1,721 research outputs found

    Quantum Moment Map and Invariant Integration Theory on Quantum Spaces

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    It is shown that, on the one hand, quantum moment maps give rise to examples for the operator-theoretic approach to invariant integration theory developed by K.-D. Kürsten and the second author, and that, on the other hand, the operator-theoretic approach to invariant integration theory is more general since it also applies to examples without a well-defined quantum moment map

    Geometrical design for pure current-driven domain wall nucleation and shifting

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    [EN]Nucleation of domain walls by current-driving a single domain wall, confined to the junction area of two symmetrical strips, is investigated using systematic micromagnetic simulations. Secondary domain walls (equivalently, bits encoded in domains) are simultaneously nucleated and driven by alternatively applying current pulses between two terminals in the structure. Simulations show that nanosecond-duration current pulses nucleate and drive series of robust up/down domains even under realistic conditions. These results demonstrate a technique for sequentially nucleating and shifting domain walls without using attached external “bit lines,” fields, or modifying the ferromagnetic strip

    Current-Driven Domain Wall Motion in Curved Ferrimagnetic Strips Above and Below the Angular Momentum Compensation

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    [EN] Current driven domain wall motion in curved Heavy Metal/Ferrimagnetic/Oxide multilayer strips is investigated using systematic micromagnetic simulations which account for spinorbit coupling phenomena. Domain wall velocity and characteristic relaxation times are studied as functions of the geometry, curvature and width of the strip, at and out of the angular momentum compensation. Results show that domain walls can propagate faster and without a significant distortion in such strips in contrast to their ferromagnetic counterparts. Using an artificial system based on a straight strip with an equivalent current density distribution, we can discern its influence on the wall terminal velocity, as part of a more general geometrical influence due to the curved shape. Curved and narrow ferrimagnetic strips are promising candidates for designing high speed and fast response spintronic circuitry based on current-driven domain wall motion.Projects SA114P20 and SA299P18 from Junta de Castilla y Leon (JCyL) MAT2017-87072-C4-1-P and PID2020-117024GB-C41 from the Ministry of Economy, Spanish government MAGNEFI, from the European Commission (European Union

    Visual Servoing and Robust Object Manipulation Using Symmetries and Conformal Geometric Algebra

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    Object tracking and manipulation is an important process for many applications in robotics and computer vision. A novel 3D pose estimation of objects using reflectionally symmetry formulated in Conformal Geometric Algebra (CGA) is proposed in this work. The synthesis of the kinematics model for robots and a sliding mode controller using the CGA approach is described. Real time implementation results are presented for the pose estimation of object using a stereo vision system.ITESO, A.C.CINVESTA

    Sugars and circadian regulation make major contributions to the global regulation of diurnal gene expression in Arabidopsis

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    The diurnal cycle strongly influences many plant metabolic and physiological processes. Arabidopsis thaliana rosettes were harvested six times during 12-h-light/12-h-dark treatments to investigate changes in gene expression using ATH1 arrays. Diagnostic gene sets were identified from published or in-house expression profiles of the response to light, sugar, nitrogen, and water deficit in seedlings and 4 h of darkness or illumination at ambient or compensation point [CO2]. Many sugar-responsive genes showed large diurnal expression changes, whose timing matched that of the diurnal changes of sugars. A set of circadian-regulated genes also showed large diurnal changes in expression. Comparison of published results from a free-running cycle with the diurnal changes in Columbia-0 (Col-0) and the starchless phosphoglucomutase (pgm) mutant indicated that sugars modify the expression of up to half of the clock-regulated genes. Principle component analysis identified genes that make large contributions to diurnal changes and confirmed that sugar and circadian regulation are the major inputs in Col-0 but that sugars dominate the response in pgm. Most of the changes in pgm are triggered by low sugar levels during the night rather than high levels in the light, highlighting the importance of responses to low sugar in diurnal gene regulation. We identified a set of candidate regulatory genes that show robust responses to alterations in sugar levels and change markedly during the diurnal cycle

    Nonlinear L

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    The L2-gain analysis is extended towards hybrid mechanical systems, operating under unilateral constraints and admitting both sliding modes and collision phenomena. Sufficient conditions for such a system to be internally asymptotically stable and to possess L2-gain less than an a priori given disturbance attenuation level are derived in terms of two independent inequalities which are imposed on continuous-time dynamics and on discrete disturbance factor that occurs at the collision time instants. The former inequality may be viewed as the Hamilton-Jacobi inequality for discontinuous vector fields, and it is separately specified beyond and along sliding modes, which occur in the system between collisions. Thus interpreted, the former inequality should impose the desired integral input-to-state stability (iISS) property on the Filippov dynamics between collisions whereas the latter inequality is invoked to ensure that the impact dynamics (when the state trajectory hits the unilateral constraint) are input-to-state stable (ISS). These inequalities, being coupled together, form the constructive procedure, effectiveness of which is supported by the numerical study made for an impacting double integrator, driven by a sliding mode controller. Desired disturbance attenuation level is shown to satisfactorily be achieved under external disturbances during the collision-free phase and in the presence of uncertainties in the transition phase

    L2-ARCTIC: A Non-Native English Speech Corpus

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    In this paper, we introduce L2-ARCTIC, a speech corpus of non-native English that is intended for research in voice conversion, accent conversion, and mispronunciation detection. This initial release includes recordings from ten non-native speakers of English whose first languages (L1s) are Hindi, Korean, Mandarin, Spanish, and Arabic, each L1 containing recordings from one male and one female speaker. Each speaker recorded approximately one hour of read speech from the Carnegie Mellon University ARCTIC prompts, from which we generated orthographic and forced-aligned phonetic transcriptions. In addition, we manually annotated 150 utterances per speaker to identify three types of mispronunciation errors: substitutions, deletions, and additions, making it a valuable resource not only for research in voice conversion and accent conversion but also in computer-assisted pronunciation training. The corpus is publicly accessible at https://psi.engr.tamu.edu/l2-arctic-corpus/

    Implementation and Performance of the tau trigger in the ATLAS experiment

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    Triggering on hadronic taus at the LHC is a difficult task due to the high rate and occupancy of the events. On the other hand, the tau trigger increases the discovery potential of ATLAS in many physics channels, among others the Standard Model or SuperSymmetric Higgs (charged or neutrals) production. In order to cope with the rate and optimize the efficiency on important physics channels, the results of the current simulation studies indicate that the ATLAS tau trigger should be used either with relatively high transverse momentum thresholds alone, or with more relaxed threshold requirements in combination with other triggers, like the missing transverse energy trigger or a leptonic or jet trigger. In this contribution we describe the ATLAS tau trigger, and we present some of the current results from the simulation studies, focusing both on early physics and on physics at high luminosity