24 research outputs found

    Development and application of a methodology for selection of technological products suppliers

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    En la globalización del mercado, es importante disponer de una herramienta adecuada que permita encontrar al mejor proveedor. Es especialmente importante cuando se trata de productos tecnológicos. Este tipo de productos merece un tratamiento especial debido a su propia complejidad e incluso a la complejidad del proceso en el que están involucrados. En este documento presentamos una nueva metodología para la selección de proveedores que tiene en cuenta las características especiales de los productos tecnológicos. Se define la estructura de la metodología y todos los parámetros utilizados para implementarla. Como confirmación de validez de la metodología, mostramos un ejemplo de aplicación.ln market globalization, it becomes important to dispose of a suitable tool that can allow finding the best supplier. It is especially important when it is about technological products. These kinds of products deserve a special treatment due to their own complexity and even complexity of the process that they are involved in. In this paper we present a new methodology for supplier selection that takes account the special characteristics of technological products. It is defined the structure of the methodology and all the parameters used to implement it. As confirmation of validity of the methodology, we show an example of application

    Conjunto de elementos, parametros y consideraciones para conseguir una inclusión exitosa de las redes inteligentes en el sistema de potencia colombiano

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    This document is a synthesis of those parameters, considerations, elements and systems that must be implemented if the objective is based on the inclusion of smart grids in the Colombian electrical system. This paper defines the changes of the traditional figure of the electrical energetic chains that includes generators, transmission, distributors, retailers and users to introduce the new concept of ProUser. This new term generates a change in the electrical chain and it will be become bidirectional and decentralized in operation.Este documento es una síntesis de los parámetros, consideraciones, elementos y sistemas que deben ser implementadas basado en el objetivo de incluir las redes inteligentes en el sistema eléctrico colombiano. Este documento define los cambios de la figura tradicional de las cadenas energéticas que incluye generadores eléctricos, sistema de transmisión, distribución, minoristas y usuarios al introducir el nuevo concepto de ProUser. Este nuevo término genera un cambio en la cadena eléctrica y estará en funcionamiento bidireccional descentralizada

    Future Scenarios And Trends Of Energy Demand In Colombia Using Long-Range Energy Alternative Planning

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    The prospective of Colombia’s energy demand will be defined by economic, social, cultural and political phenomena. Modeling the factors that determine demand can be broadly divided into quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative phenomena, demography, energy efficiency and the direct consumption of fuels; qualitative effects are specific conditions, which are defined within each scenario as variables that will have effects on quantitative phenomena. In the baseline scenario, the transportation sector is expected to remain as the largest representative of Colombia’s energy demand, although its participation in the year 2050 will be reduced by approximately 7%. The residential sector will have a reduced growth supported by the law 1715 that will increase distributed generation and implement more efficient lighting systems. A scenario focused on energy diversification shows a reduction in demand since the short term. Transport sector is maintained with similar behaviors in all scenarios as the goods transport networks keep the same

    Implementation of a cost-effective fuzzy MPPT controller on the Arduino board

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    This paper presents the implementation of a fuzzy controller on the Arduino Mega board, for tracking the maximum power point of a photovoltaic (PV) module; using low cost materials. A dc-dc converter that incorporates a driver circuit to control the turning on and offof the Mosfet transistor was designed. The controller was evaluated in a PV system consisting of a 65 W PV module and a 12 V/55Ah battery. The results demonstrate the superiority of the fuzzy controller compared to the traditional P & O algorithm, in terms of efficiency and oscillations around the operating point

    Data from a photovoltaic system using fuzzy logic and the P&O algorithm under sudden changes in solar irradiance and operating temperature

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    This article presents the data of a PV system using fuzzy logic and the perturb and observe (P&O) algorithm, under sudden changes in the solar irradiance and the operating temperature of a PV module. The mathematical modeling of the PV module, the dc-dc converter and the fuzzy and P&O controllers were discussed in our previous work entitled “Fuzzy logic based MPPT controller for a PV System” (Algarín et al., 2017) [1]. Data are presented for six cases with different operating conditions: in the first case the two controllers were evaluated for standard test conditions with constant solar irradiance of 1000 W/m2 and constant temperature of 25 °C. In the remaining five cases sudden increases and decreases were made in the operating conditions of the PV module. Finally, the theoretical data of the PV system are presented, which can be used as a reference to analyze the data obtained with the two controllers in the six cases. Data are provided in Supplementary material in Tables 1–7

    An Analytic Hierarchy Process Based Approach for Evaluating Renewable Energy Sources

