179 research outputs found

    Behavioural coordination of dogs in a cooperative problem-solving task with a conspecific and a human partner.

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    The process of domestication has arguably provided dogs (Canis familiaris) with decreased emotional reactivity (reduced fear and aggression) and increased socio-cognitive skills adaptive for living with humans. It has been suggested that dogs are uniquely equipped with abilities that have been identified as crucial in cooperative problem-solving, namely social tolerance and the ability to attend to other individuals' behaviour. Accordingly, dogs might be hypothesised to perform well in tasks in which they have to work together with a human partner. Recently, researchers have found that dogs successfully solved a simple cooperative task with another dog. Due to the simplicity of the task, this study was, however, unable to provide clear evidence as to whether the dogs' successful performance was based on the cognitive ability of behavioural coordination, namely the capacity to link task requirements to the necessity of adjusting one's actions to the partner's behaviour. Here, we tested dogs with the most commonly used cooperative task, appropriate to test behavioural coordination. In addition, we paired dogs with both a conspecific and a human partner. Although dogs had difficulties in inhibiting the necessary action when required to wait for their partner, they successfully attended to the two cues that predicted a successful outcome, namely their partner's behaviour and the incremental movement of rewards towards themselves. This behavioural coordination was shown with both a conspecific and a human partner, in line with the recent findings suggesting that dogs exhibit highly developed socio-cognitive skills in interactions with both humans and other dogs

    The hidden side of animal cognition research: Scientists' attitudes toward bias, replicability and scientific practice.

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    Animal cognition research aims to understand animal minds by using a diverse range of methods across an equally diverse range of species. Throughout its history, the field has sought to mitigate various biases that occur when studying animal minds, from experimenter effects to anthropomorphism. Recently, there has also been a focus on how common scientific practices might affect the reliability and validity of published research. Usually, these issues are discussed in the literature by a small group of scholars with a specific interest in the topics. This study aimed to survey a wider range of animal cognition researchers to ask about their attitudes towards classic and contemporary issues facing the field. Two-hundred and ten active animal cognition researchers completed our survey, and provided answers on questions relating to bias, replicability, statistics, publication, and belief in animal cognition. Collectively, researchers were wary of bias in the research field, but less so in their own work. Over 70% of researchers endorsed Morgan's canon as a useful principle but many caveated this in their free-text responses. Researchers self-reported that most of their studies had been published, however they often reported that studies went unpublished because they had negative or inconclusive results, or results that questioned "preferred" theories. Researchers rarely reported having performed questionable research practices themselves-however they thought that other researchers sometimes (52.7% of responses) or often (27.9% of responses) perform them. Researchers near unanimously agreed that replication studies are important but too infrequently performed in animal cognition research, 73.0% of respondents suggested areas of animal cognition research could experience a 'replication crisis' if replication studies were performed. Consistently, participants' free-text responses provided a nuanced picture of the challenges animal cognition research faces, which are available as part of an open dataset. However, many researchers appeared concerned with how to interpret negative results, publication bias, theoretical bias and reliability in areas of animal cognition research. Collectively, these data provide a candid overview of barriers to progress in animal cognition and can inform debates on how individual researchers, as well as organizations and journals, can facilitate robust scientific research in animal cognition

    Oxalis pes-caprae L. (Oxalidaceae), nova vrsta u hrvatskoj flori

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    This paper reports the first findings of the species Oxalis pes-caprae L. in Croatia. The species was found in the town of Komiža (the island of Vis) in the spring of 2000 as well as on the island of Biševo in the spring of 2001. In both cases plants were found within ruderal vegetation. The species is extensively naturalized in the Mediterranean region and western Europe, but in Croatian flora it comes as an adventitious species.U radu se iznose podaci o prvim nalazima vrste Oxalis pes-caprae L. u Hrvatskoj. Vrsta je nađena u gradu Komiži na otoku Visu u proljeće 2000. godine, te na otoku Biševu u proljeće 2001. godine. Na oba nalazišta biljke su zabilježene unutar ruderalne vegetacije. U Mediteranu i zapadnoj Europi vrsta je uvelike naturalizirana, dok u flori Hrvatske dolazi kao adventivna vrsta

