7 research outputs found

    Microplastics transfer from a malfunctioning municipal wastewater oxidation pond into a marine protected area in the Colombian Caribbean

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    Wastewater es un importante source de microplasticos (MPs) en acuático ecosystems, threatening su biodiversity y environmental services. Este estudio examina la contribución de MPs de los effluentes de municipal wastewater treatment pond system (WTS) al stream, que fluye en la Císpata marina protegida área (MPA) en el Colombiano Caribbean. Samples of influyente and effluente wastewater and sludge en el WTS se analyzaban para determinar la abundancia y los types of MPs. Adicionalmente, el wastewater flow rate se measured using a volumetric method, and its MP load calculated. Abundancia de MPs en el influyente y effluente de los WTS era 15 y 5 artículos L–1 de wastewater, y 11 y 4 elementos Kg–1 dw de sludge, respectively. Fiberos (67–75%) prevalecen en el wastewater, mientras que fragmentos (56–67%) eran predominantes en el sludge. Por lo que el removalo de MPs entre el WTS fue el 67%, el wastewater effluents está contribuyendo aproximadamente 1.3 millones de días–1 a la vuelta de la espalda al MPA. Las highlights de studia que funcionan como WTS causa sustancial MP discharges in sensitive acuático coastal ecosystems. Esta WTS requiere ongoing maintenance e improvisaciones para enseñar las long-term óptima operación y función de reducción pollutant loads y environmental risks en recipiente acuático ecosystems

    Impactos da poluição marinha no ecossistema de manguezais da Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, Caribe colombiano

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    Marine debris generates negative impacts on marine ecosystems and human communities, which is why the solution to this relevant problem has been included in the Sustainable Development Goal No. 14. The aim of this study was to identify and assess the negative impacts of marine debris pollution on the mangrove ecosystem in the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta (CGSM), in the Colombian Caribbean. Impacts were identified through in situ observation (observed impacts) during field trips made in February 2018 and after reviewing the secondary information (potential impacts). Observed impacts were assessed based on the methodology proposed by Fernández-Vítora (2010), which takes into consideration the following criteria: intensity, extent, momentum, reversibility, recoverability, synergy and accumulation. In total, 10 impacts were identified in the field together with 11 potential impacts caused by marine litter in the CGSM mangroves. Presence, accumulation, and degradation of marine debris generate moderate, severe and critical impacts in the CGSM mangroves. Highlighted impacts due to their potential hazard to the ecosystem include microplastics accumulation, limitation of the propagules establishment, seedling growth, and physical changes in the soil. These results are useful for environmental authorities to take preventive measures and significant debris reduction actions and contribute to mangrove recovery and its environmental services.La basura en el mar está generando impactos negativos en los ecosistemas marinos y comunidades humanas, razón por la cual se considera un problema relevante cuya solución ha sido incluida como meta dentro del Objetivo de desarrollo sostenible n.o 14. El propósito de este estudio fue identificar y valorar los impactos negativos de la contaminación por basura marina en el ecosistema de manglar de la Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta (CGSM), Caribe colombiano. Los impactos se identificaron mediante observación in situ (impactos observados), durante salidas de campo realizadas en febrero de 2018 y a partir de la revisión de información secundaria (impactos potenciales). La valoración de la importancia ambiental de los impactos observados se realizó tomando como base la metodología propuesta por Fernández (2010), que considera los criterios de intensidad, extensión, momento, reversibilidad, recuperabilidad, sinergia y acumulación. En total, se identificaron 10 impactos observados en campo y 11 impactos potenciales causados por la basura marina en los manglares de la CGSM. La presencia, la acumulación y la degradación de la basura marina generan impactos moderados, severos y críticos en el manglar de la CGSM. De estos se resaltan, por el peligro potencial, la acumulación de microplásticos en el ambiente, la limitación del establecimiento de propágulos y crecimiento de plántulas, y los cambios físicos en el suelo. Estos resultados servirán para que las autoridades ambientales puedan tomar acciones preventivas y reductivas de este tipo de contaminación y contribuir, significativamente, a la recuperación del manglar y sus servicios ambientales.O lixo no mar está gerando impactos negativos nos ecossistemas marinhos e nas comunidades humanas, motivo pelo qual é considerado um problema relevante e cuja solução foi incluída como uma meta no Objetivo de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Nº 14. O propósito deste estudo foi identificar e avaliar os impactos negativos da poluição marinha no ecossistema de manguezais da Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta (CGSM), Caribe colombiano. Os impactos foram identificados por meio de observação in situ (impactos observados), durante visitas de campo realizadas em fevereiro de 2018 e pela revisão de informações secundárias (impactos potenciais). A avaliação da importância ambiental dos impactos observados foi realizada com base na metodologia proposta por Fernández (2010), que considera os critérios de intensidade, extensão, tempo, reversibilidade, recuperabilidade, sinergia e acumulação. No total, foram identificados 10 impactos observados em campo e 11 potenciais impactos causados ​​pelo lixo nos manguezais do CGSM. A presença, o acúmulo e a degradação do lixo marinho geram impactos moderados, graves e críticos no manguezal do CGSM. Destes, devido ao perigo potencial, destacam-se o acúmulo de microplásticos no meio ambiente, a limitação do estabelecimento de propágulos e o crescimento de plântulas e as mudanças físicas no solo. Esses resultados ajudarão as autoridades ambientais a tomar ações preventivas e redutoras deste tipo de poluição e a contribuir significativamente para a recuperação de manguezais e seus serviços ambientais

