52 research outputs found
Effets Antihypertensifs Des Extraits Aqueux Et Éthanolique Des Graines Fermentées De Parkia Biglobosa (Mimosaceae) Chez Les Rats
High blood pressure is a major cardiovascular risk factor in the occurrence of stroke, heart failure, kidney failure, and coronary heart disease. They are regarded as the leading causes of death worldwide. The aim of this study was to provide a scientific and pharmacological basis for the traditional use of Parkia biglobosa in the traditional treatment of arterial hypertension. Here, we first looked for certain mineral elements in the fermented seeds of P. biglobosa "soumara". Subsequently, we evaluated the hypotensive and antihypertensive effects of the aqueous and ethanolic extracts from these fermented seeds of P. biglobosa in normotensive and hypertensive rats. The cardiovascular parameters studied were systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and heart rate (HR). The results showed that "soumara" is rich in calcium, potassium and magnesium, but low in sodium. Also, plant extracts at doses between 1000 and 2000 mg / kg bw induced a dose-dependent decrease in cardiovascular parameters in healthy rats. The treatment of rats made hypertensive with adrenaline by the ethanolic extract at a dose of 1500 mg / kg bw induced a dose-dependent decrease in cardiovascular parameters until normalization. The aqueous and ethanolic extracts of “soumara” acted in the same way as Nifédipine®, which is a calcium channel blocker
The purpose of this article is to show the contribution of transports in the availability of food products to Assinie. The collection of secondary data gave an important place in documentary research in the documentation and information centers and administrations. Our analysis also anchored in the direct observation of facts. In addition, we have undertaken open interviews with resource persons. The result of these methodological tools shows that the development of tourism is realized at the expense of agricultural activities which nevertheless allow ensuring the population's feed. Hence, their supply of consumer goods depends on the surrounding communities and more distant. The efficiency of transports appears as a vital necessity due mainly to poverty of the soil for food crops. But also, beyond food concerns, the configuration of the site due to the river system that imposes spatial discontinuities, equips transports role of territorial integrators. They are suddenly an interesting importance for relational life of Assinie, its inhabitants and the development of trade
Re-Examining Stock Market Integration Among BRICS Countries
The main goal of this paper is to contribute to the international investment decision making process among the BRICS countries and to the development or changes of policies in response to the dynamics in these countries. The background is important for international investors seeking diversification benefits abroad and for policy makers reacting to the developments in the aforementioned economies. Thus, the context of this paper is directed to the examination of the stock market interaction among the BRICS countries. The objective of this research paper is to analyze the existence of the short-term linkages and long-term cointegration among the BRICS markets. Augmented Dicker-Fuller (ADF) and Philips-Perron tests (PP) are used to analyze stationarity among the selected variables. The research applies the correlation test on the stock markets returns to investigate the degree of freedom existing among the markets. The long run and the short run are also investigated using Johansen cointegration test while the Pairwise Granger Causality and the Wald tests are applied to assess the direction of the causality between the stock market indices. The study also extends the investigation by employing the impulse response function and variance decomposition to evaluate the reaction of each stock to a shock from other stock indices. The quarterly data consisted of fifteen years from 2000 to 2015 and are exclusively composed of stock market index of selected countries. One of the key findings of the research is that the Chinese stock markets are mostly independent from other BRICS markets, implying diversification benefits for the international investors both in the short and the long run. Another important finding is that the BRICS stock markets are not cointegrated in the long run, thus, being a favorable destination for the long-term investments
Students’ Experience of Learning Bookkeeping
This research is an investigation of students’ experience of learning Bookkeeping and will be conducting a scoping study with a view to applying relevant findings to the London South Bank University. From personal observation, it appears that students experience difficulties with the subject when learning bookkeeping and its principles. It is then important to obtain their views, their perceptions on how they feel that they are effectively learning bookkeeping. Notably, research in accounting field has largely neglected due to both student perceptions of the learning context and their approaches to learning. Instead, studies have focused on either the teaching context or the outcomes of learning. This exclusion has meant that accounting educators repeatedly have difficulty in understanding what students consider learning to be, how they perceive the learning tasks, or how they approach learning. The purpose of this research is to gain a deeper understanding of what students perceive to be the problems or ways in learning Bookkeeping. This paper is important as it might give to both university and students the opportunity to improve the students’ learning experience in a core subject of the module that might influence decisions about module design which will benefit students and ultimately increase their employability