    Oxalis pes-caprae L. (Oxalidaceae), nova vrsta u hrvatskoj flori

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    This paper reports the first findings of the species Oxalis pes-caprae L. in Croatia. The species was found in the town of Komiža (the island of Vis) in the spring of 2000 as well as on the island of Biševo in the spring of 2001. In both cases plants were found within ruderal vegetation. The species is extensively naturalized in the Mediterranean region and western Europe, but in Croatian flora it comes as an adventitious species.U radu se iznose podaci o prvim nalazima vrste Oxalis pes-caprae L. u Hrvatskoj. Vrsta je nađena u gradu Komiži na otoku Visu u proljeće 2000. godine, te na otoku Biševu u proljeće 2001. godine. Na oba nalazišta biljke su zabilježene unutar ruderalne vegetacije. U Mediteranu i zapadnoj Europi vrsta je uvelike naturalizirana, dok u flori Hrvatske dolazi kao adventivna vrsta

    Fenotipski i genetski parametri reproduktivnih osobina crno belih krava sa različitim udelom HF gena

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    In this paper, results of the effect of direct and indirect selection of quantitative fertility traits of cattle end heritability level are presented. Study of the quantitative genetic parameters was carried out on three large farms of Black and White, Holstein-Friesian cattle. Investigation included 3900 first calving cows, daughters of 54 bull sires. The effect of genetic group of the head of cattle (genotype) and of the herd on fertility and milk traits of heifers and first calving cows of Black and White breed was investigated. Genetic group of the head of cattle (genotype) had no significant effect in variation of the fertility traits compared to general average (P (lt) 0.01). The effect of herd caused statistically significant and highly significant deviation from the general average, P (lt) 0.05 and P (lt) 0.01. Established heritability coefficients for fertility traits had low values for age at insemination (0,112), duration of pregnancy (0,045) and duration of service period (0,097). Results were obtained by applying mathematicalstatistical analysis of data - using mixed model (Harvey, 1990). Mathematical-statistical analysis of data was carried out using linear methods with fixed influence through model of Least Squares (LS method). Genotype of the head of cattle caused no significant deviation of fertility traits (P>0,05).U ovom radu su predstavljeni rezultati uticaja direktne i indirektne selekcije na kvantitativne osobine plodnosti goveda i nivo heritabiliteta. Ispitivanje kvantitativnih genetskih parametara je izvedeno na tri velike farme gde se gaje crno-bela, holštajn-frizijska goveda. Ispitivanje je uključivalo 3900 prvotelki, kćeri 54 bika-očeva. Ispitivan je uticaj genetske grupe grla goveda (genotip) i zapata na osobine plodnosti i mlečnosti junica i prvotelki crno-bele rase. Genetska grupa grla goveda (genotip) nije imala signifikantan uticaj na variranje osobina plodnosti u odnosu na opšti prosek (P (lt) 0.01). Uticaj zapata je izazvao statistički signifikantno i visoko signifikantno odstupanje od opšteg proseka, (P (lt) 0.05) and (P (lt) 0.01). Ustanovljeni koeficijenti heritabiliteta za osobine plodnosti su imali niske vrednosti za osobine uzrast pri prvoj inseminaciji (0,112), trajanje bremenitosti (0,045) i trajanje servis perioda (0,097). Rezultati su dobijeni primenom matematičko-statističke analize podataka - korišćenjem mešovitog modela (Harvey, 1990). Matematičko-statistička analiza podataka je izvršena korišćenjem linearnih metoda sa fiksnim uticajem kroz model najmanjih kvadrata (LS metod). Genotip grla goveda nije izazvao signifikantno odstupanje osobina plodnosti (P>0,05)

