288 research outputs found

    N=1 super topological recursion

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    We introduce the notion of N=1 abstract super loop equations and provide two equivalent ways of solving them. The first approach is a recursive formalism that can be thought of as a supersymmetric generalization of the Eynard–Orantin topological recursion, based on the geometry of a local super spectral curve. The second approach is based on the framework of super Airy structures. The resulting recursive formalism can be applied to compute correlation functions for a variety of examples related to 2d supergravity

    Five-dimensional gauge theories and the local B-model

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    We propose an effective framework for computing the prepotential of the topological B-model on a class of local Calabi–Yau geometries related to the circle compactification of five-dimensional N=1 super Yang–Mills theory with simple gauge group. In the simply laced case, we construct Picard–Fuchs operators from the Dubrovin connection on the Frobenius manifolds associated with the extended affine Weyl groups of type ADE. In general, we propose a purely algebraic construction of Picard–Fuchs ideals from a canonical subring of the space of regular functions on the ramification locus of the Seiberg–Witten curve, encompassing non-simply laced cases as well. We offer several precision tests of our proposal for simply laced cases by comparing with the gauge theory prepotentials obtained from the K-theoretic blow-up equations, finding perfect agreement. Whenever there is more than one candidate Seiberg-Witten curve for non-simply laced gauge groups in the literature, we employ our framework to verify which one agrees with the K-theoretic blow-up equations

    Mouse subcutaneous tissue reaction to calcium hydroxide-based.

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    Mouse subcutaneous tissue reaction to an embedded calcium hydroxide-based root canal filling material was analyzed histopathologically. After the material was placed within the mouse dorsal subcutaneous tissues, we performed examinations using histopathological, histochemical and immunohistochemical techniques. Two weeks after embedment, the proliferation of granulation tissue had already begun to surround the calcification.Most of the cells observed were macrophages. Likewise, multinucleated giant cells increased significantly. The multinucleated giant cells were observed as two types. In one, the centers of the giant cells were vacuoles, while in the others there were deeply stained calcifications with hematoxylin. Twelve weeks after embedment of the materials, further growth of multinucleated giants cells were sighted. Histochemically, von Kossa-stainpositive granules were observed within the macrophages and multinucleated giant cells as black fine granules. According to the TRAP stained specimens, the multinucleated giant cells especially reacted strongly at 4 weeks. However, the reaction became very weak at 12 weeks. CD68 immunohistochemical staining showed positive reactions in the cytoplasm of the proliferating macrophages and multinucleated giant cells. These results suggest that multinucleated giant cells are present in the surrounding tissues due to implantation of the calcium hydroxidebased root canal filling material, and that the presence of ACP in the cells is due to ingested calcium during active phagocytosis, which would disappear later on

    Super quantum airy structures

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    We introduce super quantum Airy structures, which provide a supersymmetric generalization of quantum Airy structures. We prove that to a given super quantum Airy structure one can assign a unique set of free energies, which satisfy a supersymmetric generalization of the topological recursion. We reveal and discuss various properties of these supersymmetric structures, in particular their gauge transformations, classical limit, peculiar role of fermionic variables, and graphical representation of recursion relations. Furthermore, we present various examples of super quantum Airy structures, both finite-dimensional—which include well known superalgebras and super Frobenius algebras, and whose classification scheme we also discuss—as well as infinite-dimensional, that arise in the realm of vertex operator super algebras

    Overview of Cytological Dynamics of Periodontal Ligament Inflammatory Lesions

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    Cyto-pathological features of the periodontal ligament tissue inflammatory lesions have somehow been carried out but detailed cellular dynamics remain unclear. Therefore, in this review, we overviewed mainly our recent experimental model studies. That is performed using using ordinary ddY mice and BMP bone marrow transplanted mouse model. Regaring the experimental apical inflammatory periodontitis, at four weeks, micro-CT confirmed the presence of a radiolucent image at the apex of the tooth, which was then removed for histological examination. The results showed granulation tissue with fibrosis gradually formed at the periphery of an abscess. Next, if perforation were large, granulation tissue would grow to form periodontal polyp. Results of micro-CT revealed alveolar bone resorption and widening of periodontal ligament. Histopathological examination showed proliferation of fibroblasts with some round cells and blood vessels in the granulation tissue. Double immunofluorescent staining of GFP and Runx2 revealed that both proteins were expressed in spindle-shaped cells. Double immunofluorescent staining of GFP and CD31 revealed that both proteins were expressed in vascular endothelial cells in morphologically distinct vessels. The results suggest that fibroblasts, periodontal ligament fibroblasts and blood vessels in granulation tissue were derived from transplanted-bone marrow cells. Thus, essential growth of granulation tissue in periodontal polyp was caused by the migration of undifferentiated mesenchymal cells derived from bone marrow, which differentiated into fibroblasts and later on differentiated into other cells in response to injury

    Antileishmanial activity of Aloe Secundiflora plant extracts against Leishmania Major (2013).