Emphysème segmentaire géant congénital compressif: diagnostic et traitement
L'emphysème lobaire géant congénital est une pathologie malformative rare du nourrisson. Les auteurs rapportent un cas similaire qui se distingue par son siège segmentaire encore plus rare et son caractère compressif chez qui une segmentectomie a été réalisée en urgence avec succès pour lever la détresse respiratoire dans un pays en développement.Pan African Medical Journal 2016; 2
Myotomie par voie transthoracique d’un cas de mégaoesophage géant à l’hôpital du Mali
Le but de ce travail est de présenter un cas clinique de mégaoesophage « en chaussette » hyper-dilaté occupant presque l'hémithorax droit chez un patient vivant en milieu rurale qui a été pris en charge dans notre centre par une myotomie de Heller par voie transthoracique et décrire les aspects cliniques paracliniques et thérapeutiques. L'oesocardiomyotomie de Heller par voie transthoracique associé à une réduction de la taille de l'oesophage a été réalisé avec la mise en place d'un système anti retour par le biais d'un lambeau diaphragmatique. Le transit oesogastroduodénale, l'endoscopie et le scanner gardent une place importante dans la recherche diagnostique et le choix du traitement.Key words: Mégaoesophage hyper dilaté, milieu rurale, oesocardiomyotomie, voie transthoraciqu
The purpose of this article is to show the contribution of transports in the availability of food products to Assinie. The collection of secondary data gave an important place in documentary research in the documentation and information centers and administrations. Our analysis also anchored in the direct observation of facts. In addition, we have undertaken open interviews with resource persons. The result of these methodological tools shows that the development of tourism is realized at the expense of agricultural activities which nevertheless allow ensuring the population's feed. Hence, their supply of consumer goods depends on the surrounding communities and more distant. The efficiency of transports appears as a vital necessity due mainly to poverty of the soil for food crops. But also, beyond food concerns, the configuration of the site due to the river system that imposes spatial discontinuities, equips transports role of territorial integrators. They are suddenly an interesting importance for relational life of Assinie, its inhabitants and the development of trade
Etude des Impacts des Changements Climatiques sur les Activités Agricoles dans la Commune Rurale de Mafouné, Cercle de Tominian, Région de Ségou au Mali
L’agriculture est l’un des secteurs les plus vulnérables aux effets des changements climatiques. La présente étude a pour objectif d’analyser les perceptions et les impacts des changements climatiques sur les activités agricoles, mais aussi, de contribuer à une meilleure connaissance des stratégies d’adaptation dans la Commune Rurale de Mafouné au Mali. La méthodologie utilisée s’est appuyée sur la recherche documentaire, l’observation directe, les enquêtes de terrain auprès des agriculteurs et agro-pasteurs, des responsables des Organisations Non Gouvernementales, des structures techniques et l’analyse des données météorologiques. Les données collectées du 02 au 30 mai 2018 ont fait l’objet d’un traitement informatique à l’aide des logiciels SPSS 20.00 et Excel 2016 et d’une analyse de contenu des discours. Les résultats de l’étude ont montré une tendance pluviométrique à la baisse avec une très grande variabilité interannuelle et une hausse des températures. Ceci a comme impacts, la baisse des rendements agricoles, la perte de la fertilité des sols, le tarissement précoce des eaux de surface, l’endettement du monde paysan, l’intensification de l’exode rural. Le semis des variétés hâtives, la pratique des techniques de lutte anti-érosive, le reboisement, la diversification des activités sont entre autres des stratégies d’adaptation développées par les exploitants pour faire face aux effets néfastes des changements climatiques. L’étude a conclu qu’une meilleure maîtrise des pratiques d’adaptation et l’accompagnement des exploitants sont de véritables palliatifs aux impacts des changements climatiques sur les activités agricoles dans la Commune Rurale de Mafouné. Agriculture is one of the most vulnerable sectors to the effects of climate change. The objective of this study is to analyse the perceptions and impacts of climate change on agricultural activities, but also to contribute to a better understanding of adaptation strategies in the Rural Commune of Mafouné in Mali. The methodology used relied on documentary research, direct observation, field surveys of farmers and agro-pastoralists, officials of non-governmental organizations, technical structures and analysis of meteorological data. The data collected from May, 2nd to May 30th 2018 were processed using the SPSS 20.00 and Excel 2016 software and a speech content analysis. The results of the study showed a declining rainfall trend with very high interannual variability and rising temperatures. This has as impacts, the fall of the agricultural yields, the loss of the soils fertility, the early drying up of the surface waters, the indebtedness of the peasant world, the intensification of the rural exodus. The seed of early varieties, the practice of erosion control techniques, reforestation, and diversification of activities are some of the strategies developed by farmers to cope with the negative effects of climate change. The study concluded that a better control of adaptation practices and support for farmers constitute the real palliative to the impacts of climate change on agricultural activities in the Rural Commune of Mafouné