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    Decision-making in energy planning can be approached as a problem of multicriteria decision analysis in which different types of factors are involved. This task must take into account several aspects due to the increasing complexity of social, technological and economic factors. In this context, this paper uses the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to prioritize a set of criteria, subcriteria and alternatives as a support for decision-making in the process of energy planning with renewable energies for rural areas in the Caribbean region of Colombia. Based on the participation of experts, 5 criteria, 20 subcriteria and 4 alternatives were defined. Using the AHP, the same group of experts was consulted in order to prioritize all aspects. The results showed that the most relevant criteria were the technical with 24.7%. Next were environmental (21.7%), social (19.6%), economic (17.8%) and risk (16.3%). The best renewable energy alternative was solar with 45.3%

    Analysis Of Geothermal Energy As An Alternative Source For Electricity In Colombia

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    Geothermal energy is the energy that is stored inside the earth and which may be used by man either directly (with no transformation) or to generate electricity by means of a geothermal power plant. This article estimates the participation of geothermal energy in Colombia’s electricity market by the year 2025, based on a review of current installed capacity in the country; potential sources of geothermal energy for electric power generation; the existing regulatory framework for projects involving renewable sources, and the geothermal projects currently under development in the national territory. Demand for electricity in Colombia will continue to increase, which implies that new electric power generation projects must be undertaken in order to meet the country’s demand. The conclusion is that geothermal energy is a good alternative to help achieve this objective. By 2025, geothermal sources are expected to generate at least 1400 GWh of electric power per year, equivalent to 1.65% of total electricity estimate demand in Colombia. If the full potential that has been assessed were exploited, generation capacity could reach up to 17,400 GWh/year (equivalent to close to 20% of the country’s demand) by 2025

    Analysis Of Energy Production With Different Photovoltaic Technologies In The Colombian Geography

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    This research has analyzed the photovoltaic technologies, Polycrystalline silicon, Monocrystalline Silicon, GIS, Cadmium Tellurium and Amorphous Silicon; in eight cities of the Colombian territory, in order to obtain a clear idea of what is the most appropriate for each city or region studied. PVsyst simulation software has been used to study in detail each photovoltaic technology, for an installed capacity of 100kW knowing the specific data of losses by temperature, mismatch, efficiency, wiring, angle inclination of the arrangement, among other

    Analysis Of Mismatch And Shading Effects In A Photovoltaic Array Using Different Technologies

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    In this paper, we analyze the performance of a photovoltaic array implemented in the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia which consists of modules of different technologies and power, connected in series, in order to quantify the energy losses due to mismatch and the effect of the shadows. To do this, the performance of the modules was measured in operation under ambient conditions with field measurement equipment (AMPROBE Solar Analyzer, Solar - 4000), which allows the extrapolation of measures to standard conditions STC. For the data validation, measures under controlled conditions were taken to some modules in the flash test laboratory of the Institute of Energy Technology ITE of Valencia in Spain. Subsequently the array curves measured were validated with a photovoltaic array model developed in MATLAB-Simulink for the same conditions and technologies. The results of this particular array are lost up to 20% of the energy supplied due to the modules mismatch. The study shows the curves and the energy loss due to shadows modules. This result opens scenarios for conceivable modifications to the PV field configurations today, chosen during the design stage and unchangeable during the operating stage; and gives greater importance to the energy loss by mismatch in the PV array

    Modeling and simulation of a photovoltaic panel using artificial intelligence techniques

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    El trabajo presenta la modelación del comportamiento energético y la determinación de los parámetros del circuito equivalente de un panel fotovoltaico con el empleo de técnicas de inteligencia artificial. Para tal efecto, se desarrolló en Matlab un algoritmo genético que permite obtener los parámetros físicos no brindados por los fabricantes para la implementación de funciones matemáticas que se homologuen al comportamiento dinámico de un panel solar. El algoritmo desarrollado en Matlab permite determinar, además, la eficiencia del algoritmo seguidor del punto de máxima potencia del inversor, el cual es un parámetro de no simple obtención o no determinado en condiciones de campo. Finalmente, el algoritmo se probó satisfactoriamente en un panel solar monocristalino de 50W obteniendo adecuados resultados en comparación con el modelo experimental para diferentes niveles de irradiación solar. Los resultados demuestran que el proceso desarrolladoconstituye una herramienta que puede ser aplicada a paneles fotovoltaicos en condiciones de campoThe paper presents the modeling of the energy behavior and determination of equivalent circuit parameters for a photovoltaic panel using artificial intelligence techniques. For this purpose, it was performed a genetic algorithm in Matlab, which calculates the physical parameters not provided by manufacturers to implement mathematical functions that approve the dynamic behavior of a solar panel. In addition, the algorithm can determine the efficiency of the maximum power point tracking algorithm of the inverter, which is a parameter of not simple obtaining or not determined under field conditions. Finally, the algorithm was successfully tested in a mono crystalline solar 50W panel with excellent results, compared to the experimental model for different levels of solar irradiation. The results demonstrate that the developed process is a tool that can be applied to photovoltaic panels under field conditions