1,006 research outputs found

    Molecular, functional and modeling study of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) modulation of chloride homeostasis in the rat lumbar spinal cord during postnatal development

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    In the mature central nervous system (CNS) GABA and glycine are the major inhibitory neurotransmitters. They act via shunting incoming excitatory currents and via moving the membrane potential away from the action potential threshold. However, during development, the action of GABA or glycine can be depolarizing and become even excitatory. This phenomenon plays a significant role in the maturation of the CNS, including neuronal migration and growth, synapse formation and plasticity of GABA synapses (Ben-Ari, 2002). Since synaptic inhibition operate mainly through Cl- fluxes, developmental regulation of this anion is crucial for the establishment of GABA/glycine inhibition

    Методика обчислення параметрів магнітного поля обмеженої території

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    . Global Earth’s Magnetic field is one of the most important things in planetary structure. Also magnetic field is one of the key elements for navigation purposes. Its parameters are extremely important for direction detection and other applications. For example in inertial navigation systems global magnetic field has been used for sensors calibration. Characteristics of magnetic field have been using for rotation detection and angular speed calculation too. Typically total magnetic field in some point of atmosphere has been sum of thee different components: main magnetic field – is result of geomagnetic process inside of Earth core; external magnetic field – is result of sun influence, depends on current solar activity and usually less than 5% of total magnetic field; anomalous – is result of influence of different ground anomalous areas which contain some ore deposits with magnetic characteristics in earth crust. Nowadays it is possible to detect influence of different human – made structures to total magnetic field. This is the result of wide metal construction usage in city building. Of course this type of influence is a part of anomalous magnetic field, but it is directly connected with results of human changing. In this case we can access natural and human based components of anomalous field. Also for humane based part we can include different electrical devices which can result in magnetic injection. Nowadays different international programs investigate and monitor characteristics of magnetic field. National oceanic and atmospheric administration (NOAA), U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Swarm earth explorers by European Space Agency (ESA) investigate this problem, but in common way all of them are been oriented into global scale of magnetic field. Modern navigation devices and sensors grounded on magnetic field characteristics have been using magnetic field models which don’t contain data about humane-based part of magnetic field. In result non accurate model produce errors which will be in result of positioning or heading error. In some cases influence of human-based field will be very valuable for navigation purposes. That’s why the aim of this work to describe methodology of local magnetic field parameters measurement by typical users equipment

    Reducing of GPS positioning error by real time ionosphere activity monitoring

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    Features of statistical distribution of organic carbon in continental permafrost of arctic shores (East Siberian Sea) : extended abstract

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    Abstract. In the article the important problems of software development for aircraft tracking have beendiscussed. Position reports of ACARS have been used for aircraft tracking around the world.An algorithm of aircraft coordinates decoding and visualization of aircraft position on the map has beenrepresented.Keywords: ACARS, aircraft, internet, position, software, tracking

    Heavy-Ion Beam Acceleration of Two-Charge States from an Ecr Ion Source

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    This paper describes a design for the front end of a superconducting (SC) ion linac which can accept and simultaneously accelerate two charge states of uranium from an ECR ion source. This mode of operation increases the beam current available for the heaviest ions by a factor of two. We discuss the 12 MeV/u prestripper section of the Rare Isotope Accelerator (RIA) driver linac including the LEBT, RFQ, MEBT and SC sections, with a total voltage of 112 MV. The LEBT consists of two bunchers and electrostatic quadrupoles. The fundamental frequency of both bunchers is half of the RFQ frequency. The first buncher is a multiharmonic buncher, designed to accept more than 80% of each charge state and to form bunches of extremely low longitudinal emittance (rms emittance is lower than 0.2 keV/u nsec) at the output of the RFQ. The second buncher is located directly in front of the RFQ and matches the velocity of each charge-state bunch to the design input velocity of the RFQ. We present full 3D simulations of a two-charge-state uranium beam including space charge forces in the LEBT and RFQ, realistic distributions of all electric and magnetic fields along the whole prestripper linac, and the effects of errors, evaluated for several design options for the prestripper linac. The results indicate that it is possible to accelerate two charge states while keeping emittance growth within tolerable limits.Comment: LINAC2000, MOD0

