225 research outputs found

    A review on path collisions and resources usage in hybrid optical network on chip (HONoC)

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    System-on-chip (SoC) architectures are getting communication-bound both from physical wiring and distributed computation point of view. Wiring delays are becoming dominating over gate delays, which favors short links. The larger SoC the more probably the overall computation is heterogeneous and localized rather than evenly balanced over the chip. These two factors motivate Network-on-Chip (NoC) that brings the techniques developed for macro-scale, multi-hop networks into a chip. But due to shrinkage of transistors and integration of billions of transistors in a single chip, has made NoC no longer suitable to cater for high latency and demand of bandwidth in a multicore processor environment. Thus they have introduce HONoC (hybrid optical network on chip) to cater for the high latency and demand in bandwidth. There are many research that focus on the area of architecture, routing algorithm and switching strategies in order to make the communication run optimally in HONoC. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate main problems in HONoC. From the evaluation, three main problems has been identified which are path collisions, low resource usage and high power consumption in HONoC

    Potential dopant in photocatalysis process for wastewater treatment-a review

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    Nowadays, too much pollution has happened around us, and one of them is water pollution, which each day has become more severe and worse. One of the sources of water pollution comes from the industry that has used dyes either excessively or not. In case of that, the wastewater needs to be treated before released to the river or environment. In this paper, a review of the wastewater treatment using dopants such as nitrogen and magnesium, will be discussed

    Study of the Properties of TiO2 Doped with Nitrogen and Magnesium using DR-UV Vis Analysis as Catalyst in Wastewater Treatment

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    Due to the environmental issue that have become serious each day, many researchers interested to solve the problem with few method of water treatment including carbon adsorption, ultrafiltration, coagulation using chemical method, biodegradation using microbes, ozonation and also advanced oxidation process. One of the popular methods is using doping method. The photocatalytic activity is said to be directly proportional to the dopant concentration based on previously study. The optimum photocatalytic activity will occur at optimum dopant concentration, but at certain level of dopant concentration, the photocatalytic efficiency will be decreasing. DR-UV Vis analysis shows that the nitrogen and magnesium doped caused the formation of new mid-gap energy state and make the band gap shifted

    An Approach of Fuzzy Logic H∞ Filter in Mobile Robot Navigation Considering Non-Gaussian Noise

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    This chapter has presented an analysis of H∞ filter‐based mobile robot navigation with fuzzy logic to tolerate in non‐Gaussian noise conditions. The technique exploits the information obtained through H∞ filter measurement innovation to reduce the noises or the uncertainties during mobile robot observations. The simulation results depicted that the proposed technique has improved the mobile robot estimation as well as any landmark being observed. Different aspects such as γ values, noise parameters, intermittent measurement data lost and finite escape time issues are also analysed to investigate their effects in estimation. Different fuzzy logic design configurations were also studied to achieve better estimation results. As demonstrated in this work, fuzzy logic offers reliable estimation results compared to the conventional technique

    Synthesis and Characterization of Nitrogen Doped with Titanium Dioxide at Different Calcination Temperature by using Sol-Gel Method

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    Dyes have complex chemical structure and cannot be treated easily. Many industries applied dyes in their production, however the wastewater is not properly treated. This can lead to major water pollution if the problem is not overcome. One of the effective method is using photocatalytic degradation as it is environmental friendly and low cost. Sol-gel method used in order to produce the N-doped titanium dioxide photocatalyst with the presence of titanium isopropoxide (TTIP) and all the samples were calcined at different temperature of 300oC, 500oC and 700oC. At calcination temperature of 300oC and 500oC, pure anatase phase were shown and all rutile phase were shown when the samples were calcined at 700oC. This is due to the transformations of anatase phase to rutile and brookite happened at higher temperature. The crystallites size also affected by the calcination temperature which it was found that the size of N-doped TiO2 at 300oC is 7.4686nm, and at 500oC and 700oC showed crystallite size of 12.653nm and 54.7170nm respectively. The bandgap study showed that all samples were shifted from UV light region to visible light region which is normally <3.2 eV for commercial anatase titanium dioxide. The significant of the study is to enhance the sol-gel method to form effective photocatalyst in order to achieve higher degradation rate. The photocatalytic process shown at higher rate when N-doped TiO2 annealed at 300oC


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    Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is a political and economic union of ten member states in Southeast Asia. The organisation promotes intergovernmental cooperation and facilitates economic, political, security, military, educational and sociocultural integration between its members and countries in Asia-Pacific (ASEAN, 2020). This study provides an overview on the familiarity towards ASEAN and the initiative of ASEAN Community among youths in Kuching, Sarawak. This study also identifies the factors affecting the level of familiarity towards ASEAN and the initiative of ASEAN Community among youths in Kuching, Sarawak. The result of this study was analysed from the responses provided by the youths in Kuching, Sarawak. This study employs quantitative method in the data collection by using questionnaires to obtain information from the respondents. Overall, this study aims were to identify the level of familiarity towards ASEAN and the initiative of ASEAN Community among youths in Kuching, Sarawak. This study also aims to identify the factors affecting the level of familiarity towards ASEAN and the initiative of ASEAN Community among youths in Kuching, Sarawak

    Aplikasi kemahiran proses sains dalam pembelajaran berasaskan masalah untuk mata pelajaran biologi

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    The study was conducted to investigate the effect of the application of science process skills in the Problem-Based Learning approach (PBL) towards achievement in Biology as compared with the Conventional Teaching (CT). Sixty (60) four of science stream students from a school in the district of Sepang, Selangor were the subjects in this study. The data from the pre-test and post-test from the PBL and CT group were compared. The findings showed that student achievement scores from the PBL approach group (M = 2.496, SD = 0.388) were higher when compared with the overall performance of students from the CT approach group (M = 2,462, SD = 0379). The t-test analysis indicated that that the mean score of students from the PBL approach is significantly higher than students using the CT approach (t(58) = 2,522, p= .014 <.05). The PBL approach can increase student achievement in biology and can be considered to be an effective teaching strategy. The implication of this study is that the PBL approach can be looked upon as an alternative for teachers to enhance their classroom teaching strategies

    Pengaplikasian teknik didik hibur meningkatkan pencapaian penulisan karangan bahasa Melayu

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan maklumat tentang peningkatan penulisan karangan menggunakan teknik didik hibur dalam kalangan guru Bahasa Melayu di kawasan Putrajaya. Kajian ini untuk mengenal pasti strategi dan teknik yang digunakan dan mengenal pasti elemen lakonan yang digunakan dalam pengajaran penulisan karangan menggunakan teknik didik hibur. Sebanyak 80 orang sampel yang terdiri daripada guru yang mengajar Bahasa Melayu di sekolah menengah di kawasan Putrajaya telah dipilih untuk kajian ini. Kajian ini dijalankan secara kuantitatif dengan menggunakan instrumen soal selidik. Soal selidik tersebut mengandungi demografi responden, strategi dan teknik pengajaran penulisan karangan yang digunakan melalui teknik didik hibur, elemen lakonan yang digunakan dalam teknik didik hibur dan permasalahan yang dihadapi dalam pengajaran penulisan karangan menggunakan teknik didik hibur. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa strategi dan teknik pengajaran penulisan karangan yang digunakan melalui teknik didik hibur secara keseluruhannya min 3.16 (S.P = 0.68). Dari segi elemen lakonan dalam teknik didik hibur yang digunakan secara keseluruhannya memperoleh min 3.69 (S.P = 0.55). Kesimpulannya, dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa teknik didik hibur yang digunakan dalam pengajaran Bahasa Melayu dapat meningkatkan penulisan karangan

    Are the new crypto-currencies qualified to be included in the stock of high quality liquid assets? a case study of bitcoin currency

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    As crypto-currencies hold dual nature of a medium of exchange (currency) and an investment asset, some questions may arise about the potentiality of including crypto-currencies as liquid investment asset in financial institutions particularly in the banking sector to enhance their liquidity risk management and improve their portfolio diversification investment strategy. The objective of this study therefore is to examine the characteristics of Bitcoin currency based on the requirements of High-Quality Liquid Assets (HQLA) standards of Basel III and compare its volatility structure with other traditional asset classes that are already recommended by Basle III as HQLA. The study utilizes both descriptive and quantitative analysis using the GARCH family models to examine the volatility structures of these assets. The findings show that Bitcoin currency holds the same characteristics of HQLA, however; the risk of legality and recognition is still under consideration by legal authorities around the world and this risk will be eradicated in the future as crypto-currencies derive their legality from their real intrinsic value, multi-economic usefulness and not by law as in the case of fiat money currency. Furthermore, the symmetric volatility structure analysis shows the continuing persistence of volatility and predictability behavior in return series of Bitcoin currency and other- traditional asset classes in the U.S. market. However, Bitcoin’s stability has gradually improved over time. With regard to the asymmetric informative response, Bitcoin returns respond more to negative shock but it has no statistical significance, thus suggesting the lack of leveraging effect in Bitcoin market but this effect was found to be statistically persistent in other traditional asset class markets. In addition, Bitcoin returns show very low correlation with other traditional asset classes. All these imply that Bitcoin is a potential candidate as a hedge and asset diversifier, which is recommended to be included in the HQLA. This study provides some support to recent theoretical work on crypto asset return behaviour and liquidity risk management. The findings provide appropriate information about Bitcoin asset behaviour compared to other traditional asset classes which will enable them to make the right investment decision with regard to hedging, diversification and liquidity risk management. The findings of this study may assist in evaluating the suitability of including crypto assets into HQLA to improve the liquidity requirement standards and ensure that banks have an adequate amount of HQLA specifically during times of financial turmoil

    Pengaplikasian teknik didik hibur meningkatkan pencapaian penulisan karangan bahasa Melayu

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan maklumat tentang peningkatan penulisan karangan menggunakan teknik didik hibur dalam kalangan guru Bahasa Melayu di kawasan Putrajaya. Kajian ini untuk mengenal pasti strategi dan teknik yang digunakan dan mengenal pasti elemen lakonan yang digunakan dalam pengajaran penulisan karangan menggunakan teknik didik hibur. Sebanyak 80 orang sampel yang terdiri daripada guru yang mengajar Bahasa Melayu di sekolah menengah di kawasan Putrajaya telah dipilih untuk kajian ini. Kajian ini dijalankan secara kuantitatif dengan menggunakan instrumen soal selidik. Soal selidik tersebut mengandungi demografi responden, strategi dan teknik pengajaran penulisan karangan yang digunakan melalui teknik didik hibur, elemen lakonan yang digunakan dalam teknik didik hibur dan permasalahan yang dihadapi dalam pengajaran penulisan karangan menggunakan teknik didik hibur. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa strategi dan teknik pengajaran penulisan karangan yang digunakan melalui teknik didik hibur secara keseluruhannya min 3.16 (S.P = 0.68). Dari segi elemen lakonan dalam teknik didik hibur yang digunakan secara keseluruhannya memperoleh min 3.69 (S.P = 0.55). Kesimpulannya, dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa teknik didik hibur yang digunakan dalam pengajaran Bahasa Melayu dapat meningkatkan penulisan karangan