160 research outputs found

    An Abbreviated Method for the Quality Control of Pollen Counters

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    We present an abbreviated method for conducting large scale quality control (QC) exercises over limited time periods, which was used for examining the proficiency of technicians involved in the electronic Pollen Information Network (ePIN). The goal was for technicians to have their analysis skills evaluated at least twice: (1) by having at least one of their slides successfully checked by other counters in the ePIN network and (2) by successfully examining at least one additional slide from other sites. Success was judged as a relative difference (RDif %) ≤ 30% between the two daily average pollen concentrations. A total of 21 sites participated in the ePIN QC exercise. All of the results for total pollen had RDif % 30%, three for Betula and two for Poaceae pollen. Of these, three were slides containing < 40 pollen/m3 daily average and two were for sites that had microscopes with small fields of view and examined < 10% of the slide surface. More than 80% of the participants had at least two slides successfully checked by someone else in the network, and all of the participants had one slide successfully examined. The latter is comparable to a traditional ring test where only one slide is sent to participating sites. The method described here enabled a large number of technicians to be examined in a short period of time and represents a viable alternative to other approaches that can take many months to complete

    Cluster Analysis of Variations in the Diurnal Pattern of Grass Pollen Concentrations in Northern Europe (Copenhagen) and Southern Europe (Córdoba)

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    From an allergological point of view, Poaceae pollen is one of the most important type of pollen that the population is exposed to in the ambient environment. There are several studies on intra diurnal patterns in grass pollen concentrations, and agreement on the high variability. However, the method for analysing the different patterns is not yet well established. The aim of the present study is therefore to examine the method of pattern analysis by statistical clustering, as well as relating the proposed patterns to time of season and meteorological variables at two highly different biogeographical locations; Córdoba, Spain and Copenhagen, Denmark. Airborne pollen is collected by Hirst type volumetric spore traps and counted using an optical microscope at both sites. The counts were converted to two-hours concentrations and a new method based on cluster analysis was applied with the aim of determining the most frequent diurnal patterns in pollen concentrations and their dependencies of site, season and meteorological variables. Three different well defined diurnal patterns were identified at both locations. The most frequent pattern in Copenhagen was associated with days having peak pollen concentrations in the evening (maximum between18h-20h), whereas the most frequent pattern at Córdoba was associated with days having peak pollen concentrations in the afternoon (maximum between 14h-16h). These three patterns account for 70% of days with no rain and pollen concentrations above 20 grains m-3. The most frequent pattern accounts for 40% and 57% of the days in Córdoba and Copenhagen respectively. The analysis clearly shows the great variation in pollen concentration pattern, albeit a dominating pattern can be found. It was not possible to explain all the differences in the patterns by the meteorological variables when examined individual. Clustering method is estimated to be an appropriate methodology for studying aerobiological phenomena with high variability

    Forest fragmentation and landscape connectivity changes in Ecuadorian mangroves: some hope for the future?

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    This study investigates the impact of fragmentation on Ecuador’s coastal mangrove forests. Fragmentation is identified as a primary cause of aquatic ecosystem degradation. We analyzed the relationship between habitat loss, fragmentation, and mangrove connectivity through a multitemporal approach using Global Mangrove Watch and fragmentation and connectivity metrics. The terrain was divided into 10 km2 hexagons, and six fragmentation metrics were calculated. A Getis–Ord Gi* statistical analysis was used to identified areas with the best and worst conservation status, while connectivity analyses were performed for a generic species with a 5 km dispersion. Findings revealed widespread mangrove fragmentation in Ecuador, with geographical differences between the insular region (Galapagos) and the mainland coast. Minimal loss or even expansion of mangrove forests in areas like the Galapagos Islands contrasted with severe fragmentation along the mainland coast. Transformation of forests into fisheries, mainly prawn factories, was the primary driver of change, while only a weak correlation was observed between mangrove fragmentation and conversion to agriculture, which accounts for less than 15% of all deforestation in Ecuador. Fragmentation may increase or decrease depending on the management of different deforestation drivers and should be considered in large-scale mangrove monitoring. Focusing only on mangrove deforestation rates in defining regional conservation priorities may overlook the loss of ecosystem functions and fragmentation

    Factores que afectan a la abundancia de la perdiz roja Alectoris rufa en cotos de caza mayor: implicaciones para la gestión y conservación

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    [EN]: The red-legged partridge Alectoris rufa is not only the most important bird game species but also an important prey species for many predators in Iberia. However, its populations have significantly declined in recent decades, principally as the result of agricultural intensification on arable land. Its abundance has also undergone a significant decline in forested areas over the last few decades, where wild ungulate management and abundance have increased. In this scenario, we aimed to test the factors that affect red-legged partridge abundance in relation to high wild ungulate (wild boar and red deer) abundance in south-central Spain. The factors included as predictors were carnivore, wild boar and red deer abundances, vegetation features, nest predation rate and invertebrate availability. Red deer abundance showed a negative relationship with partridge abundance in spring (non-significant negative trends were also evident for carnivore and wild boar), whereas variables related to food availability (grass biomass, Hemipteran abundance and total invertebrate mass) had a positive effect in the same season. Moreover, deer and carnivore abundances and spring nest predation rate were negatively associated with partridge abundance in autumn. Plant biomass and Hemipteran abundance were negatively correlated with wild boar abundance, whereas maximum pasture height was negatively related to red deer and wild boar abundance. Overall, our results show that high ungulate densities may negatively affect partridge abundance, which may be mediated by (i) a reduction in food availability (invertebrate and herbaceous plant biomass) and (ii) nest predation by wild boar. This research has shown that current intensive big-game hunting management schemes in south-central Spain are often incompatible with red-legged partridge conservation, and that these effects should be taken into account when defining big-game management and conservation policies.[ES]: La perdiz roja Alectoris rufa no solo es el ave de caza más importante, sino que también es una importante presa para muchos depredadores en Iberia. Sin embargo, sus poblaciones han disminuido significativamente en las últimas décadas, principalmente como resultado de la intensificación de la agricultura en zonas agrícolas. Sus abundancias también han sufrido un descenso significativo en zonas forestales durante los últimos decenios donde la gestión de ungulados silvestres y sus abundancias se han incrementado. En este escenario, nuestro objetivo ha sido evaluar los factores que afectan a la abundancia de perdiz roja en un contexto de alta abundancia de ungulados silvestres (jabalí y ciervo) en el centro-sur de España. Los factores incluidos como predictores fueron la abundancia de carnívoros, jabalí y ciervo, las características de la vegetación, la proporción de nidos depredados y la disponibilidad de invertebrados. La abundancia de ciervo mostró una relación negativa con la abundancia de perdiz en primavera (también se evidenciaron tendencias negativas no significativas para carnívoros y jabalí), mientras que las variables relativas a la disponibilidad de alimento (biomasa herbácea, abundancia de hemípteros y el peso total de los invertebrados) tuvieron un efecto positivo en la misma estación. Por otra parte, en otoño, la abundancia de ciervos y carnívoros, y la tasa de depredación de nidos en primavera se asociaron negativamente con la abundancia de perdiz. La biomasa de herbáceas y la abundancia de hemípteros se correlacionaron negativamente con la abundancia de jabalíes, mientras que la altura máxima del pasto estuvo negativamente asociada con la abundancia de ciervo y jabalí. En general, nuestros resultados muestran que las altas densidades de ungulados podrían afectar negativamente a la abundancia de perdiz mediado por (i) una reducción en la disponibilidad de alimento (invertebrados y biomasa de herbáceas) y (ii) la depredación de nidos por el jabalí. Esta investigación ha puesto de manifiesto que los actuales sistemas intensivos de gestión de la caza mayor en el centro-sur de España no son compatibles con la conservación de la perdiz roja, y que por lo tanto, estos efectos deben ser considerados a la hora de definir las políticas para la gestión de la caza mayor y la conservación.To the Environmental Council of the Andalusian Autonomous Government for financing this work via a project to improve the habitat of the black vulture Aegypius monachus in Córdoba province.Peer Reviewe

    Stor variation i græspollen er en udfordring i vejledningen til allergikere - resultater fra ny dansk pollenforskning "Large variations in grass pollen concentrations are a challenge in the guidance of hayfever patients – new results from Danish research”

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    Pollenallergi rammer op mod en femtedel af Danmarks befolkning og forringer deres hverdag og livskvalitet. Et af de vigtigste værktøjer,en pollenallergiker har, er information om, hvornår der er pollen i luften. Denne information anvender allergikere til at planlægge indtag af medicin og tilrettelæggelse af hverdagen. Således kan de begrænse deres symptomer så meget som muligt. En primær kilde tilinformation er pollenmålinger fra Viborg og København. Ny forskning fra Aarhus Universitet (AU) og Astma Allergi Danmark afdækker, at der er væsentlige lokale forskelle I mængden af græspollen. Denne variation gælder især for dage med høje pollental. Resultaterne indikerer, at særligt på dage med høje pollental for græs er nærheden til locale kilder meget vigtig. På samme tid er de lokale koncentrationer ikke nødvendigvis korreleret med pollenmålinger fra de nationale målestationer i Viborg og København.Information om døgnvariationen i pollen er vigtig for pollenallergikerne. De nye studier indikerer store forskelle fra dag til dag, I forhold til hvornår de højeste koncentrationer forekommer, og at dette billede ændrer sig over pollensæsonen. Viden om døgnvariation, og hvad der styrer den, er endnu langt fra fyldestgørende i forhold til at kunne formidle denne information til pollenallergikere. Vores studier peger i retning af, at de højeste koncentrationer af græspollen hyppigst forekommer tidligt på aftenen, men at de kan forekomme på alle tider af døgnet

    How stable are visions for protected area management? Stakeholder perspectives before and during a pandemic

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    Envisioning processes enable protected area managers to chart a course for future management to reach desired goals, but unexpected changes that could affect future visions are not usually considered. The global COVID-19 pandemic provided an opportunity to explore changes in stakeholder visions, the values that underpin the visions, and their perceptions of landscape changes and the underlying drivers (e.g. climate change, mass tourism and demographic trends).Through a mixed-methods approach in this post-evaluation study, we gathered comparative data on these issues from stakeholders in the Sierra de Guadarrama National Park, Spain, between July 2019 (pre-pandemic) and October 2020 (mid-pandemic).Our qualitative analysis demonstrates that pre-pandemic, differences in visions for protected area management were largely spurred by different perceptions of drivers of change, rather than differences in values or perceived landscape changes, which were similar across different vision themes.One year later, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the majority of stakeholders reported that their values, visions and perceptions of drivers did not change despite this large-scale disturbance. Of the 20%-30% of stakeholders that did report changes, visions generally shifted towards greater prioritization of biodiversity and nature conservation as a result of heightened perceptions of the impacts of drivers of change associated with an increase in the numbers of park visitors. These drivers included mass tourism, mountain recreation, lack of environmental awareness, and change in values and traditions.Our findings reinforce the importance of adaptive and inclusive management of protected areas, including enhancing transparency and communications regarding factors driving change in the landscape, and integration of local and traditional knowledge and stakeholder perceptions of changes and drivers. Furthermore, management plans integrating stakeholder values have the potential to stay relevant even in the face of wildcard events such as a pandemic.To enhance the relevancy of visions and scenarios in conservation and land-use planning, scenario planning methodologies should more strongly consider different potential disturbances and how drivers of change in the near and far future can be affected by wildcard events such as a pandemic. A free Plain Language Summary can be found within the Supporting Information of this article

    How stable are visions for protected area management? Stakeholder perspectives before and during a pandemic

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    Envisioning processes enable protected area managers to chart a course for future management to reach desired goals, but unexpected changes that could affect future visions are not usually considered. The global COVID-19 pandemic provided an opportunity to explore changes in stakeholder visions, the values that underpin the visions, and their perceptions of landscape changes and the underlying drivers (e.g. climate change, mass tourism and demographic trends). Through a mixed-methods approach in this post-evaluation study, we gathered comparative data on these issues from stakeholders in the Sierra de Guadarrama National Park, Spain, between July 2019 (pre-pandemic) and October 2020 (mid-pandemic). Our qualitative analysis demonstrates that pre-pandemic, differences in visions for protected area management were largely spurred by different perceptions of drivers of change, rather than differences in values or perceived landscape changes, which were similar across different vision themes. One year later, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the majority of stakeholders reported that their values, visions and perceptions of drivers did not change despite this large-scale disturbance. Of the 20%-30% of stakeholders that did report changes, visions generally shifted towards greater prioritization of biodiversity and nature conservation as a result of heightened perceptions of the impacts of drivers of change associated with an increase in the numbers of park visitors. These drivers included mass tourism, mountain recreation, lack of environmental awareness, and change in values and traditions. Our findings reinforce the importance of adaptive and inclusive management of protected areas, including enhancing transparency and communications regarding factors driving change in the landscape, and integration of local and traditional knowledge and stakeholder perceptions of changes and drivers. Furthermore, management plans integrating stakeholder values have the potential to stay relevant even in the face of wildcard events such as a pandemic. To enhance the relevancy of visions and scenarios in conservation and land-use planning, scenario planning methodologies should more strongly consider different potential disturbances and how drivers of change in the near and far future can be affected by wildcard events such as a pandemic. A free Plain Language Summary can be found within the Supporting Information of this article.Peer reviewe

    Scientific and local ecological knowledge, shaping perceptions towards protected areas and related ecosystem services

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    Context Most protected areas are managed based on objectives related to scientific ecological knowledge of species and ecosystems. However, a core principle of sustainability science is that understanding and including local ecological knowledge, perceptions of ecosystem service provision and landscape vulnerability will improve sustainability and resilience of social-ecological systems. Here, we take up these assumptions in the context of protected areas to provide insight on the effectiveness of nature protection goals, particularly in highly human-influenced landscapes. Objectives We examined how residents' ecological knowledge systems, comprised of both local and scientific, mediated the relationship between their characteristics and a set of variables that represented perceptions of ecosystem services, landscape change, human-nature relationships, and impacts. Methods We administered a face-to-face survey to local residents in the Sierra de Guadarrama protected areas, Spain. We used bi- and multi-variate analysis, including partial least squares path modeling to test our hypotheses. Results Ecological knowledge systems were highly correlated and were instrumental in predicting perceptions of water-related ecosystem services, landscape change, increasing outdoors activities, and human-nature relationships. Engagement with nature, socio-demographics, trip characteristics, and a rural-urban gradient explained a high degree of variation in ecological knowledge. Bundles of perceived ecosystem services and impacts, in relation to ecological knowledge, emerged as social representation on how residents relate to, understand, and perceive landscapes. Conclusions Our findings provide insight into the interactions between ecological knowledge systems and their role in shaping perceptions of local communities about protected areas. These results are expected to inform protected area management and landscape sustainability.Peer reviewe

    Perceptions of change in the environment caused by the COVID-19 pandemic: implications for environmental policy

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    COVID-19 lockdown measures have impacted the environment with both positive and negative effects. However, how human populations have perceived such changes in the natural environment and how they may have changed their daily habits have not been yet thoroughly evaluated. The objectives of this work were to investigate (1) the social perception of the environmental changes produced by the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown and the derived change in habits in relation to i) waste management, energy saving, and sustainable consumption, ii) mobility, iii) social inequalities, iv) generation of noise, v) utilization of natural spaces, and, vi) human population perception towards the future, and (2) the associations of these potential new habits with various socio-demographic variables. First, a SWOT analysis identified strengths (S), weaknesses (W), opportunities (O), and threats (T) generated by the pandemic lockdown measures. Second, a survey based on the aspects of the SWOT was administered among 2370 adults from 37 countries during the period from February to September 2021. We found that the short-term positive impacts on the natural environment were generally well recognized. In contrast, longer-term negative effects arise, but they were often not reported by the survey participants, such as greater production of plastic waste derived from health safety measures, and the increase in e-commerce use, which can displace small storefront businesses. We were able to capture a mismatch between perceptions and the reported data related to visits to natural areas, and generation of waste. We found that age and country of residence were major contributors in shaping the survey participants ´answers, which highlights the importance of government management strategies to address current and future environmental problems. Enhanced positive perceptions of the environment and ecosystems, combined with the understanding that livelihood sustainability, needs to be prioritized and would reinforce environmental protection policies to create greener cities. Moreover, new sustainable jobs in combination with more sustainable human habits represent an opportunity to reinforce environmental policy