83 research outputs found

    An economic evaluation of antihypertensive therapies based on clinical trials

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    OBJECTIVE: Hypertension is a major issue in public health, and the financial costs associated with hypertension continue to increase. Cost-effectiveness studies focusing on antihypertensive drug combinations, however, have been scarce. The cost-effectiveness ratios of the traditional treatment (hydrochlorothiazide and atenolol) and the current treatment (losartan and amlodipine) were evaluated in patients with grade 1 or 2 hypertension (HT1-2). For patients with grade 3 hypertension (HT3), a third drug was added to the treatment combinations: enalapril was added to the traditional treatment, and hydrochlorothiazide was added to the current treatment. METHODS: Hypertension treatment costs were estimated on the basis of the purchase prices of the antihypertensive medications, and effectiveness was measured as the reduction in systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure (in mm Hg) at the end of a 12-month study period. RESULTS: When the purchase price of the brand-name medication was used to calculate the cost, the traditional treatment presented a lower cost-effectiveness ratio [US/mmHg]thanthecurrenttreatmentintheHT12group.IntheHT3group,however,therewasnodifferenceincosteffectivenessratiobetweenthetraditionaltreatmentandthecurrenttreatment.Thecosteffectivenessratiodifferencesbetweenthetreatmentregimensmaintainedthesamepatternwhenthepurchasepriceofthelowercostmedicationwasused.CONCLUSIONS:Weconcludethatthetraditionaltreatmentismorecosteffective(US/mm Hg] than the current treatment in the HT1-2 group. In the HT3 group, however, there was no difference in cost-effectiveness ratio between the traditional treatment and the current treatment. The cost-effectiveness ratio differences between the treatment regimens maintained the same pattern when the purchase price of the lower-cost medication was used. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that the traditional treatment is more cost-effective (US/mm Hg) than the current treatment in the HT1-2 group. There was no difference in cost-effectiveness between the traditional treatment and the current treatment for the HT3 group

    A risk score for predicting peripheral arterial disease in individuals 75 years or older

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    BACKGROUND: The prevalence of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) in the elderly is high. Most are asymptomatic and the sensitivity of the physical exam is low. In Brazil, little is known in regard to PAD risk factors in the elderly. OBJECTIVES: To identify risk factors for PAD among elderly individuals (> 75 years) in the community and to develop a prediction score. METHODS: Cross-sectional, prospective, community-based study nested within a cohort study (Epidoso). A total of 176 individuals were assessed. PAD was defined as an ankle-brachial index 18 points defined the high risk individuals and yielded sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of 85.9%, 71.4%, 63.2% and 89.9%, respectively. Receiver-operator characteristic analysis yielded area under curve of 85%, indicating excellent discrimination and goodness-of-fit statistics indicated excellent calibration (p=0.639). CONCLUSION: Because of its good performance, the proposed score can become a simple and useful tool to identify elderly community residents at higher risk of PAD who should be considered for further investigation.FUNDAMENTO: A prevalência de doença arterial periférica (DAP) é elevada entre os idosos. A maioria é assintomática e o exame físico pouco sensível. No Brasil, os fatores associados à DAP em idosos são pouco conhecidos. OBEJETIVOS: Identificar os fatores associados à presença de doença arterial periférica (DAP) em idosos (> 75 anos) da comunidade e desenvolver um escore de predição da doença. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, aninhado em uma coorte prospectiva (Epidoso). Foram avaliados 176 idosos (> 75 anos) da comunidade. A presença de DAP foi definida por meio do índice tornozelo-braquial 75 anos) da comunidade com alto risco para DAP e que mereceriam investigação mais detalhada.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Hospital Israelita Albert EinsteinUNIFESPSciEL

    Anterograde Removal of Broken Femoral Nails without Opening the Nonunion Site: A New Technique

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    OBJECTIVE: We describe a new technique for removing the distal fragments of broken intramedullary femoral nails without disturbing the nonunion site. METHODS: This technique involves the application of an AO distractor prior to the removal of the nail fragments, with subsequent removal of the proximal nail fragment in an anterograde fashion and removal of the distal fragment through a medial parapatellar approach. Impaction of the fracture site is then performed with a nail that is broader than the remaining fragmented material. RESULTS: Nails were removed from five patients using the technique described above without any complications. After a mean follow-up period of 61.8 months, none of these patients showed worsened knee osteoarthritis. CONCLUSION: The original technique described in this article allows surgeons to remove the distal fragment of fractured femoral intramedullary nails without opening the nonunion focus or using special surgical instruments

