116 research outputs found

    Carboxymethylation of Icacina trichantha Oliv.Tuber Starch and Its Use as a Viscosifier and Fluid Loss Control Agent in Water Based Mud

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    Starch from a non-food wild plant- Icacina trichantha oliv.tuber was extracted, characterized and chemically modified by carboxymethylation to produce two new derivatives of two different degrees of substitution. The derivatives were used in the preparation of water based muds. The rheological and filtration properties of these new muds were compared to those of muds prepared with the underivatized native starch and a commercial drilling starch using viscometric and fluid loss methods. Experimental results showed that the new muds have better filtration control behavior and viscosity than those of the native and commercial drilling starches. The values of flow index of the new muds were found to be less than 1.0, showing non-Newtonian and Pseudoplastic flow behavior of drilling muds. Yield stress of the muds increased with the modification. Viscosity decreased with increasing shear rate, showing shear thinning behavior of drilling muds. The new muds were found to obey the API models for static filtration as well as Power law and Herschel–Bulkley models for fluid rheology. Keywords: Icacina trichantha oliv.;Carboxymethyl starch; drilling mud; filtration; rheology

    Biodiversity Conservation Effort and Livelihoods in Parts of Ilaje Riparian Community in Ondo State, Nigeria

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    Biodiversity constitute the resource base of human survival and economic well-being of immediate and future generations. It can be described as the diversity of life forms on Earth, variety of all living things, the places they inhabit, and the ecological interaction between them. This concept has been examined by several scientist and conservationist and with several studies on coastal ecosystem, its biodiversity scenarios, conservation priorities and sustainable livelihood been reported in parts of Niger Delta. However, this study is of high significance hence neither of these studies nor similar research on biodiversity conservation in coastal environment has been carried out in parts of Ilaje in Ondo State. The aim of the study was to evaluate the coastal biodiversity scenarios, livelihood and conservation efforts in Ileja. The gradient – directed transect sampling and Wetland Ecosystem Dynamic Plot (WEDP) method, Participatory Rapid Appraisal (PRA) and direct observational and ground-truthing by hand-held geographic positioning system (GPS - Garmin Dakota 10 model) for data collection were adapted. Data analysis was by descriptive analytical tools (frequency count, percentages and charts and levels of response anchors using the Likert –Type scale 7 point level of agreement and 5 point level of agreement). Result of biodiversity awareness of natural resources was high for the fishes; with 84% awareness in Odonla, Molutehin and Odun-Igo respectively; 88% in Ikorigho and 92% in Awoye. The least known resources include: Pig, Mudskipper, and Tortoise respectively with 4% awareness in Odonla, 4% of Snail in Molutehin, and 8% for Cray fish and Periwinkle respectively in Odun-Igo and Awoye. The level of awareness for community protection effort was 24% in Ikorigho and Odun-Igo respectively and 44% in Awoye. Government protection effort (36%) Odonla and (76%) Molutehin. The respondents choice for government effort than traditional effort in flora (mangrove) protection were  88%, 56%, 100%, 84% and 48% in Odonla, Ikorigho, Molutehin, Odun-Igo, and Awoye respectively. Sacred groves recorded 16%, 76% 92% and 68% presence in Ikorigho, Molutehin, Odun-Igo and Awoye respectively. Conclusively, it can be highlighted that the condition of the coastal biodiversity scenarios of Ilaje can be assessed as this may assist the government in executing the legislation at its disposal. Keywords: Ilaje, natural resources, government, tradition, biodiversity DOI: 10.7176/JESD/13-16-03 Publication date:August 31st 202

    Serum lipid and glucose concentration in relation to some physiological varibles in college students from Nnewi, Nigeria

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    Background: Serum lipid and glucose levels are largely determined by and or related to certain physical, physiological and biochemical parameters/variables. This study therefore, is aimed at determining the levels of serum lipid and glucose and the relationship between the serum lipid and glucose concentrations and the physical and physiological parameters/variables of apparently healthy individuals. Method: The blood samples of twenty-five medical students in the age range of 20 and 25 years were analyzed, for the serum glucose, total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLc) levels after overnight fast, and LDLc calculated.Result: The mean serum glucose, HDLc, TC and LDLc were not significantly different in females and males students. The serum TG was however significantly lower in females than in the males (90.22 ± 25.17 vs. 116.93 ± 21.54 mg/dl;

