105 research outputs found

    A digital temperature archive for the Norwegian Sea

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    A digital temperature archive for the Norwegian Sea compiled from 59496 temperature profiles is presented. It consists of interpolated temperature fields for the quarters January-March, April-June, July-September, and October-December for each of the years 1990-2007. The archive spans the area 20° W - 20° E, 60° - 80° N with a spatial resolution of 1/2 degree longitude * 1/3 degree latitude and there are 28 depth levels from 0 to 500 m. Two different versions of the archive were produced; one based only on actual data the second including climatological values where data are missing

    Inter-regional comparison of climate effects on marine fish populations facilitated through classification of mechanisms

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    Variations in climate strongly affect the structure and function of marine ecosystems, but a number of different mechanisms are at play and their relative importance varies between regions and with time. There are obvious semi-permanent regional differences in how marine populations respond to climate, but there may also be long-term trends either in climate itself or in the response pattern. In some cases single strong climate events may shift an ecosystem from one state to another (e.g., El Niño). To facilitate comparison between different large marine ecosystems we here give an overview of some of the manners in which one can classify how marine fish populations are affected by climate. Responses to climate fluctuations may be bottom-up, top-down or middle-out, immediate or temporally delayed, direct or via an intermediate population of predators, prey or competitors. Climate may invoke a linear or non-linear effect at the population or community level. Ecological effects of the NAO have been classified according to the four major classes: direct effects, indirect effects, integrated effects and translations, which also may be applied to other climate patterns and regions. By using classification schemes a more precise description of the particular properties of the various ecosystems may be possible. This approach enhances the possibility to compare between regions that may differ not only with regards to the relative importance of different climate factors for ecology, but also through dissimilarities in scientific tradition and terminology. Keywords: Climate, fish, population dynamics, mechanism, comparative approac

    IMPLEMENTASI PENGEMBANGAN KOMPETENSI GURU DALAM PEMBELAJARAN INTERAKTIF PENDIDIKAN KEWARGANEGARAAN (Studi pada SMA Negeri di Kabupaten Sumedang). Penelitian dilaksanakan pada semester II (2013-2014)

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    Penelitian dilatarbelakangi proses pembelajaran PKn cenderung berpusat kepada guru kurang mengembangkan hak-hak, kebutuhan, pertumbuhan dan perkembangan siswa. Proses pembelajaran yang menyenangkan, menantang, bermakna perlu didukung oleh iklim pembelajaran yang kondusip. Permasalah utama dalam penelitian ini adalah, bagaimana implementasi pengembangan kompetensi guru secara profesional dapat mengembangkan pembelajaran interaktif dalam pembelajaran PKn. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis bagaimana deskripsi kompetensi guru dalam pembelajaran PKn yang interaktif sebagai implementasi kompetensi guru PKn dilaksanakan di sekolah. Landasan teori utama dalam penelitian ini berbasis pada teori “interactive Learning” yang menekankan interaksi aktif belajar siswa. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan studi deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara yang mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: 1) Guru PKn, telah memperlihatkan pengembangan kompetensi pedagogik, kepribadian, profesional dan sosial sesuai dengan karakter dari siswa, sekolah dan lingkungan sosial masing-masing. 2) Pembelajaran interaktif yang dikembangkan oleh guru PKn bertemakan controversial issue seperti pemilu dan integrasi bangsa, dipersiapkan dengan baik yang melibatkan siswa dalam bentuk Silabus dan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP). Proses pembelajaran secara interaktif melalui proses “scientific aproach” yang diawali dengan proses mengamati, menanya, mengumpulkan informasi, mengasosiasi, dan mengkomunikasikan. 3) Faktor dominan dalam pengembangan kompetensi guru dalam pembelajaran interaktif PKn masih dominan peran guru, kurangnya fasilitas belajar siswa, oleh karena itu diperlukan adanya guru PKn yang mengubah pola pikir, bersikap terbuka, tanggap terhadap perubahan dan kemajuan. Kesimpulan; kompetensi guru PKn terus berkembang sejalan dengan perkembangan perilaku siswa di sekolah dan kehidupannya. Direkomendasikan bahwa, guru PKn dapat mengubah pola pikir, lebih terbuka dan lebih inovatif sehingga menjadi idola siswa dan keluarganya. and based on the fact that civic education learning processes have been teacher centered and put less emphasis on the development of learners’ rights, needs, growth, and development. An exciting, challenging, and meaningful learning process should be supported by a conducive learning atmosphere. The main question of the study was how teacher competence improvement could improve interactive learning of civic education. The study aimed at describing and analyzing teacher competences practiced in interactivelearning processes of high school civic education. It was mainly based on interactive learning theory that highlights active and interactive learning processes, and adopted a qualitative approach and descriptive method. Data were collected through observation and in- depth interview. Findings show that (1) civiceducation teachers demonstrated the improvement of their pedagogical, personal, professional, and social competences in accordance with the characteristics of individual learners, schools, and social environments; (2) interactive learning developed by the teachers on the theme of controversial issues such as general elections and national integration, were well prepared in cooperation with the students, taking form of Syllabus and Instructional Plan. Interactive learning process was run in scientific approach, initiated by observing, questioning, collecting information, associating, and communicating; and (3) the teachers’ role and lack of learning facilities are still dominant factors in the improvement of civic education teacher competences in creating interactive instructional processes. It is therefore necessary for the civic education teachers to change their mindset, be open-minded, and responsive to any changes and progress. In conclusion, the competences of civic education teachers continue to improve in line with the development of students’ behaviors at their school environment and real life. The civic education teachers are recommended to change their mindset, to be more open-minded and innovative in order to make them a role model for their students and family

