31 research outputs found

    Diseño de un modelo para la rotación laboral que prevengan los riesgos ergonómicos en actividades repetitivas, manipulación de carga y posturas forzadas /

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    En el mundo laboral es común encontrar que las condiciones del trabajo no generan confort y mucho menos bienestar a los trabajadores, situación que se da porque en la antigüedad existía una concepción errónea donde el empleado se debía adaptar al trabajo y no el trabajo al ser humano (Mondelo et al., 2001). La importancia de proteger a los trabajadores, contra factores generadores de peligros, incidentes, accidentes y enfermedades laborales, justifican la implementación y la aplicación de acciones que busquen prevenir y mitigar riesgos que se relacionen con el desarrollo y desempeño de actividades cotidianas (OIT, 1996). Los Trastornos Musculo Esqueléticos (TME) en el hombre son un conjunto de afecciones de los músculos, huesos, tendones y nervios que son generados por la repetición de movimientos en el cuerpo, la presencia de posturas inadecuadas, fuerza excesiva, sobresfuerzo y condiciones climáticas extremas. Los trabajadores se encuentran propensos al desarrollo de trastornos musculo esqueléticos, debido a condiciones riesgosas y desfavorables en la dinámica de actividades y operaciones dentro de los puestos de trabajo. Las afecciones, incapacidades, absentismo laboral y enfermedades profesionales, muestran la presencia de trastornos musculo esqueléticos, que pone en riesgo la salud y calidad de vida de los trabajadores.Incluye bibliografía, anexo

    Incorporating ergonomic risks into U-shaped assembly line balancing problem

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    [EN] This paper presents an optimization model for the U-line balancing to incorporating ergonomic risks. Our article, paper considers different ergonomic methods, which may be involved into assembly line. An example is shown as distributed and assigned tasks on different workstations ergonomically acceptable compliance level in repetitive activities valued by the check List OCRA method into U-shaped assembly line balancing.[ES] En este trabajo se presenta un modelo de optimización en el balanceo de línea en U considerando riesgos ergonómicos de las tareas dentro de las estaciones de trabajo. El documento, explora diferentes métodos ergonómicos, los cuales pueden ser involucrados dentro de una línea de ensamble. Por medio de un ejemplo, se evidencia como se balancea las tareas en diferentes estaciones de trabajo, respetando el nivel aceptable ergonómico en actividades repetitivas, valorado por medio del método Check List OCRA para una línea de ensamble en U.El presente trabajo se ha desarrollado gracias a la ayuda DPI2010-18243 del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación del Gobierno de España dentro del programa de Proyectos de Investigación Fundamental no orientada, con el título "COORDINACION DE OPERACIONES EN REDES DE SUMINISTRO/DEMANDA AJUSTADAS, RESILIENTES A LA INCERTIDUMBRE: MODELOS Y ALGORITMOS PARA LA GESTION DE LA INCERTIDUMBRE Y LA COMPLEJIDAD". Agradecemos a IBM, por proveernos la herramienta ILOG IBM CPLEX Optimization Studio, Versión: 12.2 bajo el Academic Partner Program.Coronado-Hernandez, JR.; Ospina Mateus, H. (2013). Incorporación de Riesgos Ergonómicos en el Balanceo de Líneas de Ensamble en U. Working Papers on Operations Management. 4(2):29-43. https://doi.org/10.4995/wpom.v4i2.1164SWORD294342CARNAHAN, B. J., NORMAN, B. A., & REDFERN, M. S. (2001). Incorporating physical demand criteria into assembly line balancing. IIE Transactions, 33(10), 875-887. doi:10.1080/07408170108936880Coronado-Hernández, J. R., & Ortiz Vargas, D. A. (2009). Revisión de modelos y métodos para la formación de líneas de ensamble en "U". Congreso Ingeniería de Produccion 30 A-os. Universidad Eafit, ISBN 978-958-44-5564-2.Kriengkorakot, N., & Pianthong, N. (2007). The U-line Assembly Line Balancing Problem. KKU Engineering Journal, 34(3), 267 - 274

    The rider behavior questionnaire to explore associations of motorcycle taxi crashes in Cartagena (Colombia)

