87 research outputs found

    A Case of Bilateral Adrenal and Pleural Metastases from Prostate Cancer

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    Our case was 65 years old. At check-up, a high PSA level of 515 ng/ml was observed, the patient was diagnosed with having clinical stage D prostate cancer and a Maximum Androgen Blockade (MAB therapy) was started. In response to the exacerbated prostate cancer, we started a therapy involving the administration of 8 mg/kg body weight of dexamethasone and 55 mg/m2 of docetaxel every 3 weeks. After completing 8 courses, an enlargement of the bilateral adrenal tumor was observed, and after completing 12 courses, a pleural tumor was discovered and the PSA level was also increased. The patient was therefore diagnosed with having bilateral adrenal metastasis and pleural metastasis of prostate cancer through diagnostic imaging. So far, there have been no reports of multiple occurrences of prostate cancer in the adrenal glands and the pleura, thus making this case the first such case

    Ginsenoside Rb1 Prevents MPP +

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    Ginsenoside Rb1 shows neuroprotective effects in various neurons, including dopaminergic cells. However, the precise mechanisms of action are uncertain. In this paper, we examine whether Rb1 has a neuroprotective effect on MPP+-induced apoptosis and attempt to clarify the signaling pathway in PC12 cells. Apoptosis of PC12 cells was determined by DNA fragmentation assay, the activation of caspase-3, or by the inactivation of Bcl-xL. Rb1 inhibited MPP+-induced caspase-3 activation and DNA fragmentation and activated Bcl-xL in MPP+-treated PC12 cells. These antiapoptotic effect was abrogated in PC12 cells transfected with estrogen receptor siRNA. Levels of DNA fragmentation were increased by wortmannin or PD 98059, while they were decreased by SB 203580 or SP 600125 in MPP+-treated PC12 cells. Rb1 increased phosphorylation levels of ERK1/2 or Akt in MPP+-treated PC12 cells, while it reduced phosphorylated p38 or SAPK/JNK. The increased phosphorylation of ERK/1/2 or Akt by Rb1 was abrogated by estrogen receptor siRNA. Rb1-induced inhibition of SAPK/JNK or p38 phosphorylation was also abolished by estrogen receptor siRNA. These results suggest that ginsenoside Rb1 protects PC12 cells from caspase-3-dependent apoptosis through stimulation of estrogen receptor with consequent activation of ERK1/2 and Akt and inhibition of SAPK/JNK and p38

    Extragalactic Science, Cosmology and Galactic Archaeology with the Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS)

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    The Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) is a massively-multiplexed fiber-fed optical and near-infrared 3-arm spectrograph (N_fiber=2400, 380<lambda<1260nm, 1.3 degree diameter FoV), offering unique opportunities in survey astronomy. Here we summarize the science case feasible for a survey of Subaru 300 nights. We describe plans to constrain the nature of dark energy via a survey of emission line galaxies spanning a comoving volume of 9.3 (Gpc/h)^3 in the redshift range 0.8<z<2.4. In each of 6 redshift bins, the cosmological distances will be measured to 3% precision via BAO, and redshift-space distortions will be used to constrain structure growth to 6% precision. In the GA program, radial velocities and chemical abundances of stars in the Milky Way and M31 will be used to infer the past assembly histories of spiral galaxies and the structure of their dark matter halos. Data will be secured for 10^6 stars in the Galactic thick-disk, halo and tidal streams as faint as V~22, including stars with V < 20 to complement the goals of the Gaia mission. A medium-resolution mode with R = 5000 to be implemented in the red arm will allow the measurement of multiple alpha-element abundances and more precise velocities for Galactic stars, elucidating the detailed chemo-dynamical structure and evolution of each of the main stellar components of the Milky Way Galaxy and of its dwarf spheroidal galaxies. For the extragalactic program, our simulations suggest the wide avelength range will be powerful in probing the galaxy population and its clustering over a wide redshift range. We propose to conduct a color-selected survey of 1<z<2 galaxies and AGN over 16 deg^2 to J~23.4, yielding a fair sample of galaxies with stellar masses above ~10^{10}Ms at z~2. A two-tiered survey of higher redshift LBGs and LAEs will quantify the properties of early systems close to the reionization epoch.Comment: This document describes the scientific program and requirements for the Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) project. Made significant revision based on studies for the Preliminary Design Review (PRD) held in Feb 2013. The higher-resolution paper file is available from http://member.ipmu.jp/masahiro.takada/pfs_astroph_rv.pd

    "Big Three Dragons": a z = 7.15 Lyman BreakGalaxy Detected in [OIII] 88 μ\mum, [CII] 158 μ\mum, and Dust Continuum with ALMA