    Climatic effects filtered through the food web affect the dynamics of Arcto-Norwegian cod

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    The world's largest cod stock, the Arcto-Norwegian cod (a.k.a. North-East Arctic cod), is heavily influenced by temperature in two ways: First, cod recruitment tends to be high when Barents Sea temperature in the spawning year is high. Secondly, there is a more indirect effect of climate via herring and capelin: Warm conditions increase the chance of high recruitment of Norwegian Spring-spawning herring; 1-2 year old herring eat 0-year old capelin; and cod cannibalism increases when the biomass of 1-4 year old capelin is low. While these relationships have been shown separately and for the later years, we develop and parameterize models for the effects of herring (via capelin) and temperature on cod recruitment at age 3, using data from 1973 until present. Using data on cod, herring and temperature back to 1921 to verify the model,we find a significant relationship between predictions and data back to the 1950s, but before this, the predicted time-series pattern is not observed in the data

    An evaluation of recruitment indices for Northeast Arctic cod (Gadus morhua L.)

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    Indices of the abundance of Northeast Arctic cod (Gadus morhua L.) for various life stages were compared in order to determine the earliest stage at .which year-class strength is established. The indices considered are: VPA estimates of spawning stock biomass; an egg abundance index; an early juvenile (approximately three-months old) abundance index; 0-group (age four to five months) abundance indices; bottom trawl and acoustic survey abundance indices for one, two and three- year-old cod and VPA estimates of the abundance of three-year-old cod. Based on a regression analysis, the relative abundance of early juvenile cod was the first life stage that was correlated with their relative'abundance as three year olds. Since the cokelation between the estimates of spawning stock biomass or total egg production and the relative abundance of three-year-old cod was weak, it is concluded that considerable yearly variation in mortality occurs before cod reach the early juvenile stage

    Effekter på økosystemer og biologisk mangfold : klimaendringer i norsk Arktis : NorACIA delutredning 3

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    The Norwegian Polar Institute is Norway’s main institution for research, monitoring and topographic mapping in Norwegian polar regions.The institute also advises Norwegian authorities on matters concerning polar environmental management

    Combined effects of fishing and oil spills on marine fish: Role of stock demographic structure for offspring overlap with oil

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    It has been proposed that the multiple pressures of fishing and petroleum activities impact fish stocks in synergy, as fishing-induced demographic changes in a stock may lead to increased sensitivity to detrimental effects of acute oil spills. High fishing pressure may erode the demographic structure of fish stocks, lead to less diverse spawning strategies, and more concentrated distributions of offspring in space and time. Hence an oil spill may potentially hit a larger fraction of a year-class of offspring. Such a link between demographic structure and egg distribution was recently demonstrated for the Northeast Arctic stock of Atlantic cod for years 1959–1993. We here estimate that this variation translates into a two-fold variation in the maximal proportion of cod eggs potentially exposed to a large oil spill. With this information it is possible to quantitatively account for demographic structure in prospective studies of population effects of possible oil spills.acceptedVersio

    Spatial patterns of age-0 cod survival in the Barents Sea

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    Apart from human harvest, recruitment dynamics is conceivably recognized as the main source of population variability of marine fish stocks. Factors affecting recruitment dynamics can change over both temporal and spatial scales. It follows that at the same time, over the entire range of distribution of a single population, different individuals may experience different level of environmental forcing and survival, which may not be well represented by average conditions throughout the entire distribution range. In this study we focus on the spatial pattern and its relative sources of variability in the survival of the Arcto-Norwegian cod (Gadus morhua L.) from the age-0 to the age-1 stage. This is a delicate phase of the cod pre-recruitment dynamics, as individuals are confronted with a suite of survival challenges, such as settlement, pre-winter body condition, growth, and predation avoidance. During the over 20 years analyzed (1980-2004), we found that on average age-0 cod experience lower survival in the areas north of the Norwegian coastline, from about 71 to 75 degree of latitude north and about 20 to 35 degree of longitude east. However, in coastal areas, immediately north of the Norwegian coastline, age-0 cod experience greater survival. Within the studied area, the average survival of age-0 cod is significantly greater during years with low adult cod and high capelin abundance, and high Arctic Oscillation. In addition, when capelin abundance is high, age-0 cod experience better survival particularly near the Norwegian coastline. Based on these results it appears that within the sampled grid the observed geographic patterns of age-0 cod survival is affected by the predation from adult cod in relation to the availability and distribution of capelin (Mallotus villosus), the alternative and preferred prey of adult cod. Climate can affect the spatial survival of age-0 cod by both affecting the distribution of their predators (e.g., adult cod) and the distribution and availability of zooplankton prey