2,324 research outputs found

    Mystery and Sacrament of Love: A Theology of Marriage and the Family for the New Evangelization

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    Book Reiew: Ouellet, Marc Cardinal. Mystery and Sacrament of Love: A Theology of Marriage and the Family for the New Evangelization. Translated by Michelle K. Forras and Adrian J. Walker. Grand Rapids Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2015. 332 pages

    A Double Joint Bayesian Approach for J-Vector Based Text-dependent Speaker Verification

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    J-vector has been proved to be very effective in text-dependent speaker verification with short-duration speech. However, the current state-of-the-art back-end classifiers, e.g. joint Bayesian model, cannot make full use of such deep features. In this paper, we generalize the standard joint Bayesian approach to model the multi-faceted information in the j-vector explicitly and jointly. In our generalization, the j-vector was modeled as a result derived by a generative Double Joint Bayesian (DoJoBa) model, which contains several kinds of latent variables. With DoJoBa, we are able to explicitly build a model that can combine multiple heterogeneous information from the j-vectors. In verification step, we calculated the likelihood to describe whether the two j-vectors having consistent labels or not. On the public RSR2015 data corpus, the experimental results showed that our approach can achieve 0.02\% EER and 0.02\% EER for impostor wrong and impostor correct cases respectively

    Hommage Ă  Francine Ouellet

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    As clinical examiners of the subject, what should be our attitude to the contribution of the neurosciences ? The article seeks firstly to clarify the notion of subject as upheld in the field of psychoanalysis, poetry, and the philosophy of Alain Badiou. The subject is envisaged as an act and an exterior aspect recognisable by its traces in the clinical field. Setting out from this conception, a threefold series of questions opens up. Is it possible to recognise the work or the trace of a subject in the organisation of the living being and particularly in the brain ? Do present-day scientific models make possible a formalisation of this dimension of the subject ? Is it possible to deploy listening, or even to intervene setting out from the neurosciences and technological mediations in a singular subject ? The theories of cerebral plasticity and the models of the emergence of intentionality in a network of neurons will be tested in particular (transl. J. Dudley).Comment, en tant que clinicien du sujet, pouvons-nous nous rapporter aux apports des neurosciences ? L’article s’attache d’abord Ă  prĂ©ciser la notion de sujet telle qu’elle est soutenue dans le champ de la psychanalyse, de la poĂ©sie et de la philosophie d’Alain Badiou. Le sujet y est envisagĂ© comme un acte et une tournure reconnaissable par ses traces dans le champ clinique. A partir de cette conception se dĂ©ploie un triple questionnement. Est-il possible de reconnaĂźtre l'Ɠuvre ou la trace d’un sujet au sein de l’organisation du vivant et particuliĂšrement du cerveau ? Les modĂšles scientifiques actuels permettent-ils une formalisation de cette dimension du sujet ? Est-il possible de dĂ©ployer une Ă©coute, voire à’ intervenir Ă  partir des neurosciences et des mĂ©diations technologiques auprĂšs d’un sujet singulier ? Les thĂ©ories de la plasticitĂ© cĂ©rĂ©brale et les modĂšles d’émergence d’intentionnalitĂ© dans un rĂ©seau de neurones seront particuliĂšrement mis Ă  l’épreuve.Masson Antoine. Contingence cĂ©rĂ©brale et tournure subjective. In: Revue Philosophique de Louvain. TroisiĂšme sĂ©rie, tome 111, n°1, 2013. pp. 109-150

    Edgar J. McManus, Black Bondage in the North

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    Bilateral Diaphyseal Chondrodysplasia and Polymorphic Osteodysplasia of the Tibiofibulas in a Southern Leopard Frog, Lithobates sphenocephalus (Amphibia: Anura: Ranidae)