    Serum Lipid and Glucose Concentration in Relation to Some Physiological Varibles in College Students From Nnewi, Nigeria

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    Background: Serum lipid and glucose levels are largely determined by and or related to certain physical, physiological and biochemical parameters/variables. This study therefore, is aimed at determining the levels of serum lipid and glucose and the relationship between the serum lipid and glucose concentrations and the physical and physiological parameters/variables of apparently healthy individuals. Method: The blood samples of twenty-five medical students in the age range of 20 and 25 years were analyzed, for the serum glucose, total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLc) levels after overnight fast, and LDLC calculated. Result: The mean serum glucose, HDLc, TC and LDLc were not significantly different in females and males students. The serum TG was however significantly lower in females than in the males (90.22 \ub1 25.17 vs. 116.93 \ub1 21.54 mg/dl; P< 0.05). Furthermore, females are significantly lower in weight than the males (61.2 \ub1 6.91 vs. 69.96 \ub1 9.30 kg; P< 0.05). Significant correlations were also recorded. Conclusion: The results presented showed that the slight difference seen in males and females was a factor of growth and diet and activity.Introduction :S\ue9rum lipide et niveau du glucose sont en grande partie d\ue9termin\ue9s par ou li\ue9s aux certains physique physiologique et variables/param\ue8tres biochimiques. Donc, l'objet de cette \ue9tude est de d\ue9terminer les niveaux de s\ue9rum lipide et du glucose et le rapport entre le s\ue9rum lipide et concentration du glucose et des variables/param\ue8tres physiques et physiologiques des individus apparemment en tr\ue8s bonne sant\ue9. M\ue9thodes : La prise de sang de vingt cinq \ue9tudiants en m\ue9decine dans la tranche d'\ue2ge de 20 - 25 ans ont \ue9t\ue9 \ue9tudi\ue9s pour le s\ue9rum glucose, cholest\ue9rol total (CT) triglyc\ue9ride (TG), et les niveaux de la densit\ue9 \ue9lev\ue9e du cholest\ue9rol lipoprot\ue9ines (HDLc) apr\ue8s un je\ufcne d'une nuit, et LDLc calcul\ue9. R\ue9sultats : Le s\ue9rum glucose, HDLc, TC et LDLc moyen n'\ue9taient pas sensiblement diff\ue9rents chez des \ue9tudiants du sexe f\ue9minin et masculin. Le s\ue9rum TG toutefois \ue9tait sensiblement inf\ue9rieur chez le sexe f\ue9minin et le sexe masculin (90,22+- 25,17 contre 116, 93+-21,54mg/dl ; P<0,05). Par ailleurs sexe f\ue9minin sont sensiblement inf\ue9rieurs en poids plus que chez le sexe masculin. (61,2+-6,91 contre 69,96+-9,30kg : P<0,05). Des corr\ue9lations importantes ont \ue9t\ue9 \ue9galement not\ue9es. Conclusion :À travers des r\ue9sultats, nous notons que la diff\ue9rence l\ue9g\ue8re vue chez le sexe masculin et le sexe f\ue9minin \ue9tait un facteur d'activit\ue9, d'alimentation et de la croissance

    The possible role of local air pollution in climate change in West Africa

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    The climate of West Africa is characterized by a sensitive monsoon system that is associated with marked natural precipitation variability. This region has been and is projected to be subject to substantial global and regional-scale changes including greenhouse-gas-induced warming and sea-level rise, land-use and land-cover change, and substantial biomass burning. We argue that more attention should be paid to rapidly increasing air pollution over the explosively growing cities of West Africa, as experiences from other regions suggest that this can alter regional climate through the influences of aerosols on clouds and radiation, and will also affect human health and food security. We need better observations and models to quantify the magnitude and characteristics of these impacts

    Viral, bacterial, and fungal infections of the oral mucosa:Types, incidence, predisposing factors, diagnostic algorithms, and management

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