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    We present new ALMA observations and physical properties of a Lyman Break Galaxy at z=7.15. Our target, B14-65666, has a bright ultra-violet (UV) absolute magnitude, MUV22.4M_{\rm UV}\approx-22.4, and has been spectroscopically identified in Lyα\alpha with a small rest-frame equivalent width of 4\approx4 \AA. Previous HST image has shown that the target is comprised of two spatially separated clumps in the rest-frame UV. With ALMA, we have newly detected spatially resolved [OIII] 88 μ\mum, [CII] 158 μ\mum, and their underlying dust continuum emission. In the whole system of B14-65666, the [OIII] and [CII] lines have consistent redshifts of 7.1520±0.00037.1520\pm0.0003, and the [OIII] luminosity, (34.4±4.1)×108L(34.4\pm4.1)\times10^{8}L_{\rm \odot}, is about three times higher than the [CII] luminosity, (11.0±1.4)×108L(11.0\pm1.4)\times10^{8}L_{\rm \odot}. With our two continuum flux densities, the dust temperature is constrained to be Td5060T_{\rm d}\approx50-60 K under the assumption of the dust emissivity index of βd=2.01.5\beta_{\rm d}=2.0-1.5, leading to a large total infrared luminosity of LTIR1×1012LL_{\rm TIR}\approx1\times10^{12}L_{\rm \odot}. Owing to our high spatial resolution data, we show that the [OIII] and [CII] emission can be spatially decomposed into two clumps associated with the two rest-frame UV clumps whose spectra are kinematically separated by 200\approx200 km s1^{-1}. We also find these two clumps have comparable UV, infrared, [OIII], and [CII] luminosities. Based on these results, we argue that B14-65666 is a starburst galaxy induced by a major-merger. The merger interpretation is also supported by the large specific star-formation rate (defined as the star-formation rate per unit stellar mass), sSFR=26057+119=260^{+119}_{-57} Gyr1^{-1}, inferred from our SED fitting. Probably, a strong UV radiation field caused by intense star formation contributes to its high dust temperature and the [OIII]-to-[CII] luminosity ratio.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figures, 9 tables. Accepted for publication in PASJ. In addition to the dust continuum detection in ALMA Band 6 reported in the original manuscript, we newly report the dust continuum detection in ALMA Band 8 based on our new ALMA Cycle 5 observation

    Kinetics of circulating Th17 cytokines and adipokines in psoriasis patients

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    Psoriasis is associated with an increase of Th17 cytokines, such as IL-17, IL-22, IL-21, and TNF-α, which are produced by Th17 cells. Adipokines are peptide hormones or cytokines secreted from adipose tissues and involved in the pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome (MS). Psoriasis patients have a high prevalence of the MS. In this study, we investigated the statistics of circulating Th17-related cytokines and adipokines in psoriasis patients. Our study identified the significant elevation of serum IL-6, IL-21, IL-22, and resistin levels in psoriasis patients. Increased serum levels of IL-22 and adiponectin were positively correlated with Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI). In contrast, serum high molecular weight adiponectin levels were decreased in psoriasis and negatively correlated with PASI

    ALMA twenty-six arcmin2^2 survey of GOODS-S at one-millimeter (ASAGAO): Near-infrared-dark faint ALMA sources

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    We report detections of two 1.2 mm continuum sources (S1.2mmS_\mathrm{1.2mm} ~ 0.6 mJy) without any counterparts in the deep HH- and/or KK-band image (i.e., KK-band magnitude \gtrsim 26 mag). These near-infrared-dark faint millimeter sources are uncovered by ASAGAO, a deep and wide-field (\simeq 26 arcmin2^2) Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) 1.2 mm survey. One has a red IRAC (3.6 and 4.5 μ\mum) counterpart, and the other has been independently detected at 850 and 870 μ\mum using SCUBA2 and ALMA Band 7, respectively. Their optical to radio spectral energy distributions indicate that they can lie at zz \gtrsim 3-5 and can be in the early phase of massive galaxy formation. Their contribution to the cosmic star formation rate density is estimated to be ~ 1 ×\times 103^{-3} MM_\odot yr1^{-1} Mpc3^{-3} if they lie somewhere in the redshift range of zz ~ 3-5. This value can be consistent with, or greater than that of bright submillimeter galaxies (S870μm>S_\mathrm{870\mu m}> 4.2 mJy) at zz ~ 3-5. We also uncover 3 more candidates near-infrared-dark faint ALMA sources without any counterparts (S1.2mmS_\mathrm{1.2mm} ~ 0.45-0.86 mJy). These results show that an unbiased ALMA survey can reveal the dust-obscured star formation activities, which were missed in previous deep optical/near-infrared surveys.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    ALMA 26 Arcmin2^{2} Survey of GOODS-S at One-millimeter (ASAGAO): Average Morphology of High-zz Dusty Star-Forming Galaxies is an Exponential-Disk (n1n \simeq 1)

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    We present morphological properties of dusty star-forming galaxies at z=1-3 determined with high-resolution (FWHM~0"19) Atacama Large Milllimeter/submilimeter Array (ALMA) 1-mm band maps of our ASAGAO survey covering a 26-arcmin^2 area in GOODS-S. In conjunction with the ALMA archival data, the present sample consists of 42 ALMA sources with a wide rest-frame far-infrared (FIR) luminosity L_FIR range of ~10^11-10^13 Lo. To obtain an average rest-frame FIR profile, we perform individual measurements and careful stacking of the ALMA sources using the uv-visibility method that includes positional-uncertainty and smoothing-effect evaluations through Monte-Carlo simulations. We find that the dusty star-forming galaxies have the average FIR-wavelength Sersic index and effective radius of n_FIR=1.2+/-0.2 and R_e,FIR=1.0-1.3 kpc, respectively, additionally with a point source at the center, indicative of the existence of AGN. The average FIR profile agrees with a morphology of an exponential-disk clearly distinguished from a spheroidal profile (Sersic index of 4). We also examine the rest-frame optical Sersic index n_opt and effective radius R_e,opt with the deep Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images. Interestingly, we obtain n_opt=0.9+/-0.3 (~n_FIR) and R_e,opt=3.2+/-0.6 kpc (>R_e,FIR), suggesting that the FIR-emitting disk is embedded within a larger stellar disk. The rest-frame UV and FIR data of HST and ALMA provide us a radial surface density profile of the total star-formation rate (SFR), where the FIR SFR dominates over the UV SFR at the center. Under the simple assumption of a constant SFR, a compact stellar distribution found in z~1-2 compact quiescent galaxies (cQGs) is well reproduced, while a spheroidal stellar morphology of cQGs (n_opt=4) cannot, suggestive of other important mechanisms such as dynamical dissipation.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, ApJ in pres