Variabilités et Tendances des Paramètres Hydroclimatiques dans le Bassin Versant de la Rivière Banco au Sud de la Côte d’Ivoire
This study conducted in the basin of Banco river in Abidjan (5°20’ and 5°26’ at latitude north and between 4°1’ and 4°5’ at longitude west) in the south of Cote d’Ivoire aims at underlining the existence of climate variability on the basis of fluctuations and trends in hydro climatic data ( rainfalls, temperatures and discharges). To reach this goal, diverse data (pluviometric, thermometric and hydrometrical) and methods (Nicholson rating/index, Mann Kendall test; Cusum test; t-student test and Sen incline/slope estimator) are used. In light of the results, a climatic variability characterized by the alternation of humid, normal and dry years have been revealed in the area under study. The statistical indexes/ratings and methods show the continuity of the rainfall recession established since 1970 before a resumption of the pluviometry from the year 2000 onwards. Concerning the temperatures, we notice a slight fall of the annual average temperature triggered by the regression of minimal temperatures. The average temperature in the hole basin has decreased of 1.4°C in the last 34 years. The manifestations of this climate variability hardly impact on the flow of the river. An important increase in the superficial outflow appears in the basin with a rate of change of 71.25%, indicating therefore sufficient water availability.La présente étude menée sur le bassin versant de la rivière Banco à Abidjan (5°20’ et 5°26’ de latitude Nord et entre 4°1’et 4°5’ de longitude Ouest) dans le sud de la Côte d’Ivoire vise à mettre en exergue l'existence d'une variabilité climatique, à partir des fluctuations et des tendances dans les données hydroclimatiques (pluies, températures et débits). Pour atteindre cet objectif, diverses données (pluviométriques, thermométriques et hydrométriques) et méthodes (indice de Nicholson, tests de Cusum, de tstudent, de Mann-Kendall et de l’estimateur de la pente de Sen) ont été utilisées. A la lumière des résultats acquis, une variabilité climatique caractérisée par une alternance d’années humides, normales et sèches a été mise en évidence dans la zone d’étude. Les indices et méthodes statistiques montrent la continuité de la récession pluviométrique établie depuis 1970 avant une reprise pluviométrique à partir de l’année 2000. En ce qui concerne les températures, on assiste à une légère baisse de la température moyenne annuelle provoquée par la régression des températures minimales. La température moyenne dans le bassin versant a baissé de 1,4°C au cours des 34 dernières années. Les manifestations de cette variabilité climatique affectent peu le débit de la rivière. Une augmentation importante de l’écoulement superficielle apparaît dans le bassin avec un taux de changement de 71,25%, indiquant ainsi une bonne disponibilité en eau
Diversité Et Dynamique Des Communautés De Vers De Terre De Trois Formations Végétales Dans Une Savane Humide De l’Afrique De l’Ouest (Lamto, Côte d’Ivoire)
The maintenance and stability of many terrestrial ecosystems are in part related to the ecosystem functions and services of soil organisms. The present study aims to evaluate the influence of litter biomass produced by three types of vegetation in the Lamto reserve on the dynamics of earthworm community. Each vegetation formations has been subdivided into 3 parcels. These parcels were geo-referenced using a GPS and mapped using QGIS software. For each plot, 25 points were randomly selected using their GPS coordinates. The litters were collected by manual collection to evaluate their biomass. Monoliths of the TSBF (Tropical Soil Biology) type were dug in order to collect the earthworms by direct manual sorting. Also, soil clumps were collected to determine the organic matter levels by the method of lossto-fire. In total, 12 species of earthworms belonging to 3 ecological categories were collected. The forest block had the highest density of earthworms with a predominance of epigeic earthworms followed by grassy savannah with a predominance of endogeic earthworms. The wooded savannah has the lowest density of earthworms with a predominance of anecic earthworms. In terms of species richness, the grassy savannah contained the greatest number of earthworm species followed by the wooded savannah and the forest block that had the same number of species. In the three vegetations formations, it was found that earthworm densities were correlated with litter biomass as well as organic matter levels (correlation between earthworm density and litter biomass: r 2 =0, 75; correlation between density of earthworms and the rate of organic matter: r 2 =0, 93)
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