33 research outputs found

    Prevalence of occult hepatitis B virus infection among blood donors in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

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    Background: In Burkina Faso, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay is not routinely used in the biological qualification of blood donations and this constitutes a risk factor for the transmission of occult hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection during blood transfusion. The objective of this study is to determine the prevalence of occult B infection (OBI) among blood donors for the purposes of improved blood safety in Burkina Faso. Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study of 300 HBsAg negative blood donors was conducted in the city of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso from April to October 2020. Anti-HBc antibody was determined using the BOSON® brand rapid tests. HBV DNA was detected in 75 selected donors by real-time PCR (rt PCR) using the 7500 Fast Real Time PCR assay technique. Results: Of the 300 HBsAg negative donors, 208 (69.3%) were males while 92 (30.7%) were females, with average age of 30.18 years. Anti-HBc antibody was detected in 39 cases (13%). Of the 75 donor samples tested by rt PCR, 3 (4%) were positive for HBV DNA (occult B infection); 2 of which were anti-HBc antibody positive (seropositive OBI) while 1 was anti-HBc antibody negative (seronegative OBI). Conclusion: Given the prevalence of OBI of 4% in this study and its consequences in blood recipients, it appears necessary that in addition to the classic serological markers of hepatitis B, to test for the presence of HBV DNA among blood donors in order to improve transfusion safety. Keywords: Prevalence, Occult B infection; Blood donors, Ouagadougou.   French title: PrĂ©valence de l'infection occulte par le virus de l'hĂ©patite B chez les donneurs de sang Ă  Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Contexte: Au Burkina Faso, la polymĂ©rase chain rĂ©action (PCR) n’est pas utilisĂ©e lors de la qualification biologique des dons et cela constitue un facteur de risque de transmission de l’Infection Occulte du virus B (VHB) lors des transfusions sanguines. L’objectif de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait de dĂ©terminer la prĂ©valence de l’infection occulte B chez les donneurs de sang en vue d’une meilleure sĂ©curitĂ© transfusionnelle. MĂ©thodologie: Une Ă©tude transversale prospective, rĂ©alisĂ©e d’avril Ă  octobre 2020 dans la ville de Ouagadougou incluant 300 donneurs de sang AgHBs nĂ©gatif. L’anticorps anti HBc a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ© par les tests rapides de marque BOSON®. L’ADN du VHB a Ă©tĂ© recherchĂ© chez 75 donneurs par PCR en temps rĂ©el (rt PCR) avec le 7500 Fast Real Time PCR. RĂ©sultats: Parmi les 300 donneurs AgHBs nĂ©gatifs, 208 (69,3%) Ă©taient des hommes et 92 (30,7%) des femmes. L’âge moyen Ă©tait de 30,18 ans. La recherche de l’Ac anti-HBc Ă©tait positive dans 39 cas (13 %). Parmi les 75 Ă©chantillons passĂ©s Ă  la rt PCR, 3 (4%) Ă©taient positifs pour l’ADN du VHB. Sur les 3 cas d’ADN VHB positifs, 2 (66,67%) Ă©taient positifs Ac anti HBc et 1 (33,33%) Ac anti HBc nĂ©gatif. Conclusion: Compte tenu de la prĂ©valence de l’infection occulte B et ses consĂ©quences chez les donneurs de sang et chez les receveurs, il devient nĂ©cessaire de rechercher, en plus des marqueurs sĂ©rologiques classiques de l’hĂ©patite B, l’ADN VHB pour une meilleure sĂ©curitĂ© transfusionnelle. Mots clĂ©s: PrĂ©valence, Infection occulte de l’HBV, Donneurs de sang, Ouagadougou &nbsp

    Effets des Amendements Organiques sur la Gale Bactérienne et la Pourriture Apicale de la Tomate à Bobo-Dioulasso au Burkina Faso