    Uslovi smeštaja koza i kvalitet mleka

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    In this paper results of keeping and housing conditions examination of Alpine and Saanen goats in the farm "Amalthea" in Bač are represented. Milk quality of the these French goat breeds is also examined. In the frame of general keeping and housing conditions especially following microclimate conditions are analyzed: air temperature, humidity and velocity, and stall lighting as well. Goat milk quality is established by standard laboratory and instrumental methods, and chemical (milk fat, proteins, lactose, ash) and physical parameters (density, freezing point, pH and acidity) are analyzed. Attained results of goats keeping and housing conditions in the farm shows that they mainly match to standards, and regarding to results of chemical composition and physical properties technological relevance of goat milk for processing in fermented milk beverages and some brands of cheese is founded. .U radu su prikazani Rezultati ispitivanja uslova držanja i smeštaja koza alpske i sanske rase na farmi "Amalthea" u Baču. Takođe je ispitivan kvalitet mleka koza ovih francuskih rasa. U okviru opštih uslova držanja i smeštaja, posebno su ispitivani mikroklimatski uslovi: temperatura, vlažnost i brzina strujanja vazduha, kao i intenzitet osvetljenja u objektima. Kvalitet kozijeg mleka utvrđen je standardnim i instrumentalnim metodama, pri čemu su ispitivani hemijski sastav (mlečna mast, proteini, laktoza, mineralne materije) i fizičke osobine (gustina, tačka mržnjenja, pH i tiraciona kiselost). Dobijeni rezultati ispitivanja uslova smeštaja i držanja koza na farmi pokazuju da isti uglavnom odgovaraju standardima, a na osnovu rezultata hemijskog sastava i fizičkih osobina utvrđena je tehnološka podesnost kozijeg mleka za preradu u kiselomlečne napitke i neke vrste sireva.

    Little evidence that Eurasian jays protect their caches by responding to cues about a conspecific’s desire and visual perspective

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    Eurasian jays have been reported to protect their caches by responding to cues about either the visual perspective or current desire of an observing conspecific, similarly to other corvids. Here, we used established paradigms to test whether these birds can – like humans – integrate multiple cues about different mental states and perform an optimal response accordingly. Across five experiments, which also include replications of previous work, we found little evidence that our jays adjusted their caching behaviour in line with the visual perspective and current desire of another agent, neither by integrating these social cues nor by responding to only one type of cue independently. These results raise questions about the reliability of the previously reported effects and highlight several key issues affecting reliability in comparative cognition research

