185 research outputs found


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    Objective: Obesity is associated with the development of metabolic disorders through inflammatory and oxidative biomarkers. This study evaluated obesity and overweight influence on serum concentrations of vitamins C, E, TGF-B1 and cardio metabolic. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted involving 169 subjects (24 normal weight, 16 overweight and 129 obese). The anthropometric measures and the concentrations of vitamin C, E, TBARS, TGF-B1, lipid profile, glycated hemoglobin, glucose and insulin were determined, as well as calculations of HOMA and insulin sensitivity (IS). Results: Obese and overweight volunteers showed significantly higher levels of TGF-B1, Vitamin E, insulin, HbA1c, glucose, cholesterol, LDL-c, triglycerides, HOMA, and TBARS compared to normal weight patients associated with a significant reduction of IS, HDL-c, and vitamin C. Conclusion: Obesity and overweight could predispose significant changes in TGF-B1, biochemical and oxidative markers. The increase in TGF-B1 may promote inflammation and interfere with IS. The reduction of vitamin C concentrations and the increasing of TBARS takes a redox imbalance in obese and overweight patients and have suggested that vitamin E is not a promising biomarker oxidative since it is lipophilic and its concentration is influenced by body fat. These results may help determine the oxidative and inflammatory pathways related to obesity and its comorbidities

    Epidemiology of cervix cancer in Brazil (2005-2015): study of mortality and hospital intervention rates

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    Cervical neoplasia has high morbidity and mortality and is the main female gynecological neoplasia, but it is susceptible to early detection and cure. A major challenge for developing countries such as Brazil is the expansion of prevention programs, which becomes more effective when the epidemiology is known. The objective of this study was to conduct an epidemiological survey to evaluate the Brazilian panorama of this neoplasm. A temporal aggregate study was performed using the mortality and hospital admission rates for cervical neoplasia throughout the Brazilian territory during the years 2005 to 2015, data obtained through DATASUS and IBGE. During the years 2005 to 2015, there was a significant drop (p<0.05) in hospital admission rates in the 0-19, 20-39, 40-59, 60-79 years, with an average fall of 36 % and a death increase in the age group 20-39 years. The North region had a significant increase in death in the range ≥ 80 years, 140%, p<0.02. The mean mortality rate in Brazil was 5.14, with a 95% CI of 5.01 to 5.27. Cervical neoplasia is still present in Brazil, although mortality has a tendency to decrease, this tendency is unequally distributed in Brazil, with the north and northeast regions showing the highest rates. Better public policies are fundamental


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    Oral infectious diseases are probably the most common infectious pathologies affecting humankind. They have a significant impact on both people quality of life and costs for the healthcare system. Thus, their prevention should be high priority for governaments and research institutes. There are hundres of bacterial species in the oral environment, however, only a few of them are pathogenic. In fact, the disease begins when there is an imbalance in the oral biofilm with a prevalence of pathogenic species. In order to prevent oral infectious diseases we can eliminate most of the oral biofilm with mechanical and chemical means. However, in this way also many saprophytic species are eradicated. A smart solution could be to induce a selective pressure for \u201cgood\u201d oral bacteria thus hampering pathogenic ones. How can we achive this? Modifying our diet is a possible solution, we demonstrated how cariogenic biofilm development was lowered by using levorotatory carbohydrates instead of dextrorotatory ones. If we already have a carious lesion, it should be removed and the tooth restored with proper materials. However, most of them are methacrylate based and favour biofilm development, moreover, they also seem to select cariogenic species due to the lack of buffering ability. In our study we demonstrated how the use of different materials, the siloranes, could lead to a decrease in the biofilm development, thus theoretically lowering the incidence of secondary caries. If a tooth cannot be recovered and should be extracted, dental implants are probably the best solution for their replacement. However, peri-implantitis is a serious issue affecting up to 50% of the implant and can lead to their loss. The prevention of this oral disease is hence very important. In our study we compared different materials and showed that biofilm formation was similar in all of them. In future studies we will investigate if the biofilm on these materials is similar or not and if they are prevalently pathogenic or saprophytic ones. In conclusion, oral infectious disease are still very common and for decades dentists tried to achieve oral health by eliminating all the biofilm. However, the most innovative strategy is not to eradicate it but to induce selective pressures by using different means thus leading to a beneficial biofilm which does not cause illness but instead promote our health


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    Suicide has been a subject of increasing concern and the toxicological and blood alcohol investigate in these victims is little studied. This study investigated the toxicological and blood alcohol profile of suicide victims in 27 municipalities in the extreme west of Santa Catarina. Aggregate time series study, with a survey of epidemiological data and analysis of expert reports by the Medical Legal Institute of all fatal victims of suicide, registered in the period between 2012 to 2016. Results: Males, aged 50-59 years, were the main victims and the hanging the main suicide method. The months of February and November, Sundays and the time of 08:00 to 11:59 were the moments of greater occurrences. Elevated levels of alcohol were observed in 23.97% of the victims and the main drugs found were benzodiazepines and tricyclic antidepressants. The results obtained in this study reinforce the concern regarding cases of suicide and an association between alcohol/drug use and suicidal practices. The data provide subsidies for elaboration and implementation of preventive actions. Professionals should be alert to signs of suicide, so that specialized help becomes a possible option, and is instrumental in reducing the number of suicides.Intodução: O suicídio tem sido um assunto de crescente preocupação e a pesquisa toxicológica e de álcool no sangue dessas vítimas é pouco estudada. Objetivo: Este estudo investigou o perfil toxicológico e de álcool no sangue de vítimas de suicídio em 27 municípios do extremo oeste de Santa Catarina.Materiais e Métodos: Estudo agregado de séries temporais, com levantamento de dados epidemiológicos e análise de laudos periciais pelo Medical Legal Institute de todas as vítimas fatais de suicídio, registradas no período de 2012 a 2016. Resultados: Homens com idade entre 50 e 59 anos foram as principais vítimas e o enforcamento do principal método de suicídio. Os meses de fevereiro e novembro, os domingos e o horário das 08:00 às 11:59 foram os momentos de maiores ocorrências. Níveis elevados de álcool foram observados em 23,97% das vítimas e os principais medicamentos encontrados foram benzodiazepínicos e antidepressivos tricíclicos. Conclusão: Os resultados obtidos neste estudo reforçam a preocupação com os casos de suicídio e a associação entre uso de álcool / drogas e práticas suicidas. Os dados fornecem subsídios para elaboração e implementação de ações preventivas. Os profissionais devem estar atentos aos sinais de suicídio, para que a ajuda especializada se torne uma opção possível e seja fundamental para reduzir o número de suicídios

    Desenvolvimento de sistema estruturado com inteligência artificial para apoio no diagnóstico de parasitoses intestinais

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    Introdução: Sistemas de inteligência artificial são tecnologias promissoras de assistência em saúde e diagnóstico laboratorial, que podem ser implementados como métodos de suporte para o diagnóstico de parasitoses intestinais.  Objetivo: Este estudo objetivou desenvolver um software de IA que auxilia no diagnóstico laboratorial de parasitoses intestinais, com alta sensibilidade e especificidade. Métodos: O software foi desenvolvido utilizando duas redes neurais, Inception e MobileNet. Primeiro imagens de ovos dos parasitas Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichiuris trichiura, Taenia sp, Hymenolepis nana, Schistosoma mansoni e larvas de Strongyloides stercoralis, foram utilizados para treinar o banco de dados. Posteriormente 2.740 imagens cedidas pelo Laboratório de Parasitologia da Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina foram testadas no software. Resultados: O software apresentou sensibilidade de 82,3% (95% intervalo de confiança (IC), 71,9%-89,1%) e especificidade de 95,1% (95% IC, 94,3%-97,8%) para MobileNet e sensibilidade de 72,1% (95% IC, 52,6%-115%) e especificidade de 92,1% (95% IC, 91,7%-97,7%) para Inception. Conclusão: O software apresentou resultados promissores na análise de parasitas intestinais, reforçando que, no futuro, a presença de sistemas de suporte de diagnóstico das parasitoses pode vir a se tornar mais rápido e eficiente


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    Obesity is a disease characterized by excessive body fat. Among the neurobiological factors associated with obesity, the serotonergic system stands out. The neurotransmitter of these circuits is serotonin (5-HT). Decreased levels of 5-HT have been linked to increased desire to ingest sweets and carbohydrates. This study aims to verify the relationship of the 5HT2A T102C gene polymorphism with obesity and anthropometric parameters. Blood samples and anthropometric data were collected from 150 volunteers, divided between the control and obese groups. The results showed that for individuals with diastolic pressure (p = 0.3681), Estimated Mean Glycemia (GMe) (p = 0.0228) and Homeostatic Model Assessment (HOMA-IR-IR) (p = 0.001) all altered, a higher frequency of C alleles was observed. For normal GMe (p = 0.0270), a higher frequency of the T allele was observed. There was no difference for the allele distribution between the normal and altered groups for the parameters of Triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, total cholesterol, glycated hemoglobin and Insulin. The distribution of the alleles between the groups, normal diastolic pressure (p = 0.3681) and HOMA-IR (p = 0.9203) groups presented no difference. From the genotypic analyzes of the T102C polymorphism of the 5HT2A gene, it was possible to demonstrate a relationship between the presence of the C allele with biochemical and anthropometric markers related to obesity and hypertension


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    Objetivo: A lesão muscular esquelética é um evento frequente. O diagnóstico utilizando os marcadores sanguíneos clássicos as vezes produz resultados insatisfatórios devido a grande variabilidade interindividual. Portanto, a identificação de biomarcadores confiáveis e agudos é importante. O objetivo do estudo foi verificar a atividade plasmática, salivar e urinária da aldolase em resposta ao dano muscular agudo induzido por exercício físico intenso. Desenho e métodos: Realizou-se um estudo transversal com 27 jogadores de futebol americano com idade média de 22,5 anos. Antes dos exercícios físicos intensos (T0), 60 minutos (T1) e 24 horas (T2) após o treinamento físico intenso, foram determinados os parâmetros clínicos e a determinação da atividade da Aldolase em amostras de soro, saliva e urina. Resultados: A aldolase sérica foi significativamente maior no T1 e T2, enquanto que a atividade salivar foi significativamente maior no T1, com redução significativa em T2, na urina não houve diferenças significativas quando comparado o antes e após o exercício físico intenso. Conclusão: Os resultados permitem sugerir que a atividade sérica e salivar da aldolase, são biomarcadores interessantes que permitem um monitoramento agudo de lesão muscular, destaca-se a atividade salivar da aldolase, uma vez que esta é uma amostra de fácil coleta e processamento simples e que poderia ser introduzida como dosagens rotineiras e seriadas após exercícios físicos para monitorar atletas evitando lesões mais graves e contribuindo no seu desempenho


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    Introdução: Os linfangiomas são malformações congênitas da rede vascular linfática que geralmente são diagnosticadas na infância, localizados com maior frequência na região do pescoço e axila. Relato: Foi observado um paciente do gênero masculino, com linfangioma cervical e axial visual e em exame ultrassonográfico. Os exames radiológicos, clínicos e o tratamento farmacológico foi acompanhado. A criança era ativa, com estímulos normais, sem alterações de peso. Aos seis meses realizou infiltração com bleomicina, havendo uma redução significativa da massa axilar e manutenção da cervical. Com o sucesso parcial do tratamento com bleomicina, foi utilizado sildenafil, observando-se redução do tamanho dos tumores, porém com o surgimento de efeitos adversos, como ereção constante. Aos 19 meses o paciente apresentou um processo gripal com recidiva dos linfangiomas, em especial o axilar. Atualmente o paciente encontra-se novamente em tratamento com bleomicina. Conclusão: Este caso torna-se importante pois acredita-se o primeiro e único caso até o momento na região Extremo Oeste Catarinense. Nota-se a importância de um correto diagnóstico para efetuar o tratamento coeso e estabelecer excelentes resultados de tratamento e manter a qualidade de vida dos pacientes. Para linfangiomas não existem medicamentos específicos e recidivas poderão ocorrer. Os transtornos mecânicos de compressão e estéticos são os mais relatados. O paciente apresentou desenvolvimento físico e intelectual normal e persiste na busca de alternativas farmacológicas já que o tratamento cirúrgico é pouco indicado


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    Diabetes mellitus é um grave problema de saúde pública, altamente limitante, com elevadas taxas de morbidade e mortalidade. O controle glicêmico do paciente pode ser efetuado com as dosagens de glicose a curto prazo e com a dosagem de hemoglobina glicada, a qual permite avaliar, aproximadamente, 120 dias precedentes ao exame, sendo considerada, dessa forma, o parâmetro de escolha para avaliação dos diabéticos. Participaram do estudo todos os pacientes diabéticos do Município de Belmonte, SC. Coletaram-se amostras por punção venosa de sangue total com EDTA e de plasma com fluoreto para realização das dosagens de hemoglobina glicada e glicose, respectivamente; aplicou-se um questionário de perguntas fechadas para se obterem dados de importância ao estudo. As amostras foram encaminhadas ao Laboratório Escola da Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina, onde foram realizados os exames. Controle glicêmico referido como ótimo foi representado por 42% dos pacientes, e 10% deles apresentaram um controle péssimo. Ao correlacionar variáveis, refere-se como mais importante o seguimento da dieta e o tempo de patologia. Os resultados obtidos são um indicativo da necessidade do desenvolvimento de estratégias voltadas à promoção e prevenção da saúde desse grupo.Palavras-chave: Diabetes mellitus. Perfil glicêmico. Glicose. Hemoglobina glicada

    Substituted nano-hydroxyapatite toothpastes reduce biofilm formation on enamel and resin-based composite surfaces

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    Background: Toothpastes containing nano-hydroxyapatite (n-HAp) substituted with metal ions provide calcium and phosphate ions to dental hard tissues, reducing demineralization, and promoting remineralization. Few data are available about the effect of these bioactive compounds on oral microbiota. Methods: This in vitro study evaluated the influence of two commercially-available substituted n-HAp-based toothpastes (\u3b1: Zn-carbonate substituted n-HAp; \u3b2: F, Mg, Sr-carbonate substituted n-HAp) on early colonization (EC, 12 h) and biofilm formation (BF, 24 h) by oral microbiota. Controls were brushed with distilled water. Artificial oral microcosm and Streptococcus mutans biofilms were developed using human enamel and a resin-based composite (RBC) as adherence surfaces. Two test setups, a shaking multiwell plate and a modified drip-flow reactor (MDFR), were used to simulate clinical conditions during the night (low salivary flow and clearance) and daytime, respectively. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS) was used to evaluate specimens\u2019 surfaces after toothpaste treatment. Fluoride release from \u3b2 toothpaste was evaluated. Viable adherent biomass was quantified by MTT assay, and biofilms\u2019 morphology was highlighted using confocal microscopy. Results: EDS showed the presence of remnants from the tested toothpastes on both adherence surfaces. \u3b2 toothpaste showed significantly lower EC and BF compared to control using the artificial oral microcosm model, while \u3b1 toothpaste showed lower EC and BF compared to control, but higher EC and BF compared to \u3b2 toothpaste. The effect shown by \u3b2 toothpaste was, to a minimal extent, due to fluoride release. Interestingly, this result was seen on both adherence surfaces, meaning that the tested toothpastes significantly influenced EC and BF even on RBC surfaces. Furthermore, the effect of toothpaste treatments was higher after 12 h than 24 h, suggesting that toothbrushing twice a day is more effective than brushing once. Conclusions: The efficacy of these treatments in reducing microbial colonization of RBC surfaces may represent a promising possibility in the prevention of secondary caries