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    L’étude a portĂ© sur les effets des amendements organiques sur la gale bactĂ©rienne et la pourriture apicale de la tomate en milieu rĂ©el Ă  l’Ouest du Burkina Faso. Un essai a Ă©tĂ© mis en place dans un dispositif en bloc de Fisher complètement randomisĂ©. Il a comportĂ© huit (08) traitements constituĂ©s des fertilisants organiques et minĂ©raux tous rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©s quatre (04) fois. L’incidence de la maladie et sa sĂ©vĂ©ritĂ© ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©es ainsi que l’effet des traitements sur la qualitĂ© des fruits. La progression est relativement faible avec les dĂ©chets mĂ©nagers compostĂ©s associĂ©s aux engrais minĂ©raux. La maladie est plus sĂ©vère avec les diffĂ©rents fertilisants pris individuellement. Dans l’ensemble, la maladie est Ă©volutive avec tous les traitements.   The study focused on the effects of organic amendments on bacterial scab and apical rot of tomato in a real environment in western Burkina Faso. Indeed, a trial was set up in a completely randomized Fisher block design. It included eight (08) treatments consisting of organic and mineral fertilizers all repeated four (04) times. The incidence of the disease and its severity were evaluated as well as the effect of the treatments on the quality of the fruits. The disease is progressive with all treatments. However, the progression is relatively low with composted household waste associated with mineral fertilizers. The disease is more severe with the different fertilizers taken individually

    Residual mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Burkina Faso

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    Background: Burkina Faso is one of the countries in West Africa most affected by the HIV/AIDS pandemic, despite the implementation of a mother-to-child HIV transmission prevention program as a strategy to reduce the risk of vertical transmission of the disease.Objective: To assess the current risk of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Burkina Faso.Materials and methods: A prospective study was conducted between December 2014 and July 2016, in the 13 health regions of Burkina Faso. Women who were screened HIV-positive during a prenatal consultation were followed until delivery. Their babies received dry blood spot (DBS) at birth, at week 6 and at 1year, to screen for HIV.Results: Overall, 186 pregnant women were included in the study, with a mean age of 29.17±6.13 years. Of their children, 430 DBS actually received a PCR test, giving a 91.1% PCR implementation rate. After analyses, 6 (1.3%) babies were identified as carriers of HIV1. The newborn’s serological status was associated with delivery pattern (p=0.000), the administration of antiretroviral drugs to the mother after delivery (p=0.0064), the administration of Nevirapine to the newborn at birth (p=0.022), the use of contraceptive methods after delivery (p=0.028) and the presence of breast affections/infections since delivery (p=0.013).Conclusion: The results of our study are encouraging and demonstrate the effectiveness of interventions in the mother-tochild prevention program (PMTCT) for HIV-positive pregnant women can be improved through early initiation of triple therapy in early pregnancy and improved adherence to antiretroviral (ARV) therapy.Keywords: Burkina Faso, HIV/AIDS, mother-to-child transmission, antiretroviral drugs, pregnant wome

    Meningococcal carriage and cerebrospinal meningitis after MenAfriVac mass immunization in Burkina Faso

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    The aims of this study were to evaluate the impact of conjugate vaccine A, MenAfriVac, on Neisseria meningitidis (Nm) asymptomatic carriage and cerebrospinal meningitis in three health districts (Bogodogo, Kaya, and Dandé) of Burkina Faso. Asymptomatic carriage of Nm was assessed by performing cross-sectional studyrepeated (rounds 1 to 10) before and after introduction of the conjugate vaccine against serogroup A of N. meningitidis (NmA), MenAfriVac. In each round at least 1,500 people were enrolled in each district for a month. Data oncases of meningococcal meningitis in the three studied health districts were collected through meningitides epidemiological surveillance of Burkina Faso.Nm was identified in680 of 23,885 throat swabs before vaccination (2. 84%)withNmYasthe dominant serogroup(1.87%). During the same period (2009 and 2010), 891 cases of suspected meningitis were reported in the three health districts among whom 42 were due toNm (4.71%) withNmX (3.70%) asthe most frequently identified serogroup. After vaccination, Nm was identified in 1117 of 27,245 pharyngeal samples (6.42%); NmX (4.42%) wasthe dominantserogroup. From 2011 to 2013, 965 cases of suspected meningitis were reported in all health facilities in the three studied health districts located in the geographical study area; 91 was due toNm (9.43%) andNmWasthe most commonserogroup(52 cases= 5.38%).After introduction of conjugate vaccine A (MenAfriVac), the NmAserogroup almost disappeared both in asymptomatic carriers and in patients with cerebrospinal meningitis. However the presence of the NmW and NmXserogroups, which appear to have replaced serogroup A, is very worrying with regard to meningitis prevention and control in Burkina Faso. It appears necessary to strengthen surveillance and laboratory diagnosis of the different meningococcal serogroups circulating in Africa.Keywords: meningococcal meningitis, serogroups W and X, meningococcal carriage, MenAfriVac

