404 research outputs found

    Association between the microsatellite Ap243, AC117 and SV185 polymorphisms and Nosema disease in the dark forest bee Apis mellifera mellifera

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    The microsporidian Nosema parasites, primarily Nosema ceranae, remain critical threats to the health of the honey bee Apis mellifera. One promising intervention approach is the breeding of Nosema-resistant honey bee colonies using molecular technologies, for example marker-assisted selection (MAS). For this, specific genetic markers used in bee selection should be developed. The objective of the paper is to search for associations between some microsatellite markers and Nosema disease in a dark forest bee Apis mellifera mellifera. For the dark forest bee, the most promising molecular genetic markers for determining resistance to nosemosis are microsatellite loci AC117, Ap243 and SV185, the alleles of which (“177”, “263” and “269”, respectively) were associated with a low level of Nosema infection. This article is the first associative study aimed at finding DNA loci of resistance to nosemosis in the dark forest bee. Nevertheless, microsatellite markers identified can be used to predict the risk of developing the Nosema disease

    Морфологічна характеристика плаценти овець при фетоплацентарній недостатності та корекції препаратом «Карафест + ОV»

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    The purpose of the work was to investigate the morphological and histological changes of placenta in fetoplacental insufficiency. To achieve this goal, we investigated the cellular composition of the vaginal smear of pregnant sheeps, conducted some biochemical studies of homeostasis, macro-and microscopic examination of the sheep placenta itself with fetolacenter insufficiency and correction of the complex drug «Karaphest + OV». According to the results of the research, it was found that in the blood of sheep of the II group, the clinical and biochemical parameters significantly differed from those of the animals of the I group. The established tendency testifies to the presence of metabolic disorders in their body. At macroscopic examination it was found that the investigated placent from the sheep of both groups were shiny and well-vascularized without pathological stratifications. Cotyledons of the control group had less pronounced relief, in some of them local hemorrhages were determined. At the same time, the body weight of newborn lambs in the experimental group was significantly higher than in the control group – by 44.2%, and the mass of the placenta – by 15.9%. There was also an increase in the number of cotyledons by 4.1%, and their total area was greater by 29.3%. This indicates a significant lagging development of the fetus in conditions of functional insufficiency of the fetoplacental complex. Histologic research has established that during fetoplacental insufficiency there are hemodynamic disorders and dystrophic changes on the part of stroma, syncytiotrophoblast and cytotrophoblast of chorionic villi. Structural changes in the fetal part of the placenta of the control group lead to hypoxia of the fetus, insufficient provision of its trophic and excretory needs, which may cause autointoxication. The drug «Karaphest + OV» has a positive effect on the structure of the placenta and the development of the fetus, first of all, it is the improvement of placental perfusion, increasing the number of blood vessels in the stem wings, the preservation of the layers of cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast, which exhibit the ability to resorb blood and hemosiderin from intervertebral space, which significantly improves the metabolism of the fetuses and the maternal parts of the placenta. As a result of our research, we arrived at the following conclusions that correction of fetoplacental insufficiency with the use of the drug «Karaphest + OV» reduces the manifestation of dystrophic processes, normalizes angiogenesis in the villous part of the chorion, contributes to the restoration of the villous of the trophoblast. Метою роботи було дослідити морфологічні та гістологічні зміни плаценти при фетоплацентарній недостатності. Щоб досягти поставленої мети, нами було досліджено клітинний склад вагінального мазка вагітних, проведені деякі біохімічні дослідження показників гомеостазу, макро- та мікроскопічне дослідження самої плаценти овець з фетоплацентраною недостатністю та корекцією комплексним препаратом «Карафест + ОV». За результатами досліджень встановлено, що в організмі вівцематок ІІ групи клінічні та біохімічні показники крові достовірно відрізнялись від аналогічних показників тварин І групи. Встановлена тенденція свідчить про наявність в їхньому організмі метаболічних розладів. При макроскопічному обстеженні встановлено, що досліджувані посліди від вівцематок обох груп були блискучими і добре васкуляризованими, без патологічних нашарувань. Котиледони хоріонів контрольної групи мали менш виражену рельєфність, в деяких з них визначались локальні крововиливи. При цьому маса тіла новонароджених ягнят у дослідній групі була значно вища, ніж у контрольній – на 44,2%, а маса плаценти – на 15,9%. Також встановлено підвищення кількості котиледонів на 4,1%, а їх загальна площа була більшою на 29,3%. Це свідчить про суттєве відставання розвитку плоду в умовах функціональної недостатності фетоплацентарного комплексу. Гістологічним дослідженням встановлено, що при фетоплацентарній недостатності наявні гемодинамічні розлади і дистрофічні зміни з боку строми, синцитіотрофобласту і цитотрофобласту ворсин хоріону. Структурні зміни в плодовій частині плацент контрольної групи призводять до гіпоксії плода, недостатнього забезпеченню його трофічних і видільних потреб, що може стати причиною аутоінтоксикацї. Препарат «Карафест +OV» справляє позитивну дію на структуру плаценти і розвиток плоду, насамперед це покращення плацентарної перфузії, збільшення кількості кровоносних судин в стовбурових ворсинах, збереженість шарів цитотрофобласту і синцитіотрофобласту, які виявляють здатність до резорбції крові і гемосидерину з міжворсинчастого простору, що значно поліпшує обмін речовин між плодовою і материнською частинами плаценти. В результаті наших досліджень ми дійшли висновків, що корекція фетоплацентарної недостатності застосуванням препарату «Карафест + OV» зменшує прояв дистрофічних процесів, нормалізує ангіогенез в ворсинчастій частині хоріону, сприяє відновленню покриву ворсин трофобластом.

