5 research outputs found

    Indoor positioning using symmetric double-sided two-way ranging in a welding hall

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    We introduce a method by which to locate sensors in a 2.4 GHz wireless network. We tested our system in a rough welding hall, where plasma cutters and welding machines commonly cause radio interference. Indoor positioning is a challenge because standardized GPStype global-positioning technologies are not available. There is therefore a need for extra infrastructure, such as wireless sensors, but moreover there is no standardized communication between sensors. Therefore, it is reasonable to investigate alternative technologies. We found that a reliable positioning system could be created by using Chirp Spread Spectrum (CSS) modulation. Also, we studied which CSS parameters affect the transfer data rate in order to determine the most reliable speed for both top and average transfer

    Tulevaisuuden näyttöratkaisut

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    Tässä julkaisussa käydään läpi uusia ja tulevia näyttöteknologioita. Näkökulma aiheeseen on uusien näyttöjen mahdollinen käyttö autoissa, mutta myös muita kiinnostavia tekniikoita on kartoitettu. Julkaisu on jaettu osiin, joista ensimmäisessä tutustutaan olemassa oleviin ja pian tulossa oleviin mielenkiintoisiin näyttöratkaisuihin. Tätä seuraa osio, jossa käsitellään tulevia ja uusia tekniikoita, jotka eivät ole vielä laajassa kaupallisessa käytössä. Kolmannessa osiossa käydään läpi muutamia lainattuja ja hankittuja näyttödemoja. Lopussa on yhteenveto, jonne on poimittu ne tekniikat, joita olisi mahdollista käyttää autoissa

    Unmanned Agricultural Tractors in Private Mobile Networks

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    The need for high-quality communications networks is urgent in data-based farming. A particular challenge is how to achieve reliable, cost-efficient, secure, and broadband last-mile data transfer to enable agricultural machine control. The trialed ad hoc private communications networks built and interconnected with different alternative wireless technologies, including 4G, 5G, satellite and tactical networks, provide interesting practical solutions for connectivity. A remotely controlled tractor is exemplified as a use case of machine control in the demonstrated private communication network. This paper describes the results of a comparative technology analysis and a field trial in a realistic environment. The study includes the practical implementation of video monitoring and the optimization of the control channel for remote-controlled unmanned agricultural tractors. The findings from this study verify and consolidate the requirements for network technologies and for cybersecurity enablers. They highlight insights into the suitability of different wireless technologies for smart farming and tractor scenarios and identify potential paths for future research

    Unmanned agricultural tractors in private mobile networks

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    Abstract The need for high-quality communications networks is urgent in data-based farming. A particular challenge is how to achieve reliable, cost-efficient, secure, and broadband last-mile data transfer to enable agricultural machine control. The trialed ad hoc private communications networks built and interconnected with different alternative wireless technologies, including 4G, 5G, satellite and tactical networks, provide interesting practical solutions for connectivity. A remotely controlled tractor is exemplified as a use case of machine control in the demonstrated private communication network. This paper describes the results of a comparative technology analysis and a field trial in a realistic environment. The study includes the practical implementation of video monitoring and the optimization of the control channel for remote-controlled unmanned agricultural tractors. The findings from this study verify and consolidate the requirements for network technologies and for cybersecurity enablers. They highlight insights into the suitability of different wireless technologies for smart farming and tractor scenarios and identify potential paths for future research