688 research outputs found

    Development of sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers linked to race-specific resistance to Striga gesnerioides in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.)

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    An amplified fragement length polymorphism (AFLP) fragment, E-ACT/M-CAA524, tightly linked to the Striga gesnerioides race 1 (SG1) resistance gene Rsg-2-1 in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) was isolated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, cloned, and its nucleotide sequence determined. Based on the resulting sequence information, a pair of sequence specific primers were designed and used to isolate identical and similar fragments from cowpea genomic DNA of different cowpea lines by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification. The primers amplified a ~500 bp fragment (SCAR marker designated as 61R) that was present in the resistant parent TVU14676, absent in susceptible parent IT84S-2246, and segregated with the resistance phenotype in an F2 population, derived from a cross of these two genotypes. The same primers were used to isolate a fragment similar to 61R from another S. gesnerioides resistant line Kvx 61-1. The sequence of this fragment was used to design a new combination of primers that developed a second SCAR marker, designated as 61R-M2. Subsequent analysis of the three markers, E-ACT/M-CAA524, 61R and 61M2 showed that they are linked to each other by 0.6 centimorgans (cM). The utility of these SCARs in marker assisted selection programs for cowpea was discussed.Keywords: Striga gesnerioides, centimorgans (cM), race specific resistance, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR), marker assisted selection (MAS

    Effect of afternoon and morning applications of Green Muscle® and phenylacetonitrile on Desert Locust nymphs, Schistocerca gregaria (Forskål, 1775)

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    An experiment was carried in Niger to identify the best time to apply Green MuscleR and Phenylacetonitrile to control nymphs of Schistocerca gregaria (Forskal, 1775). Ten treatments (50 g of GM/ha, 25 g of GM/ha, 25 g of GM + 10 ml of PAN per ha, 12,5 g of GM/ha and 12,5 g of GM + 10 ml of PAN per ha, each of them applied at 9:00 am and at 5:00 pm) were tested in a randomized complete block design with 3 replicates. Plots were field enclosures of 20 m2 (5 x 4 m) containing millet plants to feed nymphs. Two hundred and forty nymphs of desert locust in the third instar were released in each enclosure one day before the application. Observations on mortality were done in the enclosures and in cages for a close survey. Sporulation of the fungi was also followed on dead nymphs. Results were analyzed with Genstat software using ANOVA, Student-Newmann-Keuls test and Standard error of mean. In the field enclosures with afternoon application, nymph mortality with 25 g of GM.ha-1 was significantly (P . 0.05) higher than those with 12,5 g of GM.ha-1. Mortalities were significantly (P . 0.05) higher with afternoon application for any dose and in cages left under the tree shade. There was no significant (P . 0.05) difference on mortality in cages for a given moment of the day. The fungus sporulated on dead nymphs from field enclosures and cages. So, afternoon applications of Green Muscle may increase mortality rate of Desert locust nymphs.Keywords: Biopesticide, pheromone, locust control, Niger

    Governance and Private Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    Africa is one of the world regions whose development potentials are particularly important. But despite this situation, Africa is one of the continents where poverty exists on a large scale. More than 44 % of the African population lives below the poverty line. Yet, various forms of development strategies have been designed and implemented in the African countries. In 1992, in its publication Governance and Development, the World Bank refers to the quality of government as the cause of the failure of several of these strategies. Attention is henceforth focused on how governments organize the management of state and govern economic activities. The place and the role of institutions in development have been widely discussed in economic literature. It is commonly accepted that the existence of strong and clear rules is a fundamental basis for economic activity. In particular, there is an increasingly agreement on the idea that, in order to stimulate private investment, it is necessary to stabilize the business environment. This study uses the World Bank Doing Business indicators to evaluate the influence of business environment in explaining private investment from a panel of thirty-eight African Sub-Saharan countries over the period 2006-2011. We performed a dynamic panel model using the Generalized Method of Moments estimation. The following evidence globally emerges: burdensome regulations affect private investment while business environment improvement makes investment grow

    Hernie diaphragmatique post-traumatique de l’enfant: à propos d’un cas au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Pédiatrique Charles de Gaulle de Ouagadougou

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    La hernie diaphragmatique post-traumatique est une urgence chirurgicale rare chez l’enfant mais pouvant mettre rapidement en jeu le pronosticvital. Les auteurs rapportent le cas d’un garçon de 04 ans admis aux urgences pour douleur abdominale suite à une contusion thoraco-abdominale par accident de la voie publique. Le bilan radiologique initial a consisté en une échographie abdominale qui a révélé un hémopéritoine de petite abondance sans lésion focale. Douze heures après son admission, le patient a présenté une détresse respiratoire avec tableau clinique depneumothorax gauche qui a nécessité une exsufflation en urgence. Le diagnostic de hernie diaphragmatique gauche a été posé à la radiographiedu thorax réalisée après la ponction. L’enfant a bénéficié d’une cure  chirurgicale. L’évolution a été favorable. La hernie diaphragmatique posttraumatique, bien que rare chez l’enfant, devrait être systématiquement recherchée par une radiographie thoracique ou un scanner  thoracoabdominal devant tout traumatisme abdominal avec hyper pression. Son traitement est chirurgical

    Stratégies d’exploitation du fourrage par les éleveurs de la zone sahélienne du Burkina Faso