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    Human leishmaniases are a spectrum of diseases caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Leishmania. In this study antileishmanial activity of the methanolic and water leaf extracts from Aloe secundiflora plant were analysed by determining the minimum inhibition concentration (MIC), nitric oxide (NO) production stimulation, infection rates (IR) and multiplication index (MI). Cytotoxicity of these plant extracts was also assessed. The MIC levels of water and methanolic plant extracts, amphotericin B and pentostam were 2000 µg/ml, 1000 µg/ml, 125µg/ml and 250 µg/ml respectively against Leishamnia major promastigotes. This study revealed that water and methanolic plant extracts significantly inhibited the growth of Leishmania parasites (P ? 0.05) as compared to amphotericin B with respect to the parasite infection rates and MIC levels. The IC50 for the water and methanolic plant extracts was 279.488 µg/ml and 42.824 µg/ml respectively. The elevated inhibitory activity observed in this study against Leishmania major parasites provides evidence and basis for their potential use as therapeutic agents against leishmaniasis. Key words: Aloe secundiflora, Plant extracts, Leishmania major and Minimum Inhibition Concentrations (MIC


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    The aim of this study was to establish a model, which can be used to investigate the response of periodontal tissues to excessive occlusal loading in mice by observing histopathological changes. The experiment was performed on ten 7-week-old ddY male mice. Under general anesthesia by intraperitoneal injectionpentobarbital sodium, a micro-plus-screwpin (head part, 1.7mm in diameter, thickness 0.5mm thickness) was screwed into the pulp cavity of the upper-left-first molar. R_mCT images of the experimental site indicated the occlusal contact position between the upper- and lower-left-first molars during the experimental periods. A micro-plus-screwpin was maintained at a constant position on the occlusal surface throughout the experimental period. Histopathological changes of the periodontal ligament at the furcation lesion of the lower-left-first molar and its surrounding periodontal tissues were observed under a light microscope. The densities of deeply dyeing cells in hematoxylin staining with a round-shaped nucleus were increased in the periodontal ligament, with a peak effect of day 4. Multinucleated giant cells appeared in the central lesion of the periodontal ligament on day 7. The distribution of resorption on the surface of both of the cementum and the alveolar bone was accompanied by multinucleated giant cells, which expanded rapidly from day 7 to day 14. These results showed that histopathological changes of periodontal tissues to excessive occlusal load were observed at the furcation area of molar teeth. The present method confirmed the effectiveness of the experimental model to examine the occlusal trauma on periodontal tissues produced by excessive occlusal load

    Quantitative contrast-enhanced ultrasonographic assessment of naturally occurring pancreatitis in dogs

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    Background: Quantitative contrast‐enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS) can detect pancreatic perfusion changes in experimentally induced canine pancreatitis. However, its usefulness in detecting perfusion changes in naturally occurring pancreatitis is unclear. Hypothesis/Objectives: To determine the feasibility of using CEUS to detect pancreatic and duodenal perfusion changes in naturally occurring canine pancreatitis. Animals: Twenty‐three client‐owned dogs with pancreatitis, 12 healthy control dogs. Methods: Dogs diagnosed with pancreatitis were prospectively included. CEUS of the pancreas and duodenum were performed. Time‐intensity curves were created from regions of interest in the pancreas and duodenum. Five perfusion parameters were obtained for statistical analyses: time to initial up‐slope, peak time (Tp), time to wash‐out (TTW), peak intensity (PI), and area under the curve (AUC). Results: For the pancreas, Tp of the pancreatitis group was prolonged when compared to controls (62 ± 11 seconds versus 39 ± 13 seconds; P < .001). TTW also was prolonged but not significantly (268 ± 69 seconds versus 228 ± 47 seconds; P = .47). PI and AUC were increased when compared to controls (95 ± 15 versus 78 ± 13 MPV; P = .009 and 14,900 ± 3,400 versus 11,000 ± 2,800 MPV*s; P = .013, respectively). For the duodenum, PI and AUC were significantly increased in the pancreatitis group when compared to controls. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Contrast‐enhanced ultrasonography can detect pancreatic perfusion changes in naturally occurring canine pancreatitis characterized by delayed peak with prolonged hyperechoic enhancement of the pancreas on CEUS. Additionally, duodenal perfusion changes secondary to pancreatitis were observed

    Hormone-Sensitive Lipase Knockouts

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    All treatments for obesity, including dietary restriction of carbohydrates, have a goal of reducing the storage of fat in adipocytes. The chief enzyme responsible for the mobilization of FFA from adipose tissue, i.e., lipolysis, is thought to be hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL). Studies of HSL knockouts have provided important insights into the functional significance of HSL and into adipose metabolism in general. Studies have provided evidence that HSL, though possessing triacylglycerol lipase activity, appears to be the rate-limiting enzyme for cholesteryl ester and diacylglycerol hydrolysis in adipose tissue and is essential for complete hormone stimulated lipolysis, but other triacylglycerol lipases are important in mediating triacylglycerol hydrolysis in lipolysis. HSL knockouts are resistant to both high fat diet-induced and genetic obesity, displaying reduced quantities of white with increased amounts of brown adipose tissue, increased numbers of adipose macrophages, and have multiple alterations in the expression of genes involved in adipose differentiation, including transcription factors, markers of adipocyte differentiation, and enzymes of fatty acid and triglyceride synthesis. With disruption of lipolysis by removal of HSL, there is a drastic reduction in lipogenesis and alteration in adipose metabolism