    Multiple Charge State Beam Acceleration at Atlas

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    A test of the acceleration of multiple charge-state uranium beams was performed at the ATLAS accelerator. A 238U+26 beam was accelerated in the ATLAS PII linac to 286 MeV (~1.2 MeV/u) and stripped in a carbon foil located 0.5 m from the entrance of the ATLAS Booster section. A 58Ni9+ 'guide' beam from the tandem injector was used to tune the Booster for 238U+38. All charge states from the stripping were injected into the booster and accelerated. Up to 94% of the beam was accelerated through the Booster linac, with losses mostly in the lower charge states. The measured beam properties of each charge state and a comparison to numerical simulations are reported in this paper.Comment: LINAC2000, MOD0


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    Статтю присвячено розробці методології оцінювання характеристик магнітного поля Землі для певного регіону.У якості вимірювального пристрою запропоновано використовувати групу датчиків розміщених усерединіпланшетного комп’ютера або мобільного телефону. У роботі було використано типові датчики, які вимірюють кути тангажу, крену, рискання (гіроскопи); компоненти векторів напруженості магнітного поля (отримуються від магнітометрів); широту, довготу, висоту над рівнем моря (від глобальної системи супутникового позиціонування). Наведено результати оцінювання компонентів вектора інтенсивності магнітного поля для певної території. Найважливішими характеристиками магнітного поля є горизонтальні й вертикальні компоненти вектора напруженості, а також кути магнітного нахилу та схилення. Отримані результати були порівнянні з прогнозом характеристик магнітного поля за моделлю магнітного поля.Статья посвящена разработке методологии оценки характеристик магнитного поля Земли для определенногорегиона. В качестве измерительного устройства предложено использовать группу датчиков расположенных в середине планшетного компьютера или мобильного телефона. В работе использовались типовые датчики, измеряющие углы тангажа, крена, рыскания (гироскопы); компоненты векторов напряженности магнитного поля (получаемые от магнитометров); широта, долгота, высота над уровнем моря (от глобальной системы спутникового позиционирования). Представлены результаты оценивания компонентов вектора интенсивности магнитного поля для определенной территории. Наиболее важные характеристики магнитного поля: горизонтальные и вертикальные компоненты вектора напряженности, а также углы магнитного наклонения исклонения. Полученные результаты были сопоставимы с прогнозом характеристик магнитного поля по моделимагнитного поляThe article represents the methodology for estimation of the Earth’s magnetic field characteristics for a particular area. It is proposed to use a group of sensors inside of a tablet or a cell phone as a measurement device. We used typical sensors raw data like pitch, roll, yaw (from gyros); components of magnetic field intensity vectors (from magnetometers); latitude, longitude, altitude (from global positioning sensor). We represent the result of intensity vector components estimation for particular area. It is stated that the most important characteristics of magnetic fieldare horizontal and vertical components of intensity vector and inclination and declination angles. In addition, we compared the received results with magnetic field forecast, according to the world magnetic model

    Моделі врахування деградаційних та регенераційних процесів на етапі проектування сервісних технологічних систем

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    The article explores some aspects of the performance management of designed complex polyergatic service technological systems. Dynamic state of a service technological system is considered in the context of estimation, decision making and realization.Рассматриваются некоторые аспекты проблем поддержания качества функционирования проектируемых сложных, полиэргатических сервисных технологических систем. Динамическое состояние сервисной технологической системы рассматривается в пространстве оценки, принятия решений и реализации.Розглянуто деякі аспекти проблем забезпечення якості функціонування проектованих складних, поліергатичнихсервісних технологічних систем. Динамічний стан сервісної технологічної системи розглядається в просторіоцінки, прийняття рішень і реалізації