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    Much attention has been focused on limb malformations in anurans following the startling discovery of major limb deformities in Northern Leopard Frogs (Rana pipiens) in Minnesota in 1995. The numerous causes for these malformations can be attributed to a number of natural phenomena, or they can be considered as being manmade. In the present study, we report on a previously undescribed type of limb abnormality in a single individual of the Southern Leopard Frog (Lithobates sphenocephalus) from Arkansas. Histological examination of left tibiofibula revealed a complete disruption of the normal diaphyseal bone structure in this adult frog. The tibiofibula was separated into two poorly ossified and mostly fragmented bony shaft regions on opposite sides of the bone lesion. These peripheral segments of compact bone were surrounded by hypertrophic regions of hyaline cartilage intermingled with complexes of dysplastic bone. We observed three major polymorphic bone aggregates. The overall design of these osteogenic regions can best be described as an arachnoid-like patchwork of numerous pockets, channels, spaces, and nodules separated by trabeculae containing a matrix embedded with subperiosteal bone cells. At present, we are unaware of any environmental conditions that could account for the osteochondrous dysplasia in our specimen. Moreover, the remarkable bilateral placement of the 2 lesions in our specimen suggests the possibly of a genetic factor leading to a pairing of hindlimb developmental anomalies during embryonic bone growth in our specimen