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    Les caractéristiques de la collecte et de la conservation du fourrage ont été étudiées dans cinq villages du Sahel. L’objectif visé était d’identifier les principales stratégies utilisées par les paysans pour minimiser les problèmes de disponibilités alimentaires du fourrage en saison sèche. Des enquêtes à passage unique ont été ainsi conduites dans 205 exploitations d’agro pasteurs. Les résultats de l’étude révèlent que l’activité deproduction et de conservation du fourrage est largement pratiquée par les agropasteurs (plus de 88,2%). La collecte concerne aussi bien les fourrages naturels que les résidus de récoltes. Les quantités totales de matières sèches stockées annuellement par exploitant sont de l’ordre de 2,043 tonnes, soit respectivement 13,5% et 85,4% sous forme de fourrages naturels et de résidus de récoltes. Sur la base des ressources productives (nombre d’animaux) quatre classes de paysans ont été distinguées. En saison sèche, ces classes déploient des stratégies différentes en matière de gestion des stocks alimentaires. Les producteurs les moins nantis en ressources animales ont tendance à être des vendeurs nets de fourrages tandis que les plus nantis des acheteurs. Les principales contraintes aux activités d’exploitation du fourrage naturel sont surtout d’ordre économique mais aussi de gestion de l’espace


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    Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the in vitro and in vivo anti-inflammatory properties of the aqueous extract and fractions of the trunk bark of Acacia nilotica. Methods: A maceration of the powder of the trunks barks of the plant was realized. Then the aqueous macerate obtained was fractionated with dichloromethane, butanol and ethyl acetate successively. The phenolic compounds of the aqueous extract, butanol and ethyl acetate fractions were identified by HPLC/DAD. Lipoxygenase and phospholipase inhibition tests with the aqueous extract and the butanol and ethyl acetate fractions were carried out. The anti-inflammatory potential of the aqueous extract was assessed in vivo by the anti-edema test with carrageenan and the analgesic test with acetic acid at different doses (200 mg/ml; 400 mg/ml; 600 mg/ml). Aspirin (200 mg/ml) and paracetamol (200 mg/ml) were used as a reference. Results: The HPLC/DAD analysis of the extracts revealed that gallic acid is the most abundant phenol acid in the extracts. The aqueous extract inhibited lipoxygenase (IC50 = 18.32±1.18 μg/ml), phospholipase (11.44±0.32% per 100 μg/ml) and cyclooxygenase (56.48±0.29% for 100 μg/ml) as well as its tested fractions. It also reduced edema and pain in the mice by more than 50% from the 400 mg/ml dose. Conclusion: Aqueous extract of Acacia nilotica has anti-inflammatory properties. Hence its use in traditional medicine in the treatment of inflammation

    Une approche intégrée pour améliorer la résilience des populations rurales au Burkina Faso

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    Si le renforcement de la résilience aux crises alimentaire et nutritionnelle des populations rurales a fait l’objet de plusieurs projets et programmes, le cloisonnement des différentes interventions menées n’a pas permis de lutter efficacement contre l’insécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle. Pour répondre à cette problématique, la Fédération des professionnels agricoles du Burkina Faso (FEPAB) et l’ONG Gret ont développé une approche innovante, alliant agriculture et nutrition, l’approche « 3AN »


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    Uptake of Climate-Smart Agricultural Technologies and Practices: Actual and Potential Adoption Rates in the Climate-Smart Village Site of Mali

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    Understanding the level of adoption of Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) technologies and practices and its drivers is needed to spur large-scale uptake of CSA in West Africa. This paper used the Average Treatment Effect framework to derive consistent parametric estimators of the potential adoption rates of eight CSA technologies and practices in the Climate-Smart Village (CSV) site of Mali. A total of 300 household heads were randomly selected within the CSV site for data collection. Results showed significant differences in the observed and potential adoption rates of the CSA technologies and practices (drought tolerant crop varieties, micro-dosing, organic manure, intercropping, contour farming, farmer managed natural regeneration, agroforestry and climate information service). The most adopted technology was the organic manure (89%) while the least adopted was the intercropping (21%). The observed adoption rate varied from 39% to 77% according to the CSA options while the potential adoption rates of the technologies and practices ranged from 55% to 81%. This implies an adoption gap of 2% to 16% due to the incomplete diffusion (lack of awareness) of CSA technologies and practices which must be addressed by carrying out more actions to disseminate these technologies in the CSV. Results showed that education, number of workers in the household, access to subsidies, and training have a positive effect on the adoption of most of the CSA technologies and practices. The adoption of drought tolerant varieties and micro-dosing are positively correlated with access to subsidies and training. The study suggests that efforts should be focused concomitantly on the diffusion of CSA options as well as the lifting of their adoption barriers

    Socio-economic Determinants of Agricultural Land Clearings in South-Sudan Zone of Burkina Faso

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    This study analyzes the socio-economic factors of agricultural land clearings in the south-Sudan zone of Burkina Faso using an econometric modeling based on the theory of land rent. Data were collected through household surveys on a sample of 538 households bordering the forests of Boulon and Koflandé in 2008. The study shows that land clearings is increasing in the study area. These clearings are associated with the decrease of farm net income per hectare, the grow of cotton and sorghum, the marital and the poverty status of the head of the household. Findings suggest that they have to promote the agricultural intensification as option to reduce land clearings in the Western region of Burkina Faso
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