    Ocena telesne kondicije visokomlečnih krava

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    Problems which relate to production, health and reproduction in herds of high yielding cows very often occur due to insufficient knowledge and monitoring of energy reserves in cow organisms. Many researches and practical experiences in this field indicate significant relation between body condition and achieved results in production. Body condition of heads of cattle in certain stages of production cycle is important parameter of applied nutrition, but also entire technological procedure. In countries with developed cattle production, evaluation of body condition has for several years been main component of production practice on farms. It is considered that condition is very reliable indicator of the nutrition status and energy balance in the organism. Body condition score is subjective and practical method which enables precise assessment of deposited fat in the cow organism by observing and touching previously determined body regions and fields. There is considerable variability of the condition of cows in different stages of production cycle. Body condition of high yielding cows often comes out of the frame of optimal values for certain stage of production cycle. Decrease of production, disorders in health condition and fertility of cows indicate the nature of relation between inadequate body condition and stated problems. Shape and strength of the relation between production results and body condition score confirms its reliability. This is all indication of the need for wider application of this evaluation system. Based on body condition score, beside other important factors in the production cycle, there is realistic possibility to achieve more efficient production of milk from the aspect of energy. Main purpose of this paper was to present how the application of methods for body condition score and its significance for production practice can be functional.Postojeći problemi u proizvodnji mleka, rezultatima reprodukcije i zdravstvenom stanju visokoproizvodnih krava mogu da se dovedu u vezu sa primenjenom tehnologijom ishrane. Važno pitanje u tehnologiji ishrane visokomlečnih krava predstavlja količina raspoložive energije (hrana, depoi masti, mišići) u ključnim fazama proizvodnog ciklusa (period zasušenja i rane laktacije). Deficit energije u kritičnim periodima proizvodnog procesa može da dovede do ozbiljnih poremećaja u proizvodnji, zdravlju i reprodukciji U početnoj fazi proizvodnje mleka najkritičniji je period maksimalne dnevne proizvodnje. Negativan bilans energije najizraženiji je u vrhu laktacije. Visok gubitak energije na račun telesnih rezervi predstavlja veliko opterećenje za metabolizam krava. Obezbeđenje adekvatne količine energije je složen uslov za svaku fazu proizvodnog ciklusa. OTK je subjektivan metod koji vizuelno i opipavanjem vrednuje količinu potkožne telesne masti. OTK je koristan alat za upravljanje mlečnim stadom. Idealna telesna kondicija je rang koji je u funkciji toka i faze laktacije. Procena rezervi energije u organizmu utvrđena preko OTK u osnovi predstavlja hranidbeni status grla vrednovan preko deponovanog masnog tkiva, pri čemu telesni okvir i masa grla imaju sekundaran značaj. Jedan od sistema za OTK krava koji je značajan za praksu je američki Virdžinija sistem modifikovan po Edmodsonu. Sistem za OTK kreiran je u obliku mape (karte) za ocenu visokomlečnih krava. Mapa je precizno pripremljena za svaki telesni region i polje koji se može smatrati važnim u dodeli ukupne OTK krave. Tri velika telesna regiona (slabine, karlica i koren repa) podeljena su osam polja na telu krave (slabine imaju četiri polja; karlica ima tri polja; koren repa ima jedno polje). Svako telesno polje se posebno ocenjuje i koristi kao pokazatelj telesne kondicije. Svako grlo ocenjeno je individualno za promene nivoa ocene duž skale od 1 do 5. Kontinuirano se koristi povećanje od 0,25 delova poena. Ceo sistem OTK funkcioniše sa 17 nivoa u okviru ukupne skale ocena posmatrane u intervalu od minimalne ocene u iznosu 1 i maksimalne u iznosu 5. Ocena 1 pokazuje mršavu kondiciju. Ocena 5 pokazuje izrazito tovnu kondiciju. Svaka faza proizvodnog ciklusa ima svoju optimalnu ocenu. Pod normalnim uslovima krave treba da gube telesnu kondiciju najviše od 4 do 6 nedelja. U skromnim vrednostima telesna kondicija postepeno se vraća u periodu od 7 do 12 nedelje. Krave u prvih od 100 do 120 dana laktacije treba da imaju ocenu između od 2,50 do 3,25. Ocena telesne kondicije od 200 dana laktacije do perioda zasušenja treba da je između 2,75 i 3,50. Ishrana u periodu zasušenja treba da osigura ocenu između 3,25 i 3,50. Mogućnost vrednovanja energetskog (hranidbenog) statusa i efikasnosti ishrane visokomlečnih krava pomoću OTK preporučuje ovaj sistem za praktičnu primenu u tehnološkim programima na govedarskim farmama