    The Trinitarian and Christological perspectives of the theology of marriage

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    Although the relation between the mystery of the Holy Trinity and the sacrament of marriage was always treated as a minor issue, it has been present in the theology for ages. It is usually situated in the context of the searching for the “traces” of the Holy Trinity in the creation. The crucial moment in the theological approach to the relation between the mystery of the Holy Trinity and marriage was the reversal of the problem in question: marriage is not only a trace of the Holy Trinity in the world – as it is in classical theology – but rather it is expected to become an active reflection of the Trinity in the relations between husband and wife, in their mutual attitudes and it is supposed to express itself in the mission undertaken and fulfilled by husband and wife especially in their uniting and simultaneously fertile love. The Holy Trinity, especially as a mystery of the everlasting and rejoicing love, for a married couple should serve as a point of reference to understand their marital identity and to shape their mutual relations which express this identity. Trinitarian and Christological theology provide a rich material for a deepened understanding and recognition of the teaching of the former Popes who consistently emphasize the need of situating the fundamental questions regarding vocation, nature and mission of marriage in direct reference to the mystery of the Holy Trinity and the mystery of Jesus Christ. Theological perspectives unambiguously abiding by the conclusions of the theology of creation and natural law open an exceptionally broad view on marriage being the fundamental human and Christian reality, and at the same time a great mystery which has its origin in the highest mystery of the God in three Persons and which is fully revealed in Jesus Christ, the incarnated Son of God who died on the cross in kenotic love. Therefore it is primarily a perspective of personalism deeply rooted and directed Christologically. The mutual self-giving of husband and wife in the sacrament of marriage is a remarkable testimony given to Christ, since fidelity expressed in marital attitude reflects radicalism and greatness of love proved once and for all on the Christ’s cross. The fertility of physical union of man and wife reflects not only the immeasurable fertility of Christ’s death for mankind, but also the infinite fertility of Trinitarian communion which pours out on every created reality and becomes its original point of reference.ks. dr hab. JANUSZ KRÓLIKOWSKI, prof. UPJPII – kapƂan diecezji tarnowskiej; od 2014 r. dziekan WydziaƂu Teologicznego Sekcja w Tarnowie (UPJPII). W latach 1991-1996 studiowaƂ teologię na uczelniach rzymskich: Papieskim Uniwersytecie ƚwiętego KrzyĆŒa (doktorat – 1995), Papieskim Instytucie Wschodnim, Instytucie ƛw. Tomasza przy Uniwersytecie „Angelicum”. W 2003 roku habilitowaƂ się w zakresie teologii dogmatycznej na Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie. W latach 1996–2009 wykƂadaƂ teologię w Papieskim Uniwersytecie ƚwiętego KrzyĆŒa w Rzymie, a od 1997 roku wykƂada teologię dogmatyczną na Wydziale Teologicznym Sekcja w Tarnowie. Od 2010 roku wykƂadowca mariologii w Instytucie Maryjno-KolbiaƄskim „Kolbianum” w Niepokalanowie. CzƂonek Polskiego Towarzystwa Mariologicznego, Towarzystwa TeologĂłw DogmatykĂłw, Polskiego Towarzystwa Teologicznego OddziaƂ w Tarnowie, czƂonek zwyczajny Międzynarodowej Papieskiej Akademii Maryjnej w Rzymie.Uniwersytet Papieski Jana PawƂa II w KrakowieCarlotti P., La famiglia comunione di persone. Alcune considerazioni sulla Lettera alle Famiglie di Giovanni Paolo II, „Salesianum” 56 (1994) s. 717-740.Chapelle A., SexualitĂ© et SaintetĂ©, Bruxelles 1977.Gendron L., Le mystĂšre de la TrinitĂ© et la simbolique familiale, Roma 1975.Grygiel S., Errantes revoca! Esej o samoƛwiadomoƛci, Transcendencji i pojednaniu, [w:] Teksty filozoficzne, KrakĂłw 1986, s. 142-160.Hildebrandt D. von, Die Ehe, MĂŒnchen 1929.Krajewski K., Moralne zƂo antykoncepcji, [w:] Dar ciaƂa darem osoby. O przemilczanym wymiarze kryzysu więzi maĆ‚ĆŒeƄskiej, P. ƚlęczka (red.), Lublin 2005, s. 31-38.Mader J., Filozofia dialogu, [w:] Teksty filozoficzne, KrakĂłw 1985, s. 59-86.Margerie B. de, La TrinitĂ© chrĂ©tienne dans l’histoire, Paris 1975.Maritain J., Pisma filozoficzne, tƂ. J. Fenrychowa, KrakĂłw 1988.Maritain J., Maritain R., Matrimonio, amore e amicizia. Per una spiritualitĂ  della vita coniugale, Milano 1994.Martini N. de, SessualitĂ  linguaggio d’amore. La maturitĂ  sessuale aspetto della maturitĂ  globale, Cinisello Balsamo 1994.Od wiary do teologii. Dokumenty Międzynarodowej Komisji Teologicznej 1969-1996, J. KrĂłlikowski (red.), KrakĂłw 2000.O’Donneli J. J., Tajemnica TrĂłjcy ƚwiętej, tƂ. P. Wilczek, KrakĂłw 1993.Ouellet M., Divina somiglianza. Antropologia trinitaria della famiglia, t. 1, Roma 2004.Paradiso M., Nell’intimo di Dio. La teologia trinitaria di Hans Urs von Balthasar, Roma 2009.Scheeben M. J., Tajemnice chrzeƛcijaƄstwa, tƂ. J. Rostworowski, I. Bieda, KrakĂłw 1970.Scheeben M. J., Handbuch der katcholischen Dogmatik, Freiburg im Br. 1933.Schökel L. A., I nomi dell’amore. Simboli matrimoniali nella Bibbia, Casale Monferrato 1998.Scola A., Il mistero nuziale. Studi sulla persona e la famiglia, t. 1-2, Milano 1998-2000.SoƂowjow W., Sens miƂoƛci, tƂ. H. Paprocki, Kęty 2002.Teilhard de Chardin P., O szczęƛciu, cierpieniu, miƂoƛci, tƂ. W. Sukiennicka, M. Tazbir, Warszawa 2001.15-2

    The k-junction motif in RNA structure

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    The k-junction is a structural motif in RNA comprising a three-way helical junction based upon kink turn (k-turn) architecture. A computer program written to examine relative helical orientation identified the three-way junction of the Arabidopsis TPP riboswitch as an elaborated k-turn. The Escherichia coli TPP riboswitch contains a related k-junction, and analysis of >11 000 sequences shows that the structure is common to these riboswitches. The k-junction exhibits all the key features of an N1-class k-turn, including the standard cross-strand hydrogen bonds. The third helix of the junction is coaxially aligned with the C (canonical) helix, while the k-turn loop forms the turn into the NC (non-canonical) helix. Analysis of ligand binding by ITC and global folding by gel electrophoresis demonstrates the importance of the k-turn nucleotides. Clearly the basic elements of k-turn structure are structurally well suited to generate a three-way helical junction, retaining all the key features and interactions of the k-turn