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    Objective: This study aimed to identify the association between behavioral factors and crashes of motorcycle taxi riders using the Motorcycle Rider Behavior Questionnaire (MRBQ). Methods: This study was a cross-sectional survey of motorcycle taxi riders in Cartagena. The MRBQ was adapted to the socio-cultural context and contained 45 items. The survey was conducted between February 2019 and May 2019. The items of the MRBQ were processed using factor analysis. Four logistic regression models were used to analyze the association between behavioral factors and aspects of demographics, operating conditions, and experiencing nearcrashes, crashes, traffic tickets, and at-fault crashes. Results: Four hundred and thirty-eight motorcyclists participated. The exploratory factor analysis extracted five elements: stunts, speed violations, traffic errors, control errors, and safety, explaining 42% of the variance. The increase in riding per week showed significant differences with stunts, speed violations, and traffic errors. Riding experiences, traffic errors, control errors, and safety were significantly associated with crashes and near-crashes. Stunts were the strongest factors related to traffic tickets. Speed violations were the strongest factors associated with at-fault accidents. Conclusions: The study showed recent results considering behavioral, exposure, and operational conditions in a group of motorcycle taxi riders. The study recommends some practical implications for the well-being of motorcyclists and road safety

    Predicción de accidentes viales en Cartagena, Colombia, con árboles de decisión y reglas de asociación

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    El objetivo principal de esta investigación es predecir los factores asociados con la severidad en los accidentes viales de Cartagena (Colombia), la metodología está basada en técnicas de minería de datos como arboles de decisión (J48) y reglas de asociación (soporte, confianza, Lift). La investigación fue desarrollada con 10.053 registros de accidentes de tráfico entre 2016 y 2017, por medio del uso del Software WEKA (Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis). En el análisis, la severidad fue definida de bajo riesgo (daños materiales), y alto riesgo (victimas heridas y fatales), y su validación consideró la técnica transversal 10-fold. Entre los resultados más significativos, se evidenció que los motociclistas y ciclistas son los actores viales más vulnerables, además los moto-usuarios entre los 20-39 años son propensos a accidentes viales con alta severidad. Finalmente, los factores de accidentalidad vial identificados ayudan a promover contramedidas para mejorar la seguridad vial de la ciudad.gráficos, tablas.Incluye referencias bibliográficas (páginas 109-113)

    Sistemas de información logí­stica en hospitales : una revisión bibliometrí­a /

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    En este estudio se realizó un análisis bibliométrico para evaluar cualitativa y cuantitativamente el nivel actual de investigación sobre Sistemas de información logí­stica en hospitales. La búsqueda de documentos relacionados con la temática se consultó en la base de datos Scopus, una de las bases de datos de citas y resumen más grande de literaturas en el mundo. La búsqueda identifico 130 documentos refinados después de tres filtros de exclusión y un filtro de inclusión El primer filtro de exclusión: documentos no relacionados con la temática, el segundo filtro de exclusión: documentos duplicados, y el tercer filtro de exclusión: la clasificación por tema, y, por último, un filtro de inclusión: con temas relacionados desde otras áreas. Estos 130 documentos se analizan mediante dos herramientas: Excel y VOSviewer. De las soluciones planteadas, nuestra contribución en la investigación se divide de la siguiente forma: En primer lugar, con la proporción en la orientación de investigación a través de la categorización de la literatura y la identificación de las principales corrientes de investigación. En segundo lugar, con la identificación de futuras lí­neas y tendencias temáticas en el área de investigación. Como resultado, el objetivo principal de este estudio es integrar la contribución significativa de tecnologí­as en el área de la salud, como lo son: Big data, IoT -Internet Of Things- y Data Mining -minerí­a de datos-.Incluye referencias bibliográficas (página 25)

    Dataset of traffic accidents in motorcyclists in Bogotá, Colombia

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    According to the World Health Organization, in 2016, Colombia obtained the tenth position worldwide, the third in the continent and the second in South America, according to the accident rate of 9.7 motorcycle fatalities per 100,000 populations. Between 2012 and 2021, the number of deceased and injured motorcyclists among all road users was 50%, with an annual average of 3140 fatal victims and 20,800 injured victims. Bogotá, Cali, and Medellín were the cities with the most accidents. In Bogota in 2017, the deaths of motorcyclists on the roads were around 32% of the road actors. This data article presents the dataset used to analyze and predict the severity of motorcyclist road accidents in Bogota in the article entitled “Extraction of decision rules using genetic algorithms and simulated annealing for prediction of severity of traffic accidents by motorcyclists” [1]. The data set was consolidated from the registration of 175,245 traffic accidents and the report of 337,828 road actors involved in crashes in Bogotá between January 2013 and February 2018. The data was compiled, processed, and enriched with additional information about infrastructure and weather conditions. The data corresponds to 35,693 motorcyclist traffic accidents, represented by 28 variables, and classified into five categories: road actors, motorcyclists and individuals involved, weather conditions and timing, road conditions and location and characteristics of the accident. The data on motorcyclist traffic accidents opens up a scenario to deepen and compare road safety in Latin America, where studies on vulnerable road users are limited. According to severity, the data on motorcycle traffic accidents recorded 28% with material damage, 69% with injured and 3% with fatal victim