    Sequence of the Mrjp3 microsatellite Locus in honeybees of different origin

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    The sequencing of the nucleotide sequences of the mrjp3 repetitive region (mrjp3 microsatellite locus) in Siberian honeybees was carried out. A high similarity of the studied nucleotide sequences (≥99% identity) with reference sequences was observed, which indicates a high conservation of the mrjp3 repetitive region in different Apis mellifera subspecies

    Effect of Molecular Side Groups and Local Nanoenvironment on Photodegradation and Its Reversibility

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    Degradation of organic semiconductors in the presence of oxygen is one of the bottlenecks preventing their wide-spread use in optoelectronic devices. The first step towards such degradation in functionalized pentacene (Pn) derivatives is formation of endoperoxide (EPO), which can either revert back to the parent molecule or proceed to molecule decomposition. We present the study of reversibility of EPO formation through probing the photophysical properties of functionalized fluorinated pentacene (Pn-R-F8) derivatives. Experiments are done in solutions and in films both at the single molecule level and in the bulk. In solutions, degradation of optical absorption and its partial recovery after thermolysis were quantified for various derivatives depending on the solvent. At the single molecule level, low concentrations of each type of molecules were imaged in a variety of polymer matrices at 633 nm excitation at room temperature in air using wide-field fluorescence microscopy. Fluorescence time trajectories were collected and statistically analyzed to quantify blinking due to reversible EPO formation depending on the host matrix. To understand the physical changes of the molecular system, a Monte Carlo method was used to create a multi-level simulation, which enabled us to relate the change in the molecular transition rates to the experimentally measured parameters. At the bulk level, photoluminescence decay due to photobleaching and recovery due to EPO reconversion were measured for the same derivatives incorporated into various matrices. These studies provide insight into the synergistic effect of the local nanoenvironment and molecular side groups on the oxygen-related degradation and subsequent recovery which is important for development of organic electronic devices

    A Comprehensive Characterization of the Honeybees in Siberia (Russia)

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    A comprehensive study of some populations of honeybee (332 colonies) in Siberia (Tomsk region, Krasnoyarsk Krai (Yenisei population), Altai) using morphometric and molecular genetic methods was conducted. Infestation of bees (132 colonies) by Nosema has also been studied. Three variants of the COI-COII mtDNA locus were registered: PQQ, PQQQ (typical for Apis m. mellifera), and Q (specific for southern races). It was established that 64% of bee colonies from the Tomsk region and all colonies studied from the Krasnoyarsk and the Altai territories originate from Apis m. mellifera on the maternal line. According to the morphometric study, the majority of bee colonies of the Tomsk region are hybrids; in some colonies the mismatch of morphometric and mtDNA data was observed. Moreover, the majority of bee colonies infected by Nosema were hybrids. Yenisei population may be considered as a unique Apis m. mellifera population. Microsatellite analysis (loci А008, Ap049, AC117, AC216, Ap243, H110, A024, A113) showed the specific distribution of genotypes and alleles for some loci in the bees, which differ by geographical location. Loci A024 and Ap049 are of considerable interest for further study as candidate markers for differentiation of subspecies; locus A008 can be considered informative for determining of different ecotypes of Apis m. mellifera

    Микросателлитный маркер mrjp3: определение подвидов медоносной пчелы и/или продуктивности маточного молочка пчелиной семьи

