818 research outputs found

    El mar en la tradición jacobea

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    Experimental results on evaporation waves

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    We address an experimental investigation of evaporation waves. They are obtained when a liquid contained in a vertical glass tube is suddenly depressurized from a high initial pressure down to the atmospheric one. After the release of pressure, the state of the liquid, which is at ambient pressure and the initial temperature, is well known to be metastable when the corresponding stable state is vapour. For moderately large evaporation rates (moderately large initial to ambient pressure ratios), the vapour-liquid interface ultimately evolves into an evaporation wave in which a highly corrugated front propagates downwards into the liquid with a well defined mean velocity. This mean velocity turns out to be a function of the ratio between the initial and the ambient pressures. In addition, attention to some new phenomena not previously reported is brought

    Use of CALPUFF to predict airborne Mn levels at schools in an urban area impacted by a nearby manganese alloy plant

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    Children are susceptible to the health effects derived from elevated manganese (Mn) environmental exposure; residents living in urban areas where ferromanganese alloy plants are located are usually exposed to high Mn levels. In this work, a dispersion model developed by the USEPA, CALPUFF, has been used to estimate the airborne Mn levels near educational centers located in Santander bay, Northern Spain, an urban area where high Mn levels have been measured in the last decade. The CALPUFF model was validated in a previous work from a multi-site one-year observation dataset. Air manganese levels in 96 primary, secondary and high schools located in Santander bay were estimated using the CALPUFF model for two months corresponding to warm and cold periods using real meteorological data and Mn emission rates corresponding to different emission scenarios. Results show that when the emission scenario that best represented the observations dataset is used, the air Mn levels exceed the WHO guideline (i.e. 150?ng?Mn/m3) in 24% and 11% of the studied schools in the cold and warm periods respectively. These exceedances depend on the distance from the FeMn alloy plant and the direction of the prevailing winds. Additional emission scenarios based on the implementation of preventive and corrective measures are simulated and analysed in terms of the number of exceedances of the WHO guideline. The age range of children has been also considered in the analysis.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) through the CTM2013-43904R Project. This funding source was not involved in the study design; data collection, analysis, or interpretation; the writing of the article; or the decision to submit for publication


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    Revista Científica OdontológicaPublicación de la Escuela de Estomatología de la Universidad Científica del SurLima PerúContenidos relevantes sobre el mundo de la Odontología, con artículos, entrevista, reporte de casos

    Formularios Asbatankvoy. Cómputo de plancha y cálculo de demoras.

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    Formularios Asbatankvoy. Cómputo de plancha y cálculo de demoras.

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    Evaluación de los pacientes con miedo a caídas. ¿El método empleado modifica los resultados? Una revisión sistemática

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    ResumenObjetivoAnalizar si el uso de diferentes métodos de evaluar el miedo a caídas (MC) modifica los factores de riesgo de tenerlo y sus consecuencias.DiseñoRevisión sistemática.Fuentes de datosBases electrónicas MEDLINE, EMBZ, EMBASE, CINAHL y PBMA. Palabras clave: «fear, fall y aged+65 years», «fear of falling», «post-fall syndrome», «self-efficacy, fall y aged+65 years» (periodo 1966-marzo de 2008).Selección de estudiosEstudios originales observacionales, con identificación clara del método empleado para medir MC, en que se comunican factores de riesgo o/y consecuencias derivadas de dicho miedo. De 327 resúmenes inicialmente identificados, se seleccionaron 24 artículos.Extracción de datosLos resúmenes y los artículos fueron seleccionados por el primer autor. En caso de duda, se consideró la opinión del segundo firmante. Se recogió y se analizó el método de detección de MC, los factores de riesgo y/o las consecuencias.ResultadosHay gran diversidad de métodos de evaluación de MC, agrupables en tres tipos: a) los que preguntan directamente sobre su existencia; b) los que preguntan sobre la limitación de la actividad por dicho miedo, y c) los que utilizan escalas que detectan y cuantifican el miedo. Principales factores de riesgo: alteración en la marcha, caídas previas, disminución de la visión, problemas de salud, sexo femenino y escaso apoyo social. Principales consecuencias: problemas de equilibrio, depresión, aumento del riesgo de caídas y menor actividad social.ConclusionesLos factores de riesgo y las consecuencias del MC son similares en los diferentes estudios, especialmente en los que emplean preguntas directas. La población de estudio, el objetivo y el tiempo disponible condicionan la elección del método de valoración del MC.AbstractObjectiveTo analyse if the use of different methods to assess fear of falling (FF), changes the risk factors for developing it, and the consequences arising from this.DesignSystematic review.Data sourcesElectronic data bases, MEDLINE, EMBZ, EMBASE, CINAHL and PBMA. Key words «fear, fall and aged+65 years», «fear of falling», «post-fall syndrome», «self-efficacy, fall and aged+65 years». Period: 1966-March 2008.Selecting the studiesInclusion/exclusion criteria: original observational studies, clearly identifying the method employed to measure FF and which mention risk factors and/or the consequences arising from this fear. A total of 327 summaries were initially identified, from which 24 articles were selected.Data collectionThe abstracts and articles were selected by the first author. If there were doubts, the opinion of the second signatory was considered. The method for detecting FF, the risk factors and/or the consequences were collected and analysed.ResultsThere is a large variety of FF assessment methods, which can be grouped into three types: a) they question directly if it exists; b) they question on the limitation of activity due to this fear, and c) they use scales that detect and quantify the fear. The main risk factors: changes in gait, previous falls, failing sight, health problems, female sex and lack of social support. Main consequences: balance problems, depression, increased risk of falls and less social activity.ConclusionsThe risk factors and consequences of FF are similar in the different studies, particularly those that employ direct questions. The study population, the objective and the time available have an effect on the choice of method for assessing FF

    Análisis comparado de los ratios en las versiones novena y décima del USALI

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    El Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry, USALI, no es solo una herramienta para la contabilidad de establecimientos hoteleros, sino que también permite la evaluación y gestión de estados previsionales. La finalidad del USALI es la elaboración y presentación de unos estados contables de forma estandarizada para un negocio hotelero, que se caracterizan por su sencillez y por la posibilidad de comparación al ser un modelo estándar. El estudio llevado a cabo pretende comparar diferencias entre los ratios propuestos por parte de las dos últimas ediciones, analizándose para ello, cada uno de los grupos de ratios comentando las diferencias significativas para cada uno de ellos. Viendo así, como la nueva versión procede a eliminar aquellos ratios que suponen una traba o aumentando aquellos que requieren mayor profundización, destacando estos cambios en los ratios de Profitability, Operating y Room Statistics and Occupancy.Uniform System of Accounts for the Lodging Industry, USALI, is not alone a tool for the accounting of hotel establishments, But also it allows the evaluation and management of states pension. The purpose of the USALI is the elaboration and presentation of a few accounting forms of form standardized for a hotel business, which are characterized by his simplicity and by the possibility of comparison to the being a standard model. The study carried out tries to compare differences between the ratios proposed on the part of the last two editions, being analyzed for it, each of the groups of ratios commenting on the significant differences for each of them. Seeing this way, since the new version proceeds to eliminate those ratios that suppose a hobble or increasing those that need major deepening, emphasizing these changes in the ratios of Profitability, Operating and Room Statistics and Occupancy