    Impacts of marine debris contamination in the mangrove ecosystem of the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, Colombian Caribbean

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    Marine debris generates negative impacts on marine ecosystems and human communities, which is why the solution to this relevant problem has been included in the Sustainable Development Goal No. 14. The aim of this study was to identify and assess the negative impacts of marine debris pollution on the mangrove ecosystem in the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta (CGSM), in the Colombian Caribbean. Impacts were identified through in situ observation (observed impacts) during field trips made in February 2018 and after reviewing the secondary information (potential impacts). Observed impacts were assessed based on the methodology proposed by Fernández-Vítora (2010), which takes into consideration the following criteria: intensity, extent, momentum, reversibility, recoverability, synergy and accumulation. In total, 10 impacts were identified in the field together with 11 potential impacts caused by marine litter in the CGSM mangroves. Presence, accumulation, and degradation of marine debris generate moderate, severe and critical impacts in the CGSM mangroves. Highlighted impacts due to their potential hazard to the ecosystem include microplastics accumulation, limitation of the propagules establishment, seedling growth, and physical changes in the soil. These results are useful for environmental authorities to take preventive measures and significant debris reduction actions and contribute to mangrove recovery and its environmental services.La basura en el mar está generando impactos negativos en los ecosistemas marinos y comunidades humanas, razón por la cual se considera un problema relevante cuya solución ha sido incluida como meta dentro del Objetivo de desarrollo sostenible n.o 14. El propósito de este estudio fue identificar y valorar los impactos negativos de la contaminación por basura marina en el ecosistema de manglar de la Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta (CGSM), Caribe colombiano. Los impactos se identificaron mediante observación in situ (impactos observados), durante salidas de campo realizadas en febrero de 2018 y a partir de la revisión de información secundaria (impactos potenciales). La valoración de la importancia ambiental de los impactos observados se realizó tomando como base la metodología propuesta por Fernández (2010), que considera los criterios de intensidad, extensión, momento, reversibilidad, recuperabilidad, sinergia y acumulación. En total, se identificaron 10 impactos observados en campo y 11 impactos potenciales causados por la basura marina en los manglares de la CGSM. La presencia, la acumulación y la degradación de la basura marina generan impactos moderados, severos y críticos en el manglar de la CGSM. De estos se resaltan, por el peligro potencial, la acumulación de microplásticos en el ambiente, la limitación del establecimiento de propágulos y crecimiento de plántulas, y los cambios físicos en el suelo. Estos resultados servirán para que las autoridades ambientales puedan tomar acciones preventivas y reductivas de este tipo de contaminación y contribuir, significativamente, a la recuperación del manglar y sus servicios ambientales

    Seasonal variation in plastic litter pollution in mangroves from two remote tropical estuaries of the Colombian Pacific

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    Mangroves in estuaries are highly vulnerable to the impacts of plastic litter pollution, because their location at river mouths and the high capacity of mangrove trees to trap plastic items. Here, we present new results on the abundance and characteristics of plastic litter during high and low rainfall seasons in mangrove waters and sediments of the Saija and Timbiqui River estuaries in the Colombian Pacific. In both estuaries, microplastics were the most common size (50-100 %), followed by mesoplastics (13-42 %) and macroplastics (0-8 %). Total abundances of plastic litter were higher during the high rainfall season (0.17-0.53 items/m−3 in surface waters and 764-832 items/m−2 in sediments), with a moderately positive relationship between plastic abundances recorded in both environmental matrices. The most common microplastics were foams and fragments. Continuous research and monitoring are required for a better understanding and management of these ecosystems and their threats

    Plastic litter pollution along sandy beaches in the Caribbean and Pacific coast of Colombia

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    Plastic pollution is a global problem that poses a threat to coastal and marine ecosystems and human livelihoods and requires effective solutions adaptable to local conditions. In Colombia, the knowledge about marine plastic pollution is still limited and the development of effective strategies for managing marine and coastal environments is crucial. Therefore, plastic pollution was assessed on 43 Colombian sandy beaches on the Caribbean and Pacific coasts. Amounts of macroplastic ranged from 35 ± 15 to 81 ± 23 items 100 m−1, being product’s packaging the most common. Microplastic densities ranged from 3 to 1387 items m−2. The highest microplastic concentrations were found on the beaches from Caribbean cities and in rural areas of Pacific municipalities. Fragments and polyethylene were the most commonly observed shape and polymer categories, respectively. Tourism and poor waste management practices are the primary plastic sources on the studied beaches. Plastic litter on Colombian beaches are a problem that requires prevention, mitigation, and control actions to help conserve this ecosystem