    Du sens : Prolongements théoriques autour de la perception et de la modalisation

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    La prĂ©sente rĂ©flexion met en lumiĂšre la portĂ©e prophĂ©tique de Du sens d’A. J. Greimas. L’auteure s’attarde sur les notions-clĂ©s d’engendrement du sens discursif et de conditions de la production des rĂ©cits en circonscrivant une filiation entre ces concepts Ă©laborĂ©s dans l’ouvrage de 1970 et leurs prolongements et affinements inaugurĂ©s par la sĂ©miotique des passions. On fait Ă©tat ici de deux sphĂšres principales de thĂ©orisation ayant leur ancrage dans l’ouvrage Du sens, Ă  savoir le rĂŽle de la perception dans la mise au jour et le façonnement discursif de la signification ainsi que le corrĂ©lat syntaxique de la perception, incarnĂ© notamment par les modalitĂ©s, des procĂšs de modalisation et d’aspectualisation, porteurs de proprioceptivitĂ© au plan du discours. Faisant valoir la contribution du texte fondateur de Greimas aux prĂ©occupations contemporaines de la sĂ©miotique, l’article contribue Ă  dĂ©dramatiser l’image de rupture qui tend Ă  persister entre les deux visages de la sĂ©miotique europĂ©enne, discontinue et continue.The above article establishes the prophetic nature of A. J. Greimas’ seminal work, Du sens. The author examines key concepts of meaning generation with regards to discourse and conditions implied in the production of texts, as developed in the 1970 opus, with the aim to demonstrate how they resurface in a refined and supplemented version within the semiotics of passion. Two principal spheres of theorization anchored in Du sens are the focus of attention, the first being the role played by perception in the apparition and design of meaning, the second pertaining to correlative syntactic components of perception as portrayed by modalities and processes of modalization and aspectualization, which bear the imprint of proprioception on the level of discourse. In highlighting contributions of Greimas’ fundamental work to contemporary questions that preoccupy semiotics, the study seeks to dispel the notion of separation that tends to persist between discontinuous and continuous European semiotics

    The Success of Gay–Straight Alliances in Waterloo Region, Ontario: A Confluence of Political and Social Factors

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    This article outlines how gay–straight alliances (GSAs) work to connect youth with community resources, and outlines the political and social context of GSAs in Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada. Fifteen individuals (youth, teachers, and a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer [LGBTQ] youth service provider) participated in interviews about the role of GSAs in creating supportive school environments for LGBTQ youth and their allies. Analyses of the interview data found that, apart from providing direct support to LGBTQ students, GSAs in Waterloo Region decrease isolation by connecting youth with other LGBTQ community members, events, and resources. This article discusses how the confluence of government and school board policy and community agency support facilitates the implementation, maintenance, and success of GSAs

    Deep Speaker Feature Learning for Text-independent Speaker Verification

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    Recently deep neural networks (DNNs) have been used to learn speaker features. However, the quality of the learned features is not sufficiently good, so a complex back-end model, either neural or probabilistic, has to be used to address the residual uncertainty when applied to speaker verification, just as with raw features. This paper presents a convolutional time-delay deep neural network structure (CT-DNN) for speaker feature learning. Our experimental results on the Fisher database demonstrated that this CT-DNN can produce high-quality speaker features: even with a single feature (0.3 seconds including the context), the EER can be as low as 7.68%. This effectively confirmed that the speaker trait is largely a deterministic short-time property rather than a long-time distributional pattern, and therefore can be extracted from just dozens of frames.Comment: deep neural networks, speaker verification, speaker featur
