279 research outputs found

    Quantization of orbit bundles in gl(n,C)gl^*(n,C)

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    Let GG be the complex general linear group and gg its Lie algebra equipped with a factorizable Lie bialgebra structure; let UhU_h be the corresponding quantum group. We construct explicit UhU_h-equivariant quantization of Poisson orbit bundles OλOμO_\lambda \to O_\mu in gl(n)gl(n)*.Comment: 25 page

    The physical energy of the photons that used wildlife on the Earth can solve basic problems of energy and life outside the Earth

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    The concept of the new managed Eco-Physical hydrogen Energetics of Photons (EFhEF energetics) is introduced. It can solve the problems of ecology and of the replacement of fossil fuels on the Earth and is able to meet the challenges of life outside the Earth: lighting and heat, air and water regeneration, and return of all 100% organic waste at the new cycle of use, and even with the production of food from this waste. The EFhEF energetics inherits the technologies of wildlife (yet photosynthesis) which use energy in the form of separate photons of solar radiation. The photosynthesis only is the way to capture CO2 and of Suns energy to ensure of organic structures. The wildlife is managed by the digital software, recorded in the molecule of DNA, and works in conventional terrestrial atmospheric conditions (4-40°C) using the energy of solar photons. For the first time, the EFhEF energetics provided any installation by its own source of energy ("solar" photons). This allows to actually inheriting the rich experience of the wildlife for operation with organic matter. The EFhEF- energetics allows to carry out even our Sun at any distance in the space

    Analysis of natural neutron flux in a seismically active zone

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    International audienceIn a seismically active zone in the near Almaty area (Kazakhstan) since 1996 observations of variations of a natural neutron flux have been conducted. Sometimes the neutron flux rises sharply within the one-hour interval in comparison with the background. It occurs on the eve of activation of seismic processes. Increase of the neutron flux level had taken place from 1 h to 10 days prior to earthquakes. It is also indicated a tendency of growth of the anomaly level in accordance with the growth of energetic class of the subsequent earthquake. A character of connection between the neutron flux and earthquakes is still not clear. It is proposed that the neutron flux anomalies caused by variations of cosmic radiation intensity under action of fluxes of solar material, which is burst into interplanetary space (solar wind) during solar flares. Energy of the solar wind transferred to Earth puts into action a trigger mechanism of the process of initiation of earthquakes at those places where conditions have already been prepared for them. The neutron flux anomalies can be used as substantial additional information for classical geophysical methods of short-term earthquake prediction


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    There are modeling the implications of introducing tax incentives for innovative enterprises. The appropriateness of tax incentives for innovation at the expense of incremental tax credit on corporate profit tax has been confirmed. There was proved that state regulation of incremental tax credit causes positive changes both for enterprises and for the state. There was determined that an increase in the amount of taxpayers' tax liabilities does not affect the increase of tax burden. The results prove the high capacity of incremental tax credit to stimulate innovation. Moreover, the role of the private sector is to transform the available financial resources (ie, net profit) into an investment and innovation resource. And the role of the public sector is to invest in the development of innovations through indirect funding (that is, "directing" those who have not received as a result of preferential taxation of capital investments). At the same time such "direction" is carried out by providing tax incentives to innovative enterprises on the target conditionsОсуществлено моделирование последствий внедрения налоговой льготы для инновационных предприятий. Подтверждена целесообразность государственного регулирования налогового стимулирования инноваций за счет приростного налогового кредита по налогу на прибыль предприятий. Доказано, что внедрение приростного налогового кредита обусловливает положительные сдвиги как для предприятий, так и для государства. Определено, что увеличение суммы налоговых обязательств налогоплательщиков не влияет на усиление налоговой нагрузки.Здійснено моделювання наслідків впровадження податкової пільги для інноваційних підприємств. Підтверджено доцільність державного регулювання податкового стимулювання інновацій за рахунок прирістного податкового кредиту з податку на прибуток підприємств. Доведено, що впровадження прирістного податкового  кредиту обумовлює позитивні зрушення як для підприємств, так і для держави. Визначено, що збільшення суми податкових зобов’язань платників податків не впливає на посилення податкового навантаженн


