the concentration of salt increases, the germination, length of root and shoot and fresh weight of root and shoot decreases. At 250 mM salt stress level, seed germination percentage of all genotypes was notably reduced compared with non-stress condition (0.0 mMol). Moreover, the seeds were not germinated by the 250 mM salinity level for kef genotype. From the results of this present investigation, it can be concluded that seeds of Kef and Ncir genotypes were susceptible to higher concentrations of salt solutions in germination stage. However, Siliana, Local oueslatia and Nefza genotypes can be considered as tolerant to salt stress compared to the other ones. These genotypes could be used for further analysis and for hybridization in the breeding program for enhancing lentil cultivation in newly reclaimed soils
Vestibular hair cells (V-HCs) in the inner ear have important roles and various functions. When V-HCs are damaged, crippling symptoms, such as vertigo, visual field oscillation, and imbalance, are often seen. Recently, several studies have reported differentiation of embryonic stem (ES) cells, as pluripotent stem cells, to HCs, though a method for producing V-HCs has yet to be established. In the present study, we used vestibular cell conditioned medium (V-CM) and effectively induced ES cells to differentiate into V-HCs. Expressions of V-HC-related markers (Math1, Myosin6, Brn3c, Dnah5) were significantly increased in ES cells cultured in V-CM for 2 weeks, while those were not observed in ES cells cultured without V-CM. On the other hand, the cochlear HC-related marker Lmod3 was either not detected or detected only faintly in those cells when cultured in V-CM. Our results demonstrate that V-CM has an ability to specifically induce differentiation of ES cells into V-HCs.博士(医学)・甲第743号・令和2年3月16日© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
A synoptic study on seasonal patterns of wet and dry spells in midwest of Iran
The effective patterns and mechanisms of synoptic systems during the wet and dry spells in Midwest of Iran(MWI) analyzed and discussed on seasonal scales from 1974 to 2003. Synoptic Analysis is based on synoptic chartson Sea Level Pressure (SLP), 850 and 500 Hpa levels. The results of synoptic analysis show that dry spells in MWIare mostly corresponded to Azores High (AZH) intensifying and its central movement to east and northeast of normalposition. Furthermore the Siberian High (SH) ridge is extended from northeast to Iran. The linkage between SH andAZH ridges through Iran, Mesopotamia (Iraq) and Arabic Peninsula lead to drought occurrence in the Middle Eastespecially Iran. The Sudan Low (SL) and Mediterranean Trough (MT) have a limited extend during drought periods(dry spells). The most important occurrence index of droughts in upper charts is reinforcing and extending northwardof Arabia South High (ASH) to Iran and Mesopotamia. This event is marked by a strong ridge in 500 Hpa charts overstudy area. The Circumpolar Vortex (CPV) is contracted to polar area during dry spells and expanded equatorward inwet spells. In Summarized SH extends during wet spells but dose not reach to Iran. In addition Mediterranean EastTrough (MET) reinforced and extended from 25°E to 40°E and its meridional expands reaches to the Red Sea (RS)and Sudan Low. The other result is that during wet and dry spells, the orientation of Blocking Highs ridges in thenorth of Caspian Sea and over Ural Mountain (UM) causes different climatic conditions in Iran
Segmentation et classification dans les images de documents numérisés
Les travaux de cette thèse ont été effectués dans le cadre de l'analyse et du traitement d'images de documents imprimés afin d'automatiser la création de revues de presse. Les images en sortie du scanner sont traitées sans aucune information a priori ou intervention humaine. Ainsi, pour les caractériser, nous présentons un système d'analyse de documents composites couleur qui réalise une segmentation en zones colorimétriquement homogènes et qui adapte les algorithmes d'extraction de textes aux caractéristiques locales de chaque zone. Les informations colorimétriques et textuelles fournies par ce système alimentent une méthode de segmentation physique des pages de presse numérisée. Les blocs issus de cette décomposition font l'objet d'une classification permettant, entre autres, de détecter les zones publicitaires. Dans la continuité et l'expansion des travaux de classification effectués dans la première partie, nous présentons un nouveau moteur de classification et de classement générique, rapide et facile à utiliser. Cette approche se distingue de la grande majorité des méthodes existantes qui reposent sur des connaissances a priori sur les données et dépendent de paramètres abstraits et difficiles à déterminer par l'utilisateur. De la caractérisation colorimétrique au suivi des articles en passant par la détection des publicités, l'ensemble des approches présentées ont été combinées afin de mettre au point une application permettant la classification des documents de presse numérisée par le contenu.In this thesis, we deal with printed document images processing and analysis to automate the press reviews. The scanner output images are processed without any prior knowledge nor human intervention. Thus, to characterize them, we present a scalable analysis system for complex documents. This characterization is based on a hybrid color segmentation suited to noisy document images. The color analysis customizes text extraction algorithms to fit the local image properties. The provided color and text information is used to perform layout segmentation in press images and to compute features on the resulting blocks. These elements are classified to detect advertisements. In the second part of this thesis, we deal with a more general purpose: clusternig and classification. We present a new clustering approach, named ACPP, which is completely automated, fast and easy to use. This approach's main features are its independence of prior knowledge about the data and theoretical parameters that should be determined by the user. Color analysis, layout segmentation and the ACPP classification method are combined to create a complete processing chain for press images.VILLEURBANNE-DOC'INSA LYON (692662301) / SudocVILLEURBANNE-DOC'INSA-Bib. elec. (692669901) / SudocSudocFranceF
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