    Uticaj vremena zrenja i CaCl2 na kvalitet junećeg mesa

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    Investigations were carried out on four muscles (M. longissimus dorsi, M. semimembranosus, M. semitendinosus, M. biceps femoris) taken from five young cattle (crosses Domestic Spotted x Limousine) of average body mass prior to slaughtering of 587 kg. On all muscles, 24 h after slaughtering, sensory evaluation was carried out and the following parameters determined: pH value, colour, water binding ability, cooking loss and tenderness (initial values). The remaining part of each muscle was divided into 6 parts, 3 were packaged in plastic foil (control samples), and other 3 were soaked in solution containing 0,4% CaCl2 and 0,4% NaCl and packaged in plastic foil. Pieces of meat prepared in this way were left on temperature of + 40C 7, 14 and 21 days to mature. After this period, all mentioned analyses were carried out on meat samples. It was established that pH value during maturation increased, that meat packaged in plastic foil after 14 days of maturation becomes unusable, whereas the increase of pH values of meat whose maturation occurred in solution CaCl2 and NaCl was slower and therefore meat was still usable after 21 days. Color of meat in control samples was slightly lighter compared to initial condition, whereas the color of meat whose maturation occurred in solutions of salt was statistically considerably lighter (P (lt) 0,05 after 7 days, a P (lt) 0,001 after 14 and 21 days). Water binding ability in control samples was slightly better (P>0,05) after 7 days and after 14 days it was statistically significantly better (P (lt) 0,05) compared to initial state, whereas in meat whose maturation occurred in salt solution this ability was at initial level even after 21 days. Cooking loss in control samples was lower compared to initial values whereas in meat soaked in salt solution cooking loss was higher. Meat tenderness in control samples was statistically considerably better after 14 days of maturation (when meat was not fit for use) and in meat soaked in salt solution it was statistically highly significantly better after 14 and 21 days. According to sensory evaluation, control samples of meat, after 14 days of maturation are not fit for use, whereas meat whose maturation occurred in solution of CaCl2 and NaCl even after 21 days is acceptable from the sensory aspect.Ispitivanja su obavljena na četiri mišića (M. longissimus dorsi, M. semimembranosus, M. semitendinosus, M. biceps femoris) uzetih od pet junadi (melezi domaće šareno goveče x limuzin), prosečne mase pred klanje 587 kg. Na svim mišićima 24 sata posle klanja obavljena je senzorna ocena i određeni su: pH vrednost, boja, sposobnost vezivanja dodate vode, kalo kuvanja i mekoća (početne vrednosti). Ostatak svakog mišića podeljen je na 6 delova od kojih su po 3 upakovani u plastičnu foliju (kontrolni uzorci), a ostala 3 dela su potopljena u rastvor koji sadrži 0,4% CaCl2 i 0,4% NaCl i upakovani u plastičnu foliju. Ovako pripremljeni komadi mesa ostavljeni su pri temperaturi od + 40C 7, 14 i 21 dan na zrenju. Posle isteka zadatog vremena urađena su na komadima od svih mišića navedena ispitivanja.Utvrđeno je da se pH vrednost tokom zrenja povećava i da u mesu koje je upakovano u plastičnu foliju posle 14 dana zrenja dospeva u oblast kad je meso neupotrebljivo, dok je povećanje pH vrednosti kod mesa čije se zrenje odvijalo u rastvoru CaCl2 i NaCl sporije tako da je meso i posle 21 dan upotrebljivo. Boja mesa kod kontrolnih uzoraka bila je neznatno svetlija u odnosu na početno stanje, dok je boja mesa čije se zrenje odvijalo u rastvoru soli bila statistički značajno svetlija (P (lt) 0,05 nakon 7 dana, a P (lt) 0,001 nakon 14 i 21 dan). Sposobnost vezivanja vode kod kontrolnih uzoraka bila je neznatno (P>0,05) bolja nakon 7 dana dok je nakon 14 dana bila statistički značajno bolja (P (lt) 0,05) u poređenju sa početnim stanjem, dok je kod mesa čije se zrenje odvijalo u rastvoru soli i posle 21 dan bila na nivou početnog stanja. Kalo kuvanja kod kontrolnih uzoraka bio je manji u poređenju sa vrednostima na početku ogleda dok je kod mesa potopljenog u rastvor soli bio veći. Mekoća mesa kod kontrolnih uzoraka bila je statistički značajno bolja nakon 14 dana zrenja (kad je meso bilo neupotrebljivo) dok je kod mesa potopljenog u rastvor soli bila statistički visoko značajno bolja posle 14 i 21 dan. Prema senzornoj oceni kontrolni uzorci mesa nakon 14 dana zrenja postaju neupotrebljivi, dok je meso čije se zrenje odvijalo u rastvoru CaCl2 i NaCl i nakon 21 dan zrenja senzorno veoma prihvatljivo