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    The mrjp3 gene is a member of the mrjp-family that encodes Major Royal Jelly Proteins in bees. In the structure of the mrjp3 gene coding part, a repetitive region, designated as a microsatellite mrjp3 locus, is described. The variability of the mrjp3 micro­satellite locus in 575 honeybees from Siberia (Russia) was studied. In honeybees of different origin (evolutionary branches M and C) inhabited Siberia, the differences in the frequency of allele registration were revealed. The significance of the mrjp3 locus for determining the honeybee subspecies and/or royal jelly productivity of the bee colonies is discussed

    Design of Organic Ternary Blends and Small-Molecule Bulk Heterojunctions: Photophysical Considerations

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    We explored relationships between photophysical processes and solar cell characteristics in solution-processable bulk heterojunctions (BHJs), in particular: (1) polymer donor:fullerene acceptor:small-molecule (SM) nonfullerene acceptor, (2) polymer donor:SM donor:SM nonfullerene acceptor, and (3) SM donor:SM nonfullerene or fullerene acceptor. Addition of a nonfullerene SM acceptor to “efficient” polymer:fullerene BHJs led to a reduction in power conversion efficiency (PCE), mostly due to decreased charge photogeneration efficiency and increased disorder. By contrast, addition of an SM donor to “inefficient” polymer:SM nonfullerene acceptor BHJs led to a factor of two to three improvement in the PCE, due to improved charge photogeneration efficiency and transport. In most blends, exciplex formation was observed and correlated with a reduced short-circuit current (Jsc) without negatively impacting the open-circuit voltage (Voc). A factor of ∼5 higher PCE was observed in SM donor:fullerene acceptor BHJs as compared to SMBHJs with the same SM donor but nonfullerene acceptor, due to enhanced charge carrier photogeneration in the blend with fullerene. Our study revealed that the HOMO and LUMO energies of molecules comprising a blend are not reliable parameters for predicting Voc of the blend, and an understanding of the photophysics is necessary for interpreting solar cell characteristics and improving the molecular design of BHJs

    Single Molecule-Level Study of Donor-Acceptor Interactions and Nanoscale Environment in Blends

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    Organic semiconductors have attracted considerable attention due to their applications in low-cost (opto)electronic devices. The most successful organic materials for applications that rely on charge carrier generation, such as solar cells, utilize blends of several types of molecules. In blends, the local environment strongly influences exciton and charge carrier dynamics. However, relationship between nanoscale features and photophysics is difficult to establish due to the lack of necessary spatial resolution. We use functionalized fluorinated pentacene (Pn) molecule as single molecule probes of intermolecular interactions and of the nanoscale environment in blends containing donor and acceptor molecules. Single Pn donor (D) molecules were imaged in PMMA in the presence of acceptor (A) molecules using wide-field fluorescence microscopy. Two sample configurations were realized: (i) a fixed concentration of Pn donor molecules, with increasing concentration of acceptor molecules (functionalized indenflouorene or PCBM) and (ii) a fixed concentration of acceptor molecules with an increased concentration of the Pn donor. The D-A energy transfer and changes in the donor emission due to those in the acceptor- modified polymer morphology were quantified. The increase in the acceptor concentration was accompanied by enhanced photobleaching and blinking of the Pn donor molecules. To better understand the underlying physics of these processes, we modeled photoexcited electron dynamics using Monte Carlo simulations. The simulated blinking dynamics were then compared to our experimental data, and the changes in the transition rates were related to the changes in the nanoscale environment. Our study provides insight into evolution of nanoscale environment during the formation of bulk heterojunctions

    Исследования микроспоридий рода Nosema в Томской области (Сибирь): ко-инвазия широко распространена в пчелиных семьях

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    Microsporidian protozoans Nosema are gut parasites that infect European honeybees (Apis mellifera) worldwide. In the Tomsk region, two species of microsporidia were registered in honeybees (A. mellifera): N. apis and N. ceranae. During the last 6 years, an increase in infections by Nosema in honeybees has been detected in the Tomsk region, while cases of mass bee colony deaths were rare (in 2016, two cases of winter losses of bee colonies in the northern districts of the Tomsk region have been reported by beekeepers). The infestation of bee colonies and apiaries have changed from 0% in 2012 to about 80% in 2016-2017. In 2013-2014, 60.0% of all infected apiaries were infected only with N. apis. In 2015-2017, most of the infected apiaries (52.2%) were infected with both species of microsporidia. Despite the predominance of co-infection in honeybees, replacement of N. apis by N. ceranae is not observed