26 research outputs found


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    Associations have no claim to solve alone the contemporary problems of injustice and environment damage. We admit however that the reinforcement of the democracy and the humanization of the economy suppose to take into account the associative action, that is to say any project constituted starting from the collective actions implemented by free and equal citizens and referring to a common good. In this contribution we sought to know to what extent and under what conditions there is possibility of emergence of a solidarity economy in the activity of collection and sorting of waste by ragpickers from the town of Ait Melloul to South of Morocco in place of an individualism hitherto predominant in the exercise of this trade

    Perspectives of solidarity economy between ragmen of the Ait Melloul City : Application of the "Catalyse" method

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    "Catalyse" is a method used since 1990 for the co-construction and evaluation of sustainable development projects in many territories around the world. It respects its principles based on the listening then the constant respect of the needs expressed, the co-construction of projects integrating as well the global dimension of the territory (economic, social, cultural and environmental) and the local multi-scalar approach of the territories.Taking inspiration from the principles and tools of the CATALYSE method, we sought to know  what extent and under what conditions there is the possibility of solidarity economy emergence  in the activity of the collection and sorting of waste by ragmen of the Ait Melloul city in the south of Morocco. At first, a review of literature allowed us to list the factors that could trigger a solidarity movement instead of a predominant individualis

    The Observatory of the Socio-Ecological Transition in Franche - Comté. A Reference for the "Drââ" Observatory of the Province of Ouarzazate

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    This paper presents the principles, method and main results of the Observatory of the Socio-Ecological Transition in Franche-Comté (OTSE-fc). The latter is currently used as a reference for the development of the Drâa observatory of the Province of Ouarzazate as part of the CNRS-CNRST scientific cooperation project 2015-2016. At the request of the participants of the workshop, we also summarized the progress of the territorial diagnosis of the Province of Ouarzazate, which constitutes the basis of the Drââ Observatory. The advances concern a diagnosis carried out among 1650 inhabitants of the province, its main quantitative results and a first exploitation of a qualitative analysis exposing six profiles according to the associations of answers of the survey

    Ambivalences of mobility: rival state authorities and mobile strategies in a Saharan conflict

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    How do ongoing histories of mobility in economic and political life affect rival state authorities’ claims over a disputed territory? In the conflict over Western Sahara, wide-ranging strategies of mobility pose a challenge to familiar tropes of states constraining movement while subjects seek to escape such control. Morocco and its rival, the liberation movement Polisario Front, both curb mobility while their mobile Sahrawi subjects evade the authority of a state; simultaneously, however, each state authority invests in the circulation of persons to support claims over territory while Sahrawis exercise mobility to enhance their position vis-à-vis a state authority. Mobility emerges as an ambivalent means of mediating and transforming power relations, especially between governing authorities and governed constituencies. [mobility, Morocco, Polisario Front, sovereignty, the state, territory, Western Sahara

    L’eau dans le Bani

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    Située entre les latitudes 5,6° et 10,1° et les longitudes 28,4° et 30,4°, la région du Bani se trouve à l’extrémité sud du Maroc. Bordée au nord par l’Anti-Atlas et au sud par le Sahara, elle appartient au domaine aride. Elle est dominée par le Jbel Bani, chaîne montagneuse, qui la structure en une véritable ligne en la traversant d’est en ouest sur près de 400 kilomètres. La région du Bani est sillonnée par un réseau d’oueds, affluents de la rive droite du Drâa, qui ont entaillé dans le Jbe..

    Le projet Drââ : un observatoire de la Province de Ouarzazate pour la transition socio-écologique, la valorisation du territoire et l’amélioration de la qualité de la vie

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    International audienceDraa project aims to answer the question: how to raise the quality of the territory ofthe Province of Ouarzazate, its economy and culture, and improve the quality of lifeof its population, the crises that our societies are undergoing since the early '30Financial "and economic, social, environmental and cultural issues that arise?To do this, the Drââ project aims to develop a cooperative and participatory territorialobservatory that will consolidate indicators and useful information to stakeholders todevelop, manage and evaluate projects using diagnostic needs expressed by thepopulation of prospective scenarios agendas transition to sustainable development, inline with the main industries of the local economy.From 2013 both caINTI and ERTEMEM research teams have implemented a firstterritorial diagnosis that collected responses from 1685 people. The results of whichhave been the subject of an invited lecture at the International Seminar AUF territorialintelligence inRoscoff on May 2014. End of 2013 a complementary survey put the focuson locals actors (farmers, teachers, elected officials) in two rural communes,Ouisselsate and Iznaguen, in the south of the province of Ouarzazate.The paper will present the first results of this survey highlighting the role of commonheritage in promoting the region and involving its inhabitants quality of life, especiallywomen. It will also summarize the progress and update on the current outlook of theDraa project

    La résilience en œuvre : Drââ, un projet franco-marocain d’intelligence territoriale.

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    Les transports, facteurs de développement touristique au sud du Maroc

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    The southern part of Morrocco which is right at the foot of Atlas has often been considered as an useless space. In spite of its potentialities (climate, architecture, landscape...) this region remained stranded by the policies for tourist development due to its remoteness and difficult access. Building the international airport of Ouarzazate, the resurfacing of the road which leads to the Draa valley, the creation of a tourist transportation park (vehicles rental 4x4, buses...) either in Marrakech or in Ouarzazate, are part of the many factors which promoted the tourist development of the region. Shifting the tourists towards the Draa Valley played a vital role in the development of tourist towns such as Zagora but also in the emergence of Saharian type tourists for e.g. at M'Hamid The aim of this communication will be to present a brief idea about the enclosure and about the opening of this territory, as well as the development process of air travel and of land travel, as an access to this region. All these contributed in making this remote area an attractive region for tourists, an important territory in the strategic lay out of the state and had an active part in the endogenous tourist development.Le Sud marocain situé au pied de l'Atlas a été souvent considéré comme un espace inutile. Malgré ses potentialités d'attraction (climat, architecture, paysages...) cette région est restée longtemps marginalisée par les politiques de développement touristique du fait de son éloignement et de sa difficile accessibilité. La réalisation de l'aéroport international de Ouarzazate, le revêtement de la route qui jalonne la vallée du Drâa, la création d'un parc de transport touristique (location de véhicules 4x4, de bus...) à Marrakech ou à Ouarzazate... sont autant de facteurs qui ont stimulé le développement touristique dans cette région. Ce transfert de touristes vers la vallée du Drâa a joué un rôle primordial dans le développement de villes touristiques comme Zagora mais aussi dans l'apparition d'un tourisme de type saharien comme par exemple à M'Hamid. L'objet de cette communication sera de présenter un bref historique de l 'enclavement et du désenclavement de ce territoire, ainsi que les processus de développement du transport aérien et terrestre comme moyen d'accès à cette région. Ceux-ci ont contribué à faire de cette marge une région attractive en matière touristique ; un territoire essentiel dans la stratégie d'aménagement de l'Etat et ont joué un rôle majeur dans le développement touristique endogène.Oudada Mohamed. Les transports, facteurs de développement touristique au sud du Maroc. In: Collection EDYTEM. Cahiers de géographie, numéro 4, 2006. Transport et tourisme. pp. 279-288

    Une ville dans le Far West saharien : Laayoune (Note)

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    Oudada Mohamed. Une ville dans le Far West saharien : Laayoune (Note). In: Méditerranée, tome 99, 3-4-2002. Le sahara, cette «autre Méditerranée» (Fernand Braudel) sous la direction de Marc Côte . pp. 95-97