    Local Chickens Farming System Characteristics and Their Genetic Resources Management in Seno Province of Burkina Faso

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    Local genetic resources have an important place in poultry production in Africa. However, knowledge of these genetic resources and their breeding systems is quite often limited. This study was carried out in Seno province/Burkina Faso and aimed to characterize the local chicken production system, the genetic resources used and their management in this area. A survey was conducted including 185 chicken farmers in a rural area. The snowball sampling method was used to co-opt interviewees and, face-to-face interviews were done. The questionnaire includes closed and open-ended questions. Production system characteristics showed that local chickens were bred in free-range production system with few inputs. There were multiple production purposes such as self-consumption (meat and eggs), saving, sale, making donation to strangers. The sale of chickens was ranked as the main purpose with 0.48 as the index, and self-consumption of chicken meat came in second position with 0.34 as the index. According farmers, three phenotypes of chickens ("breed or ecotypes") are encountered in the area. However, these phenotypes are raised together with uncontrolled mating practice, leading to a tendency towards uniformity of phenotypes. Almost all farmers (98.9%) stated they select breeding roosters. This selection is mainly based on growth performance (96.6%). Nevertheless, they ranked "resistance to diseases" as the characteristic they would improve primarily if they had all the possibilities (index 0.43). In general, the production system was extensive with low input, whereas the local chicken genetic resources were under poor management which can lead to genetic erosion

    Contrôle qualité et étude de comprimabilité des poudres de feuille de Moringa oleifera (lam) et de pulpe du fruit de Adansonia digitata

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    Moringa oleifera (LAM), arbre tropical à usages multiples, constitue de nos jours une nouvelle ressource alimentaire et économique pour les pays du Sud. Ces feuilles sont faciles d’accès et très riches en protéines, en vitamines et en minéraux. Elles sont de plus en plus utilisées dans des projets luttant contre la malnutrition. Cependant, le goût, la présentation et la qualité de ces produits demeurent une préoccupation majeure nécessitant des adaptations innovantes. L’objectif de cette étude était d’étudier la comprimabilité des poudres de feuilles de Moringa oleifera en améliorant le goût avec des matières premières locales et facilement accessibles comme la poudre de pulpe de Andansonia digitata. Les propriétés physico-chimiques et les tests pharmacotechniques ont permis de contrôler la qualité des poudres, des comprimés et orienter le choix du procédé de fabrication. Cinq (5) types de formulations (F1 à F5) ont été réalisés et les comprimés ont été fabriqués par compression après granulation par la voie sèche. Les comprimés des formulations F4 et F5 ont donné de meilleures propriétés pharmacotechniques selon les recommandations de la pharmacopée Européenne 6.0. L’association des deux poudres offre une alternative pour la fabrication de comprimés à croquer avec un goût acceptable.Mots-clés : Moringa oleifera, Adansonia digitata, poudre, comprimé, contrôle qualité

    Sciatique parésiante d’origine zostérienne

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    Les auteurs rapportent un cas de sciatique zostérienne parésiante chez un malade souffrant d’un diabète de type 2 mal équilibré et un lymphome malin non hodginien. L’apparition des lésions zostériennes deux jours après le déficit a permis d’établir le diagnostic. Le malade a bénéficié d’un traitement par aciclovir et d’une kinésithérapie permettant une récupération totale au bout de trois mois.Mot clés : Sciatique, Zona, Parési

    A Decade of Follow-up and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in HIV-2 Immunocompromised Patients at St Camille and General Lamizana Military Medical Centers, Burkina Faso, West Africa

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    This study aimed to describe the demographic and clinical profile of HIV-2 infected patients follow up from 2003 to 2013 at St Camille Medical Center and General Lamizana Military Medical Center