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    The relationship between the financial potential of PPP sectors and financial policy has been identified, which testifies to the dependence of the overall development of public-private partnership on strategic decisions at the state level. An analysis of causal relationships with the use of the canonical correlation method has been carried out to determine the relationship between the financial potential of PPP sectors and the power of interaction with public finance policy. This allows not only to assess the prospects of the development of events in the event of a change in one of the indicators in a specific public-private partnership sector, but also in the presence of relevant mathematical and statistical models to obtain an estimate of the magnitude of secondary changes. In turn, government financial policy measures should be tailored to the current state of financial potential of public-private partnership. It is revealed that the financial potential of PPP sectors has a high degree of interaction with financial policy, which is confirmed by the adequacy of the system of canonical correlation equations. Ranking the indicators of the financial potential of the PPP and determining their factor load allowed formulating targets. Target indicators of public-private partnership financial potential are selected based on the sectors that are the basis for adjusting the state's financial policy in order to increase the financial potential of the public-private partnership: in the public sector - indicators of budget expenditures and the degree of subsidized equalization of regions by the state; by the private sector - indicators of the volume of return of financial resources spent on fixed assets and profitability of business entities; in the financial and credit sector, is an indicator of lending to non-financial corporations.Виявлено взаємозв’язок між фінансовим потенціалом секторів публічно-приватного партнерства та фінансовою політикою, що свідчить про залежність загального розвитку публічно-приватного партнерства від стратегічних рішень на рівні держави. В свою чергу, заходи фінансової політики держави повинні бути сформовані відповідно до поточного стану фінансового потенціалу публічно-приватного партнерства. Для визначення взаємозв'язків між фінансовим потенціалом секторів публічно-приватного партнерства і силу взаємодії із державною фінансовою політикою проведено аналіз причинно-наслідкових зв'язків із застосуванням методу канонічних кореляцій. Це дозволяє не лише оцінити перспективи розвитку подій в разі зміни одного з показників в певному секторі публічно-приватного партнерства, але і за наявності відповідних математичних і статистичних моделей отримати оцінку величини вторинних змін (тобто у іншому секторі). Виявлено, що фінансовий потенціал секторів публічно-приватного партнерства має високу ступінь взаємодії із фінансовою політикою, що підтверджено адекватністю системи рівнянь канонічних кореляцій. Ранжування показників фінансового потенціалу публічно-приватного партнерства та визначення їх факторного навантаження дозволило сформувати цільові показники. Відібрано цільові показники фінансового потенціалу публічно-приватного партнерства за секторами, які є підґрунтям для коригування фінансової політики держави з метою підвищення фінансового потенціалу публічно-приватного партнерства: за публічним сектором – показники обсягу видатків бюджету і ступінь дотаційного вирівнювання регіонів державою; за приватним сектором – показники обсягу повернення фінансових ресурсів, витрачених на основні засоби та прибутковість діяльності суб’єктів господарювання; за фінансово-кредитним сектором – показник обсягу кредитування, наданого нефінансовим корпораціям

    Experimental Convergence Rate Study for Three Shock-Capturing Schemes and Development of Highly Accurate Combined Schemes

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    We study experimental convergence rates of three shock-capturing schemes for hyperbolic systems of conservation laws: the second-order central-upwind (CU) scheme, the third-order Rusanov-Burstein-Mirin (RBM), and the fifth-order alternative weighted essentially non-oscillatory (A-WENO) scheme. We use three imbedded grids to define the experimental pointwise, integral, and W1,1W^{-1,1} convergence rates. We apply the studied schemes to the shallow water equations and conduct their comprehensive numerical convergence study. We verify that while the studied schemes achieve their formal orders of accuracy on smooth solutions, after the shock formation, a part of the computed solutions is affected by shock propagation and both the pointwise and integral convergence rates reduce there. Moreover, while the W1,1W^{-1,1} convergence rates for the CU and A-WENO schemes, which rely on nonlinear stabilization mechanisms, reduce to the first order, the RBM scheme, which utilizes a linear stabilization, is clearly second-order accurate. Finally, relying on the conducted experimental convergence rate study, we develop two new combined schemes based on the RBM and either the CU or A-WENO scheme. The obtained combined schemes can achieve the same high-order of accuracy as the RBM scheme in the smooth areas while being non-oscillatory near the shocks.Comment: 33 page

    The role of «proteolysis-antiproteolysis» system genes in occupational COPD development.

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    COPD is multifactorial disease, in which hereditary predisposition and environmental factors (including work conditions) play an important role. Among the genes associated with possible predisposition to COPD development a group of genes with the expression impacting the activity of “proteolysis-antiproteolysis – MMP2, MM9, TIMP2, A2M, ELN is considered. The main group of 72 underground coal miners with COPD (mean age 53,7±5,8 years, mean work experience – 21,8±4,8 years), and control group of 79 healthy miners (mean age – 48,2±5,6 years, mean work experience – 20,2±4,5 years) were examined. Polymorphism of genes with out bronchopulmonary pathology MMP9, α2M was revealed using PCR with electroforetic detection in agarosegel. Polymorphism of genes TIMP2, MMP2, ELN was revealed using PCR with fluorescent detection (RealTime PCR). By the data of molecular-genetic research among miners with COPD of occupational etiology (main group) and miners without it (control group) there was estabkished a reliable difference for the genotypes:MMP9*СС,TIMP2*GG; MMP9*СС,MMP2*CC,TIMP2*G/G,α2M*IIe/IIe,ELN*Gly/Gly; MMP9*СС,MMP2*CТ,TIMP2*G/G,α2M*IIe/Val,ELN*Gly/Gly; MMP9*СС,MMP2*CС,TIMP2*G/G,α2M*IIe/Val,ELN*Ser/Se; MMP9*СТ,MMP2*CC,TIMP2*G/G,α2M*IIe/IIe,ELN*Gly/Ser. These genotypes are associated with resistance for COPD development in underground coal miners ofUkraine. The obtained results testify to the participation of genes encoding protein synthesis of the system "proteolysantiproteolysis": MMP2, MMP9, TIMP2, A2M, ELN in the formation of genetic predisposition and resistance to the development of COPD of professional etiology in miners, which reveals new opportunities in the prevention of this disease in workers subject to the high concentrations of coal-rock dust


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    The article describes the need to determine the main directions and priorities of the development of the pharmaceutical industry in Ukraine, which is conditioned by real political and socioeconomic processes. The main element here is the introduction and development of a formular system - a complex of management methods for the application of rational, organizational and cost-effective methods of supplying and using drugs to ensure, in specific conditions, high quality medical care and optimal use of available resources.Key words: pharmaceutical industry, pharmacist, pharmacist, higher education