    Production system in a collaborative supply chain considering deterioration

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    This research presents a mathematical model for a collaborative planning of the supply chain involving four echelons (supplier, production plants, distribution, retails, or clients). The model seeks to maximize profit (utility) when all members of the chain share information related to demand. It is developed for the aggregate consolidation of different raw materials in cement production. The novelty of the model is the consideration of products that deteriorate in the process and thus it has effect on the production times in the plant and lead time. In this supply chain, quality and compliant products and the return of deteriorated products are two flows. The considerations are lead time, inventories with shortages and excesses, production times in normal and extra days, and subcontracting, among others. A mixed integer linear programming with demand scenario analysis is used to optimize and analyze the uncertainty that is consistent with the performance of the construction sector. The model is formed considering two suppliers, two production plants, two distributors, two retailers and two end customers. Four manufacturing inputs (raw materials) are considered for the manufacture of two types of products. A case study of the cement production supply chain of Cartagena (Colombia) is illustrated. The shared benefit is generated around 5 billion pesos (COP) for all members of the chain in a period of 6 months

    Bibliometric analysis in motorcycle accident research: a global overview

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    770 million motorcycles are estimated on the roads. Motorcyclists represent more than 380,000 annual deaths worldwide. 28% of the global fatalities in the roads in 2016. With the increase of the accident rate, studies have been developed within the scientific literature. Bibliometric analysis is applied in the field of motorcycle safety in order to identify relevant publications on risk factors of road crashes and their implications. The information in this research was extracted from Web of Science and Scopus databases between 1947 and May 31, 2018. The study identified the key bibliometric indicators such as publications, authors, journals, countries, institutions, citation and co-citation analysis, subject categories, and co-occurrence of terms. EndNote, Microsoft Excel, Statgraphics Centurion and VOS-viewer software were used for the analysis. In total, 1813 articles were considered. The publications from 2000 to 2017 exhibits an average growth of 9%. The journal “Accident Analysis and Prevention” was the key issue in the publication and citation. The top institutions were the University of California, Universiti Putra Malaysia, and Monash University. The average citation of the top 10 articles was 134. A network visualization map showed that ‘vehicle’, ‘model’, ‘system’, ‘road’, ‘safety’, and ‘behavior’ were the most commons key terms. Bibliometric analysis demonstrates a high collaboration between authors and institutions. Two growing trends were identified. First, studies on the protection of the motorcyclist and the safe design considering the performance. Second, studies in analysis, characterization, and prevention of accidents. These studies are more related to the generation of strategies for the protection of road safety for motorcyclists

    An optimization model for routing—location of vehicles with time windows and cross-docking structures in a sustainable supply chain of perishable foods

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    The effective distribution of perishable food items is a critical aspect of managing the food industry's supply chain, given their physical–chemical, biological characteristics and composition, which make them highly susceptible to rapid deterioration. This research presents a transport model incorporating a cross-dock system to efficiently deliver goods from production plants to markets. The model incorporates a vehicle routing model that considers time windows for pick-ups and deliveries, optimal cross-dock center locations, a heterogeneous vehicle fleet of limited capacity, and scheduling product collections, arrivals, and departures. The model is a mixed-integer non-linear optimization model that effectively minimizes logistics costs and environmental impacts by considering various parameters such as speed, waiting times, loading and unloading times, and costs associated with the entire operation. The findings demonstrate that the cross-dock structure is highly conducive to distributing perishable goods, achieved by minimizing collection and distribution operations, adhering to designated time windows, and efficiently allocating resources. The GAMS 23.6.5 software is used to program the model, employing various solution strategies, including experimental tests with scenarios, as well as the "posterior," "Pareto optimization," and "weighted sum" methods. The case study in Sincelejo (Sucre, Colombia) reported the best solution, representing 60% of logistics and 40% of environmental costs. The results show complete compliance with routes, no inventory generation, and the necessity of two inbounds and two outbound vehicles for collection from suppliers and delivery to retailers. This study presents an efficient model for managing the transportation of perishable goods, contributing to sustainable distribution activities, and environmental conservation in the food industry's supply chain. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature

    A collaborative EPQ inventory model for a three-echelon supply chain with multiple products considering the effect of marketing effort on demand

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    This paper presents an inventory model for a three-echelon supply chain with multiple products and multiple members considering the demand as an increasing function of the marketing effort. In the proposed inventory model, a collaborative approach is studied and an analytical method is applied to obtain the optimal production lot size and the optimal marketing effort in order to achieve the maximum profits. Some numerical examples are illustrated to justify the model. Moreover, a sensitivity analysis is well done in order to analysis the effect of the changes of key parameters of inventory model on the the maximum benefits of all members of the chain