206 research outputs found

    Field data on vegetation structure and effects of human use of the Dambos ecosystem in northern Mozambique

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    Data ArticleThe data content of this paper is related to the original research article entitled “Vegetation Structure and Effects of Human Use of the Dambo Ecosystem in Northern Mozambique” that was published in the Global Ecology and Conservation. Woody and grass vegetation was inventoried in the dambos wetlands of the Niassa National Reserve (NNR), the largest Protected Area (PA) in Mozambique and the third largest in Africa. The six dambos assessed were selected through Google Earth, MODIS satellite images and exploratory field visits. The selected dambos were surveyed using a two-stage systematic sampling procedure in which woody vegetation was inventoried by means of transects, and the grass was inventoried using quadratic sub-plots laid down within the transects. The woody vegetation survey included the identification of all individuals to the species level, measurement of total height and diameter at breast height (DBH). The grass vegetation survey consisted of measurement of the total height and species identification within sub-plots. Woody vegetation data in this article includes also estimation of total richness, absolute and relative abundance, dominance, frequency, species volume and successional stage of each species in the vertical structure. Estimation of richness and absolute dominance is also presented for the grass vegetationinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    SOLUS, SOLA: Constructing a Christocentric faith model of the ďż˝<i>ordo salutis</i>ďż˝

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    <p>This article develops a non-linear model of the ordo salutis with Christ at the centre. It shows that each individual event is a manifestation of what Christ has done and a call to faith in him. Faith is shown to comprise of consensus (agreement) and fiducia (trust). Through this model, the creative tension between the objective (indicative) and the subjective (imperative) dimensions of the gospel as well as the tension between God�s eschatological time and our unfulfilled time are maintained in such a way that they both complement and limit each other. This tension, it is argued, is intrinsically linked to the way in which Christ continues to be present within our world as both Lord and Spirit. As Lord, Jesus is proclaimed as the One who has already overcome our broken reality; as the Spirit, Christ continues to be vulnerable to be resisted and rejected by us. As the Spirit of the risen Lord, he is nevertheless able to perform miracles and overcome our broken reality as the gospel is proclaimed. A short analysis of the way in which the Bible refers to some of the events in the ordo salutis confirms the legitimacy of this model.</p><p><strong>Intradisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary implications:</strong> It is argued that this model overcomes many objections against the traditional understanding of the ordo salutis. By challenging the underlying presuppositions of both Arminiaism and Calvinism, this article provides a unique alternative which does justice to key insights from both traditions and adds a new voice to the ongoing debate between Arian, Pelagian and semi-pelagian theologians, on the one side, and Reformed theologians, on the other side. It thus makes a significant intradisciplinary contribution to systematic theology. It also aligns the universality of salvation in Christ as the second Adam to the continuing need for a personal faith response to Christ.</p

    An Evaluation of the Biological Availability of Chloramphenicol

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    The biological availability of chloramphenicol from different commercial preparations was investigated. Methods used to evaluate the in vitro release were disintegration, de-aggregation and dissolution tests and particle size measurement. Considerable differences between the rate of release of the antibiotic from the different capsule preparations were detected. These differences can be attributed to the formulation used during the preparation of the different products. The absorption characteristics of chloramphenicol from 3 brands of chloramphenicol capsules and 3 chloramphenicol powder samples from different sources were tested on 6 healthy male subjects in a cross-over trial. Each subject received 500 mg as a single oral dose at intervals of one week. Significant differences between the average amount of chloramphenicol excreted in the urine from the different preparations were noted 1-2 hours after administration of the dose. The experimental results were used to compute the absorption rate of the antibiotic from different preparations. The differences observed in the in vitro release were confirmed by the in vivo results. The differences between the release of the antibiotic from the different capsule preparations could be ascribed to the method of formulation of the antibiotic which is poorly soluble in water.S. Afr. Med. J., 47, 94 (1973

    Die rol van die apteker in die farmaseutiese industrie*

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    Om ’n indruk te kan vorm van die omvang van die Suid- Afrikaanse Farm aseutiese Industrie en die rol wat die apteker hierin speel, is dit nodig dat die ontw ikkeling van hierdie industrie in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika kortliks geskets word

    The perceptions of consumers aged 18-30 of “lesbian” appeals in advertising

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    In an over-saturated market, advertisements have become more risqué as companies viefor consumer attention and lesbian content in advertising seems to be on the increasein mainstream media. This article attempts to discover whether lesbian content inadvertising elicits positive or negative consumer attitudes towards the advertisementand the brand, and to link these attitudes with the intention to purchase the product.By doing so, marketers will be able to ascertain whether this type of advertising appealis effective or whether it offends consumers and therefore decreases product sales.The study was quantitative in nature and used descriptive research in a field setting. Itwas found that there is a significant correlation between tolerance of homosexuality andacceptance of lesbian content in advertising. In addition, these advertisements attractedattention and interest and were not perceived as particularly immoral, exploitive oroffensive by most of the sample population. In terms of attracting attention and interest,and being memorable to consumers, advertisements containing clear lesbian interactionare more effective than those with lower levels of homoerotic
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