691 research outputs found

    Flipping the script. Intentional teaming through awareness-based collective action

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    Life Works Supported Living Services, the organization the authors co-direct in San Diego, CA, has been thinking of questions about what real Inclusion looks like for people experiencing developmental disabilities since its inception in 2004. The thoughts, philosophies and practices presented in this chapter are drawn from their years of experience in the field of disability and Inclusion. It leans on and embraces works of thought leaders in the field like John O’Brien and Beth Mount and also explores pedagogies from outside this particular niche field of practice, especially Otto Scharmer and the Presencing Institute’s work on Theory U. (DIPF/Orig.)Life Works Supported Living Services, die Organisation in San Diego, Kalifornien, welche die beiden Autor*innen gemeinsam leiten, hat sich seit ihrer GrĂŒndung im Jahr 2004 mit der Frage beschĂ€ftigt, wie echte Inklusion fĂŒr Menschen mit EntwicklungsbeeintrĂ€chtigungen aussehen kann. Die Gedanken, Philosophien und Praktiken, die in diesem Kapitel vorgestellt werden, stammen aus ihrer langjĂ€hrigen TĂ€tigkeiten im Bereich der Inklusionsorientierten Arbeit mit Menschen mit Behinderungen. Sie ist inspiriert durch Vordenker*innen wie John O‘Brien und Beth Mount. Es betrachtet auch AnsĂ€tze außerhalb dieses Nischenbereichs, und dabei insbesondere die Arbeiten von Otto Scharmer zur Theorie U. (DIPF/Orig.

    Exploring the landscape of reflection

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    open4noopenFrison, Daniela; Fedeli, Monica; Tino, Concetta; Minnoni, ErikaFrison, Daniela; Fedeli, Monica; Tino, Concetta; Minnoni, Erik

    8th INTREPID Report: The future of university as if sustainability mattered: A co-creation experience through Theory U journey

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    This year the INTREPID Training School programme centred on the question of how can universities be a positive force for transformation and change towards a more sustainable future. The programme invited participants to explore the specific challenges of Inter and transdisciplinary knowledge and co-creation; and reflect on the skills and dispositions required by researchers and practitioners to cross boundaries, sectors and paradigms. This experience of this exploration was the starting point for a process of envisioning of a civic learning institution capable of enabling education, research and learning in permanent support of sustainable development. This report provides a brief account of the main steps and methods used to explore our theme, as well as an indication of some of the results.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Relationships Matter: How Agencies Can Support Family and Social Network Development

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    Explores lessons learned from the efforts of two innovative agencies to support families and social networks. Analyzes how social networks affect communities and how an agency's network approach affects access, choice, problem-solving, and leadership

    Learning from an Envisioned Future - An empirical account

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    Innovation processes require organizations to transcend current boundaries. These include not only technological as well as social limitations but "above all" the way we address the future. We are used to face the future with our existing knowledge and experiences from the past. This strategy, however, can hardly lead to knowledge off the beaten path. We therefore suggest a new learning approach for organizations, which enables to literally envision a desired future scenario and thereby, allows for the creation of radical new knowledge. We argue that the created knowledge yields a higher degree of novelty and radicalness. Along with an enhanced theory of learning including learning from the future, we present our empirical findings from comparing the outputs of Learning from an Envisioned Future and learning from the past. For this purpose, we use data from two organizational learning projects; one, which was conducted with a high school in Austria and another one, which was conducted with members of the Austrian Economic Chamber. Our findings from both case studies suggest that Learning from an Envisioned Future does produce significantly more paradigm challenging knowledge compared to the output gained from conventional learning from past experiences. We conclude that the combination of both learning sources may lead to best learning outcomes in organizations

    Mindful Facilitation - Designing a Workshop Linking Transformative Leadership Theory to Facilitation Techniques to Increase Facilitator Confidence

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    Facilitation skills have value in any setting where one seeks to persuade others, obtain deeper interaction in meetings, encourage or motivate others, make a lasting impact, and energize others. “Mindful Facilitation” integrates the ability to bring mindfulness, empathy, and connection to facilitation practice. This paper presents an applied project in creating a workshop developed to link adaptive leadership theories with the best practices of successful facilitation with the intent of raising facilitator confidence. The results show that confidence levels are raised when workshop participants learn facilitation skills that are rooted in mindfulness

    Membaca Ulang Pancasila Sebagai Landasan Pendidikan

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    This article presents a study of Pancasila as a way of life for the Indonesian nation, specifically in the administration of education. This paper reveals how the universal values in Pancasila play a role in the practice of education towards the prosperity of the nation. This article combines practices in higher education and in non-formal education. This article was written using the bibliography method to provide a comparison of each scientific reference about the study written. This paper shows that the precepts in Pancasila are the crystallization of all disciplines and important aspects of life. Pancasila is the simplicity of complexity from science. Education should be based on values, governance, and prosperity. How knowledge becomes the basis of character that is managed with an awareness of the growth of social justice for all and is oriented towards encouraging the prosperity of the nation.Artikel ini menyajikan kajian tentang Pancasila sebagai suatu pandangan hidup Bangsa Indonesia, secara khusus dalam penyelenggaraan Pendidikan. Tulisan ini mengungkap tentang bagaimana nilai-nilai universal dalam Pancasila berperan dalam praktik Pendidikan untuk menuju kemakmuran bangsa. Artikel ini mengombinasi antara praktik pada Pendidikan tinggi dan pada Pendidikan nonformal. Artikel ini ditulis dengan metode kepustakaan untuk memberikan perbandingan dari setiap referensi ilmiah tentang kajian yang ditulis. Tulisan ini menunjukkan bahwa Sila-sila dalam Pancasila merupakan crystalizes dari seluruh disiplin ilmu dan aspek-aspek penting dalam kehidupan. Pancasila merupakan simplicity dari complexity idari lmu pengetahuan. Pendidikan semestinya berbasis pada tata nilai, tata kelola, dan tata sejahtera. Bagaimana pengetahuan menjadi basis karakter yang dikelola dengan kesadaran penumbuhan keadilan sosial bagi semua dan berorientasi pada terdorongnya kemakmuran bangsa


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    O artigo Ă© descreve o processo de construção do Planejamento em uma Universidade Federal, como uma ação progressiva e planejada em equipe. Aborda-se a “Teoria do U” como um conteĂșdo e componentes importantes para a participação dentro do processo que constrĂłi a sistemĂĄtica de trabalho. O envolvimento da comunidade em direção a sistemĂĄtica para a anĂĄlise do processo Ă© objeto da reflexĂŁo. O artigo demonstra como os desafios para um Sistema Nacional de avaliação em razĂŁo das praticas e possibilidades do Planejamento. Ressalta-se o trabalho em grupo e as condiçÔes sob as quais as atividades podem ser desenvolvidas

    Apories et autisme cognitif synchroniques d’un systĂȘme multiscalaire, quasi-conscient d’ĂȘtre inconscient

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    Catalyseur, la pandĂ©mie Covid19 a exacerbĂ© les absurditĂ©s et les incohĂ©rences (burn out sociĂ©tal) des politiques publiques d’un systĂšme complexe, le monde des finitudes. Ruptures Ă©cologique, technologique, Ă©conomique, organisationnelle et enfin paradigmatique, puis inĂ©galitĂ©s sociales maintenant dĂ©confinĂ©es, et angle mort (ottoscharmerien) de l’échec collectif s’invitent et bouleversent cette ataraxie de l’homme du xxe siĂšcle. Pris dans une fiĂšvre obsidionale, ne s’est-il pas prĂ©parĂ© Ă  une castramĂ©tation dans les rĂšgles de l’art, subissant une poliorcĂ©tique par la pandĂ©mie et entraĂźnant un contexte de faillite gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©e des institutions, bref une crise systĂ©mique ? Aujourd’hui, industrialisation, financiarisation, massification, marchandisation disloquent le potentiel de la pensĂ©e noĂ©tique de l’homme, et partant sa Con-Science, prĂ©sentant ainsi un prĂ©sent hoplitique. Comme les Romains de la fin de la RĂ©publique, "nous ne pouvons plus supporter ni nos vices ni leurs remĂšdes" disait Tite Live. Le systĂšme s’empĂȘtre dans ses contradictions 
aporĂ©tiques et semble embourbĂ© dans sa logique dĂ©lĂ©tĂšre, le menant au mieux dans un statu quo et au pire vers une rĂ©gression bloquĂ©e dans ses connaissances acquises ! Une troisiĂšme voie est-elle possible et envisageable ? Car tout compte fait, c’est la conscience humaine qui est confinĂ©e dans un prĂ©sent, souhaitĂ© frugal et noĂ©tique mais sans arriver Ă  s’en dĂ©pĂȘtrer cependant ! "S’enrichir des expĂ©riences passĂ©es, prendre en compte les situations prĂ©sentes tout en Ă©tant attentif Ă  un avenir qui Ă©merge" est l’apophtegme idoine quand il va falloir repenser le monde. Certes, "la planĂšte vit, titube, roule, hoquĂšte, pĂšte, au jour le jour" selon Edgar Morin en pensant sortir du xxe siĂšcle, aussi ne faudra-t-il pas conjuguer et synchroniser la trilogie "PassĂ©-PrĂ©sent-Futur" avec le triĂšdre aristotĂ©licien de l’homme "Pneuma-Soma-Psukhe" ? Le futur qui Ă©merge se prĂ©pare et s’anticipe, ce qui signifie qu’il ne faut pas seulement tourner la page, mais changer carrĂ©ment de livre ! Changer de registre, de paradigme, voire changer d’ùre requiert du temps pour que les plis prennent (expression menant au concept cum-plexus). La complexitĂ© systĂ©mique ne se rĂ©sout pas aisĂ©ment quand il faut "prendre le passĂ© pour faire le prĂ©sent et anticiper le futur", pour dĂ©construire et dĂ©coloniser l’imaginaire, puis dĂ©cloisonner les connaissances, Ă  travers une judicieuse Knowledge Management
. La prospective qui n’est pas une discipline ou techniques visant Ă  "prĂ©dire" l'avenir (l'avenir est imprĂ©visible et sera ce que l'on fera : "On ne dĂ©cide pas de l’avenir, il se dĂ©cide", disait Hannah Arendt !) mais Ă  en Ă©tudier les processus, les possibles et les souhaitables, se profile Ă  l’horizon en embuscade, pour servir d’outil permettant de re-penser le monde aprĂšs cette pandĂ©mie 

    Start to change the Start - The Target systemic Model

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    Strategic Design is 'designed' 'to produce' Product Service Systems. Students from 15 countries and speaking 14 different languages were attending a Master in Strategic Design which was opened for training professionals in the integration of product, service and communication components