    An international prospective cohort study evaluating major vascular complications among patients undergoing noncardiac surgery : the VISION Pilot Study

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    Objectives: Among patients undergoing noncardiac surgery, our objectives were to: (1) determine the feasibility of undertaking a large international cohort study; (2) estimate the current incidence of major perioperative vascular events; (3) compare the observed event rates to the expected event rates according to the Revised Cardiac Risk Index (RCRI); and (4) provide an estimate of the proportion of myocardial infarctions without ischemic symptoms that may go undetected without perioperative troponin monitoring. Design: An international prospective cohort pilot study. Participants: Patients undergoing noncardiac surgery who were >45 years of age, receiving a general or regional anesthetic, and requiring hospital admission. Measurements: Patients had a Roche fourth-generation Elecsys troponin T measurement collected 6 to 12 hours postoperatively and on the first, second, and third days after surgery. Our primary outcome was major vascular events (a composite of vascular death [i.e., death from vascular causes], nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal cardiac arrest, and nonfatal stroke) at 30 days after surgery. Our definition for perioperative myocardial infarction included: (1) an elevated troponin T measurement with at least one of the following defining features: ischemic symptoms, development of pathologic Q waves, ischemic electrocardiogram changes, coronary artery intervention, or cardiac imaging evidence of myocardial infarction; or (2) autopsy findings of acute or healing myocardial infarction. Results: We recruited 432 patients across 5 hospitals in Canada, China, Italy, Colombia, and Brazil. During the first 30 days after surgery, 6.3% (99% confidence interval 3.9–10.0) of the patients suffered a major vascular event (10 vascular deaths, 16 nonfatal myocardial infarctions, and 1 nonfatal stroke). The observed event rate was increased 6-fold compared with the event rate expected from the RCRI. Of the 18 patients who suffered a myocardial infarction, 12 (66.7%) had no ischemic symptoms to suggest myocardial infarction. Conclusions: This study suggests that major perioperative vascular events are common, that the RCRI underestimates risk, and that monitoring troponins after surgery can assist physicians to avoid missing myocardial infarction. These results underscore the need for a large international prospective cohort study

    Rivaroxabana em Pacientes Ambulatoriais com COVID-19 Leve ou Moderada: Fundamentação e Desenho do Estudo CARE (CARE – Coalition COVID-19 Brazil VIII)

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    Resumo Fundamento Estudos anteriores revelaram alto risco de eventos tromboembólicos arteriais e venosos como consequência de danos virais diretos do SARS-CoV-2 em células endoteliais e um meio procoagulante devido ao aumento de biomarcadores como o D-dímero, fibrinogênio, fator VIII. Foram realizados ensaios controlados randomizados de terapias antitrombóticas em pacientes internados, no entanto, poucos estudos avaliaram o papel da tromboprofilaxia no ambiente ambulatorial. Objetivo Avaliar se a profilaxia antitrombótica com rivaroxabana reduz o risco de eventos trombóticos venosos ou arteriais, suporte ventilatório invasivo e morte em pacientes ambulatoriais com COVID-19. Métodos O estudo CARE é um ensaio randomizado, aberto, multicêntrico e controlado por rivaroxabana 10 mg uma vez por dia durante 14 dias ou tratamento local padrão isolado, para a prevenção de resultados adversos, registrado no Clinicaltrials.gov (NCT04757857). Os critérios de inclusão são adultos com infecção confirmada ou suspeita do SARS-CoV-2, com sintomas leves ou moderados, sem indicação de hospitalização, no prazo de 7 dias após o início dos sintomas e um fator de risco de complicação da COVID-19 (>65 anos, hipertensão, diabetes, asma, doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica ou outras doenças pulmonares crônicas, tabagismo, imunossupressão ou obesidade). O desfecho primário composto inclui tromboembolismo venoso, necessidade de ventilação mecânica invasiva, eventos cardiovasculares agudos maiores e mortalidade no prazo de 30 dias após a randomização, sendo avaliado segundo o princípio da intenção de tratar. Todos os pacientes assinaram termo de consentimento. Foi estabelecido um nível de significância de 5% para todos os testes estatísticos. Resultados Os principais desfechos trombóticos e hemorrágicos, hospitalizações e mortes serão avaliados centralmente por um comitê de eventos clínicos independente, sob a condição cega para a alocação dos grupos de tratamento. Conclusão O estudo CARE fornecerá informação relevante e contemporânea sobre o possível papel da tromboprofilaxia em pacientes